MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 115 underground cave

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  Chapter 115 Underground Spirit Point

"What's wrong?"

  The disciple looked around suspiciously, not understanding why people around him looked at him with strange eyes.

  It wasn't until a friendly person ran to his ear and whispered something in a low voice that the disciple gave Lin Shen a look in disbelief, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly bowed his head and walked away.

  At this moment, the news that Lin Shen had mastered the martial arts at the Taoist realm and killed the white-eyed tiger demon at the Tongxuan realm had spread rapidly among the crowd.

  For a moment, countless eyes of amazement, astonishment and admiration focused on Lin Shen.

  Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian also knew the origin of the matter afterwards, and while they were amazed, they were also a little dumbfounded.

  Lin Shen is really Lin Shen, no matter where he goes, he can make some shocking big news.

  Among the crowd, Yan Jingren took a deep look at Lin Shen, turned and left.

  Lin Shen didn't stay any longer, and left the scene with Yang Zhongyi and Su Nian before the people who wanted to get close to the relationship came around.

  Back to Jiuyang Daoyuan, Lin Shen didn't go back to the wooden building immediately, but went straight to Gonggongyuan.

  In the last three days in the Longyuan Mountains, although not many monsters were hunted, the avatar practiced day and night, and Xing moved to the perfect state step by step.

  After the fusion, Yunlong Law has reached '75% of the Perfection Realm'.

   As long as Taxue Wuhen also cultivates to the perfect state, Yunlonglu can be promoted to the Taoist state!

  When he came to the Academy of Merit and Honor, Lin Shen first went to the mission hall and exchanged the merit card for success.

  The person on duty today is not Jiao Yu, but a girl from a strange face.

  Seeing that Lin Shen took out nine cards, and eight of them were full, the girl was dumbfounded on the spot.

   This was the first time she had seen a disciple of the Long Breath Realm holding so many meritorious deeds in exchange for meritorious deeds!

   Fortunately, she quickly recognized that the man was Lin Shen, who was recently popular in the Taoist Academy, so she suppressed her inner surprise and quickly registered him.

   After a while, one hundred and seventy-three small skills are in hand!

  Lin Shen then came to the exchange hall.

   Turning over the martial arts exchange list, his eyes first set on swordsmanship.

  In addition to palm technique, horizontal practice and body technique, he also plans to practice a weapon-type entry-level martial art.

   And in the case of already having the Perfect Realm Yangyang Sword Art, swordsmanship is undoubtedly the first choice.

   "However, the grade of Yangyang Sword Art is a bit low, and it is also at the same level as Shadow Follower. It is not suitable as the main body of fusion martial arts. It is better to choose a more powerful sword art!"

  Lin Shen suddenly thought of the Shenyang Nine Swords that Jiang Hao used when he killed the black-spotted tiger demon.

  That seems to be a good sword technique.

  He immediately looked at the list and quickly found his target.

  Shenyang Nine Swords, Twelve Minor Skills

   "Needs more feats than Meltdown!"

  Lin Shen raised his eyebrows in surprise, followed by great joy.

   The more meritorious deeds, the stronger the swordsmanship!

   Moreover, Lin Shen has also seen the power of the Nine Swords of Shenyang after being promoted to the Taoist realm.

  Jiang Hao has only cultivated to the point where the three yangs come out together, and he can already severely injure the tiger demon in the Tongxuan realm. If he cultivates to the point where the nine yangs come out, maybe he can kill the white-eyed tiger demon in the Tongxuan realm with a single sword?

  Thinking of this, Lin Shen no longer hesitated, and decisively decided to choose this sword technique.

  After that, Lin Shen chose three more sword techniques.

  Nanshan swordsmanship, two small skills

   Sand sinking swordsmanship, three minor skills

  Flying eagle swordsmanship, three minor skills

   After exchanging the four swordsmanship, it took a total of 20 small skills.

   Immediately afterwards, Lin Shen exchanged fifteen palm skills and five horizontal martial arts.

   When everything is done, there are only three minor merits left in his hand.

  Among the remaining horizontal martial arts skills on the exchange list, the one with the least requirement requires five minor skills.

   "Spending meritorious deeds is like running water, no amount of meritorious deeds is enough."

  Lin Shen couldn't help sighing.

   It took only a moment of effort, and the large sum of meritorious deeds that had just been obtained was almost spent.

   "But twenty martial arts are enough for me to practice for a while!"

  Lin Shen calculated in his mind that twenty palms and claws are enough to increase the progress of Melting Hand to 100%.

   At that time, there is still a lot of difference in practicing martial arts.

   It will take about eighty or ninety small skills to exchange.

  However, I don’t know how long the war in the Longyuan Mountains will last, so don’t even think about going there to perform missions for the time being.

  Looking at the lakes and swamps to the west of Linlong City, and the wilderness to the east, there are quite a few related tasks. If you really want to earn meritorious service, it is not impossible.

