MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 7

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   Chapter 7

   There are three people in the pavilion.

  Two women and one man, all of them were newly put on the robes of practitioners, with light blue coats and white short coats.

   Situ Nan stepped forward and introduced Zhang Rongfang to the three of them one by one.

  The three of them were a little surprised when they heard that Zhang Rongfang was worshipping Master Xiao Rong as his teacher.

   "Brother Rong Fang heard that he was from a barbarian family, right? Or a Confucian householder?" a woman suddenly said.

   Situ Nan nodded affirmatively.

  Immediately, Zhang Rong felt that the attention of the three of them fell on him, and the attention was less than half.

   He didn't care either, and it wasn't the first time he had encountered such a situation.

  The fourth-class barbarians and Confucian households, the combination of the two determines that no matter how capable he is in the future, he will not be able to go to the top.

   This was not decided by personal will, but was clearly written into the law by the Great Spiritual Court. Barbarian Confucian households were not allowed to enter the upper-middle-class official positions.

   Daling respects the Buddha and advocates the Tao, but it is extremely repulsive to Confucianism, even disgusting.

   A few people chatted for a while, and after a while, five more people came one after another.

   A total of ten people gathered together, and the red pavilion seemed a little small.

   So the group found an open space beside the pavilion and chatted separately in twos and threes.

   Zhang Rongfang and another Taoist who seemed to be as isolated as him were ignored.

   The two simply stood together.

   "These days, everyone is so young and so realistic, they don't even perfunctory." The Taoist sighed.

   "What is the name of Daoist brother?" Zhang Rongfang asked.

   "Zhang Xintai."

   "Fortunate to meet, next Zhang Rongfang."

   Zhang Xintai secretly pointed to a man who was surrounded by several people not far away.

   "That Zhou Ze, have you seen it? When he was only nineteen, he has already crossed the two realms of nourishing blood and strengthening tendons, and has entered the rank.

   He cultivates the Primordial Talisman, and his talent is quite terrifying, almost every year, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that he has an excellent future in the future. As long as it can withstand the actual combat later. "

   Zhang Rongfang took a look. Seeing that Zhou Ze has a strong physique, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and high spirits, he really has a good temperament.

"There is also Tao Mengjie, a rich family, who used money to smash a quota. Martial arts are sparse and common. But money is a good thing. You can't beat you, but you have a lot of family." Zhang Xintai pointed to another slightly fat woman and commented. .

   "Besides that, the rest of the people have practiced at least one type of talisman. Now that they have shown their talent or financial resources, and the relationship is in place, it is not a fluke to be promoted."

   "It's much better than the next one." Zhang Rongfang sighed.

"Don't underestimate yourself." Zhang Xintai patted Zhang Rongfang on the shoulder, "I've heard about Xiao Qingying, too. There are clear grievances and grievances. If you have any kindness, you will be rewarded. At the risk of offending some people, you dare to stand up. This is you. of excellence.”

   "What should be done, why mention it." Zhang Rongfang shook his head.

   "Don't think too much, what I admire most in Zhang Xintai's life is a man of loyalty." Zhang Xintai patted Zhang Rongfang on the shoulder again. "What's wrong with being born low? I teach Daoism. There are many pigs with high birth. People are always nobler than pigs."

   Zhang Rongfang didn't know what to say, he just smiled bitterly.

   "Brother Xintai, what kind of martial arts are you in?"

   "Me? Don't talk about it." Zhang Xintai laughed, "Let's go. Let's talk next time. If you have time, you can come to Xuanxin Hall to find me."

   Without waiting for Zhang Rongfang to reply, he turned around and left, walking very fast, and disappeared into the forest in a few seconds.

  Zhang Rongfang watched the other party leave, feeling somewhat inexplicable for a while.

   "When did you get involved with Senior Brother Zhang Xintai?" Situ Nan quietly approached from the side.

   "Senior brother? Isn't he a newly promoted?" Zhang Rongfang was taken aback.

   "No. Brother Zhang Xintai entered the second rank in martial arts last year. My martial arts runes were taught by one of his brothers." Situ Nan said in surprise.

   Zhang Rongfang was stunned.

  Is he the only one who doesn't know how to fight? Even Situ Nan was taught the Talisman?

   As for his current physique, qi and blood, he still needs to cultivate, so he is still practicing Guanxu Gong.

   After a boring party, seeing Situ Nan and Zhou Ze Tao Mengjie and the others chatting happily, Zhang Rongfang didn't bother her and left alone.

   Not long after he left, Situ Nan was chatting with a few people, and then he suddenly remembered and searched for him left and right.

   "Are you looking for that Zhang Rongfang? He's been gone for a while." Zhou Ze said.

   He paid some attention to Situ Nan and another woman from Liu Meng, because these two were the most beautiful of these new disciples.

   If it wasn't for Tao Mengjie's enthusiasm all the time, he would have made an invitation to the two women alone.

   Daling supports polygamy.

   "Well, I'm a little rude. Zhang Rongfang was brought by me, so he should have gone back with me." Situ Nan nodded and smiled at Zhou Ze's question.

   "You have a good relationship with him?" Liu Meng asked aloud. She was slender, with straight legs and a curvaceous shape that she exercised regularly.

   "It is recommended that you avoid contact with him, it will do you no harm but no good. After all, the origin of the barbarian Confucian household, the future contact will only be farther and farther away from me."

