MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 133 solicit

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  Chapter 133 Solicitation

  Five days later.

  On a small hillside.

  Lin Shen gazed into the distance, looking at the Bilutang thousands of meters away, his eyes flickered.

  Bilutang was a shoal decades ago, but now it is covered by lake water, reaching tens of feet deep.

  Looking from a distance, the sun shimmers, which is truly beautiful.

  It's a pity that a group of monsters fighting in the pond destroyed such a beautiful scenery!

  Bilutang was the first destination of Lin Shen's trip.

  There are many iron-bone fish living in the water.

   Around the possession of these iron-bone fishes, the two monster tribes would fight almost every once in a while.

   It's just that the strengths of the two sides are similar, and neither can do anything to the other, so they have been in a stalemate.

   "It seems that I came at the right time."

  Lin Shen turned his gaze upwards.

  At a height of 100 meters from the water surface, two groups of black clouds were intertwined and entangled with each other, and there were endless sounds of gold and iron clashing, accompanied by loud shouts from time to time.

   That is the leader of two demon clans fighting fiercely!

   After watching the battle for a while, Lin Shen had a general understanding of the strength of both sides.

  Fortunately, the information marked on the map is correct, and the strength of the two big monsters is indeed only in the middle stage of Tongxuan Realm.

  The people of the two tribes below are both at the Ascension Realm and at the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm.

   Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Shen moved his mind slightly, and called out the panel to look.

  【Name: Lin Shen】

  【Talent: Demonstration through killing】

  【Boundary: 75% of Mingqiao third floor】

  【Cultivation methods: Nine Yang Heart Sutra (71% proficient), Soldiers Melting Hand (65% entry), Forbidden Golden Armor (15% entry), Yunlong Law (5% entry), Shenyang Nine Swords (10% entry).】

[Spells: Qijue Sword Qi (23% of the second layer), Thunder Palm (12% of the second layer), Paper Doll Carrying Technique (5% of the second layer), Fixed Body Curse (34% of the first layer), Yu Wind (first floor 18%), water mirror (first floor 12%)]

  【The number of clones is 6 (99%)】

  After five days of practice, his martial arts and techniques have improved a lot.

  In the past five days, I have practiced a total of seven martial arts at the Perfection Realm, which has enhanced the four martial arts at the Dao Realm to varying degrees!

  However, the technique has made greater progress.

  Seven Jue Sword Qi, Palm Thunder and Paper Doll Carrying Technique have all broken through to the second floor!

  And during this period, the avatars also comprehended the fixed spell.

  In this way, the number of spells Lin Shen has mastered has increased to six.

   "The only thing missing is Wuqi Zhenyuan and Zhuyingshu."

  Lin Shen nodded secretly.

  The main body and the avatar hunted and killed monsters together, and the efficiency improvement was indeed astonishingly fast.

  Especially as one goes deeper into Xiyan Daze, the monsters encountered become stronger and stronger, and the number of times the talent effect of killing and proving the way is triggered is also increasing, which makes the improvement of martial arts and techniques faster and faster.

   But in contrast, the clone two miles away also began to get hurt.

  After all, the avatar does not have magic weapons such as Mofeng inkstone, Chunyang talisman sword and Zhenyun clothing like the main body.

  In addition to a Liuyang Talisman Sword and Shuyang Robe, there are only some spirit guides and recovery pills for performing spells.

  In terms of combat power, the avatar is much worse than the main body, and injuries are inevitable after a long battle.

  At this moment, the clone two miles away has just finished a battle and is recuperating to recover its true energy.

  Thinking of the next series of battles, Lin Shen simply took back the avatar and asked him to go back to recover from his injuries. By the way, just in case, he might need to use the avatar next time.

  As for Xiao Ai, Lin Shen had already put her into the beast-controlling bag.

   Swallowing a few Qi-returning pills and Yuan-returning pills, Lin Shen seized the time to recover his true energy while watching the battle in the distance.

   After a long period of stalemate, the two sides seemed to be tired of continuing, and they called for money to withdraw their troops.

  The two big demons scolded in the air for a while, and then led the tribe back to their respective lairs.

  Lin Shenlue pondered for a while, and quickly made a choice. Silently followed the Yaozu on the right.

   Linchong returned to his lair with a gloomy face, found an excuse and whipped a few servants to vent his anger, then ordered someone to bring some jars of wine, and drank heavily.

   "Grandma, that damned ink shrimp spirit always comes against me!"

   "Just wait, when I break through to the late stage of Tongxuan Realm, I will be the first to use you as a sacrificial spear!"

