MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 76 76th

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Those who have a good deed will put together the picture of Kwai Kik and the picture of Wen Nan, which is posted under the commentary of the trailer. Soon, the heat of this comment went up and pressed against the rainbow farts.

It is really the contrast between these two roles is too great.

The same is a smile, Kwai Ji's eyebrows are lightly picked, with a bit of contempt and disdain in his eyes, red lips like laughing and laughing, just the momentum, it is called to kneel down to call the Queen. When I arrived at Wen Nan, my eyes were warm, my eyes were bent, and my lips shook my head with a smile. Even if she didn't talk, she could tell her to be pampered and tolerant.

Say this is a person, who believes!

After all, the hot search of Kwai Ji has been in the past two months. Many netizens still have the impression. After being attracted, they have heard the sound of lying.

So, #葵姬温楠# quickly rushed to the hot search.

Even the "Honey" official did not expect that the first hot search of the crew was neither an anecdote of the male and female protagonists, nor a plot or actor acting, but a contrasting animation.

However, the propaganda response of the drama was also very fast. This opportunity immediately promoted a wave of "Honey". The characters that should have been slowly released were single-person propaganda, and they were also placed on Weibo by chance.

With the help of the drama, the hot search does not fall.

Therefore, Chu Meibo was too late to defend the ground, and it was red again. Even with "Honey", it was not red.

When Shen Huai heard the alarm sound of the computer, he still stunned for a while. He didn't think of it. A trailer in this area made the eyebrows search hot.

Shen Huai never doubts that Chu Mei will be red, but this is a hot search at any time and place, and the body is too amazing.

Moreover, this is not a good thing for the current Chu Meibo. After all, she still has only two plays, and they are not broadcasted. It is okay at one time, but it frequently appears on the microblogging hot search. It is easy to trigger the rebellious psychology of netizens and flatten the hat of marketing.

Chu Meibo has acting skills, as long as there is a chance to be a hit, like the former Kwai Ji and Wen Nan, so she does not need to go black and red.

In addition, she now has the opportunity to travel with history and Hung Hom. At present, a good reputation is more important than a flashy popularity.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no need for marketing. Highly popular actors can have more choices. This point is still clear, but it is not the time.

He and Chu Meibo are very patient, so the eyes still have to be longer.

In this way, the urgent task now is to remove the hot search, but Shen Huai knows that this is related to the propaganda of the crew, or to think of the best of both worlds.

So, in the afternoon, a new topic suddenly rose on Weibo.

#卧槽This is actually the same person#

At the beginning, there were bloggers who extended from the two movements of Chu Meibo, and made the contrasting movements of several characters with the most contrasting old bones, which attracted many netizens to come in.

[Is this really the same person! ! 】

[The trough! Xx and **** are actually the same person, I only know today! 】

[xx teacher! My childhood memories, I did not expect **** actually played by the teacher! 】

[The teachers’ acting skills are really good]

[Mom asked me why I was watching Weibo...]

This topic has aroused the interest of many netizens. Many people have participated in it and compared the characters with the biggest contrast of their actors in their minds. Many people will exclaim that "xx and **** are actually the same person."

Among them, Du Yuping, who is called "Golden Supporting Role", is mentioned every time.

Du Yuping is the winner of the Jin Ying Award for Lifetime Achievement Award. He has played more than 100 characters in his life and won three Golden Awards for Best Supporting Actor. It is also the most famous "playing face". His character editing, although it is a supporting role, but each supporting role is very good.

When he won the Golden Award for Lifetime Achievement Award, the award-winning guest once said that he was "a golden supporting role in the history of film" and his acting skills were enough to match this compliment.

It is a pity that he died of illness three years ago and became a regret for all fans.

Therefore, as long as Du Yuping is taken out, this topic will basically end.

Shen Huai saw the opportunity to inform the "Honey" drama side, and released the funny movements in the variety show before the smell of Han Hanyi and the acting in "Honey".

