MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 156 156th

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The matter of falling in love between Shen Huai and Ye Wei almost smashed the entire Weibo.

The trough leafhopper is a gay

Fairy love

I thought that they had problems before, and the financial community predators actually became a small broker, not for love.

According to the brother of s, the true love of Shen Huai should be Xu Anqi.

When I was so sweet, I cried every time I said that I was really getting it. I never imagined that one day I actually got it.

Homosexuals are rough and disgusting

I don't believe that the **** does not admit that I don't believe it.

This year, the handsome guy is really handsome, hehe

There are no causes and consequences. It’s such an unclear picture. The paparazzi composes a story. Do you believe that the person has a brain?

You don’t have a brain, isn’t it clear enough? If it’s not a lover, it’s better to be close to the fingers.

The online quarrels are incomprehensible, and the c powders are like a five-million-dollar prize, and the whole person is happy.

Cherry excitedly pulled out all her inventory, but looking at the comments on the Internet, there was a little worry, she had Ye Wei and Shen Huai's WeChat, but she believed in the rules of self-emergence as a c-small circle, very Less to bother the two, so I looked at the two names on WeChat at this moment, hesitating.

At this time, her qq suddenly went crazy and generally sounded. This qq is used by her three yuan. Most of them are c powder like her. Now everyone is crazy about sending her information. Is it Shen Huai and Ye Wei? What happened

Cherry sinks in his heart and quickly opens the dialog box. Then he discovers that it is really an accident, and it is still a big event.

Shen Huai and Ye Hao actually acknowledged this incident on Weibo, and publicly said that they are now in love.

Shen Huai v, regardless of work or life, please advise a lot later. Ye Wei

Ye Hao v my love song forever protagonist. Shen Huai

Cherry is stunned. As a TV practitioner, she knows that in this case, the two don't respond, and it is best for the company to cover up things in the past. After all, even if everyone is unaware, as long as the parties do not admit it, there will always be room for manoeuvre, but as long as the two responded, no matter what they say, they will face greater blame.

Shen Huai should be clearer than her. He is so sensible and calm, but he has made such impulsive things.

Cherry "呜呜呜" in the dialog box to make a line.

I believe in love again.

Although c-like powder such as cherries is supported by drums, but for the whole society, homosexuality is still a thing that is not accepted by the public.

Soon after the two people sent Weibo, the stock price of Morningstar has been screaming and falling, and some brands that originally wanted to cooperate with Ye Hao have not gone down. Even there are all kinds of swearing rumors going to two people. Throw it on your body.

Fortunately, Shen Huai has already prepared for it. Although the Internet is still noisy, at least it has not affected the Morningstar Company too much.

Chu Meibo and others all knew about this, so they called to send messages to the two.

Shen Huai just hung up the phone of Chu Meibo and saw the familiar name of WeChat voice. He was helpless but still connected.

At the moment, Chen Chiyu still did not return to God in shock. "You just admit it."

Shen Huai "hmm", even gave him a joke "Sorry, let you stay vacant tonight."

Chen Chiyu listened to his tone and relaxed. He also breathed a sigh of relief and did not respond to him. "This is not the first time anyway, I am used to it."

He spit out the trough, but he still couldn't help but say, "You are too new. It is open to the public. I feel that I am busy these days. When I come out, the day has changed."

Shen Huai faintly said, "This is a matter of time, but now it just happens."

"You can see it." Chen Chiyu lowered his voice. "It’s really set."

Shen Huai did not hesitate and seriously said "Yes."

"唉" Chen Chiyu doesn't know what to say. "Let's do it, then I can only bless you, have time to come out and have a meal together."

Shen Huai laughed. "Of course, wait for this storm, let us please."

Chen Chiyu, "Hey, don't always feed me dog food because my wife is not around."

The smile on Shen Huai’s face fell into the eyes of Ye Hao, making him smile unconsciously.

The opposite video of Li Zihang has no words. "Friends, isn’t it just a matter of taking off a single? Can you not laugh so much, I am a little confused."

Ye Hao returned to him with a white eye. "I admire and hate, I will not laugh at you and can't find the object."

Li Zihang ""

Li Zihang feels that he has specially sent a video to care about Ye Haochun’s ignorance. Ye Hao’s sturdy nerves are optimistic and ill-conceived. No matter how many people on the Internet smashed the estimates, they can’t change his eyes. They don’t need to worry about him. .

Li Zihang looked at Ye Hao’s face, and he couldn’t help but ask, “To be honest, friend, is the paparazzi sent by you?”

Ye Hao, "What do you say, go."

Li Zihang couldn't help but vomit. "You look for a mirror to see you like this. When you take the Coron Award, you haven't seen you so much."

Ye Hao touched his cheek, and he touched his upturned corner. He couldn't tell Li Zihang. After the resurrection, he was a reasonable person. He would be happy but not ruined, but Shen Huai was unexpected. Hi, it is God's unique gift.

He didn't have to talk, and the sudden soft eyes had already told Li Zihang the answer.

Li Zihang was happy for him, but he deliberately said, "Hey, are you thinking about your agent when you are in the game? So old people are tired of being together, and even eating with me is not willing to go."

