MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 113 Natural genius! Bomb to kill the Tongxuan Realm!

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  Chapter 113 Born a Wizard! Bomb to kill the Tongxuan Realm!

  The sudden change immediately attracted everyone's attention.

  Even a few tiger demons cast surprised glances, not understanding why Bai Teng was so angry.

   Lin Shen's murderous aura made Lin Shen wake up immediately, and turned to look at Bai Teng who was rushing towards him with murderous aura. He was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized.

   Don't blame him for being blind.

  In fact, the appearance of the white-eyed tiger demons looks similar.

  Who knew that one of the white-eyed tiger monsters surrounding the tower happened to be the guy he slapped that day?


  Bai Teng landed heavily, his heavy and strong body punched a deep hole in the ground, and he slapped away a monster blocking the way, staring at Lin Shen with red eyes, with a ferocious sneer on his face.

   "Boy, let me find you! Last time you hurt my enemy, I still remember it clearly, today I must smash you to pieces!"

  Lin Shen was speechless for a while.

   Didn't I just slap you, as if I met someone who killed my father and enemy?

   Besides, didn’t I also get clawed by you?

  When Lin Shen secretly complained in his heart, Xie Jingsheng and the others shook their heads in unison.

   What did they hear?

  Lin Shen ever wounded that white-eyed tiger demon? !

How can it be?

  The other party is a demon clan in the Tongxuan Realm!

  Cultivators of the Long Breath Realm met the monsters of the Tongxuan Realm, and they were lucky to be able to survive, and it was a no-brainer to injure the opponent!

  If it was Lin Shen who said this, everyone would definitely think he was bragging.

  But it was the white-eyed tiger demon who said this. They wouldn't lie to expose their shortcomings, would they?

   After a while, all the disciples looked at Lin Shen full of astonishment!

   Fierce man!

  You can even injure the monsters in the Tongxuan Realm!

  Bai Teng quickly sensed the sight of his surroundings, and immediately realized that he seemed to have exposed the shame of being hurt by the long-breathing practitioners, and immediately became angry from embarrassment, stopped talking, and slammed towards Lin Shen to kill him.

Facing the monsters in the Tongxuan Realm, Lin Shen didn't dare to use his unsatisfactory palm technique anymore. He immediately took out the Liuyang Talisman Sword, swung the sword to stir up a large wave of fire and swept forward, and at the same time cast the Law of the Cloud and Dragon, and his figure flashed towards Back away far away.

  Bai Teng missed a hit, and his heart became more and more annoyed.

   If he hadn't been seriously injured in the battle with Jiang Hao, the blow just now would definitely kill this kid!

  The defeat under the watchful eyes of everyone made Bai Teng furious, and the fierceness in his bones was completely aroused. He immediately roared, and a ferocious aura suddenly surged from his body.

  Under the horrified gazes of the surrounding disciples, countless pale winds condensed out of thin air, wrapping around Bai Teng's body.

  The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger!

  The tiger demon is already good at controlling the wind, and the tiger demon with the help of the strong wind is even more powerful.

  Bai Teng leaped forward suddenly, his speed was more than twice as fast as before, and the whole body was like a blurred pale shadow, which flew towards Lin Shen in an instant, and his sharp claws smashed towards his head with the fierce wind!

  Even if they were far away, the surrounding disciples could feel the horror of this blow!

   It can be foreseen that once hit by this claw head-on, even if Lin Shen possesses powerful horizontal martial arts skills, it will be unreasonable!

  High in the sky, Xie Jingsheng and Mu Chuanhua saw this scene, and both of them changed their expressions.

   The two wanted to rescue them, but they were held back by the opponent's tiger demon, unable to escape, they could only watch Bai Teng's claws fall.

  At this moment, many disciples couldn't help showing expressions of impatience.

   The expected scene of Lin Shen's blood splattering did not appear!

   In the next second, the golden light suddenly flourished.

  Amid the astonished gazes of everyone, a dazzling dark golden light suddenly lit up on Lin Shen, and a layer of illusory light and shadow as vivid as armor emerged out of thin air, enveloping him completely!

  Bai Teng's razor-sharp claws then bombarded the light and shadow of the golden armor, making a sound of gold and iron clashing.

  Under the eyes of everyone, Lin Shen just swayed his body lightly, and immediately pulled out the Liuyang Talisman Sword with his backhand as if nothing had happened, and swung the sword towards Bai Teng's neck!

  The people around were suddenly dumbfounded, their eyes straightened.

  Xie Jingsheng showed astonishment.

  Mu Chuanhua was even more shocked and exclaimed.

   "Entering Dao Realm Martial Skills!"

  The self-generated visions during the performance of martial arts, even light and shadow clusters like magic spells, this is a characteristic only in the Taoist realm!

  The dreamlike phantom of the golden armor on Lin Shen's body is clearly the external manifestation of martial arts at the Dao realm!

