MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 432 Cottages

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  Chapter 432 Thatched Cottage

This mushroom is strange because it has a dark green cap and snow-white stalks. From the lower edge of the cap grows a delicate white mesh skirt, hanging down to the ground, among the withered and yellow bamboo leaves, It looks like a little girl in a white dress, spotless and extremely eye-catching.

  Seeing this clump of mushrooms, Chen Ling was very pleasantly surprised: "Hahaha, ouch, I haven't picked such a fresh bamboo fungus before, today is a lucky day."

   This bamboo fungus is known as one of the eight treasures of grass, and all of them are delicious.

   It is they, the mountain people who depend on the mountains and eat the mountains, are sometimes hard to find.

  Chen Ling has eaten it a few times, even if it's just boiled soup, it's very delicious, which he never forgets.

  In the final analysis, it is because this thing is not like the usual mushrooms that can be seen everywhere in the wild, and you can find a large piece of it.

   Dictyophora mostly grows deep in the bamboo forest.

  On the other hand, it is strange that many people in the local area do not know that this stuff can be eaten.

  Just like dog milk and honey, adults and children go to drink its honey, but they don’t know that it is a medicinal herb called Rehmannia…

   "Good stuff, I happen to have mountain donkey meat at home, mountain delicacies with wild game, tsk tsk tsk..."

  Chen Ling wiped his saliva and began to squat down to pick the bamboo fungus.

   There were more than ten bamboo suns in this clump, but Chen Ling didn't pick the ones that were too small, and finally picked eleven.

  Chen Ling felt that there were too few, so he divided two plants into the cave.

   It is also planted in the bamboo forest in front of the hut.

  Ripuration, cultivation of new strains, diffusion...

   Altogether more than 30 plants have been picked, and you can cook a few dishes with tricks.

  Bamboo fungus with donkey meat, stewed chicken with bamboo fungus, etc...

   This is not afraid that it will not be preserved, just dry the bamboo fungus.

  After going down the mountain and returning home, Chen Ling selected a few plants and cleaned them. He took a piece of mountain donkey meat from the small water tower, cut it into large pieces and put it in a pot for stewing soup.

  The freshly picked bamboo fungus is naturally eaten in the pot when I get home, so as to live up to the deliciousness.

   Then split the dead bamboo that was carried back, put it in the stove and set it on fire.

   Soon after the water boiled, a strange fragrance wafted out from the kitchen.

  Even Wang Susu in her sleep smelled it, she rubbed her eyes, yawned and walked into the kitchen.

   "A Ling, what are you cooking for in the morning? It's so delicious."

   "Are you awake?"

  Chen Ling was using a wok to cook dried noodles on a small stove. Hearing this, he turned his head and smiled slightly: "Look at these mushrooms, do you know them?"

   Said and pointed to the bamboo sieve on the side table.

Wang Susu looked inside, and when she saw the mushrooms in the bamboo sieve, she circled her red mouth in surprise: "I've seen this before, can this thing be eaten? There are many in the bamboo garden on the mountain. When I was young, I thought it was dog urine." The moss and the like grow weird, and they are kicked to pieces."

   "Pfft, kicked it to pieces?"

  Chen Ling was speechless immediately, "This is a treasure. I often say delicacies from mountains and seas, and delicacies from mountains and seas. This is a veritable mountain delicacy. You will know after you taste it."

  Wang Susu walked to the side of the pot, sniffed it with her small nose, and looked at him with her head tilted, "Hee hee, you don't need to taste it, I know it's delicious just by smelling it."

   As he said that, he came over and tapped his head: "Don't think I don't know. I woke up early in the morning and ran up the mountain without even bringing a dog."

  If it wasn't for the swollen belly, she would still look like a little girl in this posture.

Chen Ling watched with irony in his heart, with a smile in his eyes, "I can't sleep, so I got up and wandered around, I see that you are sleeping soundly, and I don't dare to wake you up, it's better to leave the dog at home to guard the door. "

   "Hmph, it's not you, I had to make a fuss last night... This will last for five months, it's still not reliable, and you won't listen, otherwise I would have woken up early."

  Wang Susu was angry and ashamed. Fortunately, now that she is an old married couple, she won't be so blushing that she can't speak.

  However, her natural shyness and inability to let go made her face still hot. She turned around and said to take Rui Rui down to eat, and then hurried away, afraid that Chen Ling would say something crazy again, and she would not listen to it if she was too explicit.

  When I heard it, my heart felt crisp and my body became weak.

   Chen Ling stared at his daughter-in-law's plump and slim back, smiled, took out the cooked noodles, and divided them into bowls.

  He and Wang Susu have two bowls, and Ruirui has half a bowl.

  Add chopped green onion, minced pickles, and minced beans, put two spoonfuls of bamboo fungus soup, and pour it on the surface.

  The soup is crystal clear and full of fragrance.

   Grab a few pieces of rosy, plump, bright-colored donkey meat without a trace of fat in the bowl.

   That taste is absolutely amazing.

   Mountain delicacies paired with wild game, even with ordinary vermicelli, is so delicious that people almost swallow their tongues.

