MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 123 Formation selection, cave mansion competition

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  Chapter 123 Selection of Formation, Contest in the Cave

  House of Lords.

  In Jiuyang Taoist Temple, this is a very special place.

  The disciples who can be promoted to the upper court are all the few geniuses with the highest strength and talent in the Taoist school.

  Whether it is the resources they can enjoy or their status in the Taoist temple, the disciples of the upper court are far above the disciples of the lower court.

  In fact, it can be seen from the previous battle with the Tiger Department.

  If the disciples of the lower court are soldiers, then the disciples of the upper court are the generals in charge of commanding!

  The status gap between the two should not be too big!

  In addition, the Upper Court is also known as the Zongmen Elder Qianyuan.

  Because of counting the elders of Jiuyangzong, more than 80% of them have stayed in the upper courtyard of Jiuyang Daoyuan when they were young.

   Over time, the disciples of the upper court have become a symbol of future success as the elders of the sect.

   It can be said that in Jiuyang Daoyuan, the upper courtyard is the place that countless disciples yearn for and strive for!

  However, it is not easy to become a disciple of the Upper Court.

   Must compete with many geniuses and fight for the only ten places in the upper house!

  Lin Shen knew about the top ten disciples of the upper house, but he didn't know much, only limited to their names and backgrounds.

  The only certainty is that if one wants to become one of the top ten disciples of the Upper Court, promotion to Mingqiao Realm is a necessary condition!

   Of course, it is only a necessary condition, not a sufficient condition.

  Among the heavenly disciples, there is no lack of Mingqiao Realm, but not everyone can be promoted to the upper court.

   "Yan Jingren"

  Lin Shen's eyes flickered slightly.

  He also doesn't know much about Yan Jingren.

  The communication between the two was limited to that one glimpse at the East Gate.

  However, compared to Yan Xing, who is strong on the outside and capable on the inside, Yan Jingren gives Lin Shen a more dangerous feeling.

   Dazed for a moment, Lin Shen shook his head and put the matter behind him.

   Regardless of whether he will meet Yan Jingren in the future, there is only one thing he needs to do now, and that is to improve his strength.

  Opening the exchange list, Lin Shen began to search.

   As expected, he found the formation on the list.

   Big Five Elements Sword Formation, Ten Minor Skills

  Panfeng's seven-section array, fifteen small skills

  Nine palaces chain sword array, twenty small skills

  Lin Shen browsed quickly, with a happy expression on his face.

  The number of formations on the list is unexpectedly large, there are thirty or forty types!

  From the Yin-Yang Liangyi Formation and Sancai Formation with the least number of people, to the Tianlian Formation and Spiral Hundred Shadow Formation with hundreds of people.

   "It seems that Nine Yang Sect pays attention to the cooperation between disciples."

  Lin Shen had a smile on his face, thinking carefully which one to choose.

  He now has a total of six avatars, counting himself as seven, and it stands to reason that he should choose a seven-person formation.

   The problem can be considered, but it cannot be so simple.

  The battle changes rapidly, Lin Shen can't guarantee that every time he wants to line up to face the enemy, none of the six clones will fall.

   As long as one is missing, the seven-man formation is useless.

  If you want to choose a five-man or six-man formation, it would be a bit wasteful.

   After all, although it is not 100%, the more people in the formation, the more powerful it is.

  Lin Shen suddenly fell into deep thought.

   "In terms of practicality alone, the Great Five Elements Sword Formation seems to be pretty good."

According to the description of the formation, the Great Five Elements Sword Formation is an formation of five people, arranged like a plum blossom, enclosing the enemy in the middle, the sword formation flows, and the long swords come out together to form a brilliant light, which flows from all directions like a tide. Attack the enemy!

  Five people shot at the same time, the offensive was impenetrable and powerful!

   More importantly, five people are only the minimum required number of formations for the Great Five Elements Sword Formation.

  If necessary, ten, fifteen, or twenty people can also use the Great Five Elements Sword Formation.

  Numbering five, a group of five, the Great Five Elements Sword Formation can be performed by a maximum of 125 people at the same time!

  The more people, the stronger the power!

  If Lin Shen chooses the Great Five Elements Sword Formation, even if Lin Shen only has four clones around him, he can still make up the number of people in the formation.

   And when the number of clones increases to nine in the future, they can also continue to use the Great Five Elements Sword Formation.

   "However, the Panfeng seven-section formation seems to be good!" Lin Shen looked at another formation.

  The Panfeng Seven-Segment Formation is an incomparably exquisite formation deduced by a monk who had a flash of inspiration while observing the majestic giant peak.

  The subtlety of this formation lies in the fact that the number of people in the formation is extremely flexible.

  Even two people can cast formations.

  If three people work together, they will have both offense and defense, and their power will increase greatly.

  If four people use it together, it will be twice as powerful as three people working together.

  The more people there are, the more amazing the power will be.

   If you want to insist on the shortcomings, it can only be used by a maximum of seven people at the same time.