  Xie Jingsheng and Mu Chuanhua were shocked for a moment.

  They never expected that Lin Shen would have cultivated Dao-level martial arts in the Long-breathing state!

  Equally shocked and inexplicable, there are still two directors who are at the bottom of the tower.

   The two looked at each other, and both could see the shock and amazement in each other's eyes.

   "Long-breathing state can master martial arts at the Dao state and a natural genius!"

  Shi Zhizhang took a light breath, his expression filled with uncontrollable amazement.

  The other leader nodded with the same inexplicable expression, and withdrew the sword talisman in his hand.

  As early as when Bai Teng was going to kill Lin Shen, he was already ready for rescue.

  The other disciples are fine, but Lin Shen is the disciple that the principal is optimistic about, and he is also a hot talent in the Taoist Academy recently, so he must not have any accidents here.

   It's just that before he had time to do it, he saw the scene of Lin Shen displaying the martial arts at the Dao Realm, and the shock in his heart should not be too strong!

  Cultivators in the Long-breathing Realm master martial arts at the Dao Realm. This is something that only exists in theory!

   At least in Linlong City, he has never heard of anyone who can do it.

  Even Su Liuying, who was so talented that he crushed the entire Daoist academy back then, did not master the martial arts at the Dao state until he was promoted to the Mingqiao state.

  Lin Shen's performance at the moment can't be described as shocking!

  Thinking of this, the two directors became more curious about Lin Shen, and decided to put down the idea of ​​making a move temporarily, intending to see how Lin Shen planned to deal with the Profound Realm Tiger Demon.

   With the martial arts practiced at the Taoist realm, even if Lin Shen is no match for the seriously injured white-eyed tiger demon, self-protection should not be a problem.

  At this moment, countless eyes focused on Lin Shen.

  Even the three-headed tiger demon in the sky couldn't help casting a horrified look.

  They never thought that one day they could actually see Dao-level martial arts in a long-breathing-level practitioner!

  When did the Nine Yang Sect produce such a talented young disciple?

  Bai Teng was equally astonished at this moment.

  However, what surprised him wasn't that Lin Shen possessed Dao-level martial arts. After all, he was injured by Lin Shen's Dao-level martial arts at the beginning, how could he not know this?

   What surprised him was what Lin Shen used at this time. It was not the Dao-level martial art that injured him back then, but another kind!

  This human kid actually mastered two kinds of martial arts at the same time? !

  Bai Teng's heart set off a huge wave.

  However, he couldn't help being immersed in shock at this moment. As Lin Shen swung his sword, a wave of unparalleled sword energy hit his neck!

  Caught off guard, Bai Teng could only fall back with his upper body.

  Although he avoided the injury to the vitals of his neck, the scorching wound on his chest and abdomen received a severe blow from the sword, and the injuries continued to increase. The intense pain made Bai Teng let out a miserable howl.

  The severe pain made Bai Teng even more furious, and he swung his claws at Lin Shen regardless.

  His weapon was damaged in the fierce battle with Jiang Hao, and now he can only fight with a pair of fleshy palms.

  However, although the bodies of the monsters in the Tongxuan Realm are extremely powerful, they are still not comparable to magic weapons, let alone the Liuyang Talisman Sword is a middle-grade magic weapon.

  After several head-on encounters, Bai Teng's sharp claws had a few scorched black gaps, and he suffered a lot.

   "Damn boy!"

  Bai Teng roared again and again.

  Lin Shen didn't change his face. Relying on the strong defense of the forbidden gold armor in the Taoist Realm, he wasn't too afraid of Bai Teng who was unarmed. He counterattacked repeatedly with the long sword in his hand, leaving wounds on Bai Teng's body.

  Although these wounds seemed insignificant to the Tongxuan Realm demon clan, they could not stand up and add up. Bai Teng, who was already seriously injured, soon felt a slight sense of weakness gradually coming from his body.

  Bai Teng woke up instantly, knowing that if he continued to fight, even if he was undefeated by the kid in front of him, he would lose the last chance to escape, so he gritted his teeth and made up his mind quickly.


  The deafening roar of the tiger resounded through the forest.

  Accompanied by the sound of rolling thunder and howling wind at the same time.

Countless pale evil winds blew up out of nowhere on the top of the mountain in an instant, and several disciples and monsters who couldn't dodge were touched by the evil wind, and before they could even scream, they were scratched and shattered instantly, and exploded into a **** mist !

  Seeing this horrifying scene, the expressions of the nearby disciples changed drastically, and they scrambled back.

  Even the monsters were terrified and whimpered away.

  In the blink of an eye, the mountaintop where Lin Shen and Bai Teng were located was filled with bad wind.

   Looking into the eyes, what I saw was pale, flying sand and rocks, roaring loudly, and I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

at the same time.

