MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 402 Windfall

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   "Boss Tian, ​​I can also guarantee this. The fish and shrimp here are better than other places."

  As soon as Chen Ling finished speaking, Little Sheep patted his chest to reassure Tian Hongli.

While talking, he grinned again: "You haven't been to Uncle Fugui's farm, so you must not know how many treasures Uncle Fugui has here. Last year, a professor asked to buy fish from him. Although I don't have fish like that, I have tasted it, but I have eaten his cured fish in the spring, and the taste is really incredible, it is a few blocks away from other cured fish."

  Tian Hongli stared straight after hearing this: "Good guy, the big professor wants to buy fish, so I have to take a look."

  Chen Ling explained with a chuckle: "It's just small scale fish and mullet fish. There are not many of them raised. I'll take you to my farm to have a look and you'll know."

   "Sapphire and mullet?"

Tian Hongli was stunned at first, and then asked tentatively: "I know the mullet fish, and I have seen many of them. They are beautiful, and they can be sold as ornamental fish, and they are also good fish for eating. This fine-scaled fish What kind of fish is the fish? Can it be on the same level as the mullet?”

  Tian Hongli is not a professional fisherman.

   When it comes to the ornamental fish industry, he can talk about it, after all, it depends on it.

   But if he is serious about aquatic products, he is much worse.

  If it weren't for the rich resources here, and the fact that the old turtle can make a fortune by using the name of the old turtle, he would not rush to buy aquatic products.

  So I was puzzled when I heard the slender scale fish.

   "Ah, it's about the same grade. This fish is also called trout. It's a cold-water fish. It's only found in the northeast region of the country and in the Qinling Mountains on our side. On our side, it's Qinling trout..."

  Chen Ling did a brief science popularization for him.

  What is left over from the ocean, and what price was reached in the 1980s.

  Tian Hongli was puzzled after hearing this, thinking that no wonder the professor likes it. It turns out that this fish is so rare, and it was left on land from the sea many years ago.

   I couldn't wait to walk into the farm.

  Want to see the true face of this rare fish.

   As a result, as soon as I entered the farm, I was amazed by the quiet and elegant scenery of flowers and brocades before I saw the fish.

  In this season, as soon as you walk into the farm, what you see is the densely spread green lotus leaves, and the bright red lotus flowers blooming between the green lotus leaves.

  In addition to lotus, all kinds of flowers and plants that cannot be named are also competing to bloom.

  Some are blooming on the ground, and some are climbing vines, forming an arched flower bridge in the promenade.

   It is completely a world of flowers.

  I can’t feel it at all outside the farm, but when I enter the farm, I feel a bright light in front of my eyes, as if the scenery in front of me suddenly becomes vivid and bright.

  And all kinds of flowers are fragrant.

   Didn't Tian Hongli give Tian Hongli a little surprise.

  Praised again and again: "Good place, good place, I didn't see that Brother Chen is still an elegant person, a farm is decorated with flowers and grass, poetic and picturesque."

  I also secretly said in my heart: No wonder so many people were recruited to play here a while ago. I wondered if this farm is a place where chickens, ducks and livestock are raised.

  He, a businessman who doesn't understand the sentiment, feels that this place is indescribably good, and he feels fresh and comfortable when he breathes, and he doesn't want to leave when he comes.

   Not to mention other people.

Tian Hongli came here twice before, one was to investigate the quality of the fish on the spot, and the other was to pay the deposits to the villagers. Because he was eager to make money, he spoke and behaved too philistinely. Chen Ling didn't negotiate with him much. Taking advantage of the east wind brought by the old turtle, I rounded up the local ornamental fish without staying too long.

  So I have never been to Chen Ling's Farm, and this is the first time I have come here today.

   "What is indecent, just plant some wild flowers and weeds, trim them when you are free, and don't bother to take care of them when you are busy."

   As Chen Ling said, he stretched out his hand to lure the two of them to the two canals on the west side of the farm to watch the fish.

  Skinfish and mullet are more valuable. Chen Ling was afraid of being eaten by some birds and small animals that sneaked into the farm, so he didn't put them in the canals and lotus ponds.

   Instead, a fine barbed wire fence was tied in the first half of the distance from the two canals to keep them separated.

  There is a barbed wire fence above the canal, and there are also barbed wire fences at the intersection of the canal and the lotus pond and the waterway leading to the outside of the farm, which is really tight.

  Tian Hongli looked at the situation after approaching, and immediately frowned before seeing the fish with his own eyes.

  I thought to myself: "These two sections of canals are completely covered with barbed wire. How uncomfortable the fish are kept in it. Can this really raise fish well?"

  The farm covers a very large area. Although the two sections of the canal are only the first half, they are not short.

   It’s not short, it’s not short, let’s not talk about the thin scale fish, the mullet fish lives in the Yangtze River, and it’s only raised in a small section of closed canal, let alone well-raised, if you are not careful, it is very likely to die.

  Do these two young people understand fish?

   He also said that the big professor also came to buy it, not to mention the fish caught from the mountain, he insisted that it was raised by himself, and he was arrogant, right?