   "Yeah, some relationships should be broken when they are broken. Otherwise, it will eventually become a drag in the future." Zhou Ze nodded in agreement.

"It's true. I used to have a childhood friend who was a good friend of mine. Later, the family background became more and more different. He always asked me for help, not because he was not good. It's not that I don't want to associate with him, but it's been a long time, he himself I'm sorry to see me again."

  Tao Mengjie sighed, "Later, a best friend told me that my childhood sweetheart once told her that in front of me, she asked me to lend money too many times, and she always felt that she couldn't hold her head up, and she felt uncomfortable and depressed. So,"

   Her words were a bit realistic, and it made Situ Nan feel a little uncomfortable, but she also understood that what the three said might turn out to be the truth.

   "In the future, it's better to have less contact. After a long time, he will naturally understand." Zhou Ze comforted.

   Situ Nan shook his head slightly, in fact she had a good relationship with Zhang Rongfang. It is not easy for her to break off immediately for her character.

   Looking at the three new friends around him, he was looking at the direction where Zhang Rongfang left silently.

   On the one hand, there is a new circle that is helpful to his development, and on the other hand, he is gradually unable to keep up with his old friends.

  How to choose, she actually has a tendency in her heart.





The    wooden door was quickly opened and closed again.

   Zhang Rongfang exhaled, quickly entered the room, and sat down on the only stool.

   Then look down at your body, as long as you look at any part of yourself, the attribute bar will appear.

   The gray-white attribute bar is very clear in most of the field of vision.


   Zhang Rongfang took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it nine times.

  The breath draws a white line in the air.

   He stood up and walked to the window, which was open to the wooden corridor.

   In the corridor, two Taoists, a man and a woman, were leaning against a red pillar not far away, chatting and laughing in low voices.

  The two were wearing light blue Taoist robes and white coats. They are all practicing disciples.

  This is no longer a bungalow area for handymen disciples, but a residence for practicing disciples.

  Zhang Rongfang gently closed the window, returned to the chair and sat down.

   He closed his eyes and rested, quietly waiting for his body to recover.

   After a full fifteen minutes, he suddenly opened his eyes.

  ‘After this period of conditioning, the life attribute has increased a little to the lower limit.

   This thing, I don't know the full effect, I used attribute points to improve life before, but I don't move it this time. ’

   Zhang Rongfang set his sights on the skill bar.

  ‘This time, I will try the skill, the only skill is the virtual power, and see how the attribute points are improved. ’

   Now that his status has improved, his diet has improved, he doesn't have to do so many chores, and accumulating attribute points won't be as slow as before.

   It took almost half a year to save a little.

   It's only been over two months this time, so I've come a little.

   Now he no longer hesitates. Focus on the plus sign of Guanxu Gong, and imagine pushing harder.


  The number belonging to the attribute point has changed from 1 to 0.

   And behind the Guanxu Gong, there is an extra word 'first level'.

  In an instant, a stream of heat gushed out from the mouth of the heart and flowed continuously throughout the body.

  Zhang Rongfang felt like he was soaked in the hot spring, very comfortable.

   This feeling lasted for a while before slowly stopping.

   He stretched his legs, moved his arms and wrists, and then stood up to check his condition.

  'Zhang Rongfang - Life 8-9, Skill: Guanxu Gong (the first layer of essence). Available properties: 0. ’

   Zhang Rongfang paused, and quickly recalled the explanation of senior sister Zhao Dalong.

  'The realm of Guanxu Gong is very simple to divide, and it is divided into: Essence of Orifices, Body Transformation, Foundation Establishment, Inner Alchemy, Nascent Soul, and Spirit Refinement. I should now be at the first level of thorough entry. ’

   He tried to shake his hands, kick his legs, and there was no strange feeling.

  Except for a little better spirit, nothing has changed.

   "This view of virtual power is too much." Zhang Rongfang shook his head in his heart. Fortunately, he tested it, and his attribute points can indeed improve his skills.

   In this way. If you learn martial arts in the future, you can quickly catch up with others who have been practicing hard for many years.

   His body is only sixteen years old now, and he will slowly accumulate attribute points in the future, and the future can be expected.

   It was determined that the skill can be improved with attribute points, and a big stone in Zhang Rongfang's heart finally fell to the ground.

   In the next few days, Xiao Rong and his daughter returned, and Zhang Rongfang returned to his previous regular life.

   What puzzled him was that since the meeting that day, Situ Nan never spoke to him again, at most nodding when they met, it was considered a greeting.

   He couldn't understand it at first, but later, after hearing some rumors, he also understood that this was the other party's choice.

   Situ Nan has mixed into the small circle of Zhou Zeliumeng and Tao Mengjie, and intends to draw a line with his unpromising disciple.

   After Zhang Rongfang sighed about the reality of human beings, he stopped thinking about it. He had to eat, drink, and sleep every day, just waiting for his body to get well as soon as possible, and he was qualified to practice martial arts talismans.

   What surprised him was that the first level of Guanxu Gong made his life attributes slowly rise.

   In the blink of an eye, it’s July.

   Zhang Rongfang's life attribute also officially exceeded the 10-point limit. Become 'Life 9-10'.

   He carefully recorded this phenomenon and left it for observation.

   If in the future, the life improvement brought by Guanxu Gong is more than adding some points to life directly, then he may consider majoring in Guanxu Gong.

   (end of this chapter)