MTL - My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms-Chapter 12 This painting, I want it.

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"How is it so noisy?" A somewhat majestic voice sounded.

On the second floor, a 50-60-year-old man slowly fell down.

"Boss, there is a kid coming to the store to mess up, I am talking to him." The man hurriedly nodded and replied.

"Come on?" The old man’s eyes glimpsed. "Young man, Wan Gutang is not a place that makes people feel confused."


Lin Hai is not happy.

"Do you believe his words so much? Treating customers with this attitude, your shop is not far from being."

"Xinyue, let's go, we change one, Tang Bohu's paintings, I am afraid that I can't sell it." Lin Hai took Liu Xinyue and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." The old man called Lin Hai. "You mean, you want to sell Tang Bohu's painting?"

Without waiting for Lin Hai to answer, the buddy interjected: "The boss, Tang Bohu's paintings have long been the master. He is now running to sell Tang Bohu's paintings. Isn't it a mess? I think he is a liar."

The old man's face is also dark.

"Young man, what do you do when you are young, do you have to learn to lie, when I am a good bully?"

Lin Hai was anxious and laughing. It was really interesting. The paintings have not been taken out yet. I became a liar first.

"Yes, he is a liar."

At this time, a yin and yang strange tone sounded from the door.

Hu Wei walked in, followed by Zhao Lei and Wang Ting.

"Lin Hai, what equipment do you wear, a poor ghost, what kind of valuable things can you come up with, not what is the abduction?" Wang Ting had a deep contempt in his eyes.

"Yeah, Hu Shaolai is coming." When the man saw Hu coming in, he hurriedly nodded and bowed, and when Lin Hai came in, he was judged.

"Xinyue, you are also." Hu Wei did not take his shackles and walked toward Liu Xinyue.

"I am familiar with you?" Liu Xinyue's face was also cold, so many people said that Lin Hai is a liar, she is naturally unhappy.

"Let's go." Liu Xinyue also did not want to stay, holding Lin Hai's arm is about to leave.

"Don't hurry to go," Hu said. "Isn't it to sell paintings? Or is it true that Tang Bohu is really good? It's better to open the painting and let everyone open his eyes. How about?"

Hu said with a sardonic look.

At this time, the store has surrounded some people who watched the excitement. When Lin Hai was here to sell the authenticity of Tang Bohu, he suddenly fried the pot.

"God, is the young man now so brave?"

"Hey, come out and cheat, don't look up the information first. Tang Bohu's original story has long been home, hey, dare to say."

"Come to the ancient hall to deceive, this kid is awkward today."

Hu Wei listened to everyone's arguments and smiled smugly. "Why, dare not come up?"

Lin Hai coldly swept Hu Wei, my mother, it seems that the last time I learned the sound room is not enough.

"Show it for you, but if it is true, what do you say?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Hu laughed exaggeratedly. "You look at him like that, how serious it is, as if he had the real trace of Tang Bohu."

Everyone laughed too. Obviously, no one believed that Lin Hai’s hands were Tang Bohu’s original.

"Less nonsense, if it is true, what do you say?" Lin Hai stared at Hu Wei.

"Oh! If it is true, Lao Tzu and your surname!"

"Don't, don't!" Lin Hai hurriedly waved his hand. "I want to have you such a son. The 18th generation of my ancestors had to climb up from the ground and live to kill me."

"Hey!" The crowd of people suddenly burst into laughter.

Hu Wei’s face was blue and green, and he almost vomited blood.

"Mad, if your painting is true, this ancient temple thing, just pick one, Lao Tzu gives you!"

"Okay, in addition, you have to add a little, you three, and last time, everyone has to learn three barking, this time can not be swearing." Lin Hai said slyly.

"Yes, but if it is fake, you have to leave Xinyue, and like a dog, climb out from here!"

"The deal!" Lin Hai snapped a finger and took the picture box and walked to the long table in the middle of the hall.

"I don't know which one has studied Tang Bohu's calligraphy and painting. Can you help me with it?" Lin Hai asked the crowd.

"The boss of Duo Gutang is an expert, let him identify it." Someone said.

