MTL - My Avatar Has Entries-Chapter 110 none of your business

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  Chapter 110 None of Your Business

  As soon as the orders of the three upper court disciples were issued, all the heavenly and earth-level disciples cheered up.

  Lin Shen is no exception.

   Originally thought that there would be a fierce battle after entering the Longyuan Mountains. Who would have thought that he would not need to take action from the beginning to the end.

  Lin Shen is also not good at being the first bird, breaking the tacit understanding and insisting on playing, so he had to sit down like other disciples at the heaven and earth level.

   Fortunately, the avatar has been practicing in his mind, so it didn't waste time.

  After these days, Xing Yibu has already cultivated to the level of Dacheng.

   And now, the days of waiting are finally coming to an end.

  As the tower goes deeper into the Longyuan Mountains, it's time for them, the heavenly and earth-level disciples, to make their debut.

   Not long after, the tower stopped over a bare hill.

  The corresponding mountain peaks soon appeared on the landscape map.

  Looking intently, the number of light clusters on the mountain this time is much more than any previous one, no less than 300 by visual inspection.

  And among them, the number of red light groups accounted for 60 to 70%.

   There are also seven or eight clusters of blood red color, which obviously represent the monsters in the late stage of the Ascension Realm.

  Xie Jingsheng raised his hand slightly, and saw that the image on the landscape map changed quickly again, as if the clouds and mists were layered away, a mountain view overlooking from a high altitude emerged out of thin air, and then sharply approached and zoomed in.

   In the blink of an eye, a scene of a hundred white-eyed demon tigers gathering together and staring at the sky appeared in front of everyone.

   "From here on, it's a real tough battle."

  Xie Jingsheng looked at the heaven-level disciples and earth-level disciples on the left and right, and said with a smile:

   "Let's let the younger brothers and sisters take the trip this time."

   There are about 200 Ascension Realm monsters below. No matter if they are heaven-level disciples or earth-level disciples, they are obviously not opponents if they attack alone, and the best choice is to attack together.

  Everyone at the scene also understood this point, and they should be in unison.

   Soon, a group of heaven-level and earth-level disciples rode the clouds and descended to the mountain below.

  Xie Jingsheng, Mu Chuanhua and Jiang Hao sat in their original places.

  A mere feathered monster is not worth the three of them.

   What they really have to deal with is the Tongxuan Realm monster.

  Going all the way, it will be a matter of time before they encounter Tong Xuan Realm monsters. What they have to do is to recharge their batteries and prepare for the next big battle.

  The Huang-level disciples and Xuan-level disciples present also held their breaths, staring intently at the light and shadow scene of the landscape map.

In a blink of an eye, the fifty disciples rode the clouds and flew to within 20 meters of the top of the mountain. Before the clouds and mist descended, many disciples impatiently slapped Zhang Feiyu Talismans on their bodies, and then leaped forward, aggressively killing the monsters .

  Watching this scene, Xie Jingsheng couldn't help but laugh.

   "It seems that all the younger brothers and sisters are very motivated."

   "Isn't that a good thing." Mu Chuanhua said with a smile, his eyes narrowed, "In this way, we can save some effort before the monsters in the Tongxuan Realm appear."

  Xie Jingsheng smiled and nodded.

  Jiang Hao on the side pouted, but didn't answer.

  The fighting on the mountain peaks soon became fierce!

Among the heavenly and earth-level disciples who shot, the weakest one has the strength of the seventh level of long-breathing, and has practiced in the Taoist monastery for three years. Singled out three or four monsters in the middle of the Ascension Realm!

  Even against monsters in the late stage of the Feathering Realm, fighting alone is a sure win!

  Thus, although the monster beasts had an advantage in numbers, they gradually became the disadvantaged party as time went by, retreating steadily under the fierce attack of the Taoist disciples.


  Amidst the sharp and short sound of breaking through the air, Lin Shen's five fingers hooked into claws, and he grabbed the head of a white-eyed demon tiger like lightning.

  The latter's skull, as hard as iron, was as fragile as tofu under Lin Shen's claws, and it was instantly pierced and broken, leaving five shocking finger holes, from which blood gushed out like a spring.

   Before the screams could be heard, the white-eyed demon tiger fell to the ground in an instant, dying.

In order to trigger the talent effect of killing and proving the Tao more efficiently, Lin Shen did not use the Liuyang Talisman Sword, but directly used various palm and claw skills that have not yet been perfected to fight against the enemy. These are all martial arts that these geniuses have just started with.

  Although the martial arts displayed are far from powerful, and the state is not too deep, but with the cultivation of the seventh level of long breath, there are still few monsters that can survive ten rounds under Lin Shen's hands.

  In just four or five minutes, Lin Shen killed more than ten monsters.

   This kind of performance is not outstanding among the disciples, but it is quite satisfactory.

