MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 117 Shen Jiangyue! Wealthy Cat General!

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  Chapter 117 Shen Jiangyue! Wealthy Cat General!

  General Cat wants to see me?

  Lin Shen was slightly taken aback.

   "What does God want from me?"

   "I don't know either." Xiao Ai shook his head foolishly, "The general only said that he wanted to meet you. You just need to go to the street where you met for the first time at night, and you will be able to find him."

  Lin Shen nodded thoughtfully, with a vague guess in his heart.

   If there is no accident, General Cat probably has something to ask him for help.

   And there is a high probability that it is related to the civet.

   After all, as a god, General Cat seldom cares about worldly affairs. The only ones who can make him care so much are civet cats.

   Came back to his senses, Lin Shen touched Xiao Ai's head, and said with a smile:

   "I see, I will go to General Cat tonight."

  If it is not too difficult for General Cat to ask him for help, Lin Shen doesn't mind helping.

  After all, General Mao spends a lot of money, as long as he helps him, the rewards are often very considerable, so it is considered extra money.

  After dark, Lin Shen left Xiao Ai at home, and rushed to the meeting place alone.

  The moment he stepped into that street, bursts of hazy mist suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the street under the night suddenly became dreamlike.

  Looking ahead again, the familiar shrine appeared in the middle of the street at some point.

  Following Lin Shen's gaze, the dull eyeballs of the cat statue on the shrine instantly became animated, and turned around.

  The next second, the statue jumped down from the shrine, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a tall and mighty cat general.

   "Long time no see, practitioner."

  Lin Shen greeted with a smile, and went straight to the point.

   "Shenjun called me this time, is there something wrong?"

   "I want to trouble you with something."

   Sure enough!

  Lin Shen's heart moved slightly, but his expression remained calm.

   "God please tell me."

   General Cat didn't explain immediately when he heard the words, but turned his head to look at a shadowy corner not far away, and said warmly:

"Come out."

   As soon as the voice fell, the shadow suddenly shook, followed by a graceful figure slowly walking out.

   is a girl.

The girl is about twenty years old, with an exquisite appearance like a porcelain doll. She is petite, but still curvaceous. She has an unspeakable wild atmosphere all over her body. With the close-fitting clothes, it makes people feel itchy. .

   But what is even more surprising is that the girl has a pair of small black down ears on her head, and a tail of the same color hanging from her buttocks.

   Cat girl?

  Lin Shen was surprised, and looked at the girl curiously, but didn't say anything, waiting for General Mao to explain.

   "Her name is Tang Yue, a cat demon in the Ascension Realm." General Cat introduced, pointing at the girl.

  A cat girl from the Ascension Realm?

  Lin Shen's heart skipped a beat, so this girl is a civet who has taken the Transformation Pill.

   The Yaozu who took the Transformation Pill have basically lost the possibility of surviving the human calamity.

  So unless you are sure that you will never have the hope of surviving human calamity in this life, no monster will easily take Transformation Pill, let alone take it when you are in the Ascension Realm.

   Those who will do this are mostly those monster races who were captured by the human race and used as slaves.

   Seems to have guessed what Lin Shen was thinking, General Mao explained:

   "Tang Yue was once forcibly fed with Transformation Pill, intending to tame and train her to become a maid. Fortunately, she was rescued in time. Now she is a member of Shen Jiangyue."

   "Shen Jiangyue?" Lin Shen frowned.

   "Shen Jiangyue is an organization that specializes in rescuing civets imprisoned by criminals!" It was Tang Yue who spoke.

  The girl looked solemn, and her gem-like eyes shone with a clear luster under the moonlight.

   "The members of the organization are all rescued civets like me, and we are determined to save all the civets in this city who have encountered disasters as much as possible!"

  Although he vaguely expected it, Lin Shen was still surprised when he heard Tang Yue say it himself.

   Didn't expect there to be such a force made up of cat demons in Linlong City!

  Does Zhiwutang not know about it?

  Lin Shen glanced at General Mao, and he knew it in his heart.

   With the capabilities of the Martial Arts Hall, it is impossible to be ignorant. This organization can be established and has always existed, most likely because of the protection of this person.

  Speaking of which, since there is a power composed of civet cats, what about other types of monster races?

  After all, there are not only cat girls in Linlong City who are in a similar situation, but also dog girls, shark girls, and the like.

  Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but Lin Shen didn't show it on his face.

   At this moment, he had roughly guessed what General Mao and Tang Yue were going to ask him for.

