MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 135 Incarnation

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  Chapter 135 Incarnation outside the body

   The mist is like yarn, hanging over the lake.

  The breeze blows past, letting this layer of tulle flow slowly, and the smoke waves rippling within a hundred feet, it is truly beautiful.

   Such a wonderful scene is rare.

  Because the Wumiao Lake is rich in Caihualian, which is born with the essence of the lake and river, it is of great benefit to the aquarium. Ordinary aquatic creatures can open up their spiritual wisdom and embark on the road of practice after taking a bite.

  Wicked monsters that have already activated their spiritual wisdom can also speed up their transformation after taking them, so that they can break through to the Ascension Realm earlier.

   Because of this, Cai Hualian is coveted by countless demon clans.

  Many Yao tribes even wantonly collect Hualian for cultivating their tribes.

  While the Wumiao Lake, which is rich in lotuses, has naturally become a treasure land that many monster tribes compete for.

  Almost every day, there are countless monster races fighting to the death around Wumi Lake.

  But today is very different.

  The Wumiao Lake, which was noisy and noisy in the past, is extremely quiet today.

  Not to mention the shore, even within a few miles of Wumiao Lake, there is not a trace of a monster.

  The reason for this is the majestic Flying Palace hovering hundreds of meters above Wumi Lake!

  Compared with the exquisite and classic Tianshu Flying Palace of the Nine Suns Sect, the Flying Palace above the Wumiao Lake has a bit more primitive and brutal meaning.

  However, that does not mean that it is simple, and the ingenuity can be seen everywhere in Feigong.

   Right now.

  In the bright and spacious hall of Fei Palace.

  Dozens of monsters with strange shapes sat cross-legged opposite each other.

   If there are human cultivators here, they will definitely be seriously surprised.

  Because all of these monster races present have green faces, fangs, and scaly skin, but no matter their body curves or limbs, they are already very similar to humans.

   This means that they all have already reached the late stage of the Tongxuan Realm, and they only need to survive the human calamity before they can shed their animal bodies and transform into human forms, and then embark on the avenue of cultivation.

  Any one of these monsters outside is at the level of a big monster, enough to be the leader of a monster tribe.

   But in this quaint hall, they all sat upright, with lowered eyebrows.

  The reason why they were so cute was a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth sitting on the highest seat in the hall.

  The boy's eyes were slightly closed, and he was leaning on the recliner, with a relaxed attitude and a lazy look.

  If it weren't for the ferocious monster clan that filled the hall, anyone who saw it would think this is just an ordinary young man.

   Just when the hall was quiet and silent, and all the monsters were watching their noses and noses, there was a slight clicking sound from the corner.

   All the monster races suddenly raised their heads, followed the prestige, and saw that on a shelf standing in the corner of the hall, a talisman card in the third row and fourth row had been broken.

   Seeing this, many monster races changed their faces.

   "Whose talisman card?"

  Young boy Youyou's questioning voice came from above.

  A demon general in the front row took a step forward and replied respectfully: "My lord, it's Wujing!"

   "Which demon clan is he in charge of?"

   "It's Lin Chong and Mo Zhao from Bilutang, both of whom are only in the middle stage of the Tongxuan realm!"

   After a pause, the demon general added:

   "My lord, although Wu Jing's strength is not obvious among us, but it is not something that two monsters in the middle stage of the Tongxuan Realm can deal with. It must be something happened!"

  The young man slowly opened his eyes, the eyes flashed brightly, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

   "Whether there is a change, you will know if you go and have a look."

  The demon general immediately handed over his hands and begged for orders: "This subordinate is willing to go!"

  The boy smiled faintly: "No, I'll take a walk."

  The monster general was stunned, and the other monster clans were also stunned.

   They subconsciously wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by the boy before they could speak.

   "I've made up my mind, so I don't need to say more. Besides, I'm not actually leaving the palace."

  After hearing this, all the monsters suddenly remembered what the lord in front of them could do, so they all shut up and stopped talking.

  The young man smiled slightly, but he didn't see any movement, and an identical figure suddenly walked out of the void beside him.

   Except for the slightly dull expression and dull eyes, this figure is exactly the same as the high-ranking teenager in terms of facial features, body shape and temperament, and it is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

   "Go." The boy waved his hand.

  'Uluo' nodded stiffly, took a step forward, and disappeared like a phantom in an instant.

   "You're in trouble."

  The red fox spoke slowly.

  The voice is clear and pleasant, like the tinkling sound of a mountain spring.

