MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 119 He is not an ordinary long breath

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  Chapter 119 He is not an ordinary long-breathing realm

   It was late at night, when ordinary people fell asleep.

  In the dark grove, Lin Shen looked at the manor in the distance.

   "Is that the target manor? It is indeed more like a castle than a manor."

  The tall city walls, as well as the guards patrolling back and forth on the walls, all show that this manor is heavily guarded.

  In Linlong City, such a manor is undoubtedly very eye-catching.

   But in a place like Silverscale City, the operation of enclosing the residence with tall walls is not only done by the manor in front of me.

  Tang Yue stood quietly beside Lin Shen, without saying a word.

   It took about ten minutes before she suddenly changed her expression and said softly:


  Lin Shen nodded slightly, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the distant manor like lightning.

  Tang Yue followed closely behind.

  The two of them were fast and silent. In just two or three breaths, they crossed the three to four hundred meter long empty road in front of the manor and came straight to the bottom of the high wall.


  Lin Shen quickly slapped three talismans on his body.

  In addition to the Feather Talisman and the Light Body Talisman, there is also a Concealment Talisman that reduces breath.

   Naturally, all the talismans were prepared by Shen Jiangyue in advance.

  Tang Yue also pasted a talisman on her body.

  The civet family was originally good at hiding and stealth, but after the talisman was activated, their actions became more ghostly and silent.

  If Tang Yue hadn't followed Lin Shen by his side, he wouldn't have felt that there was such a person.

  After activating the talisman, the two quickly climbed up the high wall.

   There are seven or eight guards standing scattered on the top of the wall, some are standing guard, and some are walking back and forth on patrol.

  The weird thing is that when Lin Shen and Tang Yue climbed onto the wall, these people turned a blind eye and continued to do their own thing.

   If you observe carefully, you can find that the eyes of these guards are a little tranced, but they are unconsciously under the illusion.

   Without stopping, Lin Shen and the two quickly passed through the wall and entered the manor smoothly.

  Before coming, Tang Yue had already informed Lin Shen of the layout and environment of the manor, and the two walked through the vestibule and outer courtyard without stopping, and entered the inner courtyard.

  The silhouettes of buildings one after another have gradually appeared in the field of vision.

   Avoiding two groups of patrolling castle guards, Lin Shen and Tang Yue soon found a servant who was alone.

  Without hesitation, Lin Shen captured him directly, and quickly tortured him to find out where the butler was.

  As the manager who coordinates and plans all the sundries and personnel in the manor, the housekeeper must know everything about the manor.

   If anyone in the manor must know where the civet is kept, apart from the owner of the manor, it is the housekeeper.

  After asking the answer he wanted, Lin Shen knocked the servant unconscious, stuffed it into a nearby rockery hole, and immediately rushed to the destination with Tang Yue.

   Not long after, the two came to the back of a building with many lights on.

  The room where the housekeeper lived happened to be on the top floor. Lin Shen and Tang Yue quietly climbed up the outer wall, stretched out their hands to hold down the corridor window, breathed out their true anger, and immediately heard a click, and the window opened slightly.

  The two took the opportunity to file in and landed in the corridor without a sound.

  The butler's room is on the right at the end of the corridor.

  When Lin Shen and Tang Yue sneaked in, a woman dressed as a maid came out of that room. She looked disheveled and flushed, as if she had just gone through some intense exercise.

  The woman bowed towards the room, closed the door, turned around and saw Lin Shen and Tang Yue.

  She originally thought it was the other servants in the manor, and subconsciously felt a little guilty.

  But when his eyes glanced over the masks on Lin Shen and Tang Yue's faces, he suddenly reacted.

Shocked, the woman's face immediately changed, she took a step back in fright, took a deep breath, and was about to scream, but it was a pity that it took too much time to cast the spell forward, Lin Shen's figure flashed, and he flew over, cutting with his palm. On the back of a woman's head.

  The woman passed out without even groaning, her body swayed, and she was about to fall forward, but Lin Shen caught her in time and gently put her on the ground.

  Turning back and making a gesture to Tang Yue, Lin Shen stretched out his palm and pressed it on the doorknob, so he used his zhenqi to shake the door lock open.

  Hearing the sound of the door opening, the middle-aged man who was resting on the bed in the room opened his eyes suspiciously, and was about to look up when a slender and powerful hand reached out with lightning and grabbed his neck fiercely.


  The terrifying power coming from the palm of the hand made the middle-aged man feel like his neck had become a fragile piece of rotten wood. As long as he exerted a little force, it would be broken with a click.

