MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 128 play hard

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  Chapter 128 Unscrupulous

  In the dark hall.

  'Lin Shen' slowly opened his eyes. After a moment of trance, he suddenly woke up and wanted to jump up from the ground, but found that his whole body seemed to be frozen, stiff and unable to move, so he could only lie straight on the ground.

   "There is no need to struggle. After being hit by this body-binding curse, even if you have the second-level cultivation of Mingqiao, you will never be able to break free within an hour."

  An indifferent voice came from the ear.

  Lin Shen tried his best to turn his eyeballs to look in the direction of the sound. From where he was lying, he could just see the huge alchemy in the center of the hall.

  The whole body is made of brass, which is as tall as a person, with three legs and two ears. There are countless mysterious and complicated lines carved on the surface, and the whole body exudes a cold green luster, which gives people a very gloomy meaning.

  At this moment, a raging fire was already burning under the cauldron, and white air was slowly overflowing from the four small holes on the cauldron cover, like a column of smoke.

  The man in black turned his back to Lin Shen, and stood in front of the cauldron with his hands behind his back, as if he was observing the situation in the cauldron.

   "It's a pity that Jing Hai is dead. Without him, there is little hope of refining a fourth-grade blood spirit pill. After all, my alchemy skills are far inferior to his. Fortunately, the third-grade blood spirit pill is barely enough."

   While talking, the man in black slowly turned around.

  He was not wearing a mask at this time, and his robe and hat were pulled back, revealing a clear face.

  The moment Lin Shen saw that face clearly, Lin Shen's eyes froze.

   "Cold Command!"

  The face reflected by the swaying flames is obviously Leng Guangting Leng of Jiuyang Daoyuan, who is also Leng Xing's father!


  The man in black gave Lin Shen an indifferent look, without any emotion on his face.

   "It's unimaginable that the dignified Nine Suns Daoist Academy is in charge, but behind the scenes is the notorious Wolf Wolf backbone?"

  “.It was a real surprise.”

  Lin Shen looked very strange.

  Although he vaguely guessed that the man in black robe might be a member of Jiuyang Taoist Academy, he never expected that it would be Leng Guangting, who is usually very low-key in charge.

   It's just that this director is said to be from a poor family, a family of aristocratic size, and a high position, respected by others. How could he join the evil forces like the wolf who eat people without spit out bones, and he is also a high-level one?

   Seemingly seeing Lin Shen's doubts, Leng Guangting's eyes flickered, and said quietly:

"A hundred years ago, our Leng family was one of the eighteen families, but since then, the family has gone downhill, and the power of the family has continued to decline, so that in the last generation, our Leng family was finally eliminated from the eighteen families. For cold spectrum."

   "Although it is still an aristocratic family, Han Pu is not much better than ordinary people. Even the eighteen aristocratic families who should be in the same class often look down on Han Pu."

"In order to regain the former glory, our Leng family is determined to rejuvenate the family and return to the ranks of the 18th family. I have also been taught since I was a child that I must work hard to cultivate and become a monk to revitalize the family. However, manpower will eventually be limited, and my qualifications are not good. , still unable to break through the bottleneck to be promoted to a monk!"

"There is no family without a monk. This is an unwritten rule among families. Even if it is a cold genealogy, there must be at least one monk in the family. If there is no monk in the town for more than ten years, the name of the family will be deprived and the civilian class will be knocked down. .”

   "And our Leng family, since my father passed away, has not had a monk for nearly ten years."

  Lin Shen listened quietly, until then he spoke suddenly.

   "So you want to use the Blood Spirit Pill to break through the bottleneck, but why are you telling me this now? Do you want to find an excuse for your behavior, or seek peace of mind?"

  Leng Guangting twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, as if he was smiling silently, ignoring Lin Shen's sarcasm, and said quietly:

"The avenue is boundless, long life is hard to find, how many people use all means to jump out of the cage and take a look at the scenery of the peak, you think the blood spirit pill is cruel, in fact, there are many crueler and darker things in the world than this, everything is just to get strength!"

  “I don’t feel remorse and upset for what I have done, so why should I ask for peace of mind?”

   Speaking of this, Leng Guangting sighed a long time, his tone a little desolate.

   "It's just that I have kept these words deep in my heart, even my wife and children have never said them. Now that I say them, I feel a lot easier."

  Lin Shen twitched his mouth: "It seems that I have done a good thing."

  Leng Guangting turned his head to look at him, his eyes flickering.

   "Your performance is beyond my expectation. By this time, you should have already guessed what I am going to do, but why are you not afraid at all?"