  Looking at the two formations, Lin Shen couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  Panfeng's seven-section formation is powerful and flexible, but the upper limit of the number is low.

  The upper limit of the number of people in the Great Five Elements Sword Formation is much higher, but the number of people in the formation needs to meet the number of five or five, which is relatively inflexible.

  Both have their own advantages, it is really difficult to choose!

   After thinking for a while, Lin Shen finally gritted his teeth and decided to choose both!

   The big deal is to spend more time practicing.

  As long as you can improve your own strength, it doesn't matter if you spend some time.

   There are a total of 25 minor skills in the two formations.

  Lin Shen went to the mission hall and handed in the rare and rare herbs obtained from Jinghai to the mission, in exchange for thirty-two small merits.

  After exchanging the two formations, he only has seven small skills and one medium skill left.

  The only Zhong Gong is the fixed benefit of this month's heavenly disciples.

   After thinking about it, Lin Shen spent another two small efforts to exchange for three concealment talismans and three evasion talismans.

  The time he sneaked into the manor, he unexpectedly discovered that the amulet was quite useful.

  Whether it is for sneaking in or for escaping, it is very practical.

  The only shortcoming is that the concealment talisman can only cover the breath, but cannot cover the body shape.

  In order to make up for this, Lin Shen exchanged the talisman again.

   Evasion Talisman can cover body shape, but cannot cover breath.

  The combination of the two kinds of talismans is just right.

   "If it is used together with the Fog Hidden Talisman, the effect should be even better."

  Lin Shen suddenly found that he had a lot of similar items in his hand.

   But it's just in case, if he is in danger, he has the means to get out anyway.

  After finishing all this, Lin Shen left the Academy of Merit, just as he walked out of the gate, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

  On the mountain road a hundred meters away, the four of them were discussing something intensely, as if they were arguing.

  To Lin Shen's surprise, he knew all four of them.

  Besides Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian, the other two were Yan Xing and Leng Xing.

   "How could these four people get together?"

  Lin Shen was puzzled and simply walked towards the four of them.

  As the distance drew closer, the sound of the four people's quarreling quickly reached their ears.

   "Yang Zhongyi, don't be shameless. I'm willing to exchange things with you. That's already giving you face. Otherwise, when Senior Brother Yan speaks to deprive you of your quota, you will get nothing at that time!"

   "Bah! Others are afraid of Yan Jingren, but I am not afraid. The Daoist Academy has its own rules. Even if he is a disciple of the Upper Academy, how dare he break the rules and take my place?"

   "So you are toasting and not drinking!"

   "What's the matter, you still want to do it? It's not that I look down on you, Leng Xing, you haven't even killed a few monsters, so if you really want to do it, don't let me cry later!"


  Leng Xing was furious, with veins popping out on his forehead, but he didn't dare to do anything.

  As Yang Zhongyi said, because of his father's ban, he really didn't have much experience in fighting monsters, and his fights with Taoist disciples were limited to exchanges, so his combat experience was really limited.

  Even if his cultivation base is one or two levels higher than Yang Zhongyi's, he probably won't be able to take advantage of it if he really does it.

  Su Nian and Yan Xing stood aside, watching them bicker without saying a word.

   It's just that the former has a calm expression, while the latter has a gloomy expression.

   Right at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

   "It's so lively, why don't you add me?"

  Yang Zhongyi turned his head to follow the prestige, and immediately laughed.

   "Old Lin, why are you here?"

  Su Nian also had a faint smile on his face.

  Yan Xing and Leng Xing were taken aback.

  Especially Yan Xing, when he saw Lin Shen, his complexion changed drastically, and he subconsciously took half a step back. After realizing it, his face immediately turned into a pig's color, and his expression was extremely embarrassing.

  Su Nian gave Yan Xing a sympathetic look.

  From this subconscious action, it can be seen how much psychological shadow Lin Shen left on Yan Xing in the original challenge of the disciple level.

   Leng Xing was not afraid of Lin Shen, and immediately sneered after being surprised.

   "I can see you everywhere!"

  Lin Shen smiled slightly: "After all, I often have to go out on assignments, and I have to go to the Academy of Merit from time to time. It's not as easy as you, and you can eat the old."

  In this world, there is no such word as gnawing the old, but I am not stupid to be cold and happy. When I heard the hidden meaning of this word at the first time, I became more and more annoyed immediately.

  He was about to be scolded, but Yan Xing stopped him with a wink.

   "Let's go, there's no need to talk to them!"

  With Lin Shen here, they can't take advantage of it anyway, so they might as well leave immediately to avoid getting angry.

   Leng Xing soon understood, but he was still aggrieved. He gave Lin Shen a hard look, and turned to leave with Yan Xing.

  A spoiled child.

  Lin Shen shook his head secretly, then turned to look at Yang Zhongyi and the two of them.

   "What were you arguing about just now?"

  Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian looked at each other, Qi Qi showed helplessness.

   "It's not about Baihu Mountain."

