MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 724 724 Life and Death III

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   Chapter 724 724 Life and Death III

   Instant Tower.

  On the broad brown platform, Taki's huge body slowly came to life.

   "It's still not dead!?"

  His huge computing power and terrifying evil spirit monitoring range allowed him to calculate the situation of the blood king in an instant.

  In Daling, there are also infiltration agents sent by him, and the subtle traces and information passed by the agents at this time.

  He knew right away that the Blood King was still alive.

   "Variable. Is that strange variable again?"

   Taki was in doubt.

  But at this moment, after using the atomic sequence sword twice in succession, he has no energy left to continue strangling the blood king.

   It can indeed use the Atomic Sequence Sword as a hole card again, but for him who is slow to accumulate strength, he needs at least decades of accumulation to make a move again.

   He couldn't recover his full strength quickly like the Blood King.

   This is the characteristic of pure self-power. The power that is too pure is an existence with extremely high density. If it wants to recover, it is far slower than other types.

   But the advantage is that pure power is extremely powerful.

  Taki lay prone on the platform and did not move.

  He understood that in this fight, both he and the blood king had already shown their cards.

  He couldn't kill the Blood King, and the Blood King had nothing to do with him.

   "End all extermination operations against the blood alliance." He thought for a while, and finally spoke out.

   On the three high platforms around the platform, the three evil kings were silent for a while, obviously understanding the reason.

   "Blood King, isn't this dead?!" Ofega's lips parted slightly, a little shocked.

   "Master Taki killed him 972,323 times, and finally used a powerful sword move to cut off a bloodline, unexpectedly...!?" Ming knew the height of Taki's strength better than Ofega, and his heart was even more shocked at this time.

"But no matter what, the blood king has definitely suffered a serious injury. That sword cut off not only the vitality of flesh and blood, but also all the spiritual consciousness in it. It must be difficult for him to recover!" Ofega quickly After recovering, he said in a low voice.

   "That's the end of the matter. Indeed, as you said, the forbidden power I used can cause a devastating blow to his consciousness. So even if it is him, it will take time to restore his full glory." Taki said lightly.

  He now has a faint feeling of urgency.

  Before this, he had absolute certainty, absolute confidence, and believed that he could crush everything in an instant.

  Everything in the world is like the pattern in the palm of your hand, and you know it like the palm of your hand.

  But since the blood king was born, the smile on his mouth gradually faded, until now, it completely disappeared.

  Although Zhang Rongfang has not been able to touch his own level, an opponent who cannot be killed or completely destroyed is, after all, difficult and disgusting.

   "Continue to deal with the secret lock and cannot be interrupted. The second secret lock can be solved easily by chance, but the strongest and most mysterious third secret lock will not be found so easily." Taki said.

   "The white pupil is getting closer, our time is running out." He looked up at the sky, and from the transparent crystal window on the top of the tower, he could see the brilliant white sky.

  Everyone thought that he participated in the plan to open the long-distance channel in order to escape, but only he himself understood that he was in order to go home.

   Hurry up, hurry up.

  Taki felt the incomparable emptiness in his body, and couldn't wait any longer, couldn't wait to return to Baitong.




   Daling interactive area.

   Great Spirit.

  Amidst the cries of sales one after another, the streets and alleys are full of vendors pushing carts and selling goods.

  The passing cows and horses neighed and roared from time to time,

  Women on the street lead children for a walk, laughing and laughing.

  The Jianghu people with swords and swords walked in a hurry, bowing their heads and not daring to see anyone.

  The vegetable farmer and charcoal Weng only dared to walk on the corner of the road.

  Everything is the same as before, nothing has changed.

  Zhang Rongfang is wearing a plain blue gown with a black belt around his waist, revealing the indifferent temperament of a Taoist.

  Leaving from the Human Immortal Cave, he did not restore all the pollution of the blood descendants, but only restored a few generations of blood descendants.

  At this moment, all the blood vessels have not yet begun to spread. Everything went back to the beginning, the original great spirit.

   "What do you want to do?" The goddess followed behind him, with a hint of doubt on her pretty face.

  Zhang Rongfang smiled, just like walking casually on the street.

  After recovering, he didn't go to find Emperor Ling to start again, and he didn't leave Great Spirit to trouble Shana Pagoda again.

   Instead, as if nothing happened, she left the Wishing Girl Gorge and began to walk around at will.

  At this moment, they just randomly came to a small border town for a walk.

  Although the people here lost their blood, they were only slightly affected and recovered immediately.

   What if there is no blood? After all, people still have to live, and they still have to live.

  People can clearly see doubts, worries and other emotions hidden in their hearts, but no one expresses them clearly.

   "Maybe they just think this is a normal phenomenon, a periodic situation." Zhang Rongfang said softly.

   "Perhaps." The goddess replied. She found that she couldn't understand Zhang Rongfang more and more now.

  What the **** is he trying to do?

  In fact, not only her, but everyone around her has gradually been unable to understand Zhang Rongfang.

  Taki of Shanna Tower has destroyed so many forces in the blood alliance, and the two sides have already forged a big feud.

   But now it is strangely calm.