   After cursing a few words, Lin Chong continued to drink with his head buried.

  He was the only one in the spacious stone house.

All the demon clans under his command know the temper of their leader. Every time they come back from a fierce battle, they have to get angry and drink. Servant, he was whipped for nothing.

  Linchong didn't care, and drank happily by himself.

   Just then, there was a sudden noise outside.

At first Lin Chong thought it was the Yaozu under his command who were playing tricks, but he ignored it because he was drinking happily. Who would have thought that the commotion would get louder and louder, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, and threw the wine bowl in his hand on the ground forcefully , scolded angrily:

   "Which **** is making a noise outside? Didn't you see the king and I was drinking?"

   As soon as the voice fell, a little demon rushed in staggeringly, and without waiting for Lin Chong to yell, he knelt down on the ground with a panicked expression.

   "D-King, someone broke in and killed, killed many of our brothers!"

   Lin Chong was startled when he heard the words, and then furious.

   "Old man Mo Zhao is too deceitful, he can't gain advantage in a head-on confrontation, so he took the opportunity to attack!"

  He thought it was Mo Zhao who led the crowd to attack his lair, so he was furious immediately, picked up the spear beside him and strode out.

  The poor little demon still wanted to explain a few more words, but when he came back to his senses, he found that his king had disappeared, so he could only stand there at a loss.

   Lin Chong came outside angrily, staring at the snake pupils.

   But what came into view was not the expected scuffle of monsters, but his subordinates besieging a human cultivator!

   No, saying it was a siege was actually flattering his subordinates.

  Obviously had the advantage in numbers, but his group of men were bloodied by the enemy one by one with a sword. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are not opponents at all, and defeat is only a matter of time.

  Looking at this scene, Lin Chong couldn't help being stunned.

  Where did the human cultivator come from, actually ran to his lair to play wild?

   When he came back to his senses, the anger in Lin Chong's heart increased instead of diminishing.

  A human cultivator dared to enter his lair single-handedly, obviously he didn't take him seriously!

  How can this be tolerated?

   Linchong immediately snarled, raised his gun and angrily charged towards Lin Shen.

   "Where did the junior come from, dare to act wildly on my territory, and don't know what to do!"

  Lin Shen turned his head to look, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  The Lord has finally appeared!

   Throwing more than a dozen talisman papers casually, turning into a group of paper soldiers to kill the surrounding monsters, Lin Shen turned to meet Lin Chong without saying a word.


  Lin Shen used all his strength as soon as he made a move, the fiery and sharp sword energy permeated the air, and five rounds of dazzling blazing suns emerged out of thin air, and slammed into Lin Chong fiercely with the aura of crushing everything!

  Looking at this scene, Lin Chong's complexion couldn't help changing slightly, and immediately realized that the strength of the person in front of him was not comparable to those of the practitioners he had met before.

  He raised his spear, and there was a clatter in the void around him, and a large swath of dark water suddenly appeared.

  The next moment, with the long spear stabbing out, the water flowing all over the sky swept towards Wulun Yaoyang like overwhelming mountains and seas!

  In an instant, Shuiliu and Yaoyang collided fiercely in the sky!

   Immediately, there were bursts of whistling sound, as if cold water was poured on the red-hot iron block, and a large mist of water diffused in an instant, covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters in radius.

   Lin Chong's heart trembled suddenly, and he hurriedly dodged to the side. Sure enough, there was a harsh sound of piercing the air in the next moment, and two sword-like sword qi brushed past him!

  With such a short distance, Lin Chong could clearly feel the terrifying power of the two sword qi, and a cold sweat broke out from behind.

   But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard another dull whistling sound from above his head.

   Looking up in astonishment, he saw a huge red palm gradually enlarged in his field of vision!


   Lin Chong fell from the sky like a cannonball, and was blasted deeply into the ground by the giant palm that fell from the sky!

  The two most powerful killing moves that Lin Shen currently masters, besides Qijue Sword Qi, are Soldiers Melting Hand!

  Even Melting Soldiers, whose realm is more than halfway through, faintly surpasses the Qijue Sword Qi, which is only at the second level, in terms of power.

   Being hit head-on by the melting hand, without the protection of the defensive magic weapon, even the monsters in the Tongxuan realm will suffer a big loss.

  When the smoke and dust cleared, all the monsters around were shocked to find that their king was lying in the pit with his whole body blackened, looking extremely embarrassed.

   "Damn Terran"

   Lin Chong cursed in anger.