  Hearing the word Baihushan, Lin Shen's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked for details.

  After listening to Yang Zhongyi's narration, he finally understood why the two quarreled with Yan Xing and Leng Xing.

   It turned out that after the Hubu was destroyed, there was a dispute within Jiuyangzong about how to deal with Baihu Mountain.

  Baihu Mountain is a Qifu-level cave, and the concentration of aura is no worse than that of the cave where Jiuyang Daoyuan is located.

  Although the Baihu Mountain Cave Mansion was damaged due to the mistakes made by the Yan family during the crusade, and the concentration of aura dropped sharply, as long as it is properly repaired for a period of time, it will not be a problem to restore it to its original appearance.

   And a cave like this, located deep in the mountains, can be built into a medicine garden to grow medicinal herbs.

   Or build a taming garden to domesticate and cultivate spirit beasts.

   There are simply not too many uses, and the high value is even more astonishing.

  So even if it takes a lot of money to restore the cave, there are still many people scrambling to win Baihu Mountain.

   Around Baihu Mountain, the major forces in the sect, including the eighteen aristocratic families, fought fiercely.

   And the final result was that Baihu Mountain was taken by the Yan family!

   "It is said that in order to win Baihu Mountain, the Yan family paid a very high price, giving up several medicine gardens and animal taming gardens, and even a small spirit stone vein!"

  Yang Zhongyi clicked his tongue.

   "In order to revitalize the family, the Yan family has put all their eggs in one basket this time!"

   "From what you're saying, the original situation of the Yan family doesn't look good?" Lin Shen asked curiously.

Yang Zhongyi curled his lips and said: "It's not that good. According to the original situation, the Yan family will withdraw from the ranks of the five famous families in less than ten years, but now it's not easy to say that they have got the Baihushan Cave Mansion. Maybe they will make a comeback. Already!"

   "Of course, if the Yan family doesn't manage the Baihushan Cave Mansion well, the situation will definitely be even worse. Maybe they will directly fall out of the ranks of eighteen aristocratic families in ten years' time!" Yang Zhongyi gloated a little.

   "And then? What does this matter have to do with your quarrel?" Lin Shen asked.

Yang Zhongyi spread his hands, and continued: "The Yan family wants to restore the cave, and naturally needs a lot of manpower and materials, so they recruited people in Jiuyang Daoyuan through the sect, and the rewards are also very generous. Many people want to go, It's a pity that the number of places is limited, and only a part of the disciples were selected in the end."

   "That guy Leng Xing heard from somewhere that I participated in the mission, so he came to me and wanted to trade places with me. How could I agree, so he started arguing."

  Lin Shen suddenly realized that Leng Xing was really persevering, trying every means to escape.

  The Academy of Meritorious Services failed to accept the task, so they simply found someone to change the quota in private, and wanted to go to the Longyuan Mountain Range.

   It is estimated that his father, the cold director, should not know about it.

  Thinking of this, Lin Shen was suddenly puzzled.

   "Isn't Yan Xing the Yan family? Why didn't Leng Xing ask Yan Xing for help, but came to you specifically?"

  As soon as these words came out, Yang Zhongyi and Su Nianqi showed strange expressions.

   After staring at Lin Shen for several seconds, Yang Zhongyi coughed lightly and explained:

"Since losing to you in the disciple level challenge last time, Yan Xing's status in the Yan family has plummeted. Many resources have been distributed to a few more talented clansmen. Now he can't protect himself, and he can't even take care of himself. Come on, how can I help Leng Xing?"

   "Relying on Yan Jingren's reputation, it's okay to help Leng Xing stand up, but I don't like this!"

   "." Lin Shen didn't expect the reason to be on his own, "What about Yan Jingren?"

   "Not long after Yan Jingren was promoted to the disciple of the upper court, he followed the elders of the clan into the Longyuan Mountains. It is said that he went to collect materials for repairing the cave."

   Speaking of this, Yang Zhongyi glanced at Lin Shen, put his arm around his shoulder and said with a smile:

   "Speaking of which, Lao Lin, when are you going to challenge the disciples of the upper court? It's best to challenge Yan Jingren and squeeze him out, lest that guy Yan Xing will be arrogant everywhere because his brother is a disciple of the upper court!"

  Lin Shen shook his head amusedly: "You treat me as if I have taken the elixir, how can it be so fast, I am still in the long-breathing state now!"

   "The speed at which your cultivation is improving is about the same as eating elixir!"

  Yang Zhongyi muttered something, followed by a smile, shook his head and said:

   "I have great confidence in you. With your talent, it doesn't take long to advance to Mingqiao Realm. By then, with your martial arts attainments, defeating Yan Jingren will not be easy?"

   More than 170,000 words have been updated in 13 days since it was put on the shelves, with an average of more than 13,000 words per day. Although it is not as good as Jumbo King and Tentacle Monster, it is still quite a lot. Continue to work hard in the new January. By the way, please ask for a monthly pass. Thank you everyone!



  (end of this chapter)

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