  The middle-aged man immediately struggled frantically.

  It's a pity that the physical strength of the ninth floor of the aerodynamic realm that he was proud of in the past is useless at this moment.

  A moment later, the middle-aged man's face had turned purple, his eyes were round and bulging, his veins burst out, and he looked like he was about to suffocate.

  It was only then that Lin Shen relaxed his strength a little, allowing the middle-aged man to breathe heavily.

   "If you want to live, just answer my questions obediently, but if you say a half-truth, I will prevent you from seeing the sun the next day, understand?"

  The middle-aged man who had just walked on the verge of death was full of fear at the moment. Hearing this, he immediately nodded with all his strength, fearing that Lin Shen would really break his neck.

   "Where is the place where the civet is held?" Lin Shen asked coldly.

  The middle-aged man's complexion changed, revealing a look of hesitation, but the next second he felt the palm of his neck tightened suddenly, and he was so frightened that his ghosts froze. He hurriedly said, "It's in the underground prison of this building!"

  Lin Shen and Tang Yue looked at each other, both a little surprised.

   Unexpectedly, the destination is right under their feet!

  Lin Shen immediately made a decision, grabbed the middle-aged man, and said in a deep voice:

   "Lead the way!"

  Struggle flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man, but he finally succumbed to the fear of death, and pointed out the way to Lin Shen with a pale face.

  Perhaps because too many people were not allowed to know about the civet being imprisoned, there was no one else in this building except for the middle-aged man who was the housekeeper and the maid who was knocked out by Lin Shen.

   All the way down from the top floor, Lin Shen didn't meet any other servants or guards.

   Not long after, the two and one demon stopped in front of an iron gate.

   Under the threat of Lin Shen's cold gaze, the butler tremblingly took out the key and opened the iron door.

  As soon as the iron door opened, Tang Yue couldn't wait to rush in.

   A few seconds later, cat meows came from inside one after another.

  Lin Shen didn't go in, but stood at the door and waited patiently for a while.

   Soon, Tang Yue came out, followed by more than twenty civet cats.

  Most of these civets have dull fur and skinny skin. Obviously, they are not doing well here.

  However, after knowing that he was about to escape from the sea of ​​suffering, there was still a gleam of joy in his pupils.

   After seeing Lin Shen, many civets showed curious eyes.

  Facing Lin Shen's questioning eyes, Tang Yue nodded slightly.

   "I asked them. During this period of time, all the people of the same family who were captured were detained here. In addition, some of the same family were taken out of this cell and never came back."

  Lin Shen turned his head to look at the butler, who was shocked and waved his hands in horror.

   "It's none of my business, I'm always doing what the master wants, and I don't know what he's going to do with those civet cats!"

   Seeing that the butler didn't look like he was lying, Lin Shen lost interest immediately, stopped talking nonsense with him, and directly snapped his neck.

  Throwing away the corpse, Lin Shen said to Tang Yue, "Contact your companion."

   Tang Yue nodded, not even looking at the corpse on the ground.

  For these villains who harmed her companions, she wished she could kill them with her own hands!

   Just when Tang Yue contacted his companions, Jing Hai sat cross-legged on the ground in the main building of the villa in the center of the manor, in the pharmacy on the second floor, frowning and looking at the dark abandoned pill in front of him, his expression was gloomy.

  Because he didn't need to hide his identity on his own territory, so he didn't wear a hideous ghost mask at this time.

   However, the figure sitting opposite him was as usual in black robe and mask.

   "So, this is the new pill you mentioned?"

  The black-robed man looked at the waste pill on the ground, with a hint of dissatisfaction and questioning in his tone.

  Jing Hai raised his head and glanced at him, then snorted coldly.

   "Which one has to go through thousands of failures to form a new elixir? It's not easy for me to achieve such an achievement in just two months!"

  The man in black said calmly: "You are a pharmacist, not an alchemist."

  Jing Hai suddenly raised his head, staring fixedly at the man in black, with strong anger and unwillingness shining in his eyes.

   "Where is my alchemy skill worse than those **** who eat vegetarian meals? If I had a monk cultivation level, I would have been an official alchemist!"

   "Then you should focus on collecting the Dan people instead of distracting yourself with other things." The black-robed man slowed down his tone, not wanting to stimulate his companion too much.

  Jing Hai also calmed down at this time, and said coldly: "It's easy for you to say! Zhiwutang is chasing us so closely, let alone arresting Dan people, now we are almost in danger!"