   Sure enough, the next second I heard Tang Yue say:

"We found a place where a large number of civets were held in Silverscale City a month ago. We tried to sneak in afterwards, but the other side was heavily guarded. We were discovered before we could find the specific place of detention. In the end, we not only failed to rescue those civets , but suffered heavy losses!"

  Silverscale City is one of the subordinate cities of Linlong City.

  As the name suggests, the subordinate city is only a subsidiary town of Linlong City, either because of the geographical environment or because of the lack of surrounding resources, it is not valued by Linlong City.

   Only relying on tribute resources to Linlong City every year, and thus getting limited protection from Linlong City.

  However, the subordinate city is not guarded by a large moat, nor does it have the main headquarters of the three major sects, so it is often more chaotic than Linlong City. Under the false peaceful surface, there is no lack of darkness surging.

  It is not surprising that there are organizations that train and sell civets in places like Silver Scale City.

   "So you want me and you to sneak in there and rescue the imprisoned civet?"

   "That's right!" Tang Yue looked at Lin Shen sincerely, "You are a cultivator valued by the general, and you must be very strong. Please help us!"

  Lin Shen didn't comment, and asked:

   "How many guards are there? How strong are they?"

"We once captured a guard for interrogation. According to him, the total number of guards will not exceed fifty, most of them are from the Pneumatic Realm, and there are only seven or eight elites from the Long Breath Realm, the most powerful captain, with cultivation bases Long breath seven layers!"

   Speaking of this, Tang Yue's expression darkened.

   "We fought with the guards there afterwards, and the information obtained from the interrogation is not bad."

  Looking at her appearance, Shen Jiangyue's losses in that operation are estimated to be very heavy.

   "Where is the person in charge of that place?" Lin Shen asked again.

   Tang Yue hesitated for a while, then shook her head.

   "We don't know too well. According to the guard, their master has lived in seclusion all year round, acting very secretly, and rarely communicates with them guards. We only know that the master is a pharmacist."


  Lin Shen's eyes moved slightly.

  He has heard of this profession.

   From the name, it can be seen that a pharmacist is a professional who is good at identifying and handling medicinal materials, and is usually the assistant of an alchemist.

   Very few powerful pharmacists can also refine some low-end pills such as Chun Mang Dan and Hui Qi Pill.

  Of course, compared with alchemists, pharmacists are far inferior in terms of status and respect.

  Generally speaking, pharmacists are some alchemy apprentices who have never been able to be promoted to official alchemists.

  They felt that they could not make progress in alchemy, so they turned to become pharmacists.

  Although they are far inferior to alchemists, they are still in the elite class of Linlong City, and their status is no lower than that of some Mingqiao practitioners.

   All in all, a pharmacist can get along like a fish in water in Linlong City, how could he go to a place like Silverscale City where fish and dragons are mixed together?

   But no matter what, since the owner is a pharmacist, the guards in his residence are indeed not too strong.

  With the energy of a pharmacist, it would be great to invite some long-breathing practitioners to serve as guards, but the Bright Aperture Realm would never even think about it.

  Even if there are other tricks in that place, the guard strength should not be much higher than what Shen Jiangyue detected.

   Seeing Lin Shen's pensive look, Tang Yue couldn't help but clenched her palms nervously.

  If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing they could do, they wouldn't have come to beg General Mao.

   Let’s not say that General Cat can’t meddle in worldly affairs at will. Even if he could, the place where the civet is imprisoned is far away in Silverscale City, and General Cat is beyond his reach.

  So after much deliberation, I can only ask other human practitioners for help.

   According to General Mao, the young man in front of him is powerful and the best person to help them.

  So Tang Yue now puts all her hopes on Lin Shen.

  General Cat glanced at Lin Shen, and said warmly:

   "Practitioner, this matter should not be difficult for you. As a reward for assisting Shen Jiangyue, I can lift your god-inviting decree for another five layers, and I can fulfill this promise now."

  Lin Shen was slightly moved.

  The God Invitation Token in his hand has already lit up five runestones, if five more runestones are lit up, then the incarnation of the summoned General Cat will have a cultivation level of the Mingqiao Realm!

  That is the combat power of Mingqiao Realm!

  Although Lin Shen killed a tiger demon in the Tongxuan realm not long ago, it was because the tiger demon was seriously injured.

   At another time, if he were to face the Tongxuan Realm Tiger Demon in its heyday, he would most likely end up running away.

  Entering Dao Realm Martial Skills is formidable, but after all, he only has the cultivation base of Long Breathing Realm. Against Shangmingqiao Realm or Tongxuan Realm, he has more than enough protection for himself, but he has little hope of winning.

