MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 717 717 Flaw Four (Thank You for Playing My Leader)

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  Chapter 717 Chapter 717 Flaw Four (Thank you for playing my leader)

  For a while, Zhang Rongfang simply suspended in mid-air, waiting for the final result.

  His life attribute has now broken through to more than 10,000 heights, and his cell activity is in a mess.

   Even a drop of blood can cause a large area of ​​death.

  Having not shot outside for more than ten years, no one except Taki knows how high he has reached now.

   However, the situation was beyond his expectation.

  The thousands of blood descendants and the two blood fairies who went down were all under constant siege, gradually wrapped in blue light and disappeared.

   Soon, after ten minutes, only a few blood descendants escaped from the yellow sand. All the rest disappeared.

   "Continue to call people over, let some people from Lingjiyuan come here." Zhang Rong's face remained unchanged, and he gave instructions to the blood people around him.

  Fourteen years of self-cultivation gave him far deeper patience and fortitude than before.

   At this time, he did not act rashly, but continued to send people down to test.

   This is to observe the opponent.

   And at this time in the depths of the ground.

  On the isolated island floating above the magma sea, several secret keepers and Outan Gongsunyi quietly watched the battle above through the light curtain.

   "This is Nabsius fully activated, the king of the second secret lock keeper!" The leading secret keeper opened his arms and exclaimed with some fanaticism.

   "This little trick of motion can't stop him." A calm female voice came from midair.

   "Of course I know, but those are just the incidental abilities of Nauseus. The real one has awakened." The man in black said loudly.

   "A nephew is not enough to lure him down. We have to increase the bargaining chip." The female voice continued.

   "Indeed. So... how about this!?" The black-robed man held his hands slightly against the brass door.

   Suddenly, a trace of invisible breath, the breath of the brass door, was leaked out, penetrated upwards, and drifted out from the desert ground.

   "Since the chip is not enough, let him have to make a move!" The man in black laughed.

  Ou Nan and Gongsun Yi looked at each other, and quietly retreated into the distance.

   "The second secret lock, Nabsius, is probably the bait they used to lure the blood alliance. We have to go, and now we have nothing to do with it." Onan said softly.

   "Stay away from here first." Gongsun nodded in agreement.

  The two of them sneaked along the edge of the isolated island, and jumped heavily into the air far away.


  Ou Nan shot a thin metal wire from his hand, nailed it to the ceiling of the cave, hung it up, and quickly left in the distance.

  But at this moment, the entire cave unexpectedly shook slightly.

  This huge cave has a diameter of at least tens of kilometers. Such a huge cave unexpectedly trembled together at this moment.

  A large number of stones and dust fell from top to bottom.

  Ou Nan was hanging in the air, still in shock, the stone he was using just now fell down. He was almost thrown into the magma, but fortunately he changed the stone in time.

  Hanging in mid-air at this time, he looked back at the floating island.

   But he saw a scene that he will never forget.

  The place below the entire isolated island should have been empty, but now pieces of huge brass-colored human bodies are gradually emerging.

   In just a few seconds, as if from being invisible to being visible, a huge brass-colored metal giant with an island as its head appeared in front of everyone.

   "Nabuxius. Is that Nabuxius!?" Gongsun was also held in Ou Nan's arms, watching this scene with the same expression of shock.

  Compared to the King of Secret Keepers in the first secret lock, this time he is too big.

  The island-like head alone has a diameter of several kilometers. Not to mention other body parts.


  In an instant, a dazzling blue light began to appear on the entire body of Nabsius.

   Layer upon layer of space distortion fluctuates around it.

   "He's running away! That's the teleporting blue light!"

  Suddenly at the top of the cave, more than a dozen blood descendants flew out from the crack, and the first thing they saw was the huge blue-light giant.

  Their blood-red pupils reflected the scene at this time.

  These scene pictures were also quickly transmitted to Zhang Rongfang's mind above the surface through some mysterious connection.

   "Second secret lock!?" Zhang Rongfang's originally calm expression was startled.

  Judging from the information of the second secret lock obtained by the subordinates before, the huge blue giant should be the king of the second secret lock——Nabusius.

   And now, Nauseus is about to leave and is being transferred.

  The blue light on the surface of the body has been transported away with many other keepers and blood descendants.

  Now, Nauseus is full of that dazzling blue light, which means

   It's going to run! ?

   It was not easy to find the whereabouts of the second secret lock. After more than ten years of joint efforts by Shan Nagong and the blood descendants of human immortals, they never expected to find it here.

  Through the eyes of the Bloodborn, he looked at the King of Secret Keepers who was about to transfer away.

  The thoughts in Zhang Rongfang's mind kept flickering.

  ‘Do you want to stop it! ? '

   This is obviously an ambush, bait, but there is no way, this bait is too fragrant.


  Zhang Rongfang pulled his blood robe to cover his whole body.


  He suddenly disappeared in place, and the space ability unfolded, directly teleporting to the location of the King of Secret Keepers below.