  But after thinking about it, Lin Shen decided not to perform the task for the time being, and to practice and integrate all the martial arts in his hands first.

   "It's a pity that the number of monsters in the west and east is too small, and the hunting efficiency is too low. It is not suitable for the talent effect of killing to prove the way."

  Lin Shen felt a little regretful, it seemed that during this period of time he could only practice in seclusion by himself.

  Calm down, Lin Shen thought for a while, and exchanged the remaining three minor skills for three Seven Star Swords.

  The only magic weapon he has in hand now is a six-yang talisman sword, and five talisman-level seven-star swords.

  However, with his own body and clones, there are seven in total, six weapons are not enough to use, and the remaining one can only use a hundred-level weapon.

   "It will be great when everyone can hold a Liuyang Talisman Sword!" Lin Shen secretly sighed.

   When he came back to his senses, he left the Academy of Merit with a bunch of martial arts cheats.

  Eight days later.

   Deep in the Longyeon Mountains.

  A huge Tianshu Flying Palace stands on the clouds.

  In the resplendent main hall, dozens of people sat facing each other.

  The man in the middle of the main seat had a long nose and wide forehead, eyes like a falcon, and his body was extremely majestic and burly, twice as big as that of ordinary people.

   And under a row of large gold and copper pillars on both sides, there are more than 20 people sitting on the left and right, and more than 500 disciples are standing outside the hall.

  Huo Enrong sat on the high platform, looked around with radiant eyes, and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, in a fierce battle in January, now the main force of the tiger tribe is gone, and all the remaining monsters are in the White Tiger Mountain in front. As long as the White Tiger Mountain is captured again and the tiger tribe's monsters are wiped out, this battle will be considered a complete victory. !"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene cheered up, showing expressions of eagerness to try.

  After repeated fierce battles, most of the Hubu's vital forces have been wiped out, even the patriarch Bai Xiao died under the hands of Elder Huo. Now it can be said that there are only a group of old and weak soldiers left in the Hubu, and it is easy to wipe out!

  The key is that Baihu Mountain is the home of the Tiger Department, and capturing it will add a lot to the credit book. This is undoubtedly a great credit at your fingertips.

  Huo Enrong saw it, his eyes flickered slightly.

He is one of the principals of the three Tianshu Flying Palaces, and he has the record of killing Bai Xiao, the chief of the Tiger Tribe. After the battle, he will be rewarded for his merits, no matter what, he will have a great contribution, so there is no need to share with others. People strive for success.

   After pondering for a moment, Huo Enrong looked at the two people on the left and right.

   "Fellow Daoist Yan, Fellow Daoist Xue, which of the two wants to go there in person?"

   Yan Jinting, who was sitting on the left, looked up at Xue Sizhuang, his eyes flickered and said:

   "Fellow Daoist Xue led the crowd to kill more than a dozen monster monks yesterday, but their aura has not recovered. Why don't you let me do this trip?"

  Xue Sizhuang stroked his beard when he heard the words, without any waves on his face, he said with a smile: "Then I will trouble you, Fellow Daoist Yan."

  Yan Jinting smiled faintly, stood up and saluted Huo Enrong and Xue Sizhuang, and Shi Shi ran out of the hall.

  Accompanied by a long howl, a white-feathered harrier spread its wings and flew towards him, landed at his feet, let him step on its back, and flew downward.

  At the same time, four or five people in the main hall stood up and left the Fei Palace together with thirty or forty disciples outside the hall. They turned into streamers and followed Yan Jinting closely, rushing towards Baihu Mountain aggressively.

   These people are all members of the Yan family without exception, and they are also the background of the Yan family in Jiuyangzong.

  Looking at the dozens of rays of light going away, Xue Sizhuang slightly shook his head.

  The Yan family is really not as good as before!

   One of the five famous families, this time they fought against the Hubu, but only six monks were selected.

   You must know that the Yang family and the Xue family, both of the five famous families, have dispatched more than ten monks this time.

  Since the patriarch of the previous generation passed away, the Yan family has not produced a Xuanguangqi monk for thirty years. Even Yan Zhongrong, who is the current patriarch, is only in the late stage of Yunling, and has never been able to break through the most critical threshold.

  To this day, the backbone of the Yan family's generation is no longer worthy of the prestige of the five famous families of the family, and it is all supported by the foundation left by the past.

   If there is no change, within ten years, the Yan family may be replaced by the top ten families, and thus fall to the ranks of the famous families.

  If that kind of situation really happens, those families who were suppressed by the Yan family before will probably jump out impatiently and add insult to injury.

   "Days change and moons change," Xue Sizhuang whispered imperceptibly.

  Huo Enrong raised his head and glanced at him, then retracted his gaze and closed his eyes to rest.

  After leaving Feigong, Yan Jinting led his people to Baihu Mountain.

  Before the Nine Yang Sect's repeated suppression, the monster cultivators of the tiger tribe had died in battle, and not a single high-ranking demon cultivator was left.