  He thought so in his heart, but when he squatted down and looked carefully into the ditch through the barbed wire the next moment, he was shocked again.

  There are still layers of black fish fry in this channel.

   Raised in this kind of canal, there are actually fry?

Thinking of Chen Ling's potion, Tian Hongli's heart moved, and he said quickly: "Brother Chen, can you fish out a few, let me take a closer look, I really haven't seen the slender salmon you mentioned. Pass."

   "Okay, if you really want to buy aquatic products, I will not only show you enough today, but also let you eat enough. No matter what you say, you have to taste our fish and shrimps to know if you are right."

   "Oh, that's a good thing."

  Tian Hongli was surprised when he heard the words.

No matter what the villagers said or what he heard from Little Sheep, he felt that Chen Ling, a young man, was not easy to fool. Don't eat soft and hard, don't eat oil and salt, it's useless to say the least.

  He didn't expect to have a meal at the farm today.

Smiling, Chen Ling squatted down and uncovered the barbed wire fence, and shouted at Erhei, letting him fetch the net and small bucket, and immediately picked up a few plump salmon and half a spoonful of small salmon that were gradually growing. fry.

   "This fry is..."

   "Oh, this is the fry hatched from the fish roe produced this spring. There were also fry last year, and they grew up early."

  Chen Ling pointed to the big fish and fry in the small bucket and said, "Boss Tian, ​​look, the older ones are darker in color, the younger ones are lighter in color, and the lighter ones are the fry that just grew up last year."

   "The same is true for the mullet on the other side. The longer it is kept, the redder it will be, and the more beautiful it will be."

  Tian Hongli hurriedly got up and went to look in the canal with seven turns and eight bends further north in front of him. After seeing it, he exclaimed again: "Good guy, there are so many fry of mullet."

  Speaking of which, living in these two small canals is not only not aggrieved, but also a very nourishing life.

   One by one was raised healthy and lively, fat and strong, and so many fry were produced in each canal.

  Tian Hongli glanced at Chen Ling unexpectedly, and said to himself: This kid really has some skills.

  Think about the behavior of the black dog with the keg and the net just now, and think about the potion that increased the survival rate of ornamental fish.

   Immediately cursed secretly: Grandma, this kid is famous for raising dogs, but he didn't expect to be so good at raising fish.

  He should have thought of that from the potion.

   Recently, I was fascinated by making money, but I forgot about it.

   But he was not interested in finding out what strange skills Chen Ling had, he just wanted to make money quickly.

So I paced back and forth between the two canals, looked back and forth, thought about it carefully, and said to Chen Ling: "Brother Chen, I won't look at your other fish for now. I'll go to your village brigade to ask and see you guys." What's the situation here, if it's troublesome to buy fish and shrimp in the village, I'll try to pull fish from you first."

  His idea is very simple. The fish and shrimp in the reservoir and the river are obviously collectively owned by the village. Dealing with the village is not as pleasant as going with each family. It is simple and neat.

   Although Chen Ling might ask for a higher price here, as long as the quality of the fish is good, he will definitely not worry about selling it if he follows the old turtle's lead.

  And as long as the quality of the fish is good, it will be easier to open up the market if it cooperates with publicity.

"it is good."

  Chen Ling nodded in agreement, so that he would not have to let the little sheep test the market by himself.

   After chatting briefly, they sent Tian Hongli out of the farm with the little sheep.

   "Xiao Fang, will you go with me?"

   "No, I still have something to report to Uncle Fugui."

   What Little Sheep wants to talk about is, of course, the case of Liu Jiancheng selling apricots.

  As soon as Tian Hongli walked away, he explained to Chen Ling in a low voice.

"Old Liu's sales are quite fast. Those who came to buy salted eggs bought them by the way. He said that there was nothing to see in the two baskets, but the ones he tasted were delicious. He was addicted to selling them. I also bought the ones that Fu Guifu you brought to his house for myself to eat."

  Little Sheep smiled and said, "He regretted selling it out afterwards, so let me bring him some next time I go by."

  Chen Ling also laughed when he heard this: "This old Liu, his wife didn't like it at first, but now he's getting more and more addicted to doing business."

  Liu Jiancheng, who lives in a public house, married a daughter-in-law who was not a simple family.

   Naturally, they don't like this kind of business.

  The salted eggs at the beginning were just gifts.

Later, his father-in-law and mother-in-law retired and had nothing to do, and the taste of the pickled salted eggs was so good, so he asked him to help buy this, and asked him to bring it. Relatives, friends, leaders and old colleagues all came to the door, and the two old people Feeling overwhelmed, I feel a sense of accomplishment when so many people ask for their door.

   Later, when I made more money from selling, and my pockets bulged, it gradually got out of hand, and the more I sold, the more addicted I became.

  Business is like this. If you do it smoothly, you will have a sense of accomplishment and make money, so the smoother and smoother it is, it seems to have a kind of attractive magic.

   If it doesn’t go well at the beginning, then it’s over, everything goes wrong, no matter what you do, no matter what, no matter what you do, it’s a mess of failure.