The more he thinks about it, the more he wants him, and he wants him to make a strong invitation. Ye Hao has an excuse to refuse him with Shen Huai, to say that there is no traitor, who believes.

Who knows, Ye Hao just looked at him lightly and said, "No, it would be purely abandoning you."

Li Zihang ""

Li Zihang anger and hang up the video.

Ye Hao couldn't help but smile. He put his mobile phone away, went to Shen Huai, and held his hand in his hand. "The phone is finished."

Shen Huai responded with a voice, and advised "Don't always bully Li Zihang, your friends are not much, don't give people away."

The smile on Ye Hao’s face has expanded. “Well, I’m listening to you.”

Shen Huai saw him look like a baby, knowing that this person is a model for actively admitting death and not repenting, but at this moment he can only shake his head helplessly.

Ye Hao is like a big dog and arches to the neck of Shen Huai. "I am really happy."

Shen Huai’s heart softened and his hand was tight.

Neither of them spoke, just quietly feeling the warmth and tacit understanding of the rogue. They all know that such calm is short-lived. When they wait tomorrow, they have to face the overwhelming questioning and malice, but even so. They didn't regret it a bit.

At this moment, what Ye Hao thought of, opened the phone, cut out the trumpet "Your Dad", brushed and sent a Weibo.

He proudly said, "This is the key time, as the number one c powder, how can I not express it?"

Shen Huai looked at the contents of Weibo and reluctantly pressed his forehead.

Your father is a good day today and should come out.

The netizens underneath.

Dad, this kind of heat is not awkward.

Two days later, Morningstar announced a press conference, and all the reporters who knew the news were "squeaky".

In the past two days, the things of Shen Huai and Ye Hao have been arguing on the Internet, but the two parties are like human beings. The two people are very well protected. Even the reporters can't find them, let alone interviews. .

Now that two days have passed, the heat has not come down. As a reporter, it is a time to interview any of these two people. It is a professional moment and sales will explode.

At this time, Shen Huai announced the opening of a press conference, which is simply putting a piece of fresh meat in front of a group of hungry wolves.

Don't say anything. This is the information released by Morningstar. Who doesn't know who is behind the Morningstar company. The scale of this conference is not small. Shen Huai will definitely attend.

As a result, there are countless reporters who want to squeeze into the press conference. Although Morningstar’s invitation qualification is very strict, on the same day, the entire conference was still crowded.

When the press conference began, Shen Huai actually went to the stage with a suit and suit, and there was Ye Hao with him.

The whole conference was awkward at the scene. This was the first time that the two men publicly announced the same box after the cabinet was released. For a time, the entire scene was the sound of the camera shutter.

But no one thought that Shen Huai and Ye Hao did not sit in the middle, but the people who followed him made everyone widen their eyes.

Executive Vice President of the Music Association, Fang Zhijun, Dean of the Beijing-Beijing Conservatory of Music, the family of Mahayana Real Estate, Cui Jianhui of the Tomato Network, and Yi Wei, the chairman of the former Yixing Film Company, which once influenced a generation.

The appearance of these three people made the reporters present smell the news.

After a shot, they stopped moving, staring eagerly on the stage, waiting for Shen Huai to release a blockbuster.

Shen Huai did not live up to their expectations and slowly began to speak.

“Morningstar has already cooperated with the Music Association and Mahayana Real Estate to increase support for original singers and increase support for niche music, including but not limited to rock, jazz, bel canto, etc. not only in the production of records, but also It will enhance the dissemination of niche music through a series of methods such as variety and social propaganda."

When he said this, the scene suddenly talked about it. This is really a big move. The Chinese entertainment record is lagging behind. Everyone thought that Morningstar would pick up the big market left by China Entertainment. I didn’t expect Morningstar to give up the gold of the hand, but instead set a new path. To support niche music, it is obviously not going to take the monopoly route of China Entertainment.

This news is sent out, I am afraid that the entire music circle and the record market will be shaken.

Shen Huai did not wait for them to digest this news, and then released a second bomb.

"From today, Yixing Film Studio will be independent from Morningstar Entertainment. It will not only participate in the investment of film and television, but also follow the film and television production. And we and Tomato Network will also reach a strategic cooperation, the old movie of Yixing. Make new developments and get them back on the screen."

Previously, the industry has been rumored that the easy-to-copy copyright library was sent to Shen Huai by Yi Yi. At that time, I don’t know how many people laughed at this. It’s a fantasy, how easy it is to sell the copyright library. It is.

After all, when Guan Rui spent so much energy and money, he couldn’t get it.

However, at the moment, this article has been confirmed by the embarrassing on the stage. The reporters watched that although they were sitting in a wheelchair, they were very embarrassed and only felt that their faces were swollen.

At this point, everyone has not paid much attention to the relationship between the two. After all, these two heavyweight news, no matter which one can cause the vibration of the entertainment circle, obviously more valuable.

The reporters at the scene were happy and painful, and they could not help but blame Shen Huai, always making such sweet troubles.

At this moment, Shen Huai took the microphone to his lips.

"The last thing, when reporting me and Ye Wei later, please add two words and be married."

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