  So if you have a clear aperture combat power in your hand—even if you can only summon it once a month—it will give you a great sense of security!

   It has to be said that General Mao's move hit Lin Shen's heart.

  With God’s order to light up ten runestones, the confidence of this trip has also greatly increased.

  Lin Shen has actually been tempted, but he still keeps his face and wants to get more rewards for himself.

  General Cat is also very good, glanced at him, and took out a stack of talismans.

"This is the fog talisman, which can condense the fog barrier to cover the figure and perception. Unless it is a monk with spiritual knowledge, no practitioner can break through the fog barrier, whether it is used to confuse the enemy's vision perception in battle, or use it to It’s very good to escape!”

  Lin Shen's eyes lit up.

  Of course he doesn't know about the fog hidden talisman.

   This is a high-grade talisman that is much higher in rank than the Feiyu Talisman and the Divine Weapon Talisman.

   The exchange price of the Academy of Merit is as high as three small merits!

  The price is enough to exchange for a martial skill, but it can only be exchanged for a one-time talisman, which shows how precious this misty talisman is!

   More importantly, this fog hidden talisman is very suitable for use in conjunction with summoning clones!

  Lin Shen couldn't help but glanced at General Mao, and immediately met the latter's meaningful gaze.

   Secretly clicked his tongue, Lin Shen simply smashed the jar and said:

   "Shenjun, I still need some weapons."

  A smile flashed in General Mao's eyes, but he simply took out three Liuyang Talisman swords with his backhand.

   "Most of the martial arts you practice are yang attributes, and this six-yang talisman sword is most suitable for your martial arts."

   Rich and powerful!

   This was the thought that came to Lin Shen's mind at this moment.

   General Cat was as generous as ever.

   One shot is three Liuyang Talisman swords, plus the twelve Wuyin Talismans, the total value is nearly a hundred small skills!

   Not to mention there is an order to invite God!

  So Lin Shen stopped hesitating immediately and nodded in response.

   Tang Yue on the side was still wondering why Lin Shen wanted so many weapons, maybe they wanted to sell them.

  But she quickly put this matter behind her. When Lin Shen agreed to help, the girl suddenly showed a look of joy.

   "When are we going to leave?" Tang Yue asked impatiently.

  Lin Shen thought for a while and said, "Silverscale City and Linlong City are more than 200 kilometers apart. If we go there now, it might be dawn and it's not suitable for action. Let's start tomorrow morning."

  Paused, Lin Shen asked again: "Where's your companion?"

   "We're all waiting in Silverscale City!" Tang Yue replied.

  Lin Shen nodded slightly: "Then it's settled, we'll gather at the east gate tomorrow, by the way, do you have the order to leave the city?"

   "Yes." Tang Yue said without thinking, "The general gave us a talisman, which allows us to enter and exit Linlong City at will."

   No wonder Shen Jiangyue can travel between Silverscale City and Linlong City at will!

  Lin Shen couldn't help but glanced at General Mao. This **** is really powerful, and he can get the entry and exit talismans of Linlong City.

  After agreeing on the meeting time and place, Lin Shen left.

   And Tang Yue still stayed with General Mao.

  She glanced at General Mao, hesitated to speak.

  General Cat smiled lightly and said, "If you have any questions, just ask."

   Tang Yue showed hesitation, but finally couldn't help but speak out.

   "General, I don't doubt Lin Shen's strength, it's just that the target is very difficult this time. Shouldn't we find some more helpers?"

General Mao said with a smile: "After all, your existence is a bit conspicuous, so it's better not to be known by too many people. Lin Shen has already adopted Xiaoai before, and he has no prejudice against civets in the eyes of ordinary people. He is the best person to help you. "

   "As for strength."

  General Mao had a meaningful smile on his face, and his pupils were deep.

   "Although Lin Shen is only one person, if he really fights, if there are more than a dozen practitioners of the same cultivation level, I am afraid that none of them will be his opponent."

   Tang Yue was taken aback by what she said.

   More than a dozen practitioners of the same level are not opponents?

is it possible?

  No matter how high the martial arts attainments are, no matter how rich the combat experience is, one against four or one against five is usually the limit.

   One hit more than ten?

   No matter how you think about it, it's a bit mysterious!

  If it wasn't for Tang Yue's highly respected General Mao who said this, she would definitely think that the other party was talking nonsense.

  But because of this, she became more and more confused.

   Turning her head to look in the direction where Lin Shen left, Tang Yue suddenly felt that there seemed to be many mysteries hidden in this human cultivator.

  (end of this chapter)

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