MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 439 Yushun

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  Chapter 439 Yushun

   "Let me see, let me see..."

  The interior space of the water tower is not small, but because there are many hanging things, only three people can enter at most. Hearing Wang Siyi's words, Ding Haidong, who has not yet entered from behind, cried out eagerly.

   Seeing this, Chen Ling made room for him, and he also reached out and touched a hind leg of lamb.

  When I touched it, it felt hard and cold, with a layer of ice **** like snow particles on it.

   "Oh, it's really frozen flowers, so exaggerated? How can the temperature in the water tower be so low in this summer?"

   "Well, yes, the temperature inside is that low."

Chen Ling nodded: "I measured it with a thermometer two days ago, and it was about 30 degrees outside, and only 67 degrees inside the water tower, and it was even lower in the morning and evening, so let's just stay here in summer with single clothes and trousers." After a long time, it can freeze people to catch a cold.

But it’s good for storing meat. You can try it at night and you’ll know. In the refrigerator, fresh meat won’t taste good when it’s frozen. In this water tower, it’s okay to store it for three or four days. It’s still like fresh meat when you take it out. . "

   "Hey guy, listen to you, this is far better than a refrigerator."

  Zhou Weijun smiled and said, "I just don't know if your water tower will be the same as groundwater. It's cold in summer and warm in winter."

   "Haha, that's not sure."

Chen Ling pointed to the southeast side: "My fourth grandfather knew about my water tower some time ago, so he told me that there was a well on top of the steep **** in the village before it was leveled, and it got colder as you went down the well. , even in summer, you can find ice.

   They also ate ice cubes from that well several times when they were children. "

   "Hey, then you have a lot of strange things here, and it is indeed a treasure land that can produce thousand-year-old turtles."

   Everyone admired.

  Wang Siyi asked, "Is that well still there?"

   "There should be more, but there has been no water for a long time, and I don't know whose yard it went to after the overall renovation of the village."

  Chen Ling thought about it, the old well might be near Ermao Donkey's house, next to the old barn.

   Then said: "Whatever you want to eat, you can choose now, beef and mutton, chicken, duck, pork, everything."

   After saying that, back out and let them go in to pick.

  There is nothing to see inside the water tower, but some people find it novel when they see it for the first time, and it can also be used as a refrigerator.

   Just look up, down, left, and right.

  I also want to try to climb up the spiral ladder inside the water tower, but the ladder is not big enough for one person to go up and down, and there are a lot of meat hanging on the side, so I didn't go up rashly.

  But because the temperature was relatively low, several people couldn't bear to stay in the water tower for a long time, so they finished the selection soon.

   "Ouch, it's still warm outside..."

  Ding Haidong came out with two lamb legs: "Brother Ling, I think your farm is cooler than other places. It's not bad at all compared to other summer resorts, and the scenery is even better than it."

  Wang Siyi also nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, it's very cool, and it's very comfortable to take a nap."

Zhou Weijun laughed when he heard the words: "You two are belated, the great writer Zhao Yubao knows it, because their place is fun and cool, it is an excellent place to escape the heat in hot summer, and they directly build a house in the village I can't go down."

"My god, isn't it, Teacher Zhao Yubao is here, really scared me, brother Ling, tell me, what else I don't know, otherwise I will always be surprised and feel like a Like a fool who has never seen the world."

   "Hey, there's a lot you don't know. Teacher Zhao also said that he accepted you as his son. I heard about this at the beginning of the year. You Ling refused to agree."

   "...What? I didn't agree to this either. Brother Ling, you are arrogant. Today I finally know what it means to be a real person without showing your face."

Afterwards, these men and women pestered Chen Ling to ask questions. Chen Ling joked with them first, and then said that he actually only met Zhao Dahai, Zhao Yubao's son. He didn't know anything about their family before. It was fate.

   Even so, everyone admires and envies him.

  Wang Siyi is alright, Ding Haidong and others, who studied Zhao Yubao’s articles in their textbooks when they were in school, all admired him very much.

   Begged Chen Ling to take them to meet.

  Chen Ling said that this was a small problem. It happened that Zhao Yubao's family was going to repair the thatched cottage, and the festival would be over tomorrow, so everyone could go over and help with some small work.

  Hearing what Chen Ling said, the group was overjoyed.

   After tidying up, marinate the meat to be grilled and put it on with bamboo sticks. They fed the horses and cows for fun. Later, wearing straw hats, they went out with Wang Cunye to herd sheep.

  As for Zhou Weijun, he is very interested in the springs outside the water tower. He feels cold when he uses a bucket to touch the water. It is very comfortable to drink in summer, which is ice cold.

   Chen Ling didn't care too much about them when he saw this.

  After a delicious barbecue at night, they went to bed early after playing tired.

  Chen Ling sat under the grape trellis with his first uncle and second uncle, drinking tea to catch the cool, and discussing business matters.

  In the end, although there was no agreement on what to do, Chen Ling's knowledge and experience made some suggestions that were relatively safe, which made the two brothers feel at ease.

