MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 414 Parenting

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  Chapter 414 Parenting Classics

  Wang Wenchao often went to the mountains to trap weasels and shoot squirrels. In the past two years, he also went to the mountains with the old hunters from Jinmen Village as a guide many times.

   Naturally, I have also heard many legends from Liu Guangli, and I know what things in the mountains can be provoked and what things cannot be provoked.

  So when Chen Ling said that the jackals from the deep mountains and old forests of the Great Qinling Mountains had come out, he immediately retreated, dispelling the idea of ​​being a guide to earn extra money.

  That morning, he notified a few more acquaintances.

  In addition, Chen Ling went to the brigade to say something, and Wang Laishun yelled, so more than half of those who followed last time did not dare to go this time.

   Most of them came to Chen Ling's house to help pick apricots.

  Picking apricots today is similar to the process of fishing in the reservoir before.

  After picking several baskets, first use a 500-jin large scale to weigh the weight, then lift it to the transport vehicle, and pour the baskets into it with a clatter.

  The car is covered with a thick layer of wheat straw, and felt cloth is hung on both sides to prevent the apricots from being excessively bumped during transportation.

   Except for Wang Lixian, Wang Jusheng and others who came to help today, most of them were young people around Chen Ling's age.

   Picking apricots, talking non-stop.

"Fugui, what kind of treasure do we have in this mountain? Those thieves rushed to the mountain as soon as they recovered from their injuries. The loudspeakers shouted that there are jackals on the mountain, and they insisted on going. This treasure I'm afraid it's not easy."

   "Yes, yes, Baoshuan, didn't you say it last time, did they bring a compass?"

   "Yeah, they all carry a compass. Could it be an ordinary treasure that these thieves are looking for?"

   "Hey, that's right, you talk about this all day long, at home, outside, at work, and at the dinner table. Are you not afraid of letting those thieves know?"

"What are you afraid of? The local dialect we speak is too fast for them to understand. Now that grandson of Chunyuan is living in the county hospital, I can't communicate with them. If we don't take care of them when we talk, they won't know what to say. .”


  Chen Ling didn't know what treasure these people found in the mountains.

   I only know that there is a lot of money for those villagers who are willing to be guides.

  The mountain people at this time were superstitious.

  The last time something happened, they all thought it offended the Lord of the Land and learned a lesson.

   After all, he was chased away by wolves, got lost in the mountains, and suffered various injuries.

   It is completely in line with the legend of the Land Lord being angry.

   But even so, and with the fact that a group of jackals appeared in the mountains recently, there are still people who dare to follow this time.

   It must be enough money.

   Let them overcome their fear of those things.

   Money can turn ghosts around.

"It's boring to say that. I have been tinkering with us since last year. I first went to Donggang to wander around the small temple where the Taoist priests lived before, and then bought pots and bowls in various houses. I haven't seen any treasure after working for so long. And what are they doing?"

   "Hey, let's talk about Fugui, isn't Fugui going to play Wu Song on TV? I don't know if Pan Jinlian is good-looking, hehe, hehehe..."

   "That's right. Aunt Susu and the others are preparing to cook at home. I can't hear you. Uncle Fugui, please tell me quickly. How about Pan Jinlian? If I can hold hands with you, why don't you kiss me?"


  When the young boys said this, even Wang Lixian and Wang Jusheng quietly pricked up their ears not far away.

Chen Ling just jumped down from the tree at this time, picked up a large basket of apricots in one hand, and glanced at them speechlessly, "Don't talk nonsense, I just beat the tiger for Wu Song and it's over. There's no such thing as Pan Jinlian, What you are talking about is Ximen Qing, and I will not play Ximen Qing."

   "Hey, what is Ximenqing, you are Wu Song, you can beat a tiger drunk, but you can't beat a golden lotus drunk?"

   "That's right, when you ask them to send the tiger, they also send you Jin Lian. It's fine if they play together."

   "Hey, I've seen Wu Song in the videotape in the county video hall before... Sister-in-law, Wu Song has something to say... Hehehe."

  In the Water Margin, Pan Jinlian, the sister-in-law, is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people than Wu Song fighting the tiger.

  Everyone wanted to catch Chen Ling for a long time.

  But I’m embarrassed to ask in front of the women. Now I finally have the opportunity, but the more I talk, the more vigorous I am, and all kinds of dirty jokes about Wu Song’s uncle and sister-in-law are popping out.

  How did Ren Chenling explain that Wu Song himself was a fake Wu Song? They just didn't believe it.

  They are going to bring the tiger over for you to beat, and they even say Wu Song is fake, who would believe that.

  The men who work in the orchard are like this.

  The women who prepared the meals in the farm didn't give up much, and they were also saying that Chen Ling was good-looking and would make money, so Wang Susu should pay attention to it, don't play Wu Song and let Pan Jinlian seduce him away.

  If Wang Susu didn't know that her husband was just helping to play Jingyanggang Fighting Tiger, maybe she would really be worried.

  In the countryside, everyone likes to hear this kind of new and exciting things.

   Just look at the flushed faces of these little daughter-in-laws.

