MTL - My Artist Is Reborn-Chapter 100 100th

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At lunch time, Cheng Mengjiao went to Chu Mubo to eat: "Emei sister, that shop is at the school gate, let's go back and write homework after dinner."

Chu Meibo smashed his sore wrist. Recently, Song Yizhen did not know why, for what reason, her enthusiasm for making up classes was soaring, and even the papers were arranged a few more. When Chu Meibo couldn't finish writing at home, he simply took it to the school and took time to rest during the break.

She was tired of writing, and she did want to go out and change her mind, and she promised Cheng Mengjiao.

A few people walked side by side toward the school gate, but the flow of people like a flood, but today seems to be blocked.

Cheng Mengjiao is a bit strange. He is jumping forward and looking forward to what happened. I don’t know who in the crowd said: "Chumei is here!"

The crowd in front of the crowd suddenly stunned, and several people still did not respond. They saw a group of reporters with long guns and guns rushed over and pointed the microphone at the Chu Meibo wearing a school uniform.

"Miss Chu Mobo, I heard that you successfully got the role of Cheng Haoxin. Is it true?"

"Miss Chu, defeated a number of powerful actresses, and got the much-anticipated heroine of "Red Dragonfly" as a newcomer. How is your mood now?"

"Miss Chu, there are rumors that you are very close to a director of Guanrui. Is it true?"

"Miss Chu, I heard that you can get the role, related to this director. It is said that you have an improper relationship. Can you answer this question?"

The original noisy crowd suddenly calmed down, and Chu Meibo’s face sank.

Cheng Mengjiao was surrounded by reporters. He was somewhat overwhelmed. Who knows when he heard this sentence, he suddenly became angry: "What the **** are you talking about! There is a kind of saying again, the old lady tore your mouth! !"

Chu Meibo’s classmates were also in the crowd, and the words showed an angry expression: “What nonsense! I don’t know if I want to sentence!”

"Is the reporter's threshold so low this year? Can a person with a mouthful of sputum be a reporter??"

"This is the worst day for journalists to be hacked. What kind of reporter is this kind of paparazzi full of thoughts!"

"I also said that your mother has an improper relationship with the next king! Can you answer this question first!"

I still haven't waited for Chu Meibo to talk. These classmates have already told a group of reporters that they can't stand the runway.

This school is an art high school. Many students will be engaged in the entertainment industry after graduation. Naturally, they are disgusted with the profession of paparazzi.

In addition, Chu Meibo starred in the "Honey" Wennan, almost swept the entire school, became the idol of many boys and girls in the school.

For the classmates in Chumeibo class, Chu Meibo is relatively cold in the weekdays. However, if someone asks her for help, she will never refuse. Although she has signed up for the Star Road, she will not be high in the air. Take care of them like the elders (?).

On weekdays, Chu Meibo was busy. Even at school, she was surrounded by Cheng Mengjiao. Although the students liked her, they didn’t have much chance to get close. But now I heard someone actually smashed their class, but these students Can't help it anymore.

The male reporter who asked the question had become colorful, and he was angry in his heart, but he did not dare to say anything, otherwise the classmates could drown him by swearing.

He stubbornly argued: "I just want to know the truth on behalf of the public. This is the duty of our reporters. Please ask the students of Chu to answer them."

Seeing that Mengjiao was going to take her for her, Chu Meibo stopped her and looked at the reporter faintly: "Which media are you?"

The reporter was stared at her eyes. Inexplicably, she felt that there was some coldness behind her neck. She decided to set her mind and said: "I am an interesting reporter, but..."

Chu Meibo nodded: "If I have news to be released in the future, you will not be invited to the media of the company."

The reporter stunned and reacted: "Miss Chu, this..."

Chu Meibo directly interrupted his words: "First, I did participate in the audition of "Red Dragonfly", but whether I can get the heroine, this is the common decision of Xie Gui and the whole crew, I have no right to interfere. Second, you said that I have a very close relationship with a director of Guanrui. Please elaborate the name of the other party and give evidence. Otherwise, I will infringe my reputation and retain the right to resort to the law. ""

The reporters were stunned. When they encountered such a thing, which female star was not covert and swayed, or else they used other topics to cover up the past, who said it so straightforwardly. Besides, they must dare to give Guo’s name. Tomorrow, Guo’s private lawyer can bring them to bankruptcy!

And this is the act of exercising legal weapons, and inexplicably reminds them of someone who is the same agent as her.

What is the artist of this company poisonous! ! !

The reporters have become accustomed to the upper hand in the face of the stars, at this moment by Chu Meibo firmly suppressed, grievances can not speak, the arrogance of arrogance also fell a lot.

Who knows that Chu Meibo has not let them go, and then said.

"Third, now is the time of school, you are stuck in the school gate, seriously disturbing the travel of classmates and teachers, and the normal order of the school, please apologize."

The reporters looked at her incredulously: "Ha??"