   It's just that in the eyes of some people, it doesn't match Lin Shen's reputation.

   "Strange, isn't it said that Lin Shen's martial arts attainments are very high, why doesn't it look like it?"

   "That's right, I remember that in the previous disciple level challenge, Lin Shen also performed Yangyang Sword Art, and he still used the Liuyang Talisman Sword. Why is he unarmed now?"

   "This martial skill looks like a piercing iron claw?"

   "The claw skill that is worth three minor skills? Didn't Lin Shen practice the melting hand, why didn't he use this martial skill?"

  The disciples in the tower were discussing a lot, and many people showed doubts at the same time.

  Most of them have personally seen Lin Shen's performance in the challenge of the disciple level. No matter how jealous they were on the surface at the time, deep down they had to admit that Lin Shen's martial arts attainments far surpassed those of the same level of practitioners.

   It is precisely because of this that many people are puzzled by this scene.

  Xie Jingsheng and Mu Chuanhua also had doubts in their eyes.

   They didn't go to the scene to watch the lower court disciple level challenge, but they also heard rumors about Lin Shen afterwards, but it seemed that it was far from Lin Shen's performance now.

  Jiang Hao looked at it for a while, curled his lips, and said with disdain:

   "I thought the rumored civilian genius was so outstanding, but I didn't expect it to be nothing more than that!"

  Xie Jingsheng frowned slightly when he heard the words, and glanced at Jiang Hao with deep eyes.

  He knew that Jiang Hao thought highly of himself, was always proud of his family blood, and looked down on the common people in the monastery, but most of the time he buried it in his heart and would not speak out.

   But right now, he is so bluntly showing contempt and disdain for Lin Shen, most likely because of his influence.

  A month ago, the headquarter of the Nine Sun Sect's Shanmen gave a batch of Golden Sudden Pills. Due to the limited quantity, only three of the top ten disciples could get the Golden Sudden Pills.

   For this reason, the top ten disciples also had a private discussion to decide the ownership of Jin Sui Pill.

  In that contest, Jiang Hao was defeated by Xie Jingsheng, and missed Jin Sui Dan.

  Jiang Hao originally disliked Xie Jingsheng who was not from a noble family, and after this incident, he secretly hated him.

  As for the scene where Xie Jingsheng showed affection to Lin Shen just now, Jiang Hao also saw it, and it was probably because of this that he had his eyes on Lin Shen, so he belittled Lin Shen.

  Thoughts turned, Xie Jingsheng murmured: "Since Junior Brother Lin can be promoted to a prefecture-level disciple, there is no need to question his strength. I guess he may have some considerations."

  Jiang Hao sneered when he heard the words, and said: "What considerations can there be? Right now, he is fighting with the monsters of the Tiger tribe, and it is not a competition between disciples. Does he still want to hide his clumsiness and keep his hand?"

   "Since that's the case, I'll find out if I ask Junior Brother Lin later."

  Xie Jingsheng smiled slightly, and did not argue with Jiang Hao, and lightly dismissed this topic with one sentence.

   Seeing this, Jiang Hao snorted lightly, and didn't say any more.

  Mu Chuanhua watched the confrontation between the two with a smile, without interfering, and just sat quietly by the side watching the play from beginning to end.

  He didn't want to have a bad relationship with Xie Jingsheng, but he also didn't want to offend a narrow-minded guy like Jiang Hao, so the two didn't help each other and stood on the sidelines.

  Even Mu Chuanhua was like this, and the rest of the disciples didn't dare to intervene.

  The battle on the mountain came to an end soon.

   All the monsters were wiped out without accident, and the price paid by the Taoist disciples was only that one of them was accidentally torn in the chest and abdomen by the claws of the white-eyed monster, and was seriously injured.

   Having said that, with the physical strength of a long-breathing practitioner, coupled with the restoration of the elixir, it will take up to four or five days to recover.

   And the most indispensable thing on the tower at this time is the pill.

  For this war, the Pill Pavilion of Jiuyang Taoist Academy has stored a large number of elixirs for recovering injuries and true qi on the tower, which is enough to sustain the consumption of the disciples for several months.

  The disciples who returned in triumph returned to the tower with their heads held high, ready to receive the cheers of the crowd, but what they received was a strange silence.

  Even the dullest person could sense something was wrong with the atmosphere.

   Soon, they discovered the source of this weird atmosphere—the left-behind Xuan-level Huang-level disciples kept looking back and forth between Lin Shen and the three disciples of the upper court.

  Lin Shen also noticed this, but he didn't care, and calmly returned to his seat and sat down.

  As soon as he sat down, Xie Jingsheng turned to him and asked with a smile:

   "Junior brother Lin, just now I saw that the martial arts you used didn't seem to be commonly used. Why?"

