MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 125 125th

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After the college entrance examination, Chu Meibo was very good, basically stabilized at the Beijing Film Academy. Shen Huai specially invited the chef to come home and made a table full of banquets to celebrate Chu Meibo.

Not only invited Lao Guo, but also Cheng Mengjiao and others, a house is very lively.

In addition to giving people to eat, Shen Huai did not forget Tang Yujun, deliberately let the chef do a few dishes that Tang Yujun loves to eat, in addition to fat sausage, there are several Xiangjiang specialties.

Now Song Yizhen has already known that every meal of Shenhuai will make a plate of fat and intestines to worship a predecessor. He is worried that Cheng Mengjiao and others are not clear about this rule, and they have deliberately smashed the past.

When he said it was clear, when he was ready to go back and get the red wine, he was almost scared by Guo Wenyuan standing behind him.

Since the audition of the fog in Dongcheng, Song Yizhen’s fear of Guo Wenyuan has disappeared miraculously. Now, although the two are still somewhat unfamiliar, they can at least communicate normally.

Song Yizheng was preparing to apologize and found that Guo Wenyuan did not look at him at all. His eyes were out of focus, his eyes filled with pain, loss and incredulity, which was very complicated.

Song Yizhen looked at him in the eyes of him.

Found that he was looking at the fat

Song Yiwei ""

He feels that the home has a strong sense of inexplicable presence in the recent past. Although he is full of questions, he is still considerate to Guo Wenyuan. "Guo Zong, if you want to eat fat, let the chef give you another bowl, this one. Can't move"

"Don't tell me about fatness"

Guo Wenyuan was outraged and heartbroken.

He couldn't think of anything. The little fairy in his heart, the dream lover in his heart for many years, the sweet and soft Tang Yijun, turned out to be a lame woman who loves to eat fat.

Guo Wenyuan grabbed his chest and stumbled upstairs to go "Let me slow down first"

Song Yizhen looked at the back of Guo Wenyuan, and some doubts about the Shenhuai Road that came over, "Shen Ge, Guo Zong him"

Shen Huai waved his hand. "Nothing, you should go ahead."

Song also glanced at his eyes. Although he was still a bit strange, he still left obediently.

Shen Huai said, he went up the stairs, and Tang Yujun hesitated, and then floated up.

Chu Meibo and Ye Hao looked at each other. They knew Tang Zhenjun's character long ago, so they didn't care. After this period of time, they gradually understood what Tang Yijun’s heart was. Now she is willing to take the initiative and everyone supports her. I just didn’t expect Lao Guo’s reaction to be so big.

Both of them were worried, so they went upstairs.

Upstairs, Lao Guo stood on the small balcony and looked at the front melancholy. The expression on his face changed a lot. Finally, he sighed long and turned around, and then he was scared by this group of people behind him. jump.

"You are doing it"

Shen Huai looked at Guo Wenyuan’s face and asked with some hesitation “You are okay”

Guo Wenyuan scratched his head and said, "I am fine."

Chu Meibo's gaze fluttered into Tang Yujun, who drifted into another room. She knew that she usually looked very embarrassed. In fact, her mind was very sensitive. Even if she didn't care about her mouth, it didn't matter. In fact, she still cares very much.

In this way, her expression could not help but become serious. "Do you think Xiaotang is not good?"

Her eyebrows are sharp and her eyes are full of killings, as if Guo Wenyuan said "not good", he can immediately unscrew his head.

Guo Wenyuan shrank his neck, but he quickly straightened his back and excitedly said, "Who said Miss Tang is not good?"

Ye Hao turned a blank eye. "Then you look like you are dying and running upstairs."

Guo Wenyuan was a little embarrassed and muttered, "The idol is set to collapse, and fans are not allowed to be shocked."

Three people ""

Guo Wenyuan vowed to look at them. "You didn't catch the stars at first glance. The vulgar superficiality for me, no matter what Miss Tang becomes, will not change her position in my mind. I am her iron powder. Loyal powder brain powder"

Ye Hao shook a bit, feeling that his goose bumps had fallen to the ground.

Chu Meibo silently took back the threatening eyes. "Okay, I will go down first."

Guo Wenyuan shuddered and pointed to the backs of the two of them. They were looking for Shen Huai to preside over justice. Who knows that when I went back, I found that Shen Huai was gone, and there was only a face-faced smile.

Guo Wenyuan's full grievances suddenly disappeared, leaving only a smirk.

Tang Yujun looked at him and solemnly said to him, "Thank you."

Guo Wenyuan scratched his head and faced the poisonous tongue of others. He couldn’t fully play it out. He just stuttered. "No, no, you are welcome."

Tang Yijun reached out and rubbed his eyes. "Let me know again, my number one iron powder."

Guo Wenyuan shook the hands of the goddess twice, and now he is still in the same room as the goddess. He is not happy to know his surname.