  Lin Shen raised his eyebrows slightly, not surprised that the red fox can speak human words.

  He had already vaguely guessed that this red fox was not simple.

  If the ordinary fox demon appeared in Xiyan Daze, he would have been caught and eaten by the ferocious Shui tribe long ago, how could he appear alive and kicking in front of him?

  The red fox in front of him has at least the cultivation of the Tong Xuan Realm.

  Through his thoughts, Lin Shen remained calm and asked, "What trouble do I have?"

   "What you killed just now was Wu Jing, the demon general under Wu Chan, the master of Xuanbei Lake." Chihu said.

  Lin Shen narrowed his eyes.

   Did the red fox see how he killed Wujing just now?

  But soon, Lin Shen felt relieved again.

  He is now in the Ming Aperture Realm, even if someone sees his avatar, he can still evade it to Shufa, and there is no need to stick to his guard like before.

   "Xuanbei Lake is more than six hundred miles away from here."

  Lin Shen is not worried about the so-called Crow Demon King at all.

  By the time Wu Channa knew that his demon general had been killed by him, he would have already run away.

   No matter how powerful the snakehead is, can you still find him in the vast swamp?

   Maybe, but at a price.

  It's hard to imagine that a dignified monk and almighty would mobilize so many people for the mere monster clan of the Tongxuan Realm.

  The red fox heard Lin Shen's meaning and shook his head.

   "Wu Channa is recruiting troops recently, and for this purpose sent several generals to subdue the monsters. At this moment, one of the generals, Uro, is in Wumiao Lake, which is less than a hundred miles away."

"According to the usual way of the monster clan, when Wujing is ordered to go out, he must leave a life spirit talisman near Wuluo. As long as Wujing dies, Wuluo will know immediately. The men sent by Luo should already be on their way here!"

   Having said that, the red fox fixed his eyes on Lin Shen, and said softly:

   "So you'd better get out of here now, leave Xiyan Daze!"

  Hearing this, Lin Shen's expression became serious.

  He didn't suspect that the red fox was lying, and the other party didn't seem to need to tell such a lie to deceive him.

  In any case, I would rather believe what I have than believe what I don’t have.

  If what Chihu said is false, he has nothing to lose, he just left Xiyan Daze earlier.

  If what he said was true, he would have avoided a catastrophe.

   It is self-evident which is more important!

  Lin Shen also has a decisive character, so he didn't hesitate anymore when he thought of this, and immediately summoned the giant horned deer and rode on the back of the giant horned deer.

  Before departure, Lin Shen glanced at the red fox, and suddenly said:

   "Aren't you from Xiyan Daze's native demon clan?"

  Chihu admitted frankly: "Yes, I have been living in the Longyuan Mountains before, but for some reason, I came to Xiyan Daze temporarily, and now I am planning to go back."

   "Then do you want me to give you a ride?"

  The red fox was startled, took a deep look at Lin Shen, nodded, and jumped onto the back of the giant horned deer.

   Waiting for the red fox to sit still, Lin Shen immediately set off and ran towards the way he came from when he entered Xiyan Daze.

   It wasn't that Lin Shen didn't want to use the Wind Control Technique, but that the Wind Control Technique was fine for short-distance floating and maneuvering, but in terms of long-distance running, it really couldn't compare to the giant-horned deer specially improved and bred for this purpose.

  On the way, Lin Shen asked one more question out of curiosity.

   "Why did you tell me this news, just to repay the kindness of the previous meal?"

  Chihu nodded slightly: "You must repay your kindness. This is what my grandma taught me since I was a child."

  Lin Shen looked at the red fox in surprise.

  But after thinking about it, although most of the Yaozu are cruel and violent, there are also people with pure and kind temperaments.

  Such as Xiao Ai, such as Shen Jiangyue.

   It is not surprising that there are more fox demons who pay attention to repaying favors.

  Shaking his head, Lin Shen calmed down his distracting thoughts and returned his thoughts to the road.

  Running with all its strength, within half an hour, the giant horned deer had already galloped for more than sixty miles.

  The distance when we came has already gone half way.

   At this moment, the red fox suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky behind Lin Shen, with a solemn look in his pupils.


  In fact, without the red fox's reminder, Lin Shen already felt the oppressive feeling that the rear was approaching rapidly.

  It was a strong sense of oppression that made the chest tight!

  It's like a heavy boulder rolling down from the heart, almost making you breathless!

  A strong sense of crisis emerges from the depths of Lin Shen's heart!

