MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-Chapter 367 booming

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  Chapter 367 Booming

   Zhou Weijun's crew came very quickly. After discussing the accommodation, they arrived the next morning.

  The crew arrived, but Chen Ling didn't go to receive them.

  The rooms in the wooden building are ready-made.

   Zhao Dahai and Liang Yuemin used to live there when they came here, with beds and quilts.

  Just let Zhou Weijun and Yu Qi'an go to receive them, since they are all acquaintances anyway.

   But I didn’t expect that after the crew came, they didn’t rush into the farm at all, and they didn’t rush to pack things down. A group of people followed Zhou Weijun and the three of them to play in the orchard outside the farm.

   It was taking pictures again, and squatting on the edge of the canal to play with water and catch fish. It was very lively.

  At this time, the spring breeze is warm, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, and the fruit trees in the orchard are growing up. This year, it is time to bear fruit, so it is colorful and fragrant.

  Especially after the rain two days ago, the flowers on those fruit trees bloomed very vigorously.

  Apricot blossoms are the first to bloom. Kazuki is pink and white, with thin stamens and a little light yellow. The petals are like rouge, the blush is faint, and the green leaves are supporting each other, which is really beautiful.

  There are many peach trees planted on the outer edge, concentrated and contiguous, and the blooming flowers are delicate and beautiful, beautiful in the wind, like fire and clouds, charming and colorful.

   There are also pear blossoms, which are as white as snow, in clusters, clusters, shining silver in the sunlight, accompanied by catkins flying, forming an interesting contrast.

   When the flowers bloom, bees and butterflies are naturally indispensable.

The orchard is full of white, yellow, and pink butterflies playing among the flowers, and there are also big butterflies flying alone. Some are bright red, some are colorful, and they are really beautiful. Buzzing, shaking her fat butt, greedily licking pollen.

  In the warm spring breeze, everything is so vibrant.

Not to mention, there are all kinds of birds flying up and down in the orchard, colorful fish swimming back and forth, and bleating sheep grazing beside the small river ditch, ducks foraging and playing on the river, scattered on the hillside The chicken flocks in the sky, the beauty and vitality of spring are vividly displayed here...

  The entire production crew is extremely satisfied with this place.

  The fat director who was the leader nodded and praised repeatedly, saying that Zhou Weijun found a good place for them.

   After entering the farm, the feeling changed again.

   Surrounded by red flowers and green trees, you can hear the chirping of birds and the sound of gurgling water. The unique quietness and serenity of the mountains, but mixed with a kind of tranquility and peace of life blows your face.

   "Wow, are we really going to live here next?"

   "This small building is really beautiful, with pavilions and corridors. Look, look, it's a golden-red kitten with such a long tail."

   "And that, and that, what ran over, like a squirrel, why is it yellow."

   After entering the farm, several young lesbians couldn't help shouting. These should be some actresses.

  They were lucky. They ran into a weasel that came home by chance. They thought it was a squirrel. They chased it excitedly and looked around, but they were shocked when they learned that it was a weasel.

  A group of old men are not interested in those small running animals, they just want to stand on the edge of the lotus pond with their hands behind their backs, watching the koi swimming around inside.

  Following the trend, I got acquainted with Chen Ling briefly, and gave Chen Ling the cost of the accommodation first, and even gave Yu Qi'an the money to buy the livestock.

   This is another nearly 50,000 yuan in the account.

   And the meal cost is not included in it.

   After all, the Chen Ling family didn't care about their meals.

   They have to solve it by themselves.

   But this is not a big deal. The villagers are very happy to cook a big pot meal every day. In the past two years, the old turtle has caused a lot of trouble. Every time it attracts a large number of people, everyone has experience in receiving outsiders.

  Furthermore, this is an opportunity to make money. As soon as they heard the news, they rushed to get it at home.


   "Good guy, in addition to the 20,000 yuan from selling the animals, this is just half a month of living at home, which is another income of more than 20,000 yuan. It is really profitable to open a farm."

  Zhou Weijun and Yu Qi'an took the crew to wander outside, and Wang Cunye couldn't help but let out a loud cry as he counted the money.

   "Why are you shouting so loudly? Are you afraid that outsiders won't know that our family has made money?"

Gao Xiulan immediately glared at the old man, then turned to Chen Ling and the young couple and said, "Don't tell me, I never thought about it before. What's the point of doing this in our poor mountain valley? Now that I see it, I hope there will be more Such people, I hope they will stay for a few more days."

  Isn’t that right, one room charges one hundred yuan a day, and ten rooms live in a master’s house, that’s one thousand yuan for that day, and fifteen thousand for half a month.

   Besides, there are more than these ten rooms in my farm.

   "Hey, I only want good things. Didn't you hear what Xiao Zhou and Xiao Ma said, those who can live in our house are all actors who can be on TV. Others will not let them live if they want to live."

  The old man curled his lips, "Didn't you see that Xiao Zhou led people to the village again? The rest of the people probably lived in Jusheng's house, Lixian's and Dazhi's house, or Sangui's house."

  Wang Cunye was talking about the houses Zhou Weijun and Yu Qi'an frequented these days.

   Either they made bird cages for them, or they caught birds for them. In addition, these people had a good relationship with Chen Ling, so they felt relatively familiar.

   "Do we really care about food?"

   Speaking of this, Wang Cunye couldn't help but ask his son-in-law.

   "Don't worry about it, don't say that we have to spray medicine on the wheat fields these days, and we have something to do. Even if they are not busy, there are so many of them eating and drinking. It is too noisy at home."

  Chen Ling shook his head.

Wang Susu had discussed it with him a long time ago, and then said: "We are trying to run the business now. It is okay to let people come to live in our house, but it will not affect our daily life. A Ling doesn't want to focus on this, and I don't want to either. .”