  Wang Susu has long been used to it, so she simply doesn't explain too much.

  Even if they explained, they might not be able to understand what a double is, and why they didn’t really play Wu Song after only filming one segment.

   "Susu, we are so busy talking about wealth, where did your Ruirui go?"

  They were picking and washing vegetables in the front yard, and Chen Ze’s wife suddenly found that the little milk baby who was playing with the two big dogs on the sand pile disappeared.

  Wang Susu got up and looked around quickly after hearing the words, but she couldn't find her after looking around, and she called Gao Xiulan twice, but no one responded, so she said, "My mother must have taken him out."

  Today, Wang Cunye was picking apricots in the orchard at home, so Wang Cunye drove out the poultry and livestock early in the morning.

   Chickens, ducks and geese are used to running around the farm and up and down the hills, so they don’t need to take care of them. What they have to take care of is the cattle and sheep at home.

  So the old man went to herd the sheep as usual, and Gao Xiulan was at home with the baby.

   Sure enough, as soon as these words were finished, the voice of the old lady floated in from outside the farm, and at the same time there was the cry of a baby.

  I saw the old lady walking in with a little baby covered in mud, gnashing her teeth.

  Little milk baby was struggling and crying loudly.

  Behind the old and the young, there were two gray-faced **** and yellow dogs, listening to the cries of the little baby, their brows drooped and they dared not say a word.

   "Same skin as your father, a bit older, and still can't walk steadily, so I want to hunt for birds. Then command the dog to run around and see if I don't spank your ass."

   "What's the matter, mother?"

  Wang Susu hurried up to meet her. Seeing Chen Ling walking in helplessly, she asked again, "What's wrong? What's Ruirui doing?"

   I heard from Gao Xiulan that her son was so big that he would stagger when he walked, and he still wanted to go up a tree to dig out a bird's nest?

"Hey, this brat commanded the dog while his mother wasn't paying attention, and let the dog carry him to the small river ditch to catch waterfowls, but before he reached the small river ditch, he saw a bird's nest in the grass, and climbed off the dog Go dig it out, when I was looking for it, he just pulled a hairless little guy out of the bird's nest and stuffed it into his mouth..."

  Chen Ling said helplessly, his son has a really good memory, and the small river ditch is not close. He knew there were waterfowls at such an age, and it was really worrying to let them catch birds while riding a dog.

Of course, this is because waterfowls keep calling, such as crakes. Once they call, they are like frogs. They call all day and night, which makes people upset and it is difficult to fall asleep at night. Chen Ling took him to chase them away for two days. Second-rate.

   "Hmph, Lingzi, you have to train these two big dogs well. They really dare to listen to what this little kid like Rui Rui has to say. They will go wherever they are asked to go. How about running around with the baby?"

The old lady glared at the two dogs with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and said to Chen Ling and the others: "If your father hadn't raised snakes at home and sprinkled some medicine every now and then, the poisonous insects would not dare to come over. If they were bitten by snakes and insects in the grass All of a sudden, that's a big deal."

   "Even if there are no snakes and insects, what should I do if he falls into the ditch outside and drowns him?"

   No wonder the old lady was anxious and angry.

   I can’t blame her for not being optimistic about her grandson. It’s because Rui Rui is smarter than her peers. Every time she goes out, there are two big dogs by her side. When she points forward with her little hand, the two dogs run out obediently.

   Don’t look like you haven’t learned a few words, but you can communicate with the two dogs, especially Hei Wa.

Let alone Gao Xiulan, an old man, even Chen Ling and Wang Susu should keep a close eye on him when they bring their baby. If they don't pay attention to him, this little thing can crawl on the ground by itself without a dog. The whole yard ran wild.

Hearing what her mother said, Wang Susu was afraid for a while, gritted her teeth and gave her son two slaps on the buttocks: "This brat just needs a beating, and he has learned to climb up and down the stairs recently, and he can't see him in a blink of an eye, so he slipped downstairs by himself." gone."

  Beating the little thing to the point of crying "Dad~, Mom~", he looked extremely aggrieved.

  Seeing this, Chen Ling called the two dogs aside and trained them, so that they would not get too used to Rui Rui, let them run around.

  Although these two big guys are smart and human, they are too pampered and spoiled by Ruirui, and they can go wherever they want, probably because they think it is not a problem to have two of them to protect them.

  But dogs are not people after all, and they are not more thoughtful than people in thinking about things after all, so they still have to be restrained.

   On the contrary, a group of women and daughters-in-law in the yard are very rare, coaxing and teasing around Ruirui.

   "This baby looks strong and strong. When he grows up, he must be the same as rich and noble. He is a big and tall person."

   "That's right, this villain knows how to dig out a bird's nest when he's a little bit big. Didn't you hear what Susu said, and he can still crawl up and down the stairs. Can other dolls do it when they are this big?"

"Hehe, my little boy is a few months older than Ruirui, and it looks like this head is much smaller than him. It's okay to say that it's not as good as the rich guy's food, but how bad is the baby's food? My family The baby is drinking milk powder and eating eggs every day, which is worse than what we adults eat."

