MTL - My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms-v3 Chapter 3677 Awakening

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Chen Yan's eyebrows frowned slightly, her face was embarrassed.

Both Luo Cheng and Kang Shifu, one of the eight sages of the Sea Moon, were both important ministers of the Sea Moon Empire.

I don't know why, the two men are obviously in a good relationship, but suddenly they become enemies.

Obviously, these two people are competing.

No matter who is sent, the other one is definitely not reconciled.

However, Chen Yan is not an indecisive person in power.

Dai's eyebrows raised, her eyes with deep majesty, fell on Luo Cheng and Kang Shifu.

Luo Cheng and Kang Shifu were staring at each other provocatively.

Feeling the domineering aura of Chen Yan's body, her breathing suddenly stagnated, and everything came back to her senses.

Hastily lowered his head, waiting for the order.

Chen Yan stood up slowly, her beautiful eyes gleaming with brilliance, sweeping over them one by one.

Then, he spoke lightly.

"Since the two generals are willing to go, let's go together!"

puff! When the rest of the people heard this, they all showed weird colors.

Luo Cheng and Kong Shifu, these two goods are obviously wrong, Chen Yan actually sent them to go together?

Don't understand the situation, these two brothers will fight by themselves?

Luo Cheng and Kong Shifu were also taken aback, obviously they did not expect Chen Yan to make such an arrangement.

Just about to speak, Chen Yan glared at her beautiful eyes and exclaimed.

"Don't act, when will you wait!"


Luo Cheng and Kong Shifu, their hearts trembled, hurriedly agreed.

Only then did they look at each other coldly, and then turned and strode away.

As soon as Luo Cheng and Kong Shifu left, the bald head couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

"Boss, why let them go together?"

"Luo Cheng and Kong Shifu are both stubborn tempers. If they don't, they will fight!"

Chen Yan was silent for a moment, and then shook her head slightly, said with doubt in her beautiful eyes.

"Don't you think that Luo Cheng and Kong Shifu are very wrong recently?"

"Perhaps, let them act alone to solve this mystery."

"Let's wait and see!"

Luo Cheng and Kang Shifu, except for the camp, snorted towards each other, and then flew towards the Nether Battlefield.

These two people seem to be stronger.

One is the reincarnation of the White Tiger Star, who turns into a white tiger, as fast as a meteor.

One is the inheritance of Uncle Cao Guo, holding a Yunyang board, flying away to the sky! The two people are so fast that they are not divided, you chase me, and no one will show weakness.

After flying for three full days, he finally reached the seal of the Nether Battlefield.

Hum! From afar, a strong evil spirit rose to the sky, rendering the void black.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, there is dead silence, no grass grows, and the screaming wind is like a devil cry! Huh! Luo Cheng and Kang Shifu fell from the sky, looking solemnly at the broken hole ahead.

There is the land leading to the Nether Battlefield! "Kang Shifu, if you die, I will send your body back!"

"The premise is that you have the ability to leave a corpse!"

Luo Chenghu turned his eyes, looked at Kong Shifu, proudly said.

Kang Shifu smiled contemptuously, curled his lips at Luo Cheng, and said with disdain.

"My life is very hard. I can't beat Xiaoqiang by the nickname."

"On the contrary, thin skin and tender meat, like a girl, can't help but fight at first sight."

"Maybe, you have to hang up when you get in!"


Luo Cheng let out a cold snort, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Then, just rely on your ability!"

Whoosh! Luo Cheng's voice landed and jumped into the passage.

When Kang Shifu saw this, he raised his brows without showing weakness, and disappeared after him.

Hu~ As soon as I entered the nether battlefield, the cold and severe cold wind cut across my body like a knife.

Luo Cheng and Kang Shifu suddenly felt their true energy, surrounded by light, protecting their bodies.

"What a strong evil spirit!"

Kang Shifu's face changed, and he could not help showing a solemn expression.

Although he had known for a long time that this nether battlefield was a dangerous place, but he did not expect that the wind would be so terrifying.

If you live here for a long time, it is simply a painful capital punishment! Luo Cheng curled his lips and said with disdain.

"All the fuss!"

"When I killed the enemy in the Nether Battlefield, the environment was much worse than it is now."

"If you are scared, go back as soon as possible."

"Am I afraid?"

Kang Shifu's mouth twitched, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Luo Cheng, there are no outsiders now, I have something to ask you!"

Luo Cheng swung his spear in his hand and said proudly as the spear cut through the sky.

"What is it?"

Kang Shifu's mood suddenly fluctuated sharply, gritting his teeth.

"Fairy Baihua... is she... okay?"

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes, his sharp eyes flashed away, and he coldly snorted.

"My wife is doing well, what is it to you!"

Kang Shifu shivered violently, clenched his fists, and said angrily.

"You came from the lower realm, but you left Fairy Baihua in the heaven alone. It's really selfish!"

"If Fairy Baihua has been wronged a little, I will give you no end!"

Luo Cheng's eyes were cold, and he pointed the tip of the gun at Kong Shifu, his expression indifferent.

"Kang Shifu, don't talk nonsense!"

"Since you have awakened, you should know about the reincarnation of this lower realm, which is beyond the control of human power!"

"I Luo Cheng, why don't I want to stay by my beloved wife?"

"But the catastrophe is approaching, and who can stay out of it!"

Kong Shifu was speechless by Luo Cheng, and he was speechless, and finally he was discouraged and said in frustration.

"I don't care, if Fairy Baihua is wronged, I will fight you desperately!"

Luo Cheng snorted coldly, with a look of contempt.

"Uncle Cao Guo, since my wife chose Luo Cheng, please respect yourself!"

"My wife's life is good or bad, it has nothing to do with you!"

"With this mind, I still think about how to go back alive!"

Whoosh! After Luo Cheng finished speaking, he ignored Kong Shifu, his figure turned into streamer and rushed out.

Kang Shifu raised his eyes and gritted his teeth coldly.

"I must go back alive!"

"I, Kong Shifu, will never be worse than your Luo Cheng!"

Whoosh! Kang Shifu flicked the Yunyang board, and the auspicious clouds soared towards the opposite direction of Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng was flying in the air, Humu with a cold and stern aura, carefully patrolling the vast nether battlefield.

This nether battlefield, at first did not know how many elites of the Three Realms were buried.

Between the sky and the earth, it has been completely enveloped by death, and the sky is not visible, cold and cold! "I can't even see a person!"

Luo Cheng had already flown thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, and he thought that there would be a witch clan.

Unexpectedly, there is no figure in sight, and the Nether Battlefield is uneasy! "Ok?

what is that! "

Suddenly, Luo Chenghu's eyes jumped and he found that there was a faint light ahead.

Luo Cheng immediately guarded the silver spear in front of him, Guanghua flashed and rushed over.

Huh! Huh! ! ! As soon as he approached the light, dozens of powerful auras suddenly appeared in all directions of Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng's expression changed, and he hurriedly turned his qi to protect his whole body! After that, he hurriedly raised his head and looked forward, and couldn't help being surprised.

I saw a burly warrior of the Wu clan, who had already turned Luo into a siege.

Leading a headless man holding a sharp axe, releasing a violent breath, a fierce murderous intent, locked Luo Cheng to death!

Read The Duke's Passion