MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 184 The first legacy 8 regrets 4

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What happened on the Golden Melody Awards quickly spread to all viewers through various media channels.

Although Ye Hao did not win the Grand Slam again, it is somewhat regrettable, but most people can still accept this result. Lu Hao’s album has been in preparation for a year and a half, and the songs of the entire album are very good. The Queen Mary, who broke her personal style, is also very exciting.

However, more importantly, Ye Hao’s confession of Shen Huai after the award.

The reactions of netizens are also different.

Jay, the sour smell of love

Ah, ah, ah, c party, one meets

Shark shark

I don't know if I should admire you or Huaihuai.

The heat of this scene almost overshadowed the limelight award, and Chu Mubo did not go to the scene, but rarely gathered at home to watch the live broadcast.

When I saw this scene, the three people all had the same voice to make a "squeaky" sound.

Guo Wenyuan "He Ye is floating, he is absolutely floating"

Chu Meibo "The children now will play very well."

Guo Wenyuan "When they come back, I must laugh at Ye Hao. In public confession, this kind of stalk is too old. Hahahaha"

Suddenly ""

According to what he saw during this time, Guo Wenyuan lost the probability of the upper leaves, and he did not know that he was so happy to be shackled.

However, not only did not advise Guo Wenyuan, but also a few words.

So, after Ye Hao and others returned, the three people congratulated them, and Guo Wenyuan did not think that he had told Ye Hao publicly.

Guo Wenyuan "You are really old-fashioned"

Ye Wei "I have an object"

Guo Wenyuan "If you usually sprinkle dog food, you can still sprinkle dog food at the award ceremony."

Ye Wei "I have an object"

Guo Wenyuan "There are great objects."

Ye Hao smiled and licked the shoulders of Shen Huai. "Of course, I am the most amazing object."

Guo Wenyuan ""

He lost, in the face thickness of the item, he has never won Ye Hao, his years of accumulated experience, after all, can not match the talent of others.

It’s a pleasure to see me and Chu Meibo’s melons. I didn’t expect Shen Huai to be cold and said, “A few months later, I will fight for your dead and alive opponents. Now I can still get along so happily.”

Guo Wenyuan ""

Guo Wenyuan remembered this. A few months later, Hung Hom will compete with Asheng for the best film award in the Golden Awards. He will be vigilant and take Chu Mobo and keep a distance.

Suddenly ""

Shen Huai smiled and Ye Hao left, deep in the name and name.

When Hung Hom was released, everyone asserted that this would be the best movie of the year. Who knows that it will be hit in the second half of the year. Although Asheng is not as popular as Hung Hom, it is all out of all. Unexpected dark horse.

In some movie forums, there are quite a few posts discussing Asheng.

For most Chinese people who have already entered middle age, who has not seen a movie of Xiangjiang, who did not fantasize that he was the protagonist in the movie when he was young?

Although they have gradually entered the society, they have family and buried their past two, but when Asheng appeared in the movie, many people still remembered their own past.

For them, that is the rare light in their life, some of them are going to the cinema to watch, some are friends, they are called by their best brothers, some are alone, silently go watch.

A Sheng’s story is humorous and funny. He has hidden a lot of tributes to the Xiangjiang movie, so many fans can smile, some are not fans, but they can also see the familiar shadow. In the second half of the movie, although the cinema was still laughing from time to time, there were a lot of sobbing.

They saw themselves in Asheng, this is a story of a small person struggling in the tide, but who is not a small person in this era?

There is a saying that the essence of comedy is tragedy.

No matter how easy the film is to say, the story has not changed. From the beginning, it was the essence of tragedy.

Asheng is not a pure comedy film, nor is it a literary film that everyone thinks in the traditional sense. It is difficult to summarize it in terms of type, but this does not affect the excellence of this film.

The judges of the Golden Awards did not believe that the film could be shot. The hidden and pungent and transparent inside is not a gift that can be explained. This is the experience that the years can give.

However, in the film's documentary, it was clearly expressed, and how the master created the film step by step. So they have to admit that perhaps there are people in the world who will be born to make movies. Some people are enjoying the meal by God. It’s probably God is chasing and feeding.

Amazing age is one of the biggest publicity points of the film, but it is also one of the weaknesses of the award.

Although in the outside discussion, the probability of winning the prize between Hung Hom and A-Sheng is almost half and half, but in the minds of the industry who are familiar with the unspoken rules, Asheng has almost no chance of winning.

I also know these unspoken rules. He is not too concerned about whether A-win can win the prize. After all, the film was successfully shot and successfully released. For him, it is already very satisfying.

So at the awards ceremony of the Jinying Awards, everyone saw that the masters of the two teams of Asheng and Hung Hom sat together and had a good time. This familiar scene reminded the audience of the previous Golden Melody Award.