   Much stronger than when facing the cold light court!

   Those who come are obviously not as simple as the monster race in the late stage of Tongxuan Realm!

   "That's Uro?!"

  The red fox looked back and let out a low cry.

   "He actually came after him himself!"

  Lin Shen's heart skipped a beat.

  The guardian general of the demon king is all demon cultivators!

  The dignified demon cultivator actually came out to chase him down in person?

   Doesn't this think highly of him?

  But immediately after that, the red fox let out a low snort.

   "Wait, no, this air machine doesn't look like a monk, could it be the incarnation of Uro?"

   "What incarnation?" Lin Shen asked hastily.

"Uro's original body is He Luoyu, a strange beast with a head and ten bodies. It is said that Uro used secret methods to cultivate his other nine bodies into incarnations outside his body. In addition to using it to attack the enemy in fighting skills, he also It can be driven and manipulated thousands of miles away!"

  Lin Shen was taken aback.

   Isn't this similar to my clone?

   No, from the point of view of distance alone, it is even more powerful than his clone.

   After all, his avatar is far away, let alone thousands of miles away, it is difficult to walk ten miles away!

   While talking, Lin Shen heard the red fox say quickly again: "But it is said that the nine incarnations of Wuluo have just been refined, and each has only 30% of the power of the original body."

  Lin Shen's heart immediately relaxed a little.

  If Uro really came after him personally, or if the incarnation has the same strength and cultivation as the main body, then he can just lie down and wait for death, and there is no need to waste effort to escape!

   Even so, the current situation is still far from good.

  The monk's strength is extremely strong, even if he only has 30% of his strength, it is far from something he can compete with head-on!

what to do?

  Lin Shen's thoughts raced, thinking about countermeasures frantically in his mind.

   Right at this moment, there was a sudden and imperceptible sound behind him, like a breeze.

  Lin Shen felt his hairs stand on end for a moment, and without thinking about it, Lightning Probe picked up the red fox, and immediately rolled over, rolling seven or eight meters in the blink of an eye.

   As a result, when he looked up, he happened to see the giant horned deer being swept by a mist that was as dense as a cloud and had a silvery luster.

   Before the screams could be heard, the giant horned deer melted into flesh and bones in an instant, and disappeared without a trace, leaving no flesh and blood left!

  Looking at this scene, Lin Shen couldn't help a chill down his back.

   "Be careful, this is the aura of sunflower water. Once it is touched, even low-grade magical artifacts can be easily wiped out!" Red Fox reminded.

  Hearing this, Lin Shen's expression became more serious.

  Even low-grade magical artifacts can be easily melted. Even though the Zhenyun Yi on his body is a high-grade magical artifact, it may not be able to withstand the sunflower water aura a few times.

Without hesitation, Lin Shen resolutely used the Wind Control Technique, and slapped a series of talismans that are beneficial to speed up, such as the God Walking Talisman, the Flying Feather Talisman, and the Lightness Talisman, on his body without hesitation, turning them into a blurred afterimage heading into the distance Chu hurried away.

  Regardless of the duration, Lin Shen's speed has surpassed that of the giant horned deer under the double blessing of the Wind Control Technique and Talisman.

   But even so, his expression was still very heavy.

   Sure enough, not long after, the familiar sound of light wind blowing came from behind.

  Lin Shen glanced back from the corner of his eye, and sure enough, he saw a cloud of sunflower water aura heading towards him.

  He flashed decisively to the side, and the phantom of Yunlong appeared on his body. Under the full power of Yunlonglu, the speed was faster than lightning.

   But the sunflower aura looked slow, but its speed was unusually fast. It turned an arc and continued to attack Lin Shen in hot pursuit.

   Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Lin Shen made a quick decision, first he thrust out with both fingers, two Qijue sword Qi pierced through the void like lightning, blasting Sunflower Water Spiritual Qi, followed by another heavy blow of Melting Soldier Hand!


  The Qijue sword energy, which is powerful enough to pierce iron, dissipates instantly without a trace after hitting the aura of Kuishui.

  Kuishui spiritual energy rolled gently, and then melted the red giant palm into nothing, and hit Lin Shen with unstoppable momentum!

  The golden light suddenly bloomed, and the phantom of the golden armor appeared in an instant.

  However, the Forbidden Golden Armor, which was invincible in resisting enemy attacks in the past, only persisted for less than a blink of an eye, and quickly faded away.

   Immediately, another cloud of light emerged, covering Lin Shen's entire body.

   After many times of weakening, the Kuishui aura was no longer as aggressive as it was at the beginning. After a moment of stalemate, it finally disappeared, nothing left!

  Lin Shen couldn't help but smile wryly when he saw this.

  Qijue Sword Qi, Soldiers Melting Hand, Forbidden Golden Armor, and Zhenyun Yi, after four consecutive weakenings and defenses, they barely withstood the enemy's blow.

   And with his mind connected, he could feel that Zhen Yunyi had been damaged.

   This is just a blow with 30% of the monk's strength, and the power is already terrifying!

  The monk is really scary!

  Lin Shen had only heard about how powerful monks were before, but it was only today that he truly realized it.

   and Mingqiao Realm are completely different, they cannot be compared at all!

   "It's impossible to fight at all!" Lin Shen said bitterly.

  A stream of light went from far to near, and stopped a hundred meters away from Lin Shen, revealing his figure, but he was a handsome young man.

   Wu Luo fixedly looked at Lin Shen. Although his facial features were slightly dull, he could still tell that he was interested in Lin Shen.

   "Interesting, with a mere third-level cultivation of Mingqiao, he can actually block a mouthful of sunflower water aura without any damage. Even though the sunflower water aura is only 30% powerful at the moment, it is not easy."

   "Looking at the martial arts you just performed, you are from the Nine Suns Sect."

  Although it was a question, the tone was very firm.

  Lin Shen did not deny it, but admitted it frankly.

  Although the two sides were enemies, he still maintained the minimum respect for the monks.

   Wu Luo didn't mean to humiliate Lin Shen, but praised him instead.

"Nine Yang Sect is worthy of being the orthodox sect of Xuanmen that has lasted for thousands of years. It is true that it has a way of cultivating younger disciples. There are only a handful of juniors like you who have such cultivation and martial arts attainments at a young age, even in the entire Xiyan Daze! "

   "Unfortunately, I have to kill you today!"

   "I don't take advantage of you either. As long as you can escape from Xiyan Daze from my incarnation, killing Wujing will be canceled. I won't trouble you for this matter in the future!"

  What else can Lin Shen say, he can only nod in response.

   "It's a deal!"

  The moment the last word fell, the figure flashed, and was already a hundred meters away, rushing towards the distance like a gust of wind.

   Wu Luo smiled indifferently, and opened his mouth to spit out, two **** of sunflower water spiritual energy rushed out, and came behind Lin Shen in the blink of an eye.

   As a last resort, Lin Shen had no choice but to turn around and fight back.

Melting Soldier, Shenyang Nine Swords, Qijue Sword Qi, Palm Thunder, even took out the only three purple talismans in the storage ring, and summoned three long-breathing nine-layer paper soldiers to meet Kuishui Aura.

  Under the bombardment of various martial arts techniques, he finally managed to block two groups of sunflower water aura!

  But the next moment, Wu Luo opened his mouth and spit out, and three mouthfuls of sunflower water spiritual energy spit out again.

  Lin Shen couldn't help but curse secretly, there's more to come!

  It's not that he didn't want to summon the clone, but even if he did, he still couldn't match Uro.

   The avatar is already the last hole card. If you can't get out of the current predicament after using it, then everything will be over.

   It is better to hide one hand first, and wait for the critical moment to display it, which may have an unexpected effect.

   Just as Lin Shen was dealing with the Kuishui aura like walking on thin ice, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

   "Lin Shen!"

  The voice of the red fox!

  Lin Shen's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced around from the corner of his eye.

  After falling off the giant horned deer, the red fox didn't know where to go.

  Lin Shen originally thought it had escaped, but now it seems that it is still hiding nearby.

   It's just a little puzzling that Uro didn't seem to notice the existence of the red fox?

   "I'm using sound transmission to communicate with you, be careful not to be seen by Uro."

  Lin Shen's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to concentrate on resisting the aura of sunflower water.

   "I have a way to help you escape from Xiyan Daze, but I need your help to attract Uro's attention, it only takes one breath!"

  Lin Shen didn't respond. He couldn't respond because he didn't know how to transmit sound, so he could only use actions instead.

  In the next second, Lin Shen's figure suddenly became blurred, divided into seven parts in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, he shot with all his strength, smashing three groups of sunflower water aura in an instant, and then all attacked Wuluo not far away.

  Crimson giant palm, invisible sword aura, blazing lightning. All kinds of attacks flooded Uro in an instant!

  (end of this chapter)

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