MTL - My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms-v3 Chapter 3743 Uncle, you smoke!

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Hearing that old sigh, Sun Wukong's heart shook, as if turning over the river! Although countless people have passed, this voice has long taken root in Monkey King's heart.

The voice of the master is the voice of the master! Monkey King suddenly raised his head and looked eagerly.

The next moment, the body trembled suddenly and violently, and tears rolled down like broken pearls.


Monkey King let out a stern cry, as if calling out all the thoughts in his heart.

Afterwards, he knelt all the way and rushed towards the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Stretch out his arms and hug the old man's legs tightly.

"Master, Master!!"

"Goku finally saw you!"

Monkey King was half talking, and he couldn't cry.

Lin Hai was stunned behind him, already dumbfounded.

Damn, is this the Bodhi Patriarch?

I saw the old man in front of him, dressed in a bodhisattva's cloth, with white beard and white hair, and a benevolent appearance. He couldn't feel the breath of a practitioner all over his body.

Had it not been for Monkey King to call him a master, Lin Hai would even treat him as an ordinary old man.


At this time, Patriarch Bodhi sighed again.

He stretched out his palm and stroked the top of Monkey King's head, sighing with complex emotions in his voice.

"You monkey head, how can you not be obedient when you are born?"

"I have said that from the day you descended from the mountain, you will no longer be my apprentice, and I will no longer be your master."

"Why are you?"

"No, no, no!"

Monkey King shook his head vigorously, looking at Bodhi Patriarch, emotionally said.

"Although Wukong doesn't understand the common sense of human relations, he knows that he will be a teacher for a day, and he will be a teacher for life!"

"Master doesn't want an apprentice, but an apprentice can't don't want a master!"

"I saw Master today, and the apprentice must serve him every day in order to repay Master's grace."

"I'll stay, don't leave, don't leave!"

puff! When Lin Hai heard these words, although he was moved in his heart, he could see the true feelings of Monkey King.

But, why don't you leave! In case the Tathagata Buddha knew, it was my brother who abducted your grandson monkey.

At that time, I still have to find my brother to settle the account?


Thinking of this, Lin Hai coughed lightly, held a fist towards Grand Master Bodhi, and said.

"Presumably, Senior is the master of Brother Monkey, Patriarch Bodhi, right?"

"Junior Lin Hai, this is polite!"

Patriarch Bodhi raised his head and glanced at Lin Hai.

Afterwards, he smiled at Lin Hai and blamed Monkey King.

"You monkey head, can't get up yet?"

"Make guests laugh?"

"Don't get up, don't get up!"

Monkey King clung to Bodhi Patriarch's thigh, shook his head and said.

"Unless the master agrees to the apprentice, let the apprentice serve by his side."

"Otherwise, the apprentice won't get up, won't get up!"


Master Bodhi yelled, showing majesty.

He stretched out his finger and tapped on the top of Monkey King's head three times.

"If you don't get up again, you can go as a teacher!"

"You never want to see you as a teacher again!"


! "

When Monkey King heard this, he was shocked.

At the same time, there was a glow of excitement in the eyes.

Just now, Patriarch Bodhi knocked him on the head three times, he was so familiar with this scene! Wasn't there such a case when you first learned art?

Could it be that the master was telling himself that he was looking for him at the three shifts tonight?

Yes, it must be! Moreover, my own master thought that the teacher was calling himself.

Isn't it, you recognize yourself as an apprentice again?

"Ahaha, ahahaha!"

After Sun Wukong wanted to understand, he immediately danced happily and laughed.

The Bodhi Patriarch who was watching shook his head for a while, his face was speechless.

This monkey is really shocked.

rub! At this time, Monkey King also loosened the thigh of Bodhi Patriarch.

With a smile on his face, holding the arm of Bodhi Patriarch, he began to introduce Lin Hai.

"Master, this is my old grandson's second brother, called Lin Hai."

