MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 701 701 puzzle two (hope in the new year, see me

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  Hugging Zhang Zhenhai, Zhang Rongfang pointed to the ground.

  Suddenly, a red light rose flatly, enveloping the two of them. The red light flew out of the room and flew straight towards Tianlian Palace.

   At such a short time, the gray light in Zhang Zhenhai's body began to move again, trying to expand and strengthen. He had to change places and suppress with all his strength.

  Zhang Rongfang had a premonition that once Rang Yi was born, the world might expand in an instant and turn into a place of decay, decay and death.

  As the ultimate creature, the ancestor of blood, his own biological instincts are extremely predictive.

   And La did not give corresponding information, and she didn't know much about the decaying world and the sea of ​​oblivion. Taki was totally unbelievable.

  So after Zhang Rongfang thought about it, he made a decisive decision and decided to go to Taiyuan and ask about the bottom of the meeting before the meeting started. In comparison, he found that Di crawled even more than La, the permanent palace lord.

   This is a rather weird situation. Not long.

   Tianlian Palace squirmed for a while, and Zhang Rongfang's huge face slowly emerged from the outside of the top. This means that he has left most of his essence and blood power here.

   At this time, the face is slightly closed and the eyes are slightly closed, which means that the main consciousness has temporarily left.

   And a **** light flew out again, and flew towards the other corner of Yuanba, where the Taiyuan passage was often opened in the distance.




   And just when Zhang Rongfang was troubled by the sudden appearance of corrupt will.

  Three Kings of the Shina Tower have discovered Onan and other bloodline team on the edge of the battlefield.

   Inside the Shina Tower.

  Taki is still entrenched at the bottom of the tower, occupying a large area.

  The three kings are divided into triangles, standing on a raised platform of their own inner wall.

  The three kings are on the periphery, and Taki is in the center. This is the state of Shanna Tower. It also shows the status and situation of the four in the tower.

   "We have also contacted the previous secret keeper, but none of them are as powerful as the king of the secret keeper Horudira this time." Mingdi Shenhui reported. "The initial judgment is that this group of people played a key role in intensifying."

  He pointed with one hand.

  A transparent light curtain naturally appeared above the four of them. A static picture of the entire battlefield emerged from the light curtain.

  The screen shrinks rapidly, focusing on the bloodline team led by Saul at the very edge. "According to Latieran's information, the Keeper's secret lock was originally static.

  But once the bloodline defense program is activated, the King of Secret Keepers will be activated to fight against external threats. "Horudira the Peaceful is indeed a creation of my time. "Taki replied with a smile.

   "So our decision is to get rid of this bloodline team in advance. In case the King of Secret Keepers appears again in the following two secret locks." Ming Zheng said.

   "Agreed. Although we don't have many clues about the remaining two secret locks, it is good to solve the hidden dangers in advance. There is still plenty of time." Ofejia said.

   "Let the thirteen demons take care of this bloodline team. They are idle and they don't need to go to Yuancheng." Latie Lan said in a low voice. He has always been quiet and cold-tempered.

  The devil will follow the evil king to make some big scenes on weekdays.

  But most of the time I have nothing to do, very leisurely. After all, there is no threat of hostiles, and there are many evil spirits around.

   So demons are boring too.

  In the past, their entertainment was to fight around for fun.

  Now that the Yuan City is established, their pollution can be suppressed inside, making them no different from ordinary people. This immediately made all the demons happy to leave.

   Not just the thirteen demons, but all the middle and low-level demons, all of them ran to Sin City.

   "I heard that all the demons under your hands have run away?" Ming looked at Latie Lan.

  The thirteen demons are located under the command of the three kings, and each has several capable hands. Strictly speaking, the demons are the real kings of evil spirits.

  The Three Kings and Taki were both created by the Spirit Eye Clan back then. Demons are the strong ones that radiate the natural evolution of evil energy.

   "None of your business!" Latie Lan didn't even look at Ming, and said something directly. "Then let Hongxu go." Ofega confirmed.

  The evil spirit is quite powerful, and it will explode itself at every turn, which is extremely powerful. But there are really not many individuals who can obey orders and carry out detailed instructions.