  Although there were elements of praise in front of Chen Ling and Wang Susu, they were telling the truth. Ruirui was indeed stronger, with strong muscles and bones.

  So a pregnant daughter-in-law asked Wang Susu how to feed the baby and how many meals a day should be appropriate.

   Just like that, not only did Ruirui's daily recipes become delicious, but she also wrote down everything Wang Susu ate for pregnant women and confinement meals.

  Most of the men who came to help today were about the same age as Chen Ling.

  Women are naturally young daughters-in-law. Those who have children, those who have no children, and those who are pregnant, ask for paper and pens one after another, and carefully write down what Wang Susu said, so that they can be used in the future.

"Now Susu doesn't feed him much anymore. He doesn't drink the goat milk that Lingzi cooked for Susu. He just likes to eat steamed eggs and meat. He just picked up a bird's nest and caught a hairless bird Just put it in your mouth..." Gao Xiulan said.

  The old lady was quite proud when she saw so many people gathered around her daughter to ask questions about parenting, and felt a sense of accomplishment.

  Unhappy, she wanted to hug the little guy in her daughter's arms, but unfortunately the little guy ignored her at this time.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, the little guy turned his head to the side, squatted down to hug him, and he even buried his head on Wang Susu's shoulder, without even looking at grandma, and lost his temper, which made the old lady extremely Awkward.

   Helplessly said: "This brat has a big temper. Your father caught you, your mother spanked you, and I didn't even touch you, but I said a few words about you, and I got angry."

   It provoked a group of young daughter-in-laws to giggle non-stop, but they thought Ruirui's reaction was cute and rare.

   "Uncle Fugui, come out quickly, your cat has given birth to a kitten."

  Many people knew that Chen Ling used to look for female cats all over the village in order to catch beavers and breed them. At that time, they all laughed at this kid for having fun.

Only some young people, or those who often come to Chen Ling's house, know that the two mountain raccoons that Chen Ling caught had already been paired with the two female cats, and they had dug very deep in the east and west of the farm. The soil hole in the house settled down.

   At that time, they were surprised for a while. They didn't know what trick Chen Ling used. It was nothing more than pairing the mountain raccoon with the house cat, but it made them reluctant to leave.

  No one in the mountains knows how wild the mountain raccoon is.

  The two let go and didn't run away, so they just settled down in the orchard.

   "Which litter is it?" Chen Ling asked as he walked out.

   "It's on the Xingshu side. We heard the kitten crying inside. As soon as we got closer, the big cat was whining in the hole to scare us."

   "Come here and take a look."

   There are three kinds of fruit trees in the orchard, peach, apricot and pear. The apricots are in the west, and the pear trees are in the east.

  The peach tree is in the middle.

   At that time, they were afraid that the wild monkeys in the mountains would come down to steal the peaches, so they arranged this way.

   "Huh? Did they eat a bird?"

  When Chen Ling walked up to him, he saw feathers all over the grass, but there were very few large tail feathers and wing feathers, and they were all very small feathers that looked like fluff.

   "Yes, it seems to have eaten a magpie that just came out of the nest, and its hair has just grown. Look at how short these tail hairs are." Wang Lixian said.

   Chen Ling saw that it was indeed a magpie with black and white feathers, but magpies are famous for their long tails. With such a short tail, they must be young magpies with just full hair.

   It may be because they made a lot of noise about picking apricots today, and fell from the magpie's nest on the tree, and suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

  When he got here, Chen Ling could already hear a thin and soft meow coming from the soil hole among the weeds, as well as the hoarse purr and growl of the two big cats.

Wang Jusheng took two steps forward, went to his side and said: "If we didn't see these bird feathers, we wouldn't know that this is a cat's nest. In the past, we could see it at a glance when the grass didn't grow tall, but now the grass is too tall and dense. I can't see it."

After speaking, he pulled Chen Ling to squat down and looked into the hole. The hole was like a rabbit's nest, surrounded by tall and dense weeds, but the edge of the hole was very smooth, mixed with some fallen leaves. Block the entrance of the cave tightly, very concealed.

   Just as the two of them squatted down, scraped away the surrounding grass, and looked into the hole.

  I saw a pair of green eyes very close to the entrance of the cave, and suddenly looked at them...

Their hearts skipped a beat, and they were just about to open their mouths to speak, when a sharp and ear-piercing meow exploded in their ears, like a cat screaming when its tail was stepped on. out.

   "I'm a mother."

  The two quickly got up to avoid it, and Wang Jusheng was even more startled by the sudden attack of the mountain raccoon, so he fell down and squatted.

  Falled up and down in the grass.

   It made the men burst into laughter.

   "Jusheng, your cowardice is like a crake, even a cat can be scared."

   "Bah, bah, bah, you don't have a back pain when you stand and talk, you can try lying down, it's strange if you don't scratch."

  Wang Jusheng poohed twice, knocking off the grass leaves around his mouth and face, still feeling a little shocked.

   "Fugui, this cat is vicious, so don't let the cat get spoiled. My Da's dog is about to give birth to puppies. If it doesn't work, let me hold them and let them drink dog milk?"

  (end of this chapter)

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