   Surrounded by the evil wind, Lin Shen immediately sensed that a strange force was constantly eroding the golden armor phantom on his body.

  In just two or three breaths, the phantom of the golden armor dimmed a bit visible to the naked eye.

  Following this trend, in less than two minutes, the phantom of the golden armor will probably be unsustainable and disappear invisible!

  Lin Shen was terrified when he saw this.

   Obviously, this should be the ultimate move of the white-eyed tiger demon.

   After all, during the fierce battle with Jiang Hao, the white-eyed tiger demon never used this move even though he was injured, probably because of any sequelae or side effects.

   This will be displayed, obviously determined to kill him!

   Even so, Lin Shen did not show any fear on his face, but looked around solemnly.

   Soon, the ear-piercing sound of sharp claws tearing the air came from the right rear.

  Bai Teng emerged from the evil wind, and charged towards Lin Shen with a ferocious face.

  As Lin Shen guessed, Bone Erosion Swinging Wind is his strongest hole card, and it is also the mysterious ability he awakened after he was promoted to the Tongxuan Realm.

   It's just that this ability is powerful, but once it is used, it can only last for three or four minutes at most. After that, he will fall into weakness due to excessive consumption. It is a trick that is either you die or I live!

  Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Bai Teng seldom uses bone erosion.

   "As long as I kill this kid before the bone-eroding wind disappears, I can escape here under the cover of the strong wind!"

   "Bone erosion has the effect of obscuring perception, even those two practitioners in the clear aperture state can't stop me from leaving!"

   Thoughts flashed through his mind, Bai Teng grinned with a grin.

   But at this moment, he suddenly saw Lin Shen turning around and smiling at him.

  Bai Teng's heart skipped a beat, and before he could figure out what Lin Shen meant, the latter's figure suddenly blurred.

  Under Bai Teng's horrified gaze, Lin Shen suddenly split into seven.

"What's this?!"

  Bai Teng was terrified, showing disbelief.

  Spell? Doppelgänger?

   But the reality no longer left him room for surprise, and in the next second, seven 'Lin Shen' jumped apart and surrounded him from all directions.

  In a blink of an eye, seven people raised their hands and waved their palms at the same time.

  In an instant, a dazzling red light emerged rapidly, and quickly condensed into a giant hand about ten feet long. With a mighty aura and a roiling heat wave, it smashed towards Bai Teng like a mountain and a sea!

  Enter Dao Realm Melting Soldiers!

  Based on his previous experience, Bai Teng has been secretly guarding against Lin Shen's Melting Hand, but when he broke his head, he never thought that Lin Shen would be cloned, and he would face seven Melting Hands at the same time!

  Seeing seven huge red giant palms attacking from all directions at the same time, Bai Teng finally showed despair in his eyes.



  The deafening roar interrupted Bai Teng's desperate cry!

  Seven red giant palms submerged Bai Teng's tall body in an instant, and the turbulent and fiery palm strength and flames exploded suddenly, and a shock wave ripple visible to the naked eye spread around the collision point as the core!

   On the bottom floor of the tower, the two directors stood up suddenly, staring at the distant mountain, and frowning.

   "Bone erosion! I didn't expect this white-eyed tiger demon to hide such a trick!"

   "What should I do? Do you want to take action?"

  Shi Zhizhi only hesitated for a moment, then nodded decisively.


Although it has long been stated that he would not easily intervene in the battle between his disciples and monsters, Lin Shen has a special status after all, and the cultivation of the enemy's monsters at the Tongxuan Realm has long been far beyond the scope of the disciples at the Long Breathing Realm. Don't be afraid of being criticized and favored.

  After making a decision, the two directors left the tower immediately without delay.

  But in the next second, the two of them stopped suddenly, and they both raised their heads to look towards the direction of the mountain, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

  Looking at it, the pale and evil wind permeating the mountaintop was dyed with layers of crimson at some point, as if a round of shining sun was about to break out from inside!

  The next moment, a burst of earth-shattering roar burst out suddenly.

  The whole mountain seemed to tremble, and the boundless and turbulent crimson air wave broke through the strong wind and swept around, sweeping away the pale evil wind covering the mountain in an instant!

  The disciples and monsters who were fighting stopped at the same time, staring at the top of the mountain with wide-eyed eyes.

  I saw that the restored empty mountain was already devastated, with potholes everywhere, cracks everywhere, and scorched gravel scattered all over the ground.

   And in the center of the mess everywhere, there are two figures standing.

  Lin Shen stood upright, holding a talisman sword, with a relaxed and calm attitude.

   Looking at the opposite side, there is a body that is scorched and black, and the original appearance can hardly be seen.

   Who is not Bai Teng?


  A gust of wind blew by, Bai Teng's scorched body swayed a few times, and fell to the ground, motionless and soundless.

  (end of this chapter)

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