  But just halfway through the conversation, he was interrupted by the sharp sound of the sword. Lin Shen had already come to kill with the sword again. He pointed and poked halfway, and a thunderbolt from the palm of his hand blasted down from the sky first.

  The blazing thunder light startled Linchong, there was no room for cursing, and hurriedly stood up to fight.

  It's a pity that he was not as strong as Lin Shen originally, and now he has lost the initiative, and he has been suppressed from the beginning to the end. He is not an opponent at all!

   When all the demon clan finally worked together to eliminate the dozen or so paper soldiers, they turned around and saw Lin Chong was headed by a sword, and a huge, hideous snake head shot up into the sky!


  Blood splatters!

  The headless corpse fell heavily to the ground, convulsed violently for a moment like an electric shock, and then became lifeless.

  The surrounding Yaozu froze in place, staring at the situation in front of them in a daze.

  They never imagined that their powerful and terrifying king would die so easily at the hands of a young human cultivator.

   After killing Lin Chong, Lin Shen's figure didn't stop, wrapped in strong wind, his figure flashed like lightning several times among the monster crowd, quickly harvesting lives one by one.

  It wasn't until this time that the surviving demon clan woke up like a dream, and fled in all directions screaming and terrified.

  It's a pity that no matter how fast they were, they were not as fast as the Wind Control Technique. Before they could escape the lair, they were killed by Lin Shen with a sword.

   A moment later, Lin Shen drew his sword and stood up, looking around, there was no monster clan standing in Nuo Da's lair!

   Checking the information in his mind again, the talent of proving the way with killing has been triggered a total of six times, not too many, but not too many.

   Among them, the biggest increase came from Linchong, which directly increased his Qijue sword energy by 18%, and his realm suddenly increased by nearly 20%!

   "The monster race in the Tongxuan Realm has improved a lot!"

  Lin Shen secretly sighed.

  It's a pity that Xiyan Daze has quite a few Tong Xuan Realm monsters, but they are either monster generals of a large monster tribe, or the leader of a certain monster tribe. There are so many minions around, it is not easy to kill them.

   Don't think it's easy for Lin Shen to deal with Lin Chong this time, it's because he picked the right timing.

   It happened that this Yaozu tribe had just experienced a fierce battle, and the soldiers were exhausted, and the big demon Linchong wasted a lot, so Lin Shen took advantage of the loophole and solved it without much effort.

   At other times, if he wanted to kill a monster from the Tongxuan Realm and hundreds of monsters from the Ascension Realm and the Spiritual Realm, Lin Shen had to summon his avatar to fight together.

   Came back to his senses, Lin Shen began to clean the battlefield.

   But what is disappointing is that this group of monsters are so poor that there are not many valuable items in the lair, most of them are broken copper and iron collected from no one knows where.

  The only thing that can be considered valuable is the black iron bone.

  Most of the monsters don’t know the art of refining weapons, and they can’t use the black iron bones, so they can only throw them away at will, which will be cheaper for Lin Shen.

   "It weighs about three or four catties, and it can be exchanged for seven or eight Zhong Gong. It's not bad."

  Satisfied with putting away the black iron bones, Lin Shen didn't care about taking a rest, and left the lair non-stop, rushing towards another monster tribe settlement.

   Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent had just finished the battle and hadn't recovered, he planned to take down the two monster tribes in one go.

  Two miles to the west of Bilutang.

  A simple tribe with interlaced wooden houses and stone buildings.

   Mo Zhao sat cross-legged behind the stone table, groping for the wine bowl with his brows furrowed, looking hesitant.

   On the opposite side of him, sat a monster with blue skin and bulging eyes, dressed in black armor.

  Xuanjia Yaozu picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, frowned, as if he was not satisfied with the taste of the wine, curled his lips and put down the wine bowl.

  He looked up at Mo Zhao, and smiled leisurely:

   "I said Brother Mo, why do you have any hesitation? How many people want to surrender to our king has no way out. Now that this opportunity is in front of you, why are you still hesitating?"

  Mo came back to his senses and smiled mischievously.

   "Forgive Messenger Wu, after all, this concerns the entire tribe, I have to think about it, right?"

  Wu Jing gave him a sideways glance, and said lightly:

"Brother Mo, let's be smart enough not to talk dark words. The most powerful of those little monsters outside of you is only in the late stage of the Ascension Realm. There are as many of this kind of monster clan as there are in the entire Daze. If you don't have them, you can just recruit them. It doesn't matter at all. , I don't believe you really take them to heart."