  The two sister-in-laws were also very happy when they found out.

   In short, this year's Dragon Boat Festival, the whole family had a good time with Chen Ling.

   It can be regarded as happy.

  That’s right, for a few days from the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, there will always be a little rain at night. This is okay, the amount of rain is very small, but it falls at night, and the sun is still strong during the day, which does not hinder the wheat.

  After the festival, the village began to harvest wheat one after another from the sixth day of May.

   And because of the arrival of Wang Siyi and others, some people who came to Chenwangzhuang to play, there are quite a few people who are not in a hurry to go back after the festival.

  For example, those two groups of reporters, and some with their families, are addicted to living here.

   After learning that Chen Ling's house doesn't stop outsiders from coming to play.

  I come here every day, catch fish and shrimp, and pick peaches from trees.

   Also go to the villagers' fields, pick watermelons in the melon fields, and pick vegetables in the vegetable garden.

   Some people volunteered to take their children to guard the melon fields at night after they became playful, and some helped drive donkey carts and ox carts during the day, and followed them to transport wheat. It was very lively and fun.

   Of course, some of these will also be paid for, such as melon fields and peach orchards, which are just like picking orchards. They can play and eat, and they can also get a sense of accomplishment from labor and play. They are very happy.

   Helping with wheat harvesting and the like will naturally not work, after all, they are helping with work.

  Besides, there were also rumors about ancient tombs, and those reporters wanted to go up the mountain to explore. Those reporters were among them, but they were all stopped.

  In short, due to the money earned, every household in the village is busy with joy during the wheat harvest this year, and there are some old people singing songs while harvesting wheat, with a different spirit.

  Chen Ling’s family, because of the encouragement of the eldest and second uncles, said to help him harvest the wheat and hurried back, and they also started harvesting on the sixth day of May.

   Zhou Weijun and his family, as well as Zhao Dahai and Shan Mao's two families, all came to help.

  Wang Siyi, this Pan Jinlian is really not Pan Jinlian.

After getting acquainted with Chen Ling's family, he hurriedly changed into Wang Susu's old clothes, put on a straw hat, and put a sweat towel around his neck, and asked Chen Ling to turn on the tractor, then sit in the driver's seat of the tractor and drive into the wheat field, waiting for them to harvest the wheat. After the bundle is done, it is loaded on the tractor body.

  While working, he learned to sing folk songs from Wang Cunye, very chic and unrestrained.

   Some men who came here to peek at Pan Jinlian were surprised. They stood by the edge of the wheat field, dumbfounded, and didn't say a word for a long time, as if something was broken in their hearts.

   Actually don’t talk about them.

  Even the two families of Wang Qingwen and Zhao Dahai were surprised.

   Said she hardly looked like someone from Bay Island.

  Wang Siyi raised her head proudly and said that her hometown was originally from the mainland.

   "Besides, my surname is still Wangli. We were one family five hundred years ago, and your village is still called Chenwangzhuang. After I earn money, I will follow Mr. Zhao to build a house here, hahaha."

  Ding Haidong held back his words for a long time, and then said: "I am the same."

   Let everyone laugh and express their disgust.

  In the past two days, everyone has also seen that he has some meaning for Wang Siyi, but the latter is careless, as if he didn't notice it, so he can't reveal too much.

  Looking at Wang Siyi's performance now, I'm not in the mood to notice this at all.

  Same as Wang Zhenzhen, just staring at which wheat field has rabbits and pheasants, once she picks out a certain wheat field, she turns over and jumps off the tractor, and chases after Wang Zhenzhen and other children.

Of course, for a woman like her, although she has a slightly tough personality, she will definitely be called a female man in later generations, but in fact she is still a fair-skinned, beautiful, delicate and frail woman, and she can't compare to Wang Zhenzhen. A solid country girl.

   That is, when I don’t encounter this kind of chasing small animals on weekdays, I am so excited, and I don’t feel tired at all when I run.

   But if she really asked her to chase, she couldn't catch any of them with that lack of skill and speed.

  The final harvest of rabbits, pheasants, quails, etc. was all won by Wang Zhenzhen, Xiaodong and a group of dogs at home.

  Even so, she thought it was very fun, and yelled for Wang Zhenzhen to play with her during the few days off.


   As the old saying goes, there is strength in numbers.

Not to mention how well Zhou Weijun and the others do farm work, if they can follow the wheat field and work hard for two days, it is better than sitting idle and not going to the field. This year, they and Zhao Dahai's family really helped Chen Ling has a lot.

   While working and playing, the wheat was harvested in two days.

  On the eighth day of May, Wang Qingwen and his family hurried back to Fenglei Town. Zhou Weijun and the others also wanted to leave the next day, but unfortunately, it rained heavily that evening.