  Ruirui had so much fun yesterday that she slept more deeply than Wang Susu in the morning. She usually wakes up at seven o'clock, but today she is still sound asleep.

But after being carried to the kitchen by Wang Susu, smelling the scent, he was immediately invigorated. He didn't need spoons and chopsticks, and he didn't need his parents to feed him. He grabbed the meat and scooped up the noodles by himself. The dog has a big appetite.

  Chen Ling and the others finished eating the noodles and simply drank the soup, which had a different taste, even better than before.

  The family of three had a delicious meal.

   There was half a pot left for Erlao and Wang Zhenzhen.

  Wang Zhenzhen doesn't have to go to school this weekend.

   Just wait until they come over to eat.


  After the meal, Chen Ling was going to find two sheep to kill today.

  Put it in a small water tower and hang it, and the uncle and the others can eat it when they come.

  At this time, Wang Cunye and Wang Zhenzhen took Ruirui outside to play.

  Wang Susu and Gao Xiulan were setting up a dustpan in the yard, tossing some rags.

  These rags are used to stick the soles and make the uppers.

  Although sandals and slippers should be worn in summer, when it comes to working in the field, you still have to wear the usual loafers.

  After harvesting the wheat and planting corn, there are many busy times.

  Wang Susu held the soles of her shoes.

  Gao Xiulan picked out a piece of light and thin white fabric, and wanted to make two sets of shorts for Wang Cunye and Chen Lingweng to wear.

  The daughters and mothers-in-law of the peasant family can basically do some needlework.

  Gao Xiulan and Wang Susu are even more skillful.

  That’s right, Wang Susu has limited mobility now, so she can only make shoes or cut some small clothes for her son.

   Gao Xiulan still has to handle the serious clothes.

  The two of them were making clothes and shoes around the table in the small yard in front of the bamboo building.

  Chen Ling was not far away guarding the canal to kill and skin the sheep.

  Squat around a circle of big dogs and a small cat.

  With so many prey to practice his hands, now he is getting more and more proficient in his techniques, and it only takes seven or eight minutes to kill a sheep.

   Easily slaughtered two big fat goats.

  Chen Ling hung it in the small water tower with an iron hook, locked the iron door of the small water tower, and fed some inedible internal organs left over from the slaughtered sheep to the dogs.

   Even went outside to throw some fresh offal near the two **** caves.

  Standing in the distance, waiting for the fur-colored and beautiful **** to emerge from the grass and bring the internal organs back into the hole.

  Chen Ling left satisfied.

   After all, it was bred for the purpose of crossbreeding domestic cats and mountain raccoon cats, so it must be more familiar.

   Otherwise, you won’t be able to catch it in the future, and you won’t be loved. What kind of pet cat is this?

   There are only six or seven days left until the Dragon Boat Festival.

  After killing the sheep, Chen Ling went into the cave, and searched carefully to find out if there was something more delicious to wrap rice dumplings in leaves.

  The zongzi leaves for the first two years were given by Liang Hongyu, which are commonly used zongba leaves, also known as eyebrow bamboo leaves.

   But in the mountains, what is the use, usually just go to the water to pick some reed leaves, which is more convenient.

  Chen Ling searched the cave twice, tried and tried, but found that he still got reed leaves.

   It’s just reed leaves that grow in caves.

  He simply wrapped two rice dumplings in the Dongtianjia pot, tried it very roughly, and it was indeed more fragrant than ordinary ones.

   This suits him very well.

  Just came out of Dongtian, and my heart was moved again, thinking that the lotus leaf chicken I made at home before was extremely delicious.

   I plan to try making zongzi with lotus leaves again.

  It's a pity that I haven't had time to do it yet.

  Liu Nier A group of children came to call him, saying that today they would have dinner at Wang Jusheng's house, Zhao Dahai's two families had chosen a place to build a house, and asked him to go there quickly.

  Chen Ling had no choice but to give up.

   Let the little green horse out, and ride away.

   When I arrived, I found that Wang Jusheng's house was really lively. Apart from Zhao Dahai's two families, Wang Lixian's family was there, Chen Dazhi's family was there, and Wang Cunye also brought Ruirui to play here.

  In the yard, there were adults talking and babies giggling, and the cars of Zhao Dahai and his family were parked outside the wall.

   This battle made it feel like having to do business and have dinner.

  As soon as Chen Ling entered the house, everyone called him over, saying that the location for the house had been selected.

   It is near the primary school, next to Dayantang.

   But still needs a lot of renovation.

  According to Zhao Yubao, it is necessary to connect the two small ditches in the east and north of the village, widen them into a river, and flow around the village.

  The two ditches are the drainage ditches in the village, like the sewers in the city. Some places are exposed, and some places are covered with bluestone slabs, and the sound of rushing water can be heard inside.

  When it rains heavily, when the reservoir needs to release water, this ditch is used for drainage.

  The drainage ditches dug temporarily by each family will also flow into the Dayan Pond from these two ditches.

   Of course, the drainage of the reservoir must be more than these two small ditches.

  But these two lead to the village.