  Hearing the words, Mo Zhao chuckled, but didn't refute, obviously acquiescing.

   Seeing this, Wu Jing snorted and continued lazily:

   "I know, you are just reluctant to part with the iron-bone fish here, but you have to know, as long as you take refuge in our king, there are plenty of natural resources and treasures you can get, why bother with mere iron-bone fish?"

   "At that time, as long as your majesty makes contributions, and as soon as your majesty is happy, whatever you reward with will be much more precious than this iron-bone fish!"

  Wu Jing spoke dryly, but saw that Mo Zhao always greeted him with a smile, without expressing his position at all. Finally, he realized that drawing big cakes alone would not be able to convince this cunning old demon, so he had to say his trump card.

   "Brother Mo, our great king said that as long as you come here, I will grant you the title of Demon General and give you a golden marrow pill!"

  As soon as these words came out, Mo Zhao's turbid eyes lit up.

  The monster clan is naturally savage, and there are very few people who are good at alchemy and weapon refining.

  Because of this, most of the monsters rely on hard work to improve their cultivation, and the more ruthless ones devour the flesh and blood of people to absorb the essence.

  Mo Zhao has been practicing for more than two hundred years, and he can count the high-grade pills he has taken on two palms, let alone the top-grade pills like Jin Sui Dan!

  Jin Sui Pill cannot immediately improve the cultivation level, but it can allow the practitioner to enter the strange state of splitting the mind and soul and gradually growing spiritual knowledge within three days after taking the elixir.

   To describe it in a popular way, it is to experience the realm of monks early!

  Cultivating in this state, the improvement of cultivation level is not enough to describe it as a thousand miles a day!

  One day is worth months!

   Especially for Yaozu, the effect of Jinsui Pill is more powerful and significant.

  One Golden Sudden Pill can increase one's cultivation for at least ten years!

  Thinking of the powerful effect of the rumored Jin Sui Pill, Mo Zhao couldn't help swallowing.

   Seeing Mo Zhao's heart-pounding expression, Wu Jing's eyes flashed with pride, and he said with a smile:

   "How about it, brother Mo, isn't this condition generous enough? If you are still not satisfied, then I have no choice but to go to Lin Chong's for a walk!"

   At the end, there was a hint of threat in Wu Jing's tone.

   Temptation and threat are both pronged, Mo Zhao finally couldn't stand it anymore, with a smile on his face and said:

   "The envoy Wu is serious. I, Mo Zhao, don't know what is good or bad. It is my honor that King Wuchan values ​​me so much. From now on, I will definitely only follow the lead of King Wuchan!"

  When Mo Zhao agreed, Wu Jing's expression eased, and she nodded in satisfaction.

   "It's good that brother Mo can understand, don't worry, our king has always been generous, and will definitely not treat you poorly!"

   "That is, that is, please take care of Brother Wu from now on!"

   Mo Zhao hit the snake and put it on the stick, and immediately changed the address from Wu Envoy to Wu Lao Ge, and stuffed a bunch of things along the way.

  Wu Jing glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that it was a low-grade spirit stone. He immediately beamed with joy, took it, and nodded repeatedly at the same time.

   "It's easy to say, easy to say, everyone will be colleagues in the future, so naturally we have to take care of each other!"

  After a few words of politeness, Mo Zhao rolled his eyes and asked tentatively, "Brother Wu, where is Lin Chong?"

Wu Jing understood, and said with a smile: "Master Wu Luo led the team this time. When the lord sent me over, he only gave me a place for a demon general. Now that it has fallen to you, brother Mo, Lin Chong is naturally not destined, but a partial general. I can still call the shots."

   "Later, we can go to Lin Chong's office together and ask him if he is willing to take refuge with King Wu Channa. If Lin Chongshi agrees, it will be great. From now on, he will be under your jurisdiction, brother Mo. If you don't know how to do it, hehe"

   Mo Zhao's eyes lit up, and he said hello repeatedly.

  As soon as he thinks that he will be able to show off his power in front of his old opponent later, and even overwhelm him in the future, Mo Zhao feels refreshed all over his body, as refreshing as drinking a fine wine, and he can't wait to leave now.

   But at this moment, a little demon suddenly rushed out from outside.

   "My lord, an enemy suddenly rushed into our tribe, and many brothers were killed!"

  Mo Zhao glanced at Wu Jing, then glared at his subordinates and said, "Call me a general from now on!"

  After saying this sentence, he asked again: "Tell me, who is the enemy? Could it be that guy Lin Chong?"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion