MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-Chapter 9 unlucky

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   Chapter 9 Bad luck

   When Chen Ling recognized Qin Qiumei, Qin Qiumei also recognized him.

   But since Wang Laishun introduced it, it's not good for the two of them to not talk.

   So Chen Ling said hello politely.

   "Director Qin, hello."


   Qin Qiumei replied calmly and stopped talking.

   This attitude is not because of the incident of seeing Chen Ling walking around naked.

   is mainly because of what I learned from other villagers in Chenwangzhuang.

   made her not even have the slightest impression of this guy.

   Delicious and lazy to be a daughter-in-law, she doesn't look like a man at all.

   Working in the Family Planning Office for a long time, Qin Qiumei has seen many families, and the man she hates most is this kind of man.

   "Director Qin, stop talking here, come and sit inside!"

   Wang Laishun said aloud.

   Then the two followed Wang Laishun into the village committee office.

After sitting down, Wang Laishun poured two cups of hot water and brought it to the two of them.

   Of course, it was mainly poured for Qin Qiumei, and Chen Ling just took it with him.

   "Fugui, what are you doing here so early?"

   Wang Lai Shun asked.

   I thought that this kid passed out yesterday after hearing that the farmland could not be replaced. He must have regretted it. He came to the village committee so early today, so don’t come here to make trouble.

   After all, Erzhu contracted other people's land, and paid a contract fee of 100 yuan per mu per year.

   The 200 yuan per mu in exchange for farmland to subsidize him instantly became less than that.

   One hammer trade, how can there be a lot of money flowing through the water.

   Besides, this fine water is actually not that fine.

   As long as it's not really stupid, you can definitely tell the difference between the good and the bad.

   So it's normal for this lazy boy to have such a big reaction when he hears that the farmland can't be replaced.

   "Uncle Fifth, let me see if the exchange of farmland can be done now."

   As soon as Chen Ling said these words, Wang Laishun's eyes flashed a look that was not what I expected.

   However, on the surface, he looked very embarrassed, and said with a bitter face: "Fugui, it's not that the fifth uncle didn't help you, it's just this matter, the village has stamped it."

   "As soon as the township stamps it, it will be difficult for him to handle it, and the county will keep an eye on it."

   "Even if you dismantled the old bones of Uncle Fifth, there is no way you can talk to you!"

After    finished speaking, Chen Ling, who was facing him with a frown, let out a long sigh.

   Looks like this is really too difficult to do at all.

   "What did you say, Uncle Fifth? Did you misunderstand something?"

  Chen Ling said inexplicably.

   I secretly laughed in my heart, this old man is playing a lot.

   "Isn't it called from the loudspeaker just now that people involved in exchanging farmland should finish it as soon as possible this month."

   "No, I'll come over and see if I can do it as soon as possible. If you do it earlier, it will save you worry, right?"

   "What what?"

   "What are you talking about?"

  Wang Laishun's eyes widened after hearing this.

   "I didn't hear anything, did you agree to exchange farmland? Do you have to do it now?"


   "What do I disagree with? Didn't I press my handprint a long time ago? Uncle Fifth, you also said that the township has stamped it, how can I get it back?"

  Chen Ling took it for granted.

   On the contrary, Wang Laishun was stunned for a while, and the look in Chen Ling's eyes was very strange, this kid must have lost his mind after fainting yesterday.

The same goes for Qin Qiumei next to   , both of them looked at Chen Ling like they were looking at a fool.

   "You, don't regret it?"

  Wang Laishun blinked and asked in an uncertain tone.

   "I don't regret it! A man is a man, and he must be brave. Since he agreed to exchange farmland with the Erzhu family, how can he regret it?"

  Chen Ling said very seriously.

  The land of Erzhu's house is not only large, but also far from the village, almost in the mountains, and the location is very hidden.

   It's easy to cover up something by tinkering with the sun and moon cave, and it hits Chen Ling's arms.

   But Wang Laishun listened, but he didn't take it seriously.

   You are just a bastard, how about a manly man?

   is a big idiot, so stupid that he is smoking!

   frowned and asked, "Do you know this?"

   "I know, I persuaded her before I came, and she doesn't object."

  Chen Ling nodded.

   He knew that the little daughter-in-law was still worried, but after a while, she would see results.

  Wang Laishun didn't believe it when he heard this. He wanted to go to Wang Susu to confirm it, but this matter was sealed in the village, and Wang Susu couldn't help it if he didn't want to.

   It is better to have more than one less.

   said: "You are sure, you can't go back if you do it."

  Chen Ling nodded, "I don't regret it."

   "Since you can do it, Uncle Fifth, you can do it quickly. After finishing it, I'm going to plow the ground in the next two days."

  My dear, this is for real.

  Wang Laishun looked at Chen Ling in surprise.

   "Sure, I'll do it for you."

   "Come to this house, you register first."

   I thought to myself that this kid has never landed a few times, even ploughing.

   As far as Erzhu's land is concerned, it is not something that can be solved with a few ploughs.

   This kid doesn't know who has been fooled.

   Forget it, whoever persuades him will not listen anyway, so let him.


   Twenty minutes later, after finishing the exchange of cultivated land and implementing it clearly, Chen Ling walked out of the village committee.

   When I went out the door, I saw Qin Qiumei and the women's director of Chenwangzhuang talking outside the door.

   There were also several people holding paint buckets and brushes and the like, which should be replaced with new family planning propaganda slogans.

  Chen Ling didn't look at it much. He walked past them and walked out of the village.

  I plan to take a look at the wasteland of Erzhu's house.

   This piece of land was actually opened up by Chen Erzhu’s father, in the years around 1980 when the country encouraged wasteland development.

   However, due to the terrain of Chenwangzhuang, it is difficult to open up wasteland, and there are actually very few people who actually go to wasteland.

   No one fights and no one grabs it.

   As long as you have the courage to open up wasteland, there will be a lot of wasteland in the end.

   It is normal for a family to open 30 to 50 acres of land.

   "The father and son are both able to toss."

  Chen Ling thought it was very interesting. In the past, Lao Tzu opened up wasteland, but as a result, he didn’t cultivate the land well, so he set up a lime factory.

   Now my son is contracting land at a premium to build a greenhouse.

   But, tossing can be tossing, and it has a bit of courage.

   Luck is not very good...

   One is hit by a big earthquake, and the other is about to hit a flood.

   This guy, God is fighting against these two men.

   While it was funny in my heart, I also felt that these two men deserved it.

   is not a good thing.

   Just talked about the exchange of farmland this time, although Chen Ling was spoiled by his parents in the past, he didn't understand the world, and was a silly old joke.

   But in fact, Chen Erzhu's encouragement and flickering are indispensable.

   Otherwise, for no reason, why would you invite him to the dance hall?

   is obviously bad intentions.

   Seeing that Chen Ling's house is next to the water pump house, it is also close to the river bend in the south, and irrigation is very convenient, so I want to put it in my hands.

   That is, right now, Chen Ling doesn't want to pursue it.

   After all, there are still three or four months before the flood will come, and he will suffer at that time.

   There is no need to bother with such a person anymore.

   Sun Moon Cave in hand, Chen Ling has more important things to do.

   went outside the village.

  Chen Ling looked around, a large field of wheat came into view, and in the distance was a dark blue mountain.

   There were also several children running around in the wheat fields and flying kites.

   The wasteland that Chen Ling was going to was at the foot of the mountain in the northwest, separated by several large steep slopes, and there was still a long distance.

   It's still around nine in the morning, it's still early, and Chen Ling is not in a hurry.

   I walked slowly, admiring the pastoral scenery that was rarely seen in later generations.

   However, after crossing two big steep slopes, Chen Ling heard a scream.

   "Dead man, there is a dead man in the pit!"

  Looking at the sound, Chen Ling saw that it was the group of kite-flying children calling.

   All the little faces turned pale, screaming and running to the side of the road, so frightened that they didn't even want the kite.

   (end of this chapter)