  The demon cultivators who are still staying in Baihu Mountain at this moment, except for those who are seriously injured and are recuperating, there are only a few Yunling early stage, and they are not opponents of Yan Jinting and others at all.

   After fighting for more than a quarter of an hour, all demon cultivators were killed.

  A group of monks from the Yan family almost reached the cave on the top of Baihu Mountain with overwhelming momentum.


With a wave of Yan Jinting's sleeve robe, several monsters blocking the way burst into blood mist instantly, but he didn't even look at it, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of a tiger monster who was in a hurry to escape. Hold the latter's neck.

  The tiger demon was majestic and majestic, with a ferocious aura, obviously strong, but in Yan Jinting's hands, it was like a chicken that was strangled by the neck, unable to raise any strength to resist.

  Yan Jinting glanced over the tiger demon, and suddenly let out a low sigh.

   "Such a strong Baitong blood, who is Bai Xiao to you?"

  Although the tiger demon's life is in the hands of others, he is also stubborn. Hearing this, he snorted coldly and did not answer.

  Yan Jinting's eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly: "Looking at the concentration of your blood, you are probably a direct descendant of that beast."

  As soon as the words came out, the tiger demon was really fooled, his face flushed immediately, and he said angrily:

   "You are not allowed to insult my father!"

   "Bai Xiao's son?" Yan Jinting chuckled, "I didn't expect that the evildoer I caught at random was actually Bai Xiao's son. That's great. I just have something to ask you."

   After a pause, Yan Jinting glanced at the tiger demon glaring at him, and a cold smile flashed across his face.

   "But you don't seem to be able to answer me obediently, so don't waste that effort, just search for the answer from your Yuanling!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Yan Zhongrong's other palm had already pressed the tiger demon's celestial cover.

  The next moment, I saw the tiger demon's eyes suddenly bulging, his face contorted, and his body twitching violently like an electric shock.

  It lasted for quite a while before the tiger demon twitched violently, followed by his body limp, and the spirit in his eyes quickly dissipated.

  Yan Jinting threw away the corpse casually, his face filled with surprise at some point.

   "Underground spiritual cave! There is actually an underground spiritual cave hidden deep in the Longyuan Mountains!"

   "It's no wonder that this Hubu is obviously far inferior to Linlongcheng in strength, but it is uncharacteristically provocative. It turned out that it was to open up the underground spiritual acupoint. Hey, it's a pity that the clan was exterminated before it could fulfill its long-cherished wish!"

   "Poor Bears and Pythons, those two groups of idiots, were dragged into the water without knowing anything, sacrificed in vain, and now this underground spiritual cave is cheaper for us!"

  Yan Jinting narrowed his eyes slightly, standing where he was, his expression fluctuating.


  The sound of clothes ripping through the air came, and a disciple of the Yan family stepped into the courtyard, walked quickly behind Yan Jinting, bowed and said:

   "Elder, all the monsters in the cave who dared to resist have been killed, and the rest have been captured and await punishment!"

  The disciple said respectfully, but there was no response for a long time. He couldn't help but wondered in his heart, and was about to look up to see what was going on, when he heard Yan Jinting's cold voice.

   "Kill them all!"

   "Ah? Chief, Elder."

  The disciple looked up in astonishment, thinking he had heard wrong.

  The resistance forces in the Baihu Mountain Cave Mansion have already perished, and the remaining monster races are nothing to worry about. According to the past practice, they are usually captured and signed a slave contract, and assigned as slaves to drive them away.

  Even if you don’t use it yourself, you can sell it for a large sum of spirit stones.

  The Jiuyang family has a great business, and manpower is used in many places, and the slaves of the Yaozu do not have to worry about selling.

   This is also the main reason why Yan Jinting took the initiative to attack Baihu Mountain in the first place.

  As the first aristocratic family to conquer Baihu Mountain Cave Mansion, they have a lot of hands and feet to deal with slaves. They can take a group of slaves secretly.

  But now Yan Jinting ordered to kill all the prisoners?

  The loss of the Yan family is still secondary, but how will they explain it to the sect in the future?

  However, before the disciple finished speaking, Yan Jinting suddenly turned around, stared at him coldly, and said word by word:

   "Didn't you hear my order clearly? Kill all the captives! No one left!"

  The disciple shuddered at Shang Yan Jinting's icy gaze, and hurriedly bowed his head in response.

   "Yes, Elder Yan, I, I will pass the order!"

   After finishing speaking, he hurriedly left the courtyard.

   It was not until the figure of the disciple disappeared at the gate of the courtyard that Yan Jinting withdrew his gaze. Looking around, his expression became firm.

  He flicked his robe sleeves violently, and a large wave of flames surged out in an instant, quickly sweeping towards all directions, engulfing everything he encountered along the way.

   In a blink of an eye, Nuo Da's courtyard turned into a sea of ​​flames!

  (end of this chapter)

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