   Now Zhao Yubao said that he would spend money to build a river, spacious and bright, and then build houses, plant bamboo forests, and cultivate vegetable gardens on the farmland north of Dayantang.

   In short, he couldn't go to the mountains, so he transformed the village into the poetic and picturesque style he wanted.

   Fortunately, although the old man has a lot of demands, the village doesn't hate it, and everyone is even looking forward to it.

  Because this great writer is willing to spend money.

   As for transforming it into what he wanted, it would take a lot of work, so what's the problem?

  No one in the mountains is afraid of coolies.

   You can earn money and work by guarding the village. Where can you find such a good thing.

  Wang Laishun is also happy that they generate income for the village, so everyone is happy.

  The two old men of Zhao Yubao were so happy that they asked Zhao Dahai to go shopping in the county and treat everyone to a meal.

  The old ladies of the two families even wanted to cook by themselves, and asked Chen Ling to come over and taste their cooking.

  Chen Ling's family of three had eaten their food in the city, and it was indeed quite good.

  But the two old ladies said one after another that the taste would be better when cooking with a high platform and a large stove in the farmhouse, and they must let him try it.

   Then he got busy in the kitchen of Wang Jusheng's house.

   Ladies and gentlemen, Chen Ling and his men were chatting under the tree in the yard.

   Not to mention, when the old lady cooks the food, the taste is no worse than that of the cooks in the village.

   Pork trotters are stewed with white radish, half of which is filled out, and then put into the pot to make it sweet and sour.

   Sprinkle a handful of minced green onion and coriander before serving the other half, not to mention how fragrant it is.

  It can be seen from here that the method is more refined than that in the village. In the village, everyone can eat it in one pot, and they can eat it deliciously.

  Bobcat’s mother, Aunt Zhong’s family, is even more versatile. The pork belly is marinated with soy sauce and honey, and deep-fried to make char siew.

  It is said that they study various recipes and choose what they are good at.

   He also said that the weather is hot now, and there is a lot of meat to buy, so it can be stored for two days longer if it is made into barbecued pork.

   But this really underestimates their appetite.

   Then, fried duck, fried eel, salt-fried mutton, and some fried vegetables and cold dishes.

   There are really all kinds of things, all of them are very similar.

  Before the meal, Chen Ling was asked to call Wang Susu over, but Chen Ling didn't go, saying that it was inconvenient for his wife to move around.

   This is also the reason why the Shanmao family lived in the farm all day long and disturbed their family, so I didn't say much.

  Everyone had a great time eating.

  After dinner, I had nothing to do, so I went outside Chen Ling's farm, drinking tea, enjoying the cool, playing chess and chatting.

   Zhao Yubao said that he should first try to raise some chickens and ducks in the idle yard of Erzhu.

   And I also want to sell old hens with two brooding nests in the village, and try the fun of hatching chicks and ducklings.

  Wang Jusheng told him: "Uncle Zhao, you can keep some chicks, but let's forget about ducklings. Ducks eat a lot, pull a lot, and have a big taste. It's very difficult to deal with."

  He originally wanted to say that ducks have a lot of food, and if they are raised more, it is not worthwhile to eat more and lay fewer eggs.

   But Zhao Yubao was obviously not short of money, so he changed the words when he said it.

   "Huh? I think Fugui's side is very good. Let it out for a while, find food for yourself, and defecate outside. You can also fertilize flowers and trees."

   "Twittering every day, let such a large group go out, hey, don't have a lot of fun."

  Zhao Yubao said with a smile.

  Wang Jusheng shook his head: "It can't be compared with riches and honor. His place is big, and his dog is also in charge of things. We can't do it. If we raise too many, we can't keep the yard."

   Chicks and ducklings look cute and playful, but they are different when they grow up, and they are all over the yard.

   Moreover, chicken droppings and duck droppings are not dry droppings, they are wet and lumpy, very difficult to clean.

  The smell is still very strong. After a long time, the yard is very smoky.

  Chen Ling's house has mountains and rivers, and the flowers and trees are growing vigorously. A good cycle has been formed long ago, and there is no smell at all.

   "Okay, then let's raise two less first, dig out the river first, and build the house before talking about other things."

   Zhao Yubao said unwillingly.

Chen Ling took a sip of tea and suggested with a smile: "Uncle Zhao, if you're like this, why don't you build brick-roofed houses and let go of the digging of river channels, and build two thatched houses near the weir pond first. It’s next to the grassy slope, the trees are so cool, it’s so simple to build two thatched huts under the trees, put a fence around the huts, open a small yard, and grow some vegetables.”

   "Oh, yes."

Hearing this, Zhao Yubao and Lao Zhong looked at each other, and they patted their foreheads and the thighs: "It's over, it's over, people are so confused, why didn't we think of such a simple question, it's better to be rich, let's go, let's go Let’s find my younger brother and ask him to find someone to get us two thatched cottages to live in.”

  The eyes of the two old men were bright, and they rubbed their hands excitedly as they strode out of the orchard, full of impatience.

  As if living in a thatched cottage is such a wonderful thing.

  (end of this chapter)

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