  It was only when he teleported down that a transparent teleportation crack opened from the midair of the underground cave.

   Before stepping out of the crack.

  Suddenly, a burst of blue light dazzled around him.

  Before Zhang Rongfang came back to his senses, after a while of dizziness, his eyes blurred, and he appeared in a completely dark void where he couldn't see anything.

  In front of him, in the air, a door slowly appeared and lit up.

  The door is an ordinary semicircle, with extremely glaring white light shining through it, and nothing can be seen.


  After a slight hissing sound, steps gradually appeared between Zhang Rongfang and the door.

  The steps are translucent, and a large number of patterns and characters are engraved on the sides of the surface.

   "I am the King of the Keeper of the Second Secret Lock—Nabusius." In the darkness, a cold female voice sounded slowly.

   "What I have mastered is the blockade of conscious mental memory perception."

   "Blockade? Nabuxius, can you tell me what the three secret locks are guarding against?" Zhang Rongfang came back to his senses and asked quickly.

   This has always been the biggest confusion in his heart.

   "Prepare for the expansion of the disaster." Nabsius replied coldly. "The answer is over."

   "Next, I will leave this place. If you want to leave, you need to answer the calculation questions on the steps under your feet.

   At your feet is a test subject called the mental stone steps. There are three levels in total, and you must answer correctly.

  Once you answer a question incorrectly, you will stay in this space permanently and lose your eligibility. "

   Mental stone steps! ?

  Zhang Rongfang suddenly understood what tricks the stars were playing.

  The test of the king of the second secret lock, could it be the mental stone steps, and this test can lock him here, and he cannot go out to deal with others.

   So, just take advantage of this moment and do what they want.

   "I didn't expect that the second secret lock level that was supposed to be tasted by Taki was actually me first."

  Zhang Rong's face remained unchanged. Since he was confirmed that the target of the stars is him, the other party will not be surprised that he possesses the absolute recovery ability.

   "Then. What method are they going to use to take the opportunity to kill me!?"

  With a thought, he used the space ability all over his body, and transparent ripples covered his whole body.

   But just for a moment.

  The ripples quickly dissipated, the space ability failed, and he was still in place.


  Zhang Rongfang was not surprised. He raised his hand, and a powerful flame belonging to Suzaku ignited in his palm.

  Nanming Lihuo.

  He threw it lightly, and before the golden-red flame flew half a meter away, a blue light flashed and disappeared.

   "Interesting." Zhang Rongfang kept trying various other abilities.

  But there is no power that can escape from the package of that blue light.

   Just a flash of blue light and everything is gone.

  Only the bright door in the darkness and the transparent stone steps engraved with patterns and symbols are still there, motionless.




   "Go in!"

   At this time, Nabsius was on the isolated island above his head.

  A group of secret keepers cheered.

  Blue lights shone one after another, and different figures wearing masks appeared on the isolated island one after another.

  Although wearing a mask, everyone can still judge the general identity from the special natural characteristics of the body.

   Sol, La, Fen from the Spirit League, and Xiu Zelas from the Human League. And the Three Kings of Shana Pagoda!

   "We succeeded!" Saul sighed with complicated eyes. "Successfully sent the Blood King into the format space. There, even if Taki entered, it would be difficult to leave. If he does not complete all the mental stone steps, his consciousness will never come out!"

   "Format space, what exactly is it!?" Fen from Lingmeng asked with a frown.

   "That is a strange space that the spirit-eyed people accidentally found. It was in that space that we and Taki were created."

   Ofega of the Three Kings replied.

   "I have studied there for many years, and only when the consciousness of life breaks through a certain absolute limit and enters another new framework will it touch it." La Dandan said. "There, to use a more specific description, it is a small group of areas that can only be entered after all the consciousness and spiritual qualitative changes in the world have been sublimated to a certain height."

   "Since it's a space of consciousness, why can Taki with the strongest physical body be created there?" Shuzelas asked doubtfully.

   "The top veterans of the spiritual eye clan not only have top-level intelligence, but also use extremely terrifying mind power. Through mind power technology, they have mastered the technology of transforming reality into reality." Ofega replied.

   "The format space is the place where all the higher consciousness bodies in this world have come into contact with.

  In addition to entering and exiting through the back door of the spiritual eye tribe, there are also legendary stone steps of mind. There are three levels in total. After answering correctly, you can leave through the gate of the Tao and gain all the knowledge of the Tao. "

   Ming added. There is a strong hatred in the words.

   "But unfortunately, the Blood King can't leave. He can neither find the back door of the Spirit Eye Clan, nor can he answer the three mental stone steps left by other higher consciousness.

  After all, those are the three most powerful high-level consciousness bodies who died in order to get close to the gate of the Tao, and they are unwilling to leave a step for help. He didn't sublimate his consciousness normally, and he wasn't even qualified to answer. "

   "So, this time, the blood king is finished. The main consciousness is sealed. Next, we can let go and clean up the problem of redness." Ming slightly said happily.

  (end of this chapter)