"He?" Lin Hai looked at the old man, the old man raised his chin arrogantly, "Reassure, true and false, the old man can still be divided."

"Hey!" Lin Hai disdainfully smiled. "I believe in Du Bo’s identification level."

"If this is the case, then open the painting." Du boss looked at Lin Hai impatiently.

"But it is," Lin Hai paused. "I am somewhat skeptical about the character of Du Bo."

"You!" Du boss trembled and shivered. "Well, wait until the identification is fake, I will let you go out of the ancient temple!"

"Hey!" Lin Hai bird is not a bird, after taking Zhuji Dan, will you be afraid of a thousand ancient church?

"I don't know which one can help identify?" Lin Hai once again said to the crowd.

"The old man came to help you identify." A voice came from the door.

"Yeah, isn't this old?"

"It’s just like having a king, it’s definitely not a fake. It’s really impossible."

"Yes, the level of identification of Wang Lao is one of the best in China."

Lin Hai turned to look at seeing a 70-year-old, the spirited old man came in, followed by a young man of about 30 years old.

"Ye Da Shao, you are here too." Just when people were open to compliment Wang Lao, Hu Wei trotting all the way, came to the young man, like a pug, squinting and screaming.

"Hello, Hu Gongzi." The leaf feathers were very graceful and nodded, but Hu was flattered and the smile on his face was more despicable.

"Wang Lao, come to the store, it is really radiant." Wang Laoyi came in, Du boss also put down the shelf of the bulls, and actively greeted.

Obviously, this old age is not simple.

Wang Lao politely greeted everyone and then smiled at Lin Hai.

"Young people, open your paintings. The old man still has some experience in identifying the authenticity of Tang Bohu."

"I don't know if you are?" Wang Lao was polite, and Lin Hai naturally showed due respect.

"Wang is the vice chairman of the Huaxia Calligraphers Association. Three of the works of Tang Bohu's existence today are the identification of Wang Lao." Wang Wang opened the door, and the leaf feather next to him introduced to Lin Hai.

"I rely on this old man, actually identified three Tang Bohu's calligraphy and painting." Lin Hai assured.

"That's the case, please Wang old eyes." Said, Lin Hai opened the wooden box, took out the painting, carefully spread on the long table.

Everyone was quiet and looked down at the table.

"Hey! Hahaha, laughing at me, what is the real thing of the **** Tang Bohu, this is obviously a picture of the **** palace." Zhao Lei's laughter first rang.

"This, this is too inconspicuous."

"Hey, the young people now, it’s really vulgar."

Liu Xinyue is also watching seriously. She is 100% trusting in Lin Hai. She does not believe that Lin Hai will take a fake painting to deceive people.

When you see the contents of the painting, Liu Xinyue’s face is red.

"This Linhai is really too noisy." Liu Xinyue's little hand was on Lin Hai's arm and stunned.

Wang Lao was not disturbed by the outside world, wearing reading glasses, the whole face was almost on the painting, carefully identified.

However, those who have the heart have noticed that Wang Lao’s face is constantly changing and becoming more and more shocked.

For a long time, Wang Lao slowly straightened up and took off the reading glasses.

"Wang Lao, don't be angry. Now the young people don't know how to be good. They always want to take some tricks and get rich overnight."

"Yeah, don't worry about him, let the boss Du drove him out."

Everyone seems to have decided that this painting is fake.

"Hey, Lin Hai, what else do you have to say, prepare to climb out like a dog, hahaha..." Hu Wei and Zhao Lei laughed loudly, and Wang Ting also had a hazy smile.

Du Boss made a look at the buddy. As long as Wang Laoyi said that the painting was fake, he immediately called people and beat Lin Hai.

Lin Hai turned a deaf ear to the onlookers, looking at Wang Lao, laughing and not talking.

"Oh." For a long time, Wang Lao sighed and everyone was quiet.

"Young people, give a price, this painting, I want it."

"What!" Wang Lao’s words were so shocking that the whole house was stupid.

"Wang Lao, you..."

"I said, this painting, I want it!"

Read The Duke's Passion