"I knew that you like to eat fat sausages. I know that there is a home that is very authentic. I have the opportunity to take you to try. Do you play mahjong? I grew up on the mahjong table and you want to play games. That's right, I The king thief slips, the next time you take black, oh, the meaning of black is "

Tang Yujun listened to Guo Wenyuan’s groaning, couldn’t help but laugh, the thick barriers in her heart, I don’t know when it was opened, and the sun was shining in from that mouth.

After eating, Shen Huai called the car to send the friends of Chu Meibo back, but they did not have time to rest, a group of people rushed to the airport, because Chu Meibo three people will soon enter the group to shoot red 伶.

This time, Hung Hom’s location is in Shanyang Film and Television City, Yushui and Dongjiang. What they are going to now is the Republic of China Film and Television City in Yushui.

This is specially built for the shooting of Hung Hom. Of course, it will not be dismantled after the red dragonfly is taken, but opened as a new film city and tourist attraction.

Yushui is a small town, but it seems to be much more desolate than the film and television base that has been developed for many years.

Xie Gui’s requirements for the crew are very strict. All the actors are required to enter the group half a month before the start of the shoot. However, after Chu Mobo and others have passed, they discover that there are still people who are earlier than them, that is, the actor Zhou Hanjun. The actor is Wesley.

Wei Siwei is also an artist of Guan Rui. Compared with Fu Shengxing’s resume, he obviously has to keep a lot of low-key. Although he has been filming in these years, he is not warm. Therefore, for Hung Hom’s chance to recover this time, he has to look a lot more than Fu Wei, and he will join the group one week earlier than others.

When everyone met, he smiled and said hello one by one.

Knowing that Chu Meibo was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, he immediately said, "That can be too clever. I graduated from the performance department of the Beijing Film Academy. I will be my sister after Xiaochu."

Guo Wenyuan’s attitude is natural and respectful. Even if it is a small transparency to Song Yizhen, he does not mean to take a shelf.

His easy-going temper, and soon became a part of the crowd, the atmosphere of the crew is very harmonious.

Shen Huai was also worried that he would be so arrogant as Fu Xiao, and he would have to make some troubles when he was there, but he was so sleek as Wei Siwei, and I don’t have to worry about it for the time being.

But how does Wesley's temper not be the most important, and how his acting is the key.

Fortunately, the next day was the script reading session. Shen Huai did not rush back, and accompanied Chu Mobo and others into the conference room.

Xie, the old-time director, pays great attention to the script reading session. This is not a matter of just thinking about the lines. He asks the actors to play the state to play the game.

And here, Wesley showed his solid performance skills and strong character shaping ability.

He and Chu Meibo's opponents are the most played, the two of them are so sparkling and full of tension, even Xie Gui could not help but pat the table.

Before Chu Meibo and Fu Wei also tried the mirror, it was actually a bit disappointing. Later, she changed to Wesley, and she did not have much hope, but she did not expect that Wesley gave her a huge surprise.

A good actor can certainly perform very well, but only when he meets the same excellent opponents, will he be more invested and utter a wonderful 112.

And Wesley is such a good opponent.

She did not know that Wesley’s heart was both exciting and pleasant.

Wesley did not participate in the audition, so he did not know exactly what the strength of Chu Meibo was. He just thought that the other party was a young girl who was just a grown-up. Even if the acting was almost the same, she couldn’t take her into the show.

Who knows that Chu Mubo's performance is unusually good, he just thinks that Cheng Haoxin's role is completely tailor-made for her.

A play, if the script is excellent and the director is very skillful, it has already succeeded in half. If the starring is suitable for the character, the other half will be almost the same. However, if the starring acting is good, it will be awkward. problem.

Wesley’s heart was hot.

He is actually sighing with anger. Although he got the drama of Hung Hom, in the eyes of many people, he is simply not wanted.

Wesley didn’t say anything on the surface. When he returned to the room, he was so angry that his temper came up. He still had to prove that Hung Hom was a unique drama, and he was also a unique Zhou Hanjun.

Now that Chu Mubo’s performance is better than he expected, he is already satisfied. Even if other actors are almost the same, it is acceptable. After all, good actors are also limited. How can they be concentrated in a play?

Then he went through the confrontation with Guo Wenyuan. Originally, he was quite vocal about Guo’s unruly business and forced cross-border, but after the end.

Wesley ""

The young girl is too talented and talented. Guo Zong, you are a half-way monk, how can your acting skills be unreasonable? Can you give us some of these classes?

Then he saw the opposite of Guo Wenyuan and Song Yizhen. After all, Song Yizhen’s strength was still insufficient. Afterwards, he could not stand Guo Wenyuan’s play.

When Weiss saw the two stopped, they sweated nervously. Fortunately, there are not so many geniuses in the world, or he must doubt life.

However, he immediately saw Chu Meibo and Guo Wenyuan directly telling Song Yizhen that they were on the scene, and Song Yizhen was not bad at understanding. After listening to their explanations, they will soon enter the state and progress quickly. .

Wesley ""

This is the monster where Xie leads to find it.

It was only in his heart that he was sorrowful and angrily, but his face could not cover his smile.

This crew is nothing but one of them. If you don’t burst, I’m sorry for God.”

Read The Duke's Passion