  The Daling Interaction Area is such a large area, and the entrance has been exposed long ago. Tiannv doesn't believe they can't find it.

  But no one came to make trouble in Shana Tower.

  Zhang Rongfang also intends to restrain everyone from leaving Daling.

   Both sides seem to follow a tacit principle.

   "I understand what you want to ask." Zhang Rongfang said softly. "Taki and I are actually unwilling to continue fighting. This time, I suffered more. But the basic game is still there, just lost a little territory and a small number of manpower.

   And he also knew that if he continued to fight, he would not be able to kill me no matter what. It is impossible for us to continue fighting until we lose both sides and completely exhaust the last bit of strength. "

   "That's why there's a truce?" The goddess understood.

   "It's not so much a truce, it's better to say that we are waiting for an opportunity." Zhang Rongfang replied.

  He broke away from everything at this time, returned to the original, and looked at everything as if everything was new.

  From the frequent movement of mountains and seas to the ordinary daily life of the market, the two huge contrasts made Zhang Rongfang inexplicably feel a strange feeling in his heart.

   This time he kept jumping between life and death, being killed again and again, and reborn again and again.

  During the hundreds of thousands of life-and-death transitions, he vaguely seemed to see a slight change.

  A trace of his own, rather than the changes affected by the bloodline in the attribute bar.

  Walking on the street, Zhang Rongfang was like a real ordinary person. He passed by a snack bar and went in for a bite, and passed by a bookstore and went in to read.

   Even bought a suit of clothes for Zhang Zhenhai and Tiannv.

  At this moment, he seemed to have really become an ordinary person.

   Not long after, the sun set and the false sun dragged the figures of the two out of long shadows.

  Unknowingly, they had reached the bank of a river.

  Wild willows by the river, catkins drifting with the wind, falling on the mirror-like river surface, swaying with little ripples.


  Zhang Rongfang walked to a bench by the river and sat down, looking at the clear river, and at the boys on the arch bridge not far away who were playing with ropes.

   "You said, what is the most important thing for a person from birth to death?"

   "Alive?" The goddess thought for a while and answered.

   "Yes, many people may answer like this. But why do some people end their lives because of what they want to do?" Zhang Rongfang asked again.

   "A strong will can make you stronger." The goddess replied.

   "So where does such a strong will come from?"

   "." The goddess was silent. This question is too complicated, and everyone may have their own answer.

  "The world is impermanent, but no matter what the age, people who sacrifice their lives and forget their lives can be born. This will surpass the will of death, which is better than gold and iron. How did they come about?"

   "It's because they want to achieve a wish that is more important than their own lives," the goddess said softly.

   "People are born selfish, what makes them feel that something outside is more important than their own life?" Zhang Rongfang asked again.

   "I can't answer." The goddess shook her head. She has never thought about such a question of tracing the origin, and she has no time to think about it.

   "It's this impermanent world." Zhang Rongfang sighed softly. "People are doomed to die, they just want to choose the way they want to die. Whether it is as brilliant as a shooting star, or a flat and stable life, willing to be ordinary. In fact, this is not unique to human beings. It is the same for all things in the world, and all beings with spirits."

  The goddess is still silent. Although she has read a lot of poetry and books, she is far inferior to Zhang Rongfang at this time.

  "If everything in the world is as expected, it is constant repetition. Repetition brings boredom and twilight."

  As Zhang Rongfang talked, he couldn't help recalling hundreds of thousands of experiences of life and death.

  In the endless alternation of life and death, he couldn't see hope, and he didn't know when it would stop.

  But his confidence in himself, his determination not to die, is like a dusty gem, continuously polished by Taki's power, releasing more and more brilliance.

  In the endless oblivion where no hope can be seen, if the will is not obliterated, it will definitely spread its wings and soar.

   "What exactly do you want to do?" Tiannv felt that something was wrong, so she finally asked.

   "I understand Taki a little bit now." Zhang Rongfang smiled.

   A dense array of items in the property bar automatically appeared in front of his eyes.

   Among them, the blood of the ancestor of the blood race and so on is still there, but it has not been fully displayed. At this time, it is suppressed by his will and has not been activated.

  In this once pure body, he really only has the few natural abilities he had back then.

   That's all.

   "The consciousness of living beings is really a wonderful thing." Zhang Rongfang didn't care about the blood-red intuitive warning that kept flashing under the attribute bar.

  ‘Intuitive warning: Your consciousness has seriously deviated from the normal track, and the phenomenon of conflict between the soul and the body has begun to appear. Please immediately cultivate your mind and settle down to restore the state of harmony between the soul and the body. '

   "Taki said that I am the only variable in this world, the only point that can break through the pattern. So why me?"

  Zhang Rongfang asked himself.

  At this moment, countless thoughts in his mind were spinning, flickering, and colliding rapidly.

  At this moment, he suddenly understood why he couldn't comprehend the path of pity.

  In the Five Qi Chaoyuan, the part that belongs to pity, he always thought it was the emotion of pity for others.

  But. Until then, he didn't understand. This pity is not for others.

   But to myself.

  Man is like a mayfly in this world, how sad it is to live and die at night.

  (end of this chapter)

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