MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 2 2nd

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As a young man of the new era who has been taught by more than two decades of scientific materialism, Shen Huai’s worldview has been broken.

He tried to reach out and walk through the other's body without any hindrance. He clearly saw this person in front of him, but the tentacles were nothing. Shen Huai's brain was stepped on by a group of elephants, and he was even blank. Unconsciously grasped.

Lu Yang held his arm and smiled and said: "Is it enough?"

Shen Huai, like an electric shock, generally retracted his hand: "I'm sorry."

Lu Yang looked at him curiously: "You are my fan"

Shen Huai: "...not."

Lu Yang: "..."

The face came so fast, there seemed to be a crack in his handsome face, and he couldn’t tell if it was wrong or awkward.

After Shen Huai finished, he realized that it was not right. His mind finally recovered a bit of clearness from the shock of the ghosts. He resumed the training of the weekdays. Some uncomfortablely helped the glasses: "Sorry, I have been offended, I am Just leave."

"Hey, you wait."

Lu Yang died for so many years, finally met a person who can see himself, which is so easy to let people go, but Shen Huai stopped, but he did not know what to say, after all, the other party is not his own fans, it is not easy to follow When people contact each other, they can only point to Shen Huai’s forehead and say: "Bleeding, remember to rub the medicine."

Shen Huaiyi: "Thank you."

Lu Yang: "You're welcome." He thought of something and renewed his enthusiasm. "Oh yes, I will take you to the staff lounge. I remember there was medicine..."

The words have not been finished yet, and the staff has taken the medicine.

Lu Yang: "..."

Shen Huai did not hold back the laughter, but when he looked at Lu Yang’s black face and the confused look of the staff, he converges on the smile. He suddenly felt that the cold images in the video literature had a temperature at once and became the living figure in front of him.

Shen Huai took medicine and stood up to leave.

Lu Yang seems to have been stunned for a while before he knows why: "You have to leave."

Shen Huai nodded, Lu Yang seemed to have a moment of disappointment, but after he saw it, he pretended to be nothing like it: "Oh."

Shen Huai saw his unsatisfactory look. He held a fist on his lips and covered his smile. Then he walked over and met Lu Yang’s surprised eyes. He smiled and said: "You... I want to go outside with me. "


Zhongjing City, Morning Star Entertainment Company.

Bai Yujia listened casually to the new agent and said that the work arrangement, cold and not being hit by someone, suddenly angered: "You don't have a long eye!"

The man ignored it and ran silently.

"Hey, you!" Bai Jiajia was trying to swear, but after seeing the man's face, he took a moment. "Isn't that Ye Hao? How could he be here?"

Cassie looked up and glanced: "His agent resigned, it should be to arrange a new agent."

Bai Jiajia laughed and said: "Which agent is willing to pick up this trouble with his mud that doesn't help the wall."

Cassie: "I really got someone, you know it."

Bai Yujia lived, then sinking his face: "Shen Huai"

Cassie nodded: "Although Ye Hao can't sing and dance, you have to admit that this child has a good-looking face, and he has a good chance to pack and teach. There is no chance of a counterattack."

Bai Yujia Yin Yang ridiculously mocked: "If Cassie sister is optimistic about him, he can take people over, you have not done this kind of thing!"

Cassie just smiled indulgently: "Well, I just talked about it, do you have a good time to eat this vinegar with a newcomer who has not debuted?"

Bai Yujia snorted.

Cassie knows his character well, and he doesn't bother or slow down: "I have dinner with the president of the Asian region of mk tonight, don't forget, I will let you pick you up."

When Bai Jiajia’s eyes lit up, she finally stopped entangled in this matter and turned to the endorsement.

Ye Hao, who was left behind by the two, returned to the rental house. The soundproofing effect of the room was not good. He clearly heard the couple quarreling next door, all kinds of swear words greet each other's parents, and the aunt downstairs slammed the door. Taking advantage of the son who played the game late at night, and I don’t know where to put the TV, the confession of the actor’s neuropathy is audible.

This is the most familiar living environment of Ye Hao. He has been living here since he came to the city. He worked day and night in vain, dreaming of having a place in the city. He also admired the stars who appeared on the TV, but never thought that they would have such an encounter one day.

Until that day, he sent a takeaway to the "Star of Tomorrow" program group, was discovered by the director, became a player. Then he signed a contract with the brokerage company, listened to the future that the agent planned for him, and felt the enthusiastic pursuit of the fans. This 20-year-old boy is like a dream.

However, the reality is far less beautiful than he thought. Ye Hao has only a pretty face that he can't sing, he can't dance, even Mandarin is not standard, even if he starts to work now, it is better than no. Years of practice over the same period.