   After a pause, Jing Hai's eyes flickered for a while, and he said again:

   "It's been a long time since the two adults have sent new messages, can you contact them?"

  The man in black was silent for a while, obviously the answer was no.

Jing Hai sneered: "It seems that they are planning to give up on us. At this point, unless one of us breaks through the bottleneck and becomes a monk and supports the overall situation, it will only be a matter of time before the organization is wiped out by the Martial Arts Hall! How about it, now you Are you still going to stop me?"

   After a long silence, the man in black sighed.

   "I don't want to stop you. It's just that it is unprecedented to refine the blood elixir with the monster race. The hope of success is so slim. I don't want you to waste too much time and energy on this, but it will delay the business."

   "You don't need to worry about this!"

  Jing Hai waved his hand, still stubborn.

   "Although you concentrate on collecting alchemy, as long as you have materials, send them to me directly, and make sure you won't miss alchemy!"

   "As for the things here, you don't have to worry about it. If it doesn't work, let it go. If it succeeds, we can use this to open the situation. Wouldn't it be a great thing?"

   "Aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of those who want to catch civets everywhere?" the man in black said in a deep voice.

   "It's just a group of stray civet cats, no one cares about them at all, what are you afraid of?"

   "The Cat General of Linlong City"

   "You also know that it is Linlong City, a mere wild god, no matter how powerful it is, how can it control Silverscale City?"

   Seeing that Jing Hai still couldn't be persuaded, the man in black sighed secretly, shook his head and stopped wasting words.

  Jing Hai squinted at the black-robed man, then changed the subject: "Don't just talk about me, what's going on with you, didn't you say you found a good Dan man?"

   Mentioning this, the eyes under the mask of the man in black flickered, and he nodded slightly.

   "He is indeed a rare and good Dan!"

  The admiration tone of the man in black made Jing Hai couldn't help being curious, his upper body leaned forward slightly, with a look of interest on his face.

   "Better than the Dan you prepared for years?"

  The man in black laughed lowly: "If I can use him to refine the blood elixir with a living method, I'm 80% sure to break through the bottleneck!"

  Jing Hai was taken aback, followed by great joy.

   "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get someone!"

"It's not that simple." The man in black shook his head slightly, "That man is now the hottest genius in Jiuyang Taoist Academy, I don't know how many eyes are staring at him, if I make a rash move, even if I succeed in taking him down, I will expose myself. "

   "Then what are you going to do?"

   "Think long term."

  Jing Hai clicked his tongue, looking very disapproving.

  The man in the black robe didn't care either, and said in a calm manner:

   "That man's strength should not be underestimated. It is not an easy task for me to capture him alive without attracting the attention of others."

  Jing Hai was dubious when he heard the words.

   "A mere Taoist disciple deserves your attention? Could it be that person is a disciple of the upper court?"

   "That's not true, he is just a heavenly disciple."

   "A celestial disciple of the Bright Aperture Realm?"

   "Long Breathing Realm."

  The corner of Jing Hai's mouth twitched, and he flicked his sleeves angrily.

   "It's just a junior in the long-breathing state, thanks to you still speaking so seriously, with your cultivation base, isn't it easy to deal with a long-breathing state disciple?"

  The man in black shook his head slightly: "He is not an ordinary long-breathing realm."

  Jing Hai didn't believe it at all, and sneered: "How special can the chief resting environment be?"

   "He has practiced Dao-level martial arts."

  Jing Hai's expression froze for a moment, revealing a look of astonishment.

   After a long while, he managed to squeeze out a word.

   "What you said is true?"

  The man in the black robe glanced at him, but did not answer.

  However, Jing Hai didn't really doubt what the man in black robe said, he just asked because he was too shocked.

   Mastering Dao-level martial arts with a long-breathing level cultivation base, even with his years of experience, he has never seen it before.

   I never thought that someone could do such an outrageous thing!

   "No wonder you value him so much."

  After the shock, Jing Hai's eyes suddenly lit up.

   To be able to practice martial arts entering and exiting the Taoist realm in the long-breathing realm, the talent and spirituality are so rare in the world!

  If such a genius is used to refine the blood spirit pill, it is estimated that he will be able to refine a third-grade blood spirit pill at the very last time!

  If you're lucky, the Fourth Grade Blood Spirit Pill is not a problem!

  If this is the case, their long-cherished wish for many years will surely come true!

  Thinking of this, Jing Hai's heart suddenly became hot, and he wished he could arrest that person and make alchemy right now.

  (end of this chapter)