  Hearing this, Lin Shen still didn't understand what was going on, but the disciples of the Upper Court had been staring at him just now.

  Shaking his head with a smile in his heart, Lin Shenming remained calm and said with a smile:

   "I have practiced a few new martial arts recently, so I want to take this opportunity to hone them in actual combat."

  The voice fell, and before Xie Jingsheng could speak, Jiang Hao glanced at him first, and said with a snort:

"You just performed Iron Claw and Golden Goose Kungfu, right? These two martial arts are not even ranked in the middle of the Taoist martial arts. You have Melting Hand and Shadow Follower, and you still need to practice Iron Claw. And Jin Yangong?"

  Lin Shen glanced at Jiang Hao, and was keenly aware of the hostility towards him in the latter's words. Although he wondered why Jiang Hao wanted to find fault with him, Lin Shen didn't intend to get used to him, and immediately said with a smile:

   "Why, does the Taoist Academy still stipulate that disciples cannot practice multiple martial arts of the same kind?"

  Jiang Hao's expression froze.

  The monastery of course does not have such regulations.

   It's just that usually no disciple would do such a thankless thing that is a waste of time and energy.

   It can be said so, but it is untenable to question Lin Shen with this, so Jiang Hao can only swallow this breath aggrieved.

  Who would have thought that Lin Shen continued:

   "I didn't expect Brother Jiang to care about me so much, even worrying about what martial arts I practiced. I really care about the younger generation!"

  The tone is sincere, it sounds like he is praising Jiang Hao, but anyone who is not stupid can hear the subtext here—it's none of your business!

   Few of the disciples present were idiots, and they immediately showed different expressions when they heard the words.

  Mu Chuanhua's cheeks twitched slightly, and the fat on his face was squeezed into a ball, obviously holding back a smile.

  Many lower court disciples also tightly pursed the corners of their mouths, afraid of laughing out loud, and at the same time cast admiration and admiration at Lin Shen.

  Dare to confront the upper court disciples so positively, Lin Shen is quite brave enough!

  Looking at Jiang Hao again, his face was already extremely livid, and his palms were tightly gripping the handle of the chair, so hard that his knuckles turned white, which showed how annoyed he was.

  Since he was promoted to the upper court, no disciple of the lower court has dared to be so presumptuous in front of him!

  This **** mud leg!

  Just when Jiang Hao couldn't hold back his anger and wanted to explode, Xie Jingsheng made a sound in time and said with a smile:

   "I also admire Junior Brother Jiang very much. When he is busy practicing, he always cares for the younger generation. He is indeed a role model for us!"

  Xie Jingsheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp. While cutting off the timing of Jiang Hao's attack, he also stabbed him secretly, and then raised his hand, as if to expose the matter naturally.

   "Go ahead and try to clear up two more mountains before sunset!"

  As his voice fell, the tower rumbled and trembled, and continued to soar forward.

  Jiang Hao was so angry that his face became livid, but it was inappropriate to have another attack at this time, and there was no excuse, so he could only give Lin Shen a hard look, and gave up resentfully.

  Lin Shen didn't care, turned his eyes away and ignored it, and turned to check the gains of this battle.

  Because he didn't go all out, he only killed more than 20 monsters in this battle.

   The talent effect of Proving Dao by Killing was only triggered once, but the increase rate was astonishing. It directly increased the progress of Guan Tieshou's realm by 25%!

  Lin Shen was not surprised either.

  He had already discovered this pattern during his training in the Longyuan Mountains some time ago.

  The lower the rank and state of a martial skill, the more obvious the improvement after triggering the talent effect of killing and proving the way.

  And with the improvement of his cultivation base, the benchmark of this low-level martial skill will be further improved.

  For example, when his cultivation base is only the fourth or fifth level of long breath, low-level martial arts such as wolf soul claw and iron hand, the trigger increase rarely exceeds 15% at the entry level.

  But after his cultivation base reached the seventh level of long breath, the low-level entry-level martial arts often increased by about 20% at a time, and sometimes even directly increased by 25% like just now.

   It can be foreseen that after he breaks through to the Mingqiao Realm, killing a Profound Realm monster triggers the talent effect of killing and proving the Dao, and maybe a low-level martial skill can directly break through to a big realm!

  Thinking of this, Lin Shen couldn't help feeling hot.

   After calming down, he closed his eyes and began to recharge his batteries.

  After what happened just now, all the disciples didn't dare to talk loudly anymore, and the martial arts field fell into an eerie silence. Xie Jingsheng didn't give the order until the tower reached the next hill.

   It was still the heaven-level disciples and the earth-level disciples who made the move.

  Lin Shen got up, jumped out of the tower, and fell from the sky under the support of clouds and mist.

  He wants to take advantage of this battle to integrate a Dao-level movement technique and lightness kung fu!

  (end of this chapter)

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