At the beginning, there were still gimmicks such as the bottom-up counterattack. The audience also tolerated him a bit, but when he broke into the top ten with popularity and competition, and the players with real strength were eliminated, the anger of netizens finally broke out.

Of course, for the entertainment industry, this has never been a big problem. After all, black and red is also red, but the young man who just came to the city has collapsed. He probably never thought that human malpractice would be so big, it would use the most. The ugly language is a stranger who has never seen a face.

The agent’s resignation was like the last straw to crush the camel. Ye Hao was lying on the bed, staring at the dirty ceiling, the phone was ringing, but he didn’t even have the courage to open. He I was afraid to see the red topic behind a microblog.


For a long time, he climbed up from the bed, staggered to the kitchen and took a knife, went to the bathroom, the door was closed, the faucet was opened, and the sound of "哗啦啦" covered other sounds.


"Beep beep -"

The phone was still not connected, Shen Huai put down the phone and stopped a car to go to Ye Hao’s residence. He had just got off the plane. He should have gone back to wash and rest to see his new artist. However, Ye Hao had not answered the phone. The WeChat friend did not agree. He could not help but worry.

Lu Yang is by his side, and some don't understand: "You know that this child is not suitable for the stage, why should you agree to take over?"

Shen Huai pressed the bridge of the nose and pretended to be on the phone and answered him: "I don't think anyone can decide what the other person is suitable for. If he doesn't want to stay, I will cancel the contract with him."

When he arrived at the place, Shen Huai followed the address on the information and went upstairs. However, when he arrived at the place, he saw a circle around the door. He was very tight and quickly went over to ask what happened.

A middle-aged woman sighed with angrily: "The people here don't know what to do, the faucet is not closed, and we are leaking downstairs!"

Shen Huai still wants to ask, the landlord has come over with the key. When the door is opened, Shen Huai feels that something is wrong. He hurried into it and saw Ye Hao lying in the bathtub with a long mouth on his wrist. The blood stained the water in the bathtub.

The teenager was pale and closed his eyes. Under the waves of water, the beauty was like a painting. He is like a sleeping prince, leaving himself away from this annoying world.

But then, his ear screamed with high decibels, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Shen Huai's teeth were tightly bitten, and immediately walked over to pull the leafhopper out of the bathtub, and screamed at the human being behind him: "I still have to help!"

The landlord quickly helped him to bring Ye Hao to the bed together. Shen Huai tried the nose of the leafhopper and touched the pulse. The heart suddenly sank.

"Get an emergency call!"

Shen Huai said, he took off his coat and carried out cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Ye Hao. Fortunately, the ambulance arrived soon. The emergency doctors and nurses took over the work of Shen Huai and sent Ye Hao to the ambulance.

Shen Huai put down the rolled up sleeves and walked silently to the side. He looked very embarrassed at this time, his clothes were crumpled, and the meticulous hair that had always been taken care of was also chaotic, but he did not care about himself, but first Call Ming Wei and tell her about it.

However, the phone did not dial, and he heard someone talking.

"...Yes, that is Ye Hao! Really commit suicide, I lied to you!! I passed the video to a circle of friends, you can go and see, hey, remember to give me a compliment..."

The man was excited to show off with his friends, and suddenly the phone was taken away. Shen Huai opened the circle of friends of the other party. It was the leafhopper lying in the bathtub. There was a lot of praise and message at the bottom. Shen Huai bit his teeth tightly, endured the anger of his heart and deleted this circle of friends, and deleted this video.

The man finally reacted and grabbed the phone, and he was furious: "You are crazy in the trough!"

Shen Huai looked at him coldly: "Did you learn the law? Infringe on the privacy rights of citizens and the right to portraits. Do you want to accept the lawyer's letter?"

The man was stunned by him, his momentum weakened, and he hurriedly left with a "neuropathy."

However, this matter has not been concealed after all, and soon the topic of #叶沧杀# rushed to the hot search. When Shen Huai received the call from Ming Wei, he was making a transcript at the police station.

Shen Huai worried about the accident, and rushed to the hospital after finishing the transcript.

Ye Hao was already awake and was leaning on the infusion bed. Several nurses seemed to be talking to him. When he saw Shen Huai coming in, he shivered and hurriedly left.

Ye Hao turned his face, the sunset projected on the window, and his face was half-bright and half-dark, and he added a bit of perseverance to his life, which is completely different from the past.

After Shen Huai took a moment, he thought of introducing himself to the other party, but the other party had already called out his name.

"Shen Huai!"

Then he smiled and put a blockbuster.

"I am Lu Yang."

Read The Duke's Passion