   "Will you let me go if I'm scared?" Lin Shen said calmly.

   Leng Guangting smiled faintly, turned his head to glance at Dan Ding, and nodded slightly.

   "It's almost time for the fire, so the chatting is over, it's time for the final step of alchemy."

  When the perennial long-cherished wish was about to come true, even Leng Guangting couldn't help but feel agitated, and a blush appeared on his face.

   With a wave of his sleeve robe, he shook off the heavy cauldron cover, and in an instant white air gushed out, straight to the dome.

  A strange fragrance filled the air instantly.

  Lin Shen's nose twitched slightly, and suddenly felt a sweet and slightly delicious smell filled his nasal cavity.

  It feels like a delicacy prepared by removing the rusty smell from the blood and adding refined sugar.

  Just as he was thinking wildly, Leng Guangting had strode over, picked up Lin Shen with his hand, turned around and walked towards Dan Ding.

   Just as he was about to be thrown into the cauldron, Lin Shen suddenly spoke.

   "I'm curious, if I hadn't been caught by you, how would you plan to break through the bottleneck and become a monk?"

  Leng Guangting paused, frowned slightly, and gave Lin Shen a strange look, wondering why Lin Shen still wanted to ask such irrelevant questions at this time?

  But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of any other way for Lin Shen to get through the desperate situation in front of him!

   After a few seconds of silence, Leng Guangting still replied:

   "I originally prepared a Dan, but now that you are a better one, there is no need to use it anymore."

   "Really." Lin Shen smiled slightly, showing meaningful eyes.

  Inexplicably, Leng Guangting suddenly had a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

  He frowned and pondered for a moment, but he still couldn't find the source of the unease, so he stopped thinking about it and threw Lin Shen into the cauldron.

  The next second, the flames under the cauldron suddenly exploded, the cauldron buzzed, and the whole cauldron trembled slightly.

  Looking at this scene, Leng Guangting's eyes flashed with excitement, and he couldn't help but clenched his palms tightly.

  He quickly took a deep breath, calmed down, and focused on the changes in the cauldron.

  Time gradually passed, and the trembling of the cauldron gradually subsided, but the white air sprayed from the cauldron did not decrease, but increased, and even faintly tinged with burnt yellow.

   Leng Guangting sniffed at the nose, suddenly felt something was wrong, immediately waved his sleeves and shook the cauldron cover, and looked inside.

   What caught his eyes was not the third-grade blood elixir he had been thinking about day and night, but several black lacquered pills.

   Waste Dan!

  Leng Guangting's complexion changed drastically.

   "What's going on? There are obviously no mistakes in the steps and materials, so how could it fail?"

  Leng Guangting muttered in disbelief, his eyes were a little dull.

   And at this moment, there was a sudden burst of noise outside, vaguely mixed with shouting and shouting, and there seemed to be a buzzing sound that seemed to be insects.

   The movement became louder and louder, but Leng Guangting seemed to have never heard of it, and just stood there in a daze.

  Alchemy, which he had placed high hopes on, failed for some reason. This dealt him an unimaginably heavy blow, so that he couldn't accept it for a while.

  A moment later, the door was suddenly knocked open from the outside, and Leng Xing rushed in with a panicked expression, and said anxiously:

   "Father, suddenly a group of the fiercest people rushed in from outside, followed by people from the martial arts hall. These guys don't know what medicine they took wrongly, and they want to search our residence. It's really unreasonable!"

  The words "Zhiwutang" seemed to touch a certain nerve in Leng Guangting, he turned around slowly, and looked at Leng Xing quietly.

   "The person from the martial arts hall is here?"

   "Yes, and there are also the general flag and the flag officer leading the team. I don't know what's going on?"

  Leng Xing didn't notice his father's strangeness, and was still complaining angrily.

"Obviously we were the victims of the monster attack, but they suspected that we had something to do with the fiercest group of victors, and insisted on searching. Now the steward is leading people to block the people who hold the martial arts hall, but it is estimated that they will not be stopped for long. Father You are in charge of the overall situation”

   While talking, Leng Xing finally sensed that something was wrong, and looked suspiciously at his father who was in a daze.


  Leng Guangting ignored his son, with a desolate look on his face.

   "After all, we have reached this point."

   "Father, what happened to you?" Leng Xing asked doubtfully.

  Leng Guangting didn't answer, but suddenly turned his head and looked at Leng Xing.

  For some reason, Leng Xing panicked a little from that indifferent gaze, and a shudder ran down his back.

   Outside the hospital.

  Looking at the large group of people in the martial arts hall chasing Zi Mengsheng and rushing into the other courtyard, Lin Shen showed a smile on his face.