Chen Ling took the money for selling apricots from Little Sheep and stuffed it into his pocket without counting it: "Tell Lao Liu that if you have time, you can go back to your hometown and come to my orchard to eat whatever you want. No matter how you say it, we're a partner. Let's take a break. We should get together more."


  Little Sheep is now obedient to Chen Ling.

  He also knew that Chen Ling didn't really care about the orchard, but just like the food grown at home, he harvested it when it was ripe, and sold it for money. That's all.

   "Uncle Fugui, what kind of box is this? Why is it still hanging on a tree?"

  The little sheep was taken aback for a moment, and found a strange big wooden box hanging on a tree in the farm among the thick branches and leaves, and was immediately curious.

"Oh, that's a bird box for the kite. The tree here in my farm is too young and there are no suitable tree holes. I made a bird box for it. It's more comfortable to live in, otherwise it will always be standing on the eagle stick. Sleeping on it, poor thing."

Chen Ling has recently been thinking about taking two pairs of young pigeons from the village to raise them. This year, those pigeons will hatch again. At this time of the year, they will also make a nest similar to a bird box, let them live in it, and slowly cultivate them in the future. A few carrier pigeons or ornamental pigeons can also come out.

   "So it's the kite's nest, has it found a partner?"

   "Not yet, let's wait for another year or two. Let's raise it like this first. It won't work later. I'll think of a way, and then catch a male kite and pair it with it."

  Chen Ling smiled, thinking about it already on his face.

   Seeing this, the little sheep thought to himself: Uncle Fugui really cares a lot about these things.

   Then he helped Chen Ling go outside to fish for fish and shrimp, catch eels and loaches, and cook a seafood feast at noon.

   While letting Tian Hongli taste the taste, he should also reward the little sheep.

  Two months have passed, and Chen Ling is still very satisfied with this kid's performance.

   "Wow woof~"

  The two were busy catching half of the bucket of fish when Erhei suddenly ran over from the foot of the mountain shouting.

  Heiwa Xiaojin followed Wang Susu to the village, and they both became Ruirui's followers. Today, Erhei and Xiaohuamao are at home, and the other dogs followed Wang Cunye to herd sheep.

   Erhei's character is really not suitable for hunting dogs.

  Worrying too much all day long, running around, planting flowers and vegetables, it has to join in the fun to help plan pits and pick up seeds and vegetable seedlings, and when fishing, it also follows the water to help drive fish away. It is very responsible.

  Wang Cunye said it helplessly, you are a dog, why are you so busy every day, busier than people.

   Today, I saw Chen Ling cleaning up the spring by himself at the bottom of the mountain. The farm was deserted, so he was worried and followed him out, so he stayed by himself to look after the house with the little cat.

   At this time, barking started, and I don't know what happened.

Chen Ling saw that it was wet with a white thing in its mouth and put it at his feet. He thought it was a bird's egg, but after a closer look, it was not a bird's egg. The bird's egg was oval. This egg was very standard round and white. , two laps smaller than a table tennis ball.

   "Oh? This is the old turtle. Did you find the old turtle?"

  Erhei put down the turtle eggs and was still barking, trying to get Chen Ling to pass.

  Chen Ling picked up the turtle eggs and smiled at the little sheep, "Come on, let's go and have a look."

  An old turtle that can lay eggs has a big head, usually weighing a few catties, but it is not a small gain.

  The two carried buckets and followed Erhei to the vicinity of the small river ditch.

  Erhei first ran to the grass and tossed about for a while, and soon dug out a few white turtle eggs with his claws. Including the one in Chen Ling's hand, there were five in total.

   With just a few of them, Chen Ling knew that the old turtle must have not finished laying eggs, so he wanted to fill and smooth the old turtle pit, and catch it when it came here to lay eggs again at night.

  However, before he could take any action, Er Hei hurriedly ran to the edge of the small river ditch after planing the old turtle, barking in one direction and barking non-stop.

  Chen Ling slapped his forehead when he saw this: "I see, it's Sugaku who has been stocked."

Immediately, he hurried over to fetch two whiskers from the river, and at a glance, he caught an old turtle the size of a bowl, and the other whisker was also empty, full of eels, loaches, and miscellaneous small turtles. Fish and shrimp.

  The little sheep saw that the harvest of the two beard cages was good, and praised: "Erhei is amazing. I found out that there is an old turtle in the beard cage, and I can find out the place where it lays eggs."

   Chen Ling smiled and touched Erhei's dog's head when he heard the words: "Haha, it's not suitable for hunting dogs, but its nose is quite good."

   It was a windfall to be able to catch an old turtle so quickly with the beard cage that was dropped casually two days ago.

   There are definitely enough ingredients for a whole table of river seafood feast at noon today.

  Back to the farm, Chen Ling steamed a pot of white rice first, and then cleaned and tidied up these things with the little sheep.

   But when Chen Ling was about to go to the kitchen to cook, Erhei hurriedly led Wang Cunye back, and when he came in, he barked loudly.

  Wang Cunye also shouted at the gate of the farm: "Lingzi, come out quickly, the owner of the fish farm is about to fight with someone."