Compared to the performance of the actors, it is clear that this comparison picture is a little more laughable.

Coupled with "Honey" and Wen Hanyi's intentional guidance, it really attracted a lot of popularity, but also triggered a new brain hole for netizens, put together the black history of love beans and the handsome screaming pictures. Although the topic is partial, it is getting hotter and hotter.

Of course, the biggest benefit of this is the "Honey" drama and Wen Hanyi, especially "Honey", which saves a lot of publicity fees, and the producers are happy to close their mouths.

In this way, Shen Huai solved the potential crisis for Chu Mubo, publicized "Honey", and at the same time got the good feeling of the producers, it can be said that it is a multi-pronged.

However, Shen Huai did not care about this at this time, because Chu Meibo’s art test has begun.


Chu Meibo has already passed the art test, but the colleges and universities such as the Beijing Film Academy have their own art examinations. Shen Huai’s fear that Tong Yun’s work is not good, but he’s all wrong. Responsible, not only reported to the Beijing Film Academy, but also several art schools in the Beijing University of Communication.

This is what most art candidates will do. After all, they are sure that there will be accidents.

On the day of the exam, Shen Huai and Ye Hao personally sent Chu Meibo to the exam.

After getting out of the car, I have not yet entered the examination room. The candidates outside the examination room are waiting for the candidates and the parents of the candidates. Some media reporters are holding microphones and cameras to interview candidates everywhere.

The three men found a corner where the individual was small. Ye Hao handed the test supplies to Chu Meibo, and Shen Huai took the trouble to slap the things to be noticed.

Chu Meibo sighed: "Know it."

She looked at the two people who had been strict with themselves. It was both moving and funny. Although it was the same for Tong Yun to send her or herself, but the two of them, she still received it. .

The issue is……

Chu Meibo: "Okay, you two don't want to send it. People are parents to send their children to the exam. What am I supposed to be? I thought I had two dads."

Shen Huai: "..."

Ye Wei: "..."

At this point, the examination room has been opened, Chu Meibo waved his hand: "Reassured, I am not heroic righteousness this time, it is a test. You should go ahead, I will take a taxi back."

What Shen Huai wants to say, Chu Meibo has already followed the candidates to the teaching building.

The two looked at each other and returned to the car. When they got on the bus, Ye Hao took off the hat and scarf mask and took a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect to have such multimedia, and the danger was not discovered..."

Shen Huai said helplessly: "I have said that you will stay in the car, I will send her in the past."

"That's how it works!" Ye Hao Zhen Zhen has a word, "This is an important day for Meijie, and then we will get along with this time today..."

Shen Huai: "..."

He knew that the latter sentence was the focus.

But I don't blame Ye Hao for being like a grudge. Although they are very busy after returning home, the busiest is Shen Huai.

After dealing with the accumulation, he made a request to the company to open the studio.

Before Ye Hao went overseas to promote, although the whole process went smoothly, there were still many small problems. Companies like Morningstar Entertainment had many departments and long procedures. When I first contacted overseas agents, this situation was most obvious. .

After the "Rebirth" burst, the business of Ye Hao has suddenly increased. It is very difficult to rely on Shen Huai and Xue Chengge. Many things rely on Shen Huai to do it personally. Even if his energy is good, he can't afford it.

As for finding a company to deploy people, it is not a problem, so Shen Huai has the idea of ​​setting up a studio.

Ye Hao’s strength is destined to develop faster than ordinary singers. The studio’s wholehearted service for him is not only more convenient, but also better for his future development.

Except for Ye Hao, Chu Mubo is also true.

The company was originally worried that the two would jump and leave. Now Shen Huai has raised this request. Naturally, he readily agreed, and even volunteered to help him with the green light.

Although the company has full support, there are still many things to be solved. Shen Huai has been busy with these things recently. However, after the establishment of the studio, he can hand over most of the things in his hands, just need to grasp the general direction, and it can be much easier.