Netizens sighed.

Was it true that the art is now so Buddhist?

As a producer of Asheng, Shen Huai was blatantly sitting in the main creative staff of Asheng with his family.

Guo Wenyuan was separated by a crew and couldn’t help but swearing. "You are so addicted to this dry dog ​​food and go to the audience."

Ye Hao "I"

When Guo Wenyuan heard that he was numb at the beginning of his scalp, he quickly waved his hand and said, "I know you have an object, shut up."

Ye Hao, "I mean, I am the soundtrack of this movie. Why can't I sit here?"

Guo Wenyuan ""

He actually forgot this.

Ye Hao won a total victory, and proudly picked up Guo Wenyuan to raise his eyebrows.

Lao Guo was originally a little nervous, and this will relieve tension by using Ye Hao to interact with each other. Who knows that two sentences have been taken out of real feelings, and now I can’t take it any more, and I’m going straight to Ye’s past. .

Shen Huai couldn't help but press the forehead. This is a trick that primary school students will use when they quarrel.

Fortunately, the two people couldn’t argue for a long time, and soon the awards ceremony began.

The awards ceremony looks very tall, but it seems to be different from the previous years. In recent years, the Jinying Awards on the Internet have not been good, and they have been criticized for being rigid and backward. The scandals of the team’s bribery review have appeared to be very unbearable, but it is still the largest and most authoritative in China. Movie awards.

Since the new film association president took office, the entire film and television circle seems to have begun to change, even this year's Golden Award seems to have changed.

As one of the most eye-catching two films of this year's Golden Awards, Asheng has won a lot of achievements, not only won two technical awards, but also the best new director award and best screenplay award.

When I came to power, I suddenly triggered a bunch of exclamations and screens in front of the screen. No one believed that this beautiful man who was not like a real person turned out to be the director of such a big drama.

I gave a speech calmly and thanked Shen Huai.

After Asheng was released, some media interviewed the crew and also learned a lot of behind-the-scenes news.

In the eyes of many people, the configuration of A-Sheng is simply a noisy, but who can think of Shen Huai is such a great force, dare to give such a big project to an inexperienced stun, but not only dare Then he actually succeeded.

It’s true that you’re right, if you don’t have Shen Huai, you really don’t have this movie.

At the same time, Hung Hom, the highest-rated movie in the year, and the top-ranking film, were among the top ten winners of the 18 awards.

There is also a joke in this, Guo Wenyuan not only won the best supporting actor, but also won this year's Best Newcomer Actor Award.

When he heard his name, Guo Wenyuan still stunned and did not respond for a long time. After all, in his cognition, the best supporting actor is a matter of nailing. This best new actor is purely unexpected. It is.

Guo Wenyuan fainted on the stage, sorted out the mood for a while, and said, "This is my first time to win this award."

The next burst of laughter, the guests on the side could not help but say, "You have no second chance."

However, Shen Huai and others in the audience did not laugh. They know that this award is more important to Guo Wenyuan than the best supporting actor.

Guo Wenyuan’s acting skills were polished and polished in a group. He never regarded acting as a profession, but a thing he loved for life. Even if he has played so many plays, he still plays. This thing has awe and expectation.

For him, his acting skills are long-lasting. Every time he enters the crew, he regards himself as a new-person actor. This award is also a false positive for his efforts over the years.

Shen Huai and others have all given up to Guo Wenyuan.

Guo Wenyuan was dizzy and went underground, and then announced the best new actress, no doubt that Chu Mobo got.

Her exquisite acting in Hung Hom this year almost played the role of Cheng Haoxin. Later, she also starred in the innocent and simple actress Qian Ru in Asheng. The appearance of the two characters is different, and the performance of Chu Meibo It is equally exciting, and people simply don't believe that this is the same person.

But even so, she is still not optimistic about the best actress competition.

No one even thought that, in the final award of the best actress, Chu Meibo defeated a group of predecessors and won the championship.

Netizens are naturally happy, this is in their opinion, it is really deserved, this year's actress, who can still have such good results.

After all, Hung Hom and A-Sheng’s ultra-high box office have already caused Chu Meibo to start hitting the 10 billion box office club.

However, the industry has been tidy, which has subverted their historical cognition. Almost all the movie circles have the habit of arranging seniors. This has become a common rule in the industry. No one even thought that this rule would one day. It will change.

However, some people could not help but think of a sentence that Jiangling, the president of the new film association, said.

"Today's Chinese film also needs a new look."

After that, it was a hot new recruiting plan. Everyone thought that he was talking about this plan. I never imagined that people were talking about the entire movie circle.

Before Chu Mubo listened to Shen Huai’s analysis, she didn’t think there was anything. Now she got the prize. Although she was a little surprised, she quickly packed up her emotions and walked on the stage.