"Well, in Heavenly Court, there is a title of little foolish immortal, currently in charge of Wuqu Xingjun."

Little confused fairy! ! The Bodhi ancestor's heart suddenly shook, and there was a sharp flash in his deep eyes.

However, he was perfectly concealed by him.

Rao is Sun Wukong and Lin Hai, one with fiery eyes, the other with superb eyes, and they have not even noticed.

"Senior is the master of Brother Monkey. If you don't dislike it, the younger one will call you uncle!"

With that said, Lin Hai once again bowed to Bodhi Patriarch, his eyes were kind of cordial.

When reading Journey to the West in the mortal world, Lin Hai still had a good impression of Bodhi Patriarch.

Although as his age and experience grew, Lin Hai became more and more suspicious that Bodhi Patriarch’s acceptance of Sun Wukong as his disciple had been arranged long ago in the Great Tribulation of the Westward Journey.

Even Lin Hai highly suspects that Bodhi Patriarch is the quasi-sage Taoist among the two sages of the West.

However, seeing him now, Lin Hai was still instantly infected by the kindness and affinity of Bodhi Patriarch.

He really couldn't connect the benevolent old man in front of him with the sinister and ruthless quasi-tutor.

"Little confused fairy, don't be polite!"

"Your uncle, I'm afraid I can't stand it!"

Patriarch Bodhi looked at Lin Hai with a deep smile, and said with a smile.

When Sun Wukong heard this, his face changed slightly, thinking that Patriarch Bodhi rejected Lin Hai, and hurriedly said.

"Master, the second brother Lin Hai is my best brother."

"This teacher, you can bear it, bear it!"

After speaking, Monkey King kept winking at Lin Hai and whispered.

"Second brother, what are you still doing in a daze?"

"Smoke, smoke!"

Lin Hai was taken aback, wondering why Patriarch Bodhi said that he could not bear to call him uncle.

Do you disdain to associate with yourself, feel that your status is low, and you are not qualified to call him that way.

Hearing Monkey King's reminder, Lin Hai reacted.

No matter what Bodhi Patriarch thinks, after all, he is the master of Monkey King, and he is also a character he likes after all.

What's more, I still have something to ask him. It's no wonder that many people give gifts first, and then talk! Hum! With a movement of thought, Lin Hai took out a pack of Zhonghua brand cigarettes from the demon refining pot.


Patriarch Bodhi's pupils shrank, and his heart was shocked.

What a powerful way of space! Compared to Zhen Yuanzi, I am afraid that he is only strong but not weak! It's no wonder that such an achievement is the only variable at a young age! "Uncle, you smoke!"

Although Patriarch Bodhi said that he couldn't stand Lin Hai calling him uncle, how thick-skinned Lin Hai is! You can't afford it, that's your business.

Anyway, such a thick thigh, don't hold it, don't report it! Lin Hai took out a cigarette, smiled and handed it to Patriarch Bodhi.


Bodhi ancestor lowered his head and glanced at the Zhonghua brand cigarette in Lin Hai's hand, with a look of confusion.

"What is this?"

Before Lin Hai could speak, Monkey King introduced it first.

"Master doesn't know anything, this is what the second brother got from the secret realm."

"Among the Three Realms, only the second brother has this treasure."

"Take a sip, and be a fairy!"

"Now, Jade Emperor, Laojun, Tathagata, Zhenyuanzi, and a group of immortal Buddhas, which one does not regard this cigarette as a treasure?"

"It's so beautiful to get one every day!"


When Bodhi Patriarch heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.

This cigarette, looks ordinary, so attractive?

Then you have to taste it! Patriarch Bodhi stretched out his hand and took the cigarette.

"Master, hold it in your mouth, hold it in your mouth!"

Monkey King taught on the spot, telling Master Bodhi how to smoke.

Then, with a flick of his finger, the cigarette was lit.

Patriarch Bodhi took a sip, his face changed drastically, and his body instantly turned into nothingness!

Read The Duke's Passion