Shen Huai and Chu Meibo did not care about the hot search, but did not know that someone secretly hated the teeth.

Huarong has touched the wall before Chu Mobo, which has become her heart knot. Especially after discovering the hot body of Chu Meibo, this kind of eye-catching look, but can not get the feeling, just let her night Can't be jealous

Hua Rong’s original mind was not big. Every time I think about this, I have to send a temper.

Just when she was sulking, the door was ringing.

Hua Rong brows slightly wrinkled: "Come in."

The door opened and a young man with a delicate eyebrow came in: "Sister Hua, are you looking for me?"

The other side has a clear and gentle face, white skin, with a thick book, although not a stunning appearance, it is very comfortable to watch.

Hua Huarong saw him, his face was more and more ugly.

Hua Rong admits that she has a good eye, but she has been planted twice, and she is regarded as a shameful shame.

One time is Chu Meibo, and once again, this young man in front of him - Song Yizhen.

Song Yizhen was originally an ordinary college student, but because of a photograph of a sneak shot, it was called "Library Male God".

He was reading at the time, the sun came in from the window, dyed his hair into linen, slender eyebrows stretched, his mouth twitched, and he looked at the book intently.

It can directly hit the heart of the person.

When Hua Rong saw this photo, he decided that this person had a star potential, so he spent a lot of time to sign the person, but he signed it and regretted it.

When the photo was fired, it was really a good time, but when I really touched Song Yizhen, I found out that he was really a very boring person.

His temper is gentle and low-key, and he does not fight for it. If he is in real life, such a person is very suitable for being a friend. However, in the entertainment circle, he is too ignorant, and there is no half-point memory, only he will become other people. Stepping stone.

Huarong said before with Chu Meibo that even if the wood beauty looks good again, it is useless. It is Song Yizhen.

Every time she saw Song Yizhen, she reminded her that she had made the wrong choice.

Hua Rong was so proud of his heart that he angered everything in Song Yizhen.

Song Yizhen has a good temper and knows that he has failed Wu Rong’s expectation, so no matter how bad her attitude is, he is not angry.

Now in the office, Hua Rong looked at Weibo from his own eyes and ignored him. He didn't say anything, just standing next to him.

After a while, Hua Rong turned off the computer: "Yes, you have been in the company for two years, and the contract will expire soon. Do you have any plans?"

Song Yizhen hesitated for a moment: "Sister Hua, what do you think?"

Hua Rong smiled and said: "Yes, I am not willing to sign you. You have discovered it by me. However, after two years, the company has cultivated you vigorously, but it has not received corresponding returns. The company has limited resources. It’s impossible to invest like this all the time. Are you right?”

Song Yizhen’s face is a bit bleak.

Hua Rong said again: "I don't want you to renew, even if we renew the contract, you can only get the lowest level of the contract, and I don't want to delay you. You are a college student at a prestigious university. Going back to work is also a way out."

Song also tightened his lips.

Just when Huarong was ready to wave him to leave, he suddenly spoke: "Sister Hua, I understand what you mean, I know that I am not good enough, but... can you give me another chance?"

Hua Rong stunned. Song Yizhen, who was remembered in her memory, always had no opinion. She did what she said and never rebutted it, let alone take the initiative to fight for anything.

Now that he said this, he has made Huarong interested.

"Oh why?"

Song Yizhen was very nervous, but he still seriously said his reasons: "I... I want to act."

Song Yizhen has always been very embarrassed since he was a child. He listened to his parents and seriously studied at the university, but he did not expect that there would be such a huge turning point in his life.

After joining Menghe, he began to get into contact with acting, gradually became interested, and even found professional books and film research himself, but his talent was limited and his progress has been slow.

But this does not hinder his likes of acting, which is the first time in his life to fight for something for himself.

Hua Rong looked at him for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "If you really want to stay, there is no way."