MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 419 Catch big goods with bare hands

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  Chapter 419 Catch big goods with bare hands

   "So this is the eel cave, let me try, let me try..." Zhao Dahai immediately rolled up his sleeves when he heard this, and rushed to the front to shout.

When Zhao Yubao saw this, he stared displeasedly and scolded: "What are you talking about, what are you talking about, Fugui hasn't said anything yet, why are you so rude? You're so disgusting to visit as a guest... That's what I taught you before ?”

   Then he turned to Chen Ling, pushed his glasses and smiled, "Fugui, it's inconvenient for you to take Rui Rui with you, so just tell me how to dig out this eel hole, and I'll do it for us."

Before Chen Ling could speak, the old man Zhong said with disdain and contempt: "Go, go, shameless, it turned out that you wanted to grab eels to play with, and you were too old to compete with the children. It's your fault Can do it too."

   "Then you come, then you come, I'll let you..." Zhao Yubao laughed, confident.

   "Fuck you, you just saw that my arm was injured, or it would be your turn?" Old Zhong said angrily.

  The two old men guarded the eel hole like little dolls, bickering, blowing their beards and staring, like two big roosters eager to compete.

   Everyone couldn't help laughing for a while.

  Only Zhao Dahai stepped aside with a full face of grievance. He is such a big man, and he was scolded by his father just like his grandson. He didn't give him any face in front of so many people.

"Old Uncle Zhao, Old Uncle Zhong, there are a lot of rice field eels here, there is nothing to snatch, we want to catch rice field eels to play with, let's look for them later, we are here to catch fish and shrimps in the reed marshes, otherwise we would have to bring this big wooden basin. What are these fish baskets for..."

  Chen Ling said helplessly.

  There were so many crabs and crayfish crawling around, no one thought of catching them, but now, they just found a rice field eel hole and started scrambling for it.

  This really makes people don't know what to say...

  No way, sometimes people are like this, they are not interested in what is placed in front of them and delivered to their door, and they only find it interesting and satisfying if they have to spend a lot of effort to grab it.

  After hearing Chen Ling's words, everyone immediately cheered up.

  Yes, there are so many reeds in the reed marsh, why do you just stare at this eel hole?

   "Then I'll come first, Fugui, teach me how to catch this eel?"

  Zhao Yubao refused to give up the eel hole in front of him. He discovered this hole first, and the eel that disappeared just now was big enough.

   It made his heart itch so much, he wanted to take the opportunity to show his hand, but he was reluctant to give up.

   Even his son refused to let go.

   "Catching ricefield eels, they say they are catching ricefield eels, but they are actually fishing ricefield eels..."

   "The eel is too slippery to grasp firmly, and the eel usually hides in the hole during the day without showing its head, and there is no way to catch it in the hole, so it can only be fished."

  Chen Ling said, motioning everyone to look at the fish baskets. Some fish baskets have hooks for fishing.

"Uncle Zhao, let me briefly tell you how to catch ricefield eels. You can come here as much as you think it's fun. It's okay if you can't catch it. It's hard to find anything else here. Ricefield eels are everywhere, and wherever there is water, there are them." .”

   "Okay, okay, tell me how to catch eels."

  Zhao Yubao rubbed his hands impatiently, and the others were also attentively waiting to listen.

   "There are generally three ways to fish eels."

"The first one is to use a long iron wire, about one meter long, sharpen one end, bend it into a hook shape, grab an earthworm or something to put it on, and then follow the eel hole and put the earthworm on it. The wire is slowly stretched in, and when the eel sees the food delivered to the door, it will come to enjoy it without thinking. At this time, when it feels in the hand, it quickly pulls the hook out, and the eel is caught.”

   "However, we don't have such a long hook."

"The fishhooks in the fish baskets are what the dolls usually use to fish and catch frogs. They can also catch eels, but they just have to wait. Usually, the little dolls here break two hooks from the reeds when the sun is about to set. A strong reed stick, tie a one-meter-long nylon rope to the reed stick, hang a small fishhook on the nylon rope, and usually wear earthworms as bait on the hook. Once the firewood sticks are inserted on the shore, eels will naturally come out to look for food at night.

  The next morning, when I came to collect the hooks, basically there was an eel on every hook.

   This method saves trouble, but it is a bit slower. "

   "Yeah, yeah, this one has to stay overnight, even if it doesn't stay overnight, you still have to wait, it's not fun, what about the third one? Tell us about your wealth."

  The old people were fascinated by what they heard, and hurriedly urged.

  "The third is relatively simple and rude, which is to look for those eel holes that lay eggs. The eel is a strange thing. It has egg protection behavior, just like cats and dogs protect calves. It will protect its unhatched fish eggs...