  Wang Susu thinks that it is better to put the main business of the farm on breeding and wine making.

   These are really good things from her own family. Selling them makes her feel more at ease and makes more money.

"No, look at what you two said. I didn't mean that. I mean, after finishing the work in the field, your mother and I are idle at home. It's better to cook a meal for others in the village. In our village The yard is quite big too.”

  Wang Cunye explained with a smile.

  He had the same mentality as Gao Xiulan, because he felt that the accommodation fee was so much, so wouldn't he earn more for a meal? It's a pity not to earn this money.

  My daughter is seeing another baby in her arms, so it’s better to save some money for the future.

The second elder thought this way, but when Chen Ling heard what the old man said, he had another thought in his heart. He and Wang Susu looked at each other, then nodded tacitly and said: "Then father, mother, you are free. It’s okay to let them cook in the village, but other people’s families are in charge of how much a meal costs, so our family can do as much as they want.”

  The two elders have taken care of them and their children in the past two years. They have worked so hard and helped them so much. They would not want money if they were given money at other times.

   Send something to the stockade, but I don’t want to eat or wear it, and I often bring it back for them.

   Now that they have the opportunity to let them do something to earn some pocket money, Chen Ling and Wang Susu are quite willing.

  Since the two elders don't want to be idle, they can do whatever they want, and the money they earn will be their own.

  Otherwise, there is no reason to enjoy yourself, and the elderly in the family suffer from poverty and have no money to spend?

  The old couple didn't know the daughter and son-in-law's thoughts, but they were happy, and felt happy that they could do something for them.


  This time when the film crew entered the village, not only did Chen Ling's family make money, but many villagers also made small fortunes.

  For example, those who manage the board and lodging of the crew, those who caught beautiful birds, **** bird cages, and sold them to Yu Qi'an for the birds and the cages.

   There are even many children in the village who have become small money-making experts.

   When it comes to catching birds, their skills are no worse than anyone else's, and they are full of energy. They dare to go anywhere, and even adults are incomparable in catching birds.

  Just from Yu Qi'an's hands, these little kids, the least, have earned more than ten or twenty yuan.

  Even Wang Zhenzhen’s elementary school in the county was affected. The little ones were short of pocket money, so they didn’t dislike those who had a lot of pocket money. After knowing that catching birds can be exchanged for money, they all went crazy.

  Day by day, the energy to catch birds is really strong.

   This made Yu Qi'an really painful and happy.

He is an optimist with a good temper and a soft heart. Sometimes the bird caught by the little boy is quite ordinary, or his eyes and feet are injured in the process of catching. It is a wounded bird, and he is too embarrassed to say no. Even if you give me a little less money, I will accept it.

   Of course, I will also make it clear to the children not to catch this kind of thing again.

  The children were obedient, and he was pleasing to the eye, so they called out "Uncle Qi'an, Brother Qi'an" within two times.

  Let Zhou Weijun and Ma Wei tell Chen Ling that Yu Qi'an is his half-brother.

  No matter what you say, the power of role models is infinite. Even the little ones can earn money. The adults can’t sit still.

   If caught, sell to Yu Qian.

  Yu Qi'an is good, it saves trouble, he buys the one he likes, and if he doesn't like it, he either feeds it to the dog of Chen Ling's family, or has someone let it go on the spot.

  After all, some birds are very aggressive, if they are caught rashly, they will die soon.

  The birds in the picture, after he put them in cages, hung them all under the corridor next to the lotus pond in Chen Ling's farm.

  Up to now, all kinds of birds and birdcages are almost full in the corridors, all of which he bought himself.

  He wants all kinds of birds that look beautiful and sing well, but there are too many birds in the mountains to catch, and he can’t take them away if he catches more.

  Besides, because of the fine weather, the reservoir gathered a large number of people again, so there were also many villagers who were recruited by the crew to act as extras.

  In these days, whether it is Tian Hongli or Zhou Weijun's crew, they have really generated income for the villagers. Almost every household in Chenwangzhuang has made money, which is much better than farming.

   And this credit, everyone attributes it all to the Turtle Lord who guards the reservoir, saying that it is all thanks to the Turtle Lord's blessing that their village has only made a fortune this year.

  As soon as this rumor spread, the crowd that had gradually become rare because the old turtles in the reservoir no longer showed up, flocked again, each carrying offerings, lighting candles and burning incense, kowtowing and bowing down, hoping that the turtle prince would bless and make a fortune.

  Shili Baxiang, the nearby county town, Chenwangzhuang, people come and go every day like going to a big market, blocking the water around the reservoir, which also makes the business of the villagers who set up stalls here in Chenwangzhuang more prosperous.

  Lian Wang Cunye and Gao Xiulan set up stalls casually, selling two big pot meals, earning more than 50 yuan a day.

  These meals are not specially made by them.

It was the food prepared for the crew. At the beginning, I didn’t know how much and how much. I made a lot of rice, and there was still half of the pot left after eating. Seeing that the reservoir was busy recently, the old couple followed the example of many villagers and sold it. , the result was out of control after a try.

  Including the food expenses provided to the crew, they can earn hundreds of dollars a day.

  Although this kind of day will not last for too long, it also makes them feel very satisfied.

The old couple is now full of rosy faces and full of energy every day. They like to sit on the kang and count money over and over again when they have nothing to do. In fact, it doesn't matter how much money is. They have seen more money in Chen Ling's hands. The sense of accomplishment of getting money is really too high.

  Even Wang Zhenzhen said that her father and mother seemed to be several years younger all of a sudden. He also said that when Wang Cunye picked her up from school, his voice was very loud and he walked with wind.

  (end of this chapter)