MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 105 105th

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Shen Huai and Guo Wenyuan entered the sanatorium and saw the easy sun in the yard.

Compared with the last time, Yi Yi seems to have become a bit older. Guo Wenyuan saw the appearance of his old friend and his eyes were a little dazed.

Yi Yi turned his head and just saw the two of them. The face looked a little more spiritual. He smiled and said to Shen Huai Road: "I have a magpie at the door of my ward this morning. I know that there is a VIP, it is you!"

Guo Wenyuan whispered: "The liar! Ming Ming even the sparrows can not tell, you know which is magpie..."

Shen Huai: "..."

Yi Yi did not hear Guo Wenyuan's words, but Guo Wenyuan's dress is too conspicuous, it is hard to notice.

Yi Yi turned his doubts to Guo Wenyuan: "Is this?"

Guo Wenyuan is not flustered: "I am the singer that Mr. Shen has just signed, singing rock!" He said, also made a rock and roll gesture, "rock!!"

Easy: "..."

Shen Huai: "..."

Shen Huai finally understood why Guo Wenyuan had to pretend to be like this. It should be the last time he and Ye Hao came over to see Yi.

But I have to say that this is really the worst time for rock singers to be hacked.

Yi Zhanzhen really regarded Guo Wenyuan as an artist signed by Shen Huai, and he did not pay attention to it. He was pushed by Shen Huai to go to the ward, and the two chatted about some interesting things.

Guo Wenyuan took a slower step. He suddenly remembered that when he was sick and hospitalized, Yi Yi came to see him. He talked about a child he knew in the United States. Now it seems that it should be Shen Huai, which is also a kind of Fate.

Into the ward, Yi Yi insisted on giving them tea.

Shen Huai took the initiative to pour the water and burn it. Yi Yan carefully burned the cup, then handed the tea to the two people. Shen Huai took a sip and just wanted to say something, and found Yi Yi looking at Guo Wenyuan.

In the past, Du Yuping often went to Yi's office to discuss tea. He had a habit. When he took the cup, he used to turn the cup. So when he just took the tea in the hands of Yi, he subconsciously turned the cup around.

Guo Wenyuan responded in time, and if he had nothing to do, he released his hand: "This tea is a bit hot."

Yi Yi didn't think too much, just said with emotion: "You just like that, really like an old friend of mine..."

Guo Wenyuan did not hold back: "Is it a very important friend?"

Yi Xiaoxiao: "An old guy who has known for more than 20 years."

Guo Wenyuan: "..."

Yi Yi did not notice Guo Wenyuan's teeth and teeth. It seems to be something that was thought of, showing a nostalgic expression: "This old guy has a bad temper, his mouth is poisonous, and he has no reason to be a man. We both have to fight each time, but he No, I can't find a noisy person, I still miss it..."

Guo Wenyuan’s heart was sour, but what he wanted to say was no longer said.

Shen Huai saw the situation and quickly transferred the topic: "When I first came in, listened to the nurse, have you been taking medicine for these few days?"

Yi Yan immediately said: "I did not!"

Guo Wenyuan: "Lie!"

Easy to anger: "Why do you say that I lied?"

Guo Wenyuan coldly said: "Finger grabs the corner of the clothes, eyes look up to the right, it is lying!"

Yi Jian froze, retracted his hand and touched his nose, then looked at Guo Wenyuan suspiciously: "How do you know?" His little habits of lying can be known to close people.

Guo Wenyuan is not in a hurry: "Micro-expression psychology! Very simple."

Easy: "..."

Although Guo Wenyuan's reason is no problem, Yi Yi always feels a bit strange, so he squints and looks at Guo Wenyuan's face, and the more he looks, the more he feels that this face is familiar.

Guo Wenyuan closed his mouth and regretted that he was too frivolous.

Fortunately, Shen Huai promptly cleared for him: "You...go and wait for me, I have some words to say to Yi."

Guo Wenyuan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up and walked outside the ward. He did not forget to bring the door to the two people intimately.

Yi Yi has been chasing his back, suspicion: "This man's weird, is he really the artist you signed?"

Shen Huai coughed, vaguely said: "Poor... almost."

Yi Yi thinks of something again: "Right, I heard that your artist has become the heroine of "Red Dragonfly"?"

Shen Huai nodded: "She is called Chu Meibo, she is a very good actor."

"I can let you say this, then it must be very good." Yi Xiao smiled and said, "I am so stubborn to die, I used to say that the most brilliant in "Red Dragonfly" is also the hardest. It’s Cheng Hao’s heart. If he can’t find a suitable actor, he would rather not start up. Now, he’s got what he wants, and he has to be grateful to you!”