Such eel holes are also easy to find. The eels that lay eggs have the habit of spitting bubbles. There are often piles of foam at the entrance of the hole. The eels like to stick their heads out of the water. Once they are spotted, they will be baited The fishhook swayed and harassed around the eels.

  The egg-protecting ricefield eels thought that there was an enemy invading, and they would pounce on them to protect their children. Listen, there was a 'plop', the ricefield eel must have taken the bait. "

   "Okay, okay, it turns out that catching eels is so fun, I want to choose the third type, and find the eels that protect the eggs."

   "Hey, we also play the third type, ready-made fishhooks, just find the eel hole with foam. Yaya, let's go, ignore your grandpa, let's find the eel hole by ourselves."

   After Chen Ling finished speaking, not to mention the old people, even Zhao Dahai and Shanmao were very energetic and engrossed in listening to it. After listening to it, they felt that they had learned it.

Only Zhao Yubao frowned, hesitating and hesitating, "I actually want to choose the first method, but the hook is not that long. The second method has to wait, the third method, my eel hole is obviously not an egg protection Yes, definitely not so easy to seduce."

  Chen Ling smiled when he saw this. This old man is also very interesting. He is really like a little doll.

   Then he said: "Old Uncle Zhao, you don't need the eel hook. I'll find something for you and put bait on it. It will work just the same..."

   After speaking, he waded through the water and went to the grass on the bank and pulled a few grasses and came back.

   Zhao Yubao was taken aback for a moment, "What is this, dogtail grass?"

   "No, this is goosegrass. It's like old beef tendon. It's hard to pull out and strong. It's stronger than dogtail grass. It's no problem to catch eels."

  Chen Ling said, grabbing a small frog that jumped over, there are many thieves in the reeds, so there is no need to go to the bank to find earthworms...

   After a while, Chen Ling crushed the poor frog, put the frog meat on the stalk of goosegrass, and handed it to Zhao Yubao.

   "Let's go fishing, Uncle Zhao."

  Zhao Yubao was stunned by Chen Ling's series of actions. Catching frogs was like picking something out of a bag, and killing frogs without blinking an eye, how did this guy practice.

  Being dazed, he finally came back to his senses when he heard the words.

   "This, can this work? Fishing eels with grass stalks?"

   "Try it, I don't dare to say it will work, in short, it is no worse than the eel hook. Goosegrass is very strong."

  Zhao Yubao heard that other people were eagerly looking for the eel hole in the reeds. From time to time, there were excited screams from Ruirui and Yaya, which should have been rewarded.

   This made him very impatient, he didn't want to be compared, he wanted to catch this guy from the eel hole as soon as possible, and then try the third method.

  So he dubiously followed Chen Ling's method, and slowly inserted the grass stalk covered with frog meat into the eel hole.

As soon as he got into the hole, the old clock came to harass him, "What are you doing, old Zhao, hey, why are you fishing rice field eels with grass stalks? Can you do it? If it doesn't work, just change the hole. You caught one, why are you still sticking to this hole, and we won't **** it from you."

  The yin and yang in the words overflowed.

  Zhao Yubao snorted, looked up at him, ignored him with a cold face, concentrated on what Chen Ling said, and slowly and carefully stretched the grass stem into the eel hole.

  Chen Ling watched from the side and laughed secretly. These two old men are quite interesting, but you can't see it in the city, and they even got into a fight when they came to their side.

   Right at this moment, Zhao Yubao let out a low cry, "I've bitten it."

  Chen Ling hurried to look, and sure enough, something was pulling the grass stem into the hole.

  Old Zhongtou was no longer eccentric, and his eyes widened in surprise, "Oh boy, it's really good, you don't even need a fishhook, Fugui, why didn't you teach me this trick just now."

  Chen Ling didn't bother to answer at this time, but asked Zhao Yubao to hold on to the grass stem and slowly pull it out.

  Zhao Yubao was so nervous that the more he listened to Chen Ling's words and instructions, the more his hands trembled.

   Finally led the eel out of the cave.

  This big rice field eel with a yellowish brown head and black spots on its thick and long body, saw someone waiting outside, and immediately gave up the food that was approaching its mouth, and wanted to shrink back into the cave.

   "I still want to run after I come out."

  Seeing this, Chen Ling reached out his hand like lightning, and with a clatter, grabbed the upper half of the eel's body, pulled it hard, pulled it hard, and he grabbed the big slippery guy out of the hole.

Seeing this, Zhao Yubao was full of excitement, while Old Zhongtou was stunned: "Hey, Fugui, how did you practice? Just grab it with your hands. The eel we caught just now is like grabbing it with your hands. This rice field eel is slippery. I caught it and ran away several times, but in the end it was your father-in-law who caught it back."