Early the next morning, it was still raining outside. Wang Cunye took steamed buns and salted duck eggs and watched swallows flying in and out under the eaves of the living room. It's really smooth, when the wheat is ripe, it rains lightly at night, waiting for everyone to harvest the wheat, and then there is a heavy rain, it doesn't make people feel bad at all, it's really good."

   "Hehe, what you said is that if it rains when it shouldn't rain like in previous years, then the turtle prince will come out in vain? This year's weather shows that the turtle prince is effective, and I wish you all good weather."

  Gao Xiulan held the bowl, sipped the porridge lightly, and said.

   In fact, I ignored the so-called Turtle Lord. What she said is also very reasonable. For the common people, if it rains when it should rain, and does not delay the farming season, this is a proper weather.

   "Uncle Wang, Auntie, good morning."

  At this time, Wang Siyi came over holding an umbrella to say hello.

   "Siyi, go get some food, it will get cold later."

  Gao Xiulan and the two of them are also used to saying hello to them in the morning these days. When they saw her go downstairs and come here, they reminded her to have breakfast.

   "Don't be in a hurry, auntie, it's only less than seven o'clock, and we have dinner in the morning and late... I'll go outside to see the little rabbit I caught. Brother Ling said that rabbits are afraid of water, so don't drown them."

  Wang Siyi responded with a smile, and went out of the farm holding an umbrella.

  Ding Haidong had a lot of roles, so they left in a hurry. She had finished filming long ago, and the crew was not as interesting as here, so why would they be in a hurry to go back.

  I just want to stay here, escape the summer leisurely, enjoy life in a leisurely way, and play happily.

   In the past two days, I followed Wang Zhenzhen to catch little rabbits, chased pheasants and quails, and caught a lot of small things, but it was very exciting.

   I especially like bunnies.

   Watching every day, thinking about feeding water and grass, never forgetting for a moment.

  That guy, if it wasn't for her own house, maybe he brought that litter of little rabbits into the room to raise.

  Go to the livestock pen outside and look at the little rabbit, there is nothing wrong with it.

  Wang Siyi just came back, but after walking to the living room, she found that Wang Zhenzhen was playing with a rectangular iron box under the eaves outside the living room.

   Upon closer inspection, it is a rusty household toolbox, that is, an iron box commonly used to store wrenches, pliers, hammers, etc., and it is now covered with fresh green leaves.

   "What are you messing with, really?"

   "Huh? It's sister Siyi, you scared me."

  As soon as Wang Zhenzhen looked up and saw her new playmate, he picked up the box and showed her: "Look, this is the silkworm I raised."

   "Wow, this is a silkworm. Why didn't I see you take it out two days ago."

  Wang Siyi took the tin box and asked with eyes full of novelty.

   "I kept them at home in the village, otherwise there would be a lot of birds on the farm, and Ruirui always took the dog around to pick things up, so I wouldn't dare to put them here."

  Wang Zhenzhen pouted and said, then looked around: "Sister Siyi, have you seen my mother?"

   "Ah? I was eating here with Uncle Wang just now, what's the matter?"

   "My silkworm doesn't like to eat anymore."

  The little girl said distressedly: "I still have to compete with Xizi and Liu Nier who has the biggest and best silkworms. If I win, all their silkworms will belong to me. If you don't eat, you will lose."

  Wang Siyi was taken aback when she heard the words, how could she understand this?

   Just as he was about to go and see if Gao Xiulan was in the kitchen, the old man should have washed the dishes after eating, when he saw Chen Ling coming down from the east upstairs.

  Wang Zhenzhen immediately shouted loudly: "Brother-in-law, come quickly, something bad happened, my silkworms won't eat leaves."

   "...What are you shouting for? Why are you shouting so loudly in the early morning? I'm not deaf."

  Chen Ling glared at her. This girl will be in the fifth grade in the second half of the year, and she still hasn't made any progress at all.

   But after talking about her like that, Chen Ling walked over quickly to have a look.

   Looking at it, the original twenty or thirty small silkworms have grown plump and chubby.

  Chen Ling let out a light snort, and picked up one of the silkworms to observe carefully, "This silkworm grows so fast, it's about to spin silk."

   Then he said to the two: "This is because the cocoon is about to spin, so I don't want to eat so much. Let's find some wheat straw and make a silkworm mountain."

   "Wow, I said, it turns out that the silkworm is about to spin silk."

   Wang Zhenzhen widened his eyes, clenched his fists excitedly and shouted: "So, the silkworms I raise must be the fastest and best."

   Then he jumped into the rain curtain like a pony: "I won again, I won again, I want to ride Silkworm Mountain."

  Seeing this, Wang Siyi was not far behind, and hurriedly chased after her with an umbrella: "Really, slow down, wait for me."

   "Sister Siyi, you are waiting for me at home. I will go to the village to call Xizi and the others, bring all their silkworms, and we will build the silkworm mountain together."

  Wang Zhenzhen pulled a straw hat from the corridor and put it on top of his head, and shouted without looking back.

   In the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the farm and ran out of the orchard.

  (end of this chapter)

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