"Oh." Chu Meibo raised his wrist and looked at the watch. He said lightly, "The school gate is not allowed to park. You have violated the traffic rules. I have called the traffic police. Now... it seems to have arrived."

Cheng Mengjiao immediately proudly showed the call records to them. This was when the students were besieging these reporters before, and Chu Meibo told her to do it.

The reporters turned back and collapsed. They found that three or four uniforms were used, and the traffic police riding the police motorcycles came over and were paying a ticket to their car.

The scene suddenly sounded a round of applause.

"Brow sister is mighty!!"

"Dry beautiful!!"

"Spicy chicken reporters are out of our school!!"

These reporters can't wait any longer, and can only run with their own cameras and cameras.

The classmates next to me were still immersed in the excitement of victory, and said to Chu Meibo: "The eyebrows are relieved, I have just photographed the whole process with my mobile phone. If these reporters dare to talk, we will buy Hot search to the video to the top!"

"Many seniors and school sisters in our school are in the entertainment circle, all walks of life have, and then find them to help forward!"

"Yes! They dare to bully our classmates, we just told them they can't eat and walk!!"

"My aunt is the editor-in-chief of the magazine. I asked her to help me check. Where are these rumors coming from!"

Chu Meibo looked at them with an indignant face and felt the feeling of being protected. The warmth almost melted her entire chest.

Once again, she realized that it is a happy thing to be able to return to the world, not only because she can play again, but also because this piece of film is not faked.


At the same time, in Guo Wenyuan's big villa, Guo Wenyuan sighed with anger: "Go check! Who is the rumor released!!"

The assistant quickly put down the phone: "Guo Zong, already checking, there will be news soon!"

Guo Wenyuan forked his hands and walked around the room anxiously.

When the assistant saw this, he quickly said: "Guo Zong, you can rest assured that these reporters are measured and will never lead the spearheads to you. When the "Red Dragonfly" opens a press conference, it will naturally clarify."

"I am worried about this!!" Guo Wenyuan's irritating spurt, "I am not afraid that these reporters have no brains to look for that... Whose trouble?"

The assistant is arrogant and noisy, but my heart is wondering. What does this have to do with you?

Could it be...

He has a chance to move, is it true that Guo always likes this Miss Chu? So it is so nervous!

The more the assistant thinks, the more likely he is, and even finds a reasonable explanation for the fact that his boss has recently wanted to go to the acting. It seems that this is completely different from the enchanting goods that used to pass the time.

This is the true love of the boss! If you are not doing well, you will be the boss of the future!

The assistant suddenly felt a sense of urgency, and his expression became as worried as Guo Wenyuan.

He thought about it, and then solemnly said: "The boss, the most important thing now is the rumor that Miss Chu can not be infected!"

"Well? Right?"

Guo Wenyuan saw that the assistant finally understood the key points of the matter and almost cried.

The assistant was greatly encouraged and went on to say: "So, now there is a most suitable solution!"

Guo Wenyuan: "Hmm!"

Assistant: "You send a Weibo, first of all, indicating that the rumors of nurturing are completely illusory, and you respect Ms. Chu very much..."

Guo Wenyuan: "Hmm!"

Assistant: "You said that you really like each other and want to pursue each other seriously..."

Guo Wenyuan: "Hmm... um ??? you say 啥??"

The assistant looked at Guo Wenyuan’s face and wanted to eat people’s expressions. It was a bit aggressive: “That is... is the pursuit, if it is the pursuit, the rumors will not be ruined...”

Guo Wenyuan was mad at him, and he knew that this assistant was not reliable! !

Still quit!

The assistant is also very wronged. He is trying to find a solution for the boss wholeheartedly. Even if the boss is not touched, he still threatens him with his resignation. It is more and more annoying!

Guo Wenyuan did not pay attention to the assistant's glass heart. He now thinks of Chu Meibo's expression like a smile, and feels that the whole heart is shaking: "No, no, no!"

He grabbed his hair and immediately directed the assistant. "Let's go to a press conference! Prove that I and her innocence!"

assistant Manager:"……"

Before he waited for the assistant to vomit, Guo Wenyuan himself vetoed the proposal first: "No, no, no, there is no silver in this place! This time I can't wash the Yellow River!"

At this moment, the assistant suddenly received a call and his expression suddenly changed.

Guo Wenyuan’s heart was awkward, and there was an ominous premonition.

"what happened?"

The assistant swallowed: "Someone has already sent this news out. It is said that... there have been reporters going to school to block Miss Chu’s door..."

Guo Wenyuan: "!!!"

God is going to die! !

He quickly took out his mobile phone, called Shen Huai, and then sat in a chair: "Oh, the rest can only be resigned."

At this point, the assistant also saw it. His boss did not like Chu Meibo at all. This is simply a fear of becoming a flood beast.

He did not understand: "Boss, I have also seen Miss Chu, she looks gentle and kind, you are so good, why are you so afraid of her?"

Guo Wenyuan sighed and looked vicissitudes: "You don't understand, evil spirits are covered with human skin..."

assistant Manager:"???"

Read The Duke's Passion