  His cry attracted everyone over, and he learned that Chen Ling and Zhao Yubao had caught the eel with grass stalks, and finally caught the eel with their bare hands.

   When they were surprised, they all clamored to let Chen Linglu do it again.

  Ordinary city dwellers don’t know how difficult eels are to grasp, so they just grab them with bare hands, and even the local villagers are rarely able to do it.

  The eel is different from other fishes. It has a layer of smooth mucus on its body surface, which is difficult for people to catch with bare hands.

  However, if you want to catch eels, there are tricks.

   That is to be fast, accurate, and ruthless. Don't hesitate to stop after catching it, just pull it out in one breath and throw it on the boat or ashore.

  Chen Lingli had a big hand and a quick reaction. With one buckle, the eel could hardly escape.

   "You kid, you like to hide everything, so show it to me." Shanmao pointed at Chen Ling and smiled helplessly.

  Chen Ling didn't say anything, just smiled and slapped the eel unconscious with his hands, and handed it to the old man Zhao Yubao.

  Zhao Yubao took the eel and quickly put it in the fish basket, the baby is not good.

  After that, everyone asked Chen Ling for advice while looking for eel holes that had already laid eggs.

  Chen Ling was pulling the boat with one hand, on which were Wang Cunye and two dolls, and holding the big wooden basin with the other hand to float on the water, leading them back and forth in the reed marshes, catching fish and shrimps and old turtles.

   Play until the sun is about to go down before going back.

   But when it comes to catching old turtles, I have to mention the old man Zhao Yubao.

   At the beginning, he asked Chen Ling for advice on a few tricks, and he learned them pretty quickly. He caught the most eels.

  The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.

  The old man was so happy that he grinned and showed off to Old Zhongtou and others in a high-spirited way.

   Later, I felt uncomfortable, so I took off my water shoes, rolled up my trousers and played barefoot.

  But soon, just like old Zhongtou, his joy turned into sorrow, he stepped on an old turtle hiding in the mud, and almost got bitten.

   I didn't get bitten, and because of this, I fell a big somersault and fell into the water with all fours.

   Not to mention the whole drowning chicken, but also poured several mouthfuls of dirty water.

   Let the old clock taunt for a while.

   Feeling that he had lost face, Zhao Yubao became ruthless, gave up the eel, and went to catch the old turtle in retaliation.

   There are quite a few old turtles hiding in the reed marshes, and some even crawled among the reeds on the water surface to look for food.

  However, once there is a little trouble and disturbed, it will quickly slide into the water with a "plop", and even drill into the mud, drilling deeper and deeper.

  If someone unfortunately steps on the old turtle hiding in the mud, it is likely to be bitten.


   "Catch me making jokes, right? You were pecked by a bird, why didn't you tell me?"

   "That's different, you were bitten by bastards, and this body is much more embarrassing than mine."

   "Yaya, do you think your grandfather was bitten by bastards?"

   "Yes, grandpa is bad, he catches fish without Yaya, and even scolds Dad, let the **** deserve it."

  A group of people faced the sunset and returned with a full load of fish baskets that could barely fit. The two old men kept bickering on the road.

  At the beginning, the big guy interrupted a few words, but now it's just the sound of playing with Ruirui Yaya, and it becomes the background sound.

  However, as they walked further out of the village, the voices of the two old men gradually disappeared, leaving only the sound of Ruirui and Yaya running around and fighting.

   But the beauty of this small mountain village at dusk was attracted.

  It was evening at this time, and there was smoke rising from every household, and the little dolls who were playing under the tree at the head of the village, laughed and dispersed under the call of their parents.

  The setting sun in the distance is about to fall to the other side of the mountain, and the afterglow can only be seen layer upon layer in the clouds, as if someone had painted it with bright paint.

  The entire sky is covered with sunset glow, and the mountains, fields, and even farms are all covered with a soft halo.

  It is really like walking into an oil painting.

  In the face of such beautiful scenery, how could they still be in the mood to bicker.

   Bathed in the rays of the setting sun, several old people who have lived in the city for a long time are filled with joy.

Zhao Yubao, a great writer, even disregarded his whole body, and couldn't help expressing his emotions with his hands behind his back: "It's really a good time to come here earlier. To be honest, I haven't felt this way in most of my life. When I came to you, I suddenly felt like I was back when I was a child." , that feeling of freshness everywhere, fun things everywhere, and my heart filled with anticipation and joy, it’s so rare.”

Old Zhong, the little old man heard the words and didn't sing a different tune, nodded and smiled with emotion: "Yeah, life seems to be enriched again, getting old and old, but I have regained the feeling of wearing crotch pants back then. Isn't that a kind of luck?"

  (end of this chapter)

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