  Even a devil can be extremely impulsive and irritable at times. And Hongxu is the calmest one among the thirteen demons.

   It ranks fifth, and its strength is also very good. He and Bells are two people, one is outside and the other is inside. Responsible for all the operation and maintenance of Lishana Tower on weekdays. It can be regarded as the status of the internal and external general manager.

   "Hongxu's words. Yes." Ming thought for a while, then nodded. Taki never participated in these matters, they were all decided by the three kings.

  It is like a bystander, as long as it does not actively ask it, it will not have any interference response.

   "We have determined the general area of ​​the second secret lock, and the next step is a carpet search." Ofega continued.

   "The blood descendants of the blood alliance are actually more suitable for search work than the evil spirits. We should go to the blood alliance to discuss and let the blood descendants participate in this matter." Ming said.

   "The Blood King won't agree. That's not an easy guy to deal with." Ofega frowned and shook her head.

   Recalling the last time I was attacked halfway, it was only the blood king's subordinates, and he was unable to rescue him for a while, so he killed two of his capable men.

  Thinking of this, her heart hurts.

  The generation of demons is extremely rare, and the total number of demons is not many. Lose two high-level demons at once. This made the subordinates understand that she, who had few subordinates, became more chaotic and difficult to deal with in her daily life.

  The most exaggerated thing is that that Tianpeng hunting tiger actually wanted to hurt her and take her samples. She admitted that the opponent's strength is very good, and has surpassed most of the demons, but...

   "Bloodborn is indeed very suitable for this kind of search task, but who will talk about it?" Ming is the same, thinking of the blood king gives him a headache.

  That kind of monster, as long as it catches a little bit of weakness, it may take a little bit of its own samples, and then lose all its abilities and talents.

   Such a monster, he didn't even want to get close, let alone touch it.

   "The preparations for the Taiyuan meeting have already begun, Mr. Taki, what do you mean?" Ofega looked at Taki who had been silent.

   "Huh? I'm a little distracted, but Zhang Rongfang is indeed not a young man who is easy to deal with." Taki replied aloud. "Speaking of which, does Latie Lan have information about the location of the bloodline?"

   "Location?" Latie Lan nodded slightly, "Yes, they are divided into two teams, one team is in the Everlasting Palace, and the other team is in Yuancheng."

He paused, "I don't know the specific location, and I need to search in detail. The eternal palace is small, which is okay. But Yuancheng is too big, with too many people and limited capacity, so it is very difficult. It will be easier to deal with it after one or two contacts with the Blood King."

  As soon as the need to deal with the blood king was mentioned, the three kings were silent, and no one answered. After all, no one wants their details to be hollowed out.

   And the Blood King is such a monster. If he is not careful, all his old background may be gone. "Then. At this Taiyuan meeting, let me propose it." Taki said.

  It understands that the three kings are silent, just waiting for it to speak. "Then I will trouble Mrs. Taki." Ofega thanked her tenderly.

   "Next, let Hongxu dispatch to get rid of the bloodline." She looked at Ming to the side. The latter nodded.




  The Shanna Tower hunted down the bloodlines, searched for the second and third secret locks, the action was very noisy, and there was no cover-up.

  Eternal Palace and Blood Alliance are aware of this movement, and La is very cooperative in this arrest operation, but no trace can be found. Bloodlines Andu La and Song Hengxiu got the news in advance and left the Palace of Eternity.

  The movement of the evil spirit is too big, and if it does not move at all, it will pollute more than ten meters with evil energy radiation, and it cannot be hidden even if you want to hide it.

   On the other side, the demon team that went to Yuancheng to arrest Ou Nan and others was led by the chief executive Hongxu himself.

  He is a smart man, he did not choose to directly apply to see the Blood King, but negotiated with Hong Ye, the city lord under the Blood King who was in charge of the operation of the Yuan City, and was also received by Hong Ye.

  In Tianmu Pavilion, in a study where the city lord works.

  The centipede body of Hongye's lower body, wriggling freely, has already transformed into human legs.

  She was sitting in front of the luxurious desk, put down the document and the **** pen she was signing, and looked at Hong Xu who entered the door below. "Joint search of fugitives?" Hongye was a little puzzled, but Shanna Tower and the Blood Alliance are in an alliance, so such a trivial matter is nothing.