   Not surprisingly, because of the matter of the wild wolf stronghold in the southern area a while ago, Zhiwutang attached great importance to the appearance of the most fierce victory, and unexpectedly sent a large number of people over.

  Lin Shen even recognized several of them as the general banners of the four major urban areas.

   You must know that the general banners are all strong men with the ninth level of Mingqiao.

  With these few people here, plus hundreds of members of the Martial Arts Hall, Leng Guangting will definitely be finished now.

   "It's a pity that a clone was sacrificed."

  Lin Shen secretly shook his head.

  In order not to arouse Leng Guangting's vigilance, he did not take back the clone, but let the clone disappear automatically after death.

  It's a pity that the person in charge of the martial arts hall came a bit late, otherwise he could try to avoid the death of the clone.

   Fortunately, the Perseverance Clone originally planned to refresh his talent, so it doesn't matter if it's gone.

   Next, he had to think of a reason to explain his role in this matter.

  Of course, it would be better for Leng Guangting to die in battle. In that case, no one would know that he was also involved in this matter.

  Hesitating for a moment, Lin Shen rushed out of the shadows and quietly approached the other courtyard not far away.

  The other courtyard was already in chaos at this time, and no one noticed that an uninvited guest broke in.

   All the way to the other courtyard smoothly and helplessly, Lin Shen happened to see the scene where the people in charge of the martial arts hall broke through the guards of the other courtyard and began to search around.

   Not long after, Zhiwutang made a discovery.

   "My lord, we found a secret door inside, which leads to a crypt, and the area seems to be quite large!"

  A banner official reported to the leader, a middle-aged man who was five big and three rough.

  Lin Shen recognized the middle-aged man as the general banner of the Southern District, and his name seemed to be Yuan Ming.

  Hearing the subordinate's report, Yuan Ming immediately waved his hand.


   "The residence in charge of the dignified Taoist temple actually has a crypt. It seems that we may gain something this time!"

  Yuan Ming smiled, and took the lead to stride inside.

  The other two general flags looked at each other, hesitated and followed.

  Everything was wrong tonight, and the group of fiercest victors seemed to lure them here on purpose.

   After discovering that they had arrived, the stewards here behaved very strangely. They actually summoned people to block them out at the first time, and refused to let them in no matter what they said.

   Such an abnormal reaction immediately aroused the suspicion of several experienced general banners.

  Others are afraid of the Nine Suns Dao Academy’s leadership, but they are not afraid. In addition, Hall Master Xia has ordered death.

   Unexpectedly, I found something.

  Could it be that Leng Guangting, who lives here, is in charge, does he really have any ulterior secrets?

   A group of people quickly came to the secret door and rushed in without stopping.

  As soon as they entered, Lin Shen's figure appeared silently behind him.

  By taking advantage of the concealment talisman and evasion talisman, as well as the swift speed of Yunlonglu, no one noticed him all the way.

  The general banners of Zhiwutang were also focused on the cave, and they didn't notice the extra tail behind them.

  The area of ​​the catacombs is indeed not small, at least two or three times the size of other courtyards on the ground.

   It is also fortunate that the buildings in this area are far away from each other, otherwise someone must have noticed that something is wrong in the long run.

  Walking around all the way, not long after, everyone from Zhiwu Hall came to the room at the end of the cave.

  The door of the room was wide open, and a dim light shone from the inside.

  The three general flags glanced at each other, paused for a while, and then rushed into the door with big strides.

  In the dark hall, the flames under the Ding Ding had been extinguished. In Nuo Da’s hall, there were only a few bright pearls embedded in the ceiling emitting dim light, making the surroundings even more eerie.

  Leng Guangting sat cross-legged beside the alchemy cauldron, staring intently at the elixir in his hand with an inexplicable expression.

  Even the arrival of everyone from the Martial Arts Hall did not make him look away for a moment.

  The leader Yuan Ming frowned when he saw this, and was about to step forward to ask questions. His eyes suddenly glanced at the pill in Leng Guangting's hand, and his expression was startled.

  The whole body of the elixir is bright red, smooth and round like the finest ruby, and exudes some kind of magical power, which makes people reluctant to look away after one glance.

"This is."

  Yuan Ming's eyes widened, as if thinking of something suddenly, he took a deep breath, and found that there was a strange sweet smell in the air.

  This smell is no stranger to Yuan Ming, he reacted immediately, his complexion changed suddenly, and he looked at Leng Guangting in horror.

   "Blood Elixir!"

   "Leng Guangting, you are indeed in collusion with Wild Wolf!"

  (end of this chapter)

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