Shen Huai also laughed: "Xie Guide wants to know that you are evaluating him behind the scenes, not angry."

"I am still afraid that he is angry!" Yi Yi blows his beard and blinks. "This old boy still owes me two scenes without taking pictures! I guess I can't come back, I will give it to you later, definitely not cheap. !"

Hearing Yi Yi said, the smile on Shen Huai’s face gradually faded. His expression was a little dignified: “I heard that Guan Rui has been suppressing it, is it?”

The expression on Yi Yi’s face also became bleak. He sighed a sigh: “Guan Rui has taken a fancy to our easy-to-use copyright library and has always wanted to buy it, whether it’s before smashing Fu Wei or on the cinema. Let the blind man force me to sell the company..."

Shen Huai frowned: "I... what can I help you?"

"No need." Yi Xiao smiled and shook his head, his eyes were full of words. "I know that you have helped me a lot in the dark, but nowadays it is time to make a decision..."

Shen Huai silently.

In fact, they all understand that the problem of easy behavior is very big. In fact, they have not been able to continue for a long time. It is only because Yi Yi has been reluctant to retreat.

Yi Yi looked at Shen Huai, his expression was very gentle: "I don't have to be too sad for me. In fact, I should have made this decision. I am as old as I am. I am too old to keep up with this era. It will eventually become a bad film making machine, it would be better to retain this dignity, so that I have seen the people who have seen him in the movie, and make a good impression."

He patted Shen Huai's shoulder. "In the past few years, you have been working in the dark for me. I really appreciate you."

"Easy old..."

Yi Yi stopped him from speaking: "I have nothing to repay you, I will leave it to you for the copyright library. You have to cherish it!"

Shen Huai looked at him with shock.

As an old-fashioned film company that became famous in the last century, Yixing has taken a lot of movies that are popular at home and abroad. Don't watch these movies are a bit old, but after all, they are classic movies, and there are still many people who want to see them. Easy to rely on the copyright fees of each film and television website every year is a large income, not to mention the need to remake, or to learn from the elements, are to pay the copyright fee to the company.

It can be said that the entire easy-to-use copyright library is worth at least a billion dollars, which is the most valuable thing in the entire easy-to-follow movie.

Guan Rui has spent so much effort, which is the copyright library of Yixing.

But now, Yi Yi has to send this copyright library to Shen Huai!

Shen Huai quickly said: "Easy, this is not suitable..."

"Don't say anything is not appropriate!" Yi Yi couldn't refute his face and said, "Don't you, don't you want to be a group of villains?"

Yi Yan looked at Shen Huai and said seriously: "You don't think that I am impulsive. In fact, I have considered it for a long time. In these years, we have seen outstanding foreign films, big production, high box office, almost blinded people's eyes. In the past few years, these film companies, regardless of whether they have the ability or not, have made a big brainstorming, but they have lost something that is really important."

"I don't want to give these movies that I regard as treasures to them. Only in your hands is the best destination."

Shen Huai did not expect that in Yi Xin’s heart, his evaluation of himself turned out to be like this.

Yi Yi saw his expression and laughed: "Okay! Just say so, in a few days you find a lawyer to sign the contract."

Shen Huai is no longer shirking. He knows that Yi Yi is rich in family. He doesn't care about the money. What he really cares about is the movies that he took out with his heart.

Shen Huai looked at Yi Yi, solemnly said: "Easy, you can rest assured, I will not be responsible."

"Don't be so serious!" Yi Yi was relaxed. "My daughter heard that I finally decided to shut down the company. I am happy. I also said that I have to return to China to pick me up. I am also old. I should enjoy the family." Happy."

Shen Huai licked his lips and knew that he was deliberately saying these words so that he could relax himself.

Yi Yi was afraid that he would think more, and he simply instructed him to push himself out and walk, and then saw Guo Wenyuan, who was chatting with several elderly people in the pavilion at a glance: "Isn't that your artist?"

Guo Wenyuan was a non-mainstream killer of Matt, mixed in a group of old people wearing sick clothes, how to see how strange, but unexpectedly has a sense of harmony.

Yi Yi touched his chin: "I still don't believe it. Is this really the artist you signed?"

Shen Huai thought that he saw Guo Wenyuan’s identity coming, and his heart was tight, and he quickly explained: “Actually...”

Yi Yan’s expression is serious: “I absolutely don’t believe that your vision is so bad!”

He looked at Guo Wenyuan again, and his expression was a bit disgusting. "I really didn't listen to rock and roll? Just like this, singing an old disco is almost the same!"

Shen Huai: "..."