   "Yes, we can allow you to search freely, but it cannot affect the peaceful atmosphere of Yuancheng. It is not allowed to disturb the normal living and rest of residents, normal commercial activities, and normal industrial production. How about it?" She looked at the other party.

  Hong Xu is an image of an elderly man in a black slim-fitting dress with gray hair and a black suitcase in his hand. Unlike other demons, the amethyst on his body is very thin, so thin that it is almost invisible, only a very shallow layer.

  For demons, the thicker the amethyst, the weaker the strength. And the thinner it is, the opposite is true.

   "Understandable, thank you for the cooperation of the city lord, we will arrest and bring him to justice as soon as possible to avoid affecting the order of Yuancheng." Hong Xu said in a low voice. "The Dao ancestor is located in the Tianlian Palace above your head. You can do it yourself. If you act recklessly, you will be overthrown at any time." Hongye made a point.

  Recently, she also heard some rumors spreading in the city, all about the real intention of Shanna Tower. It is mentioned in the rumor that Taki's true consciousness comes from Bai Tong.

  So his purpose of opening the passage is not to escape, but to get closer to Baitong. Because this statement is too bizarre, it has spread quite widely.

   After all, there are still living things alive in the white pupil, which itself is an incredible thing.

   Not to mention that Taki, as the strongest flesh and blood, everyone knows that he is the highest creation of the spiritual eye clan, but he even said that it came from Baitong? But exaggeration is exaggeration, because the evil spirits usually have a chaotic and brutal image, so there are quite a few people who believe this nonsense, and it is widely spread.

   Hongye spread the news, but Daozu didn't have any news to give back. Maybe it's because I don't care.

  So Hongye didn't bother to pay attention to it. Anyway, there are often all kinds of rumors in the city, and there are even more bizarre ones. At this time, Zhang Rongfang had already arrived in Taiyuan.

  The ninth floor of Taiyuan, close to the Forgotten Sea.

  The biting wind kept whistling beside the stone wall.

  Bottom climb with your back facing the stone wall, clasp the steep place with your fingernails on the back of your limbs, and hang yourself on it.

   Then use his tongue to roll up the strip of brown meat hanging on his chest little by little, and put it into his mouth to chew slowly. "It turns out that I have... in every Taiyuan. It's amazing. Could it be that they are all my brothers and sisters?" It was puzzled.

  During this time, it was extremely boring, and it was thinking about the news that Zhang Rongfang brought before.

"I've tried it. Every Taiyuan's you are different. But the appearance is exactly the same, and the personality is also the same." Along with the sound, a red light suddenly flew from a distance, fell, and floated at the bottom Climb in the air in front of you.

  The red light dissipated, revealing Zhang Rongfang's blood-robed figure at this time.

  His long hair has reached his waist now, and it doesn't fly away in the wind. Instead, it's like a living insect, constantly wriggling around and testing.

   Looking from a distance, it looks a little creepy.

   "It's you, here again?" Di Crawler responded lazily without raising his head. The two can be considered old friends, and they are too familiar to be polite.

   "I have doubts again." Zhang Rongfang looked at Di Crawl. Although he is only a small half body here, his main consciousness has come.

   "Anyway, I owe you enough, and it doesn't matter if I have more."

   "You can think about it, when can you take me out?" Di Crawler said boringly.

   "Did you see the big palace under construction below? You can live there, it's more comfortable than being stuck here, and you can help us look after our house and clean up. How about it?" Zhang Rongfang suggested.

  La on the stone wall between the oblivion and the ninth floor, a palace was built for conferences and gatherings. It just so happens that no one can stay in Taiyuan for a long time, and the bottom crawler is a suitable candidate.

   "If I can go, of course I will." Di crawled with a grin. It had noticed the palace long ago.

   "That's good." Zhang Rongfang returned to the topic, "I'm here this time, and I want to ask you if you know." Suddenly his voice stopped suddenly.

  He hadn't opened the Eye of Darkness before, and he couldn't see things at the level of ghosts.

  But at this time, in his field of vision, the bottom crawling in the eyes of Yin Ming also showed a completely different essence.

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