She took the heavy trophy from the awarding guests and felt the weight that was handed to her. She couldn't help getting serious.

She looked at the stage and thanked him as usual. This slowly began. "I was deeply attracted to the first act of my life, perhaps in the eyes of many people, this profession and others. There is no difference in career, but I am very grateful. It has made me see many stories and many interesting characters."

“When I was shaping the characters, I seemed to have lived again with the characters. It was a very interesting and intoxicating experience. I felt like I had experienced many strange dreams, and it seems to have lived many times and many times.”

She smiled and the complex emotions in her smile didn't seem to appear on this young face, but it didn't make people feel uncomfortable.

She looked at the stage. "Although it was a little late, I still have to say thank you to my agent, Shen Huai. Thank you for letting me come back to life."

After the experience of Ye Hao and Xia Shiyu, the netizens have been very accustomed to Shen Huai’s artists to thank him. On the contrary, Guo Wenyuan, who had previously inexplicably said with Shen Huai, is too hot. .

Lao Guozhen ""

Chu Meibo took the trophy section and went underground. After embracing the crew members, he went to the Asheng crew next door and hugged Shen Huai.

After Shen Huai sat down, his mood was not calm for a while, and he couldn’t help but push the glasses.

Ye Hao looked at him sideways and reached out to hold his hand. Shen Huai felt the temperature of the palm, and turned his head to the leaf to reveal a gentle smile.

Soon it was the biggest suspense tonight, the best film.

Although Shen Huai had already prepared for Asheng not to win the prize, but at this time, he was not nervous about the situation.

In addition to the highly respected three gold shadows Tian Wei and the shadows of Liu Mengyu.

The two sang together and pulled the suspense. In the end, Tian Wei or the gentleman handed the envelope to Liu Mengyu, who announced the biggest suspense today.

Liu Mengyu opened the envelope and seemed to be shocked, but she quickly returned to normal. She smiled and said, "The winner of the 32nd Golden Award for Best Picture is Red Dragonfly."

The applause and screams broke out in the audience. The main creators of Hung Hom hugged. The Shen Huai and Su Ran on the side were not surprised by this result, but they still lost some.

Who knows that Liu Mengyan shook his hand and said, "I haven't finished yet. The best film of this year is a double yellow egg. In addition to the red dragonfly and Asheng, the two films won the best film together. ”

Shen Huai was stunned, and the stage was also awkward. After all, the Golden Award was held for so many years. This is the first time that there are double yellow eggs.

Or Ye Hao first reacted, excitedly hugged him "Ahuai, Asheng won the award"

Shen Huai was just awakened as a dream, and he took the stage to receive the award.

Hung Hom spoke by Xie Gui. Xie Dao was obviously calm and a lot of speeches. He then gave the time to the Asheng crew.

I suddenly gestured to Shen Huai and asked him to speak.

Shen Huai’s hand was stuffed into the microphone. He looked at the stage and the whole person could not help but feel awkward.

Three years ago, he couldn’t think of himself standing on the stage of the Golden Awards.

A little further, six years ago, he had just become a broker, and he even thought that he would be in this profession for so long.

He has experienced so many years in these years, he seems to have changed the lives of many people, but he is also constantly changing because of them.

At this moment, a lot of feelings poured into the heart of Shen Huai, as if he had caught his throat. He couldn’t help but look down on the stage and was hitting the support and encouragement of Ye Hao.

The floating heart of Shen Huai seemed to be settled suddenly. He closed his eyes slightly and returned to the rational and calm Huaihuai.

He said, "When I first became a broker a few years ago, I didn't really know what it meant, but in the past few years, I have seen many people who have paid for art. This passion and perseverance has been subverted. I have a clear understanding of life."

"You let me know that there is something in the world that can transcend time and space. I am fortunate enough to participate in it. I can see that you are showing the world to the world. I want to thank you. We are not just artists and The relationship of the broker is a very important friend and family."

He bowed deeply to the stage.

These words are what Shen Huai always wanted to say, but there was no chance at all. Now he finally said it, and his heart was relaxed.

Chu Meibo and others under the stage could not help but red-eyed.

Shen Huai walked down with the trophy, hugged them one by one, and everyone did not speak because everything was already in the heart.

In the end, Ye Hao, his arm slammed the Shen Huai, but quickly released.

After the award ceremony, the two did not go to the gala dinner, but left together.

The car parked on the hillside of a hill, because the time was a bit late, it was extra quiet.

Shen Huai and Ye Hao got out of the car and leaned together to see the stars.

Shen Huai suddenly asked, "It will get better and better."

Ye Hao turned his head and gently kissed his lips. He whispered, "Yes, everything will get better and better."

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