MTL - My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms-v3 Chapter 3732 The horrible Tathagata

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Lin Hai was shocked, and hurriedly ran his true energy, trying to get rid of this endless nothingness.

However, he was shocked to find that he seemed to be plunged into chaos, and there was darkness all around.

Hum! Suddenly, the ten thousand Zhang Buddha light rises on the ground, solemnly reflecting this chaotic and shining treasure.

A majestic Buddha in a robe appeared in the void.

Look compassionate, looking down on sentient beings.


The Buddha's horn sounded and spread all over Xumi Lingshan.

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Arhat novice monks, put their hands together, bowed their heads, and called the Buddha together.

The pressure on Lin Hai was instantly dissipated by the Buddha's light, and his freedom was restored.

He couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the majestic Buddha.

Under this look, Lin Hai's soul couldn't help but tremble, and instantly felt a sense of being stripped.

As if everything of oneself, in the eyes of the Buddha, there is nowhere to hide.

This feeling shocked Lin Hai, but at the same time he was very unhappy.


Lin Hai hummed in his heart, turning the Tao Te Ching to its extreme.

A faint white halo lingered all over the body, releasing a powerful aura.

The endless Buddha light was instantly blocked by the white halo.

The two rays of light collided, but there was no sound, very soft.

At this moment, Lin Hai was in a trance, as if Buddha light and white light were homologous.

strangeness! Lin Hai was surprised and couldn't understand it for a while.

Looking up at the Buddha, he nodded slightly, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Yes, there is a little confused fairy, Lin Hai."

"Senior, but Tathagata Buddha?"

The Buddha nodded and said with a kind smile on his face.

"My Sakyamuni, now I am in charge of Lingshan, and the Buddha's name is Tathagata."

It is really the Buddha! Lin Hai's heart was turbulent, and his blood boiled with enthusiasm.

When reading Journey to the West when he was a child, Lin Hai liked Monkey King, so he liked Tathagata the most.

Because, Tathagata is the most powerful character in Journey to the West.

Even Monkey King was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain, and he was subdued.

Who doesn't like such a strong person?

"Tathagata Buddha, why do you know him?"

Lin Hai curiously asked, he is a small person, it is reasonable to say that he can't enter the powerful eyes of Buddha Tathagata?

Tathagata Buddha smiled more kindly, and shook his head slightly.

"Don't say it."

Um... Lin Hai was speechless for a while, and the Buddha said that he can't speak, did it come from here?

Don't tell me, Lin Hai didn't bother to ask.

After all, it’s not easy for a Tathagata like Buddha to know his identity?

"Buddha, take the liberty to come here and ask for something."

Lin Hai clasped his fists, looked sincere, and said to the Buddha.

The Tathagata Buddha's voice was ethereal, and he spoke lightly.

"In the depths of the wilderness, there is a place where gods were buried in ancient times, named Luofengpo."

"The sun and the moon change, the heavens and the earth reincarnate, after countless years, Na Luofengpo gave birth to the first peacock between the heavens and the earth, calling himself Kong Xuan."

"Kong Xuan is proud of being a natural man and has great ambitions. He once said that although the world is big, one of them can go."

"The great calamity of the gods, Kong Xuan should do the robbery, and the defeat of the educating generals before the battle left Jiang still at a loss."

"I am a Western saint, and my heart is moved, and I learned that Kong Xuan has a destiny with me in the West."

"So, I passed through Kong Xuan and became a Western religion as the Peacock King Bodhisattva."

Monkey King was aside, listening a little impatiently.

Jumping to the side of Buddha Tathagata, hippie smiled and said while squatting.

"Tathagata Buddha, my second brother has something to ask."

"You are talking to yourself, talking endlessly."

"It's so boring!"

Tathagata Buddha glanced at Monkey King and smiled kindly.

"You monkey head, what do you know?"

"Little confused fairy, he has already got the answer he wants."

Lin Hai's body was shocked, and his heart was full of shock! Naturally, he wouldn't be like Monkey King, thinking that the Tathagata Buddha is Alzheimer's, and muttering there.

Obviously, there is only one answer.

Kong Xuan in the mouth of the Buddha is the soul of Yuanfeng that Lin Hai is looking for! Hiss~ Thinking of this, Lin Hai's back straightened and felt a deep horror.

He hasn't said what question he wants to ask at all.

But Tathagata Buddha gave the answer ahead of time. Isn’t it terrible?

This Nima, could he not be able to read minds?

If so, what secrets do you have in front of Tathagata Buddha?

"Thank you Buddha for your advice, the younger generation understands."


Lin Hai threw a fist toward the Buddha, then turned and strode away.

It's too weird here, or the Tathagata Buddha is too weird.

Lin Hai really didn't want to stay for a moment.

For the first time since practicing, he felt so uneasy.

I was shocked, only eight characters were left.

Tathagata Buddha, terrible! "Well, second brother, why did you leave?"

"Don't you have something to ask the Buddha?"

"Are you going to leave after asking?"

Seeing Lin Hai leaving, Monkey King looked strange and jumped after him.

Seeing Lin Hai and Monkey King leave, the kind smile of the Tathagata Buddha slowly disappeared.

Put your hands together and say a Buddha's name.


"Ananda Kassapa, go and invite Taishang Laojun."

"Just say, the variables have come to my Lingshan."


Ananda Kayah hurriedly agreed, and left Lingshan, heading straight to Dousidi Palace.

It didn't take long for Taishang Laojun to enter the Lingshan Mountain with Buddha Chen in his hands.

"Tathagata, what about the variables?"

As soon as Taishang Laojun came in, he asked anxiously.

Tathagata Buddha was unprecedentedly solemn, his eyes closed, and he was about to play the Buddha's title, but was directly interrupted by the Taishang Laojun.

"Okay, don't read it in front of me, it's annoying!"

"Talk about business!"

The corner of Tathagata Buddha's mouth curled, and his face was disdainful.

"You don't even have a sense of ritual, you are so boring."

After speaking, Tathagata Buddha's complexion condensed and he sighed.

"This calamity is hard to estimate!"

"Can you stop it?"

Taishang Laojun's face changed drastically and exclaimed.

Tathagata Buddha shook his head, his solemn expression has explained everything.

Taishang Laojun instantly collapsed, annoyed.

"So, you are playing off?"

The Tathagata Buddha sighed, as if after countless years of vicissitudes, he said helplessly.

"You and me, do you have a choice?"

Taishang Laojun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Yeah, we have no choice at all."

"Everything is the best arrangement!"

At this moment, Lin Hai had left Da Leiyin Temple, and did not stop until the Buddha's light disappeared.

"Second brother, what are you running."

"I haven't asked any questions yet!"

Monkey King caught up and said to Lin Hai.

"Brother Monkey, what is the cultivation base of the Buddha?"

Lin Hai asked suddenly.

"Hmm~" Monkey King was taken aback and shook his head.

"My old grandson doesn't know, but this old man is terrible!"


Lin Hai nodded in admiration. This time he really felt how terrifying the Tathagata Buddha was.

In the future, if it is a last resort, it is better not to provoke it as much as possible.

"Oh, what did the old man say about Tathagata?"

"Second brother, what you want to ask, don't you ask?"

Monkey King scratched his head.

"Tathagata, I have already given the answer!"

Lin Hai stared at Monkey King with a torch, and asked in a deep voice.

"Brother Monkey, where is Kong Xuan?"

Read The Duke's Passion