MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-v2 Chapter 772 Wind certificate

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Liuguang and Fortune returned together, bringing back the corpses of the King of Heavenly Armor and Stone Phoenix.

"This is the Wings of Mad Sand?" Gaopeng asked the captives on Lu Huanggui's back to bring him, pointing at Shi Feng's body.

"Yes." These people were shocked to see the body on the ground.

It is not shocked that Gao Peng was able to kill the Wings of Sands. The strength of Wings of Sands did not exceed them, but the speed of Wings of Sands and their life-saving ability did not slip away.

But they were really shocked that Wings of Sands had been killed so quickly.

How long has it passed.

This includes finding traces of the Wings of Sand, and the ability to stop it from escaping and killing it.

"I killed you for the Wings of Wandering Sands, and it's a kind of revenge for you. How did you think about the opinions I gave before?" Gao Peng asked with a smile.

A brief silence.

After a while, the fat man who talked to Gaopeng before had a complicated look: "If we ..."

"You are not qualified to mention conditions! I just gave you a chance to live." Gao Peng said lightly.


"OK. I promise you on their behalf," said the oldest of these people.

"Can you represent them?" Gaopeng blinked.

The old man was there before, but he didn't talk. Gao Peng thought it was an ordinary high-rise, and it seemed to be hidden deeply.

"I'm a tribe priest, so I should be considered eligible." The old man coughed.

"Sir, I have something to tell you, it's about the wind fighting for the road."

"Oh?" Gao Peng smiled. He was really interested in things like this,

Let the others go down to rest, Gao Peng brewed two cups of tea, and the old man sat in a complex position with a complex look.

"Sir, is our tribe completely incorporated into you or ..."

"Of course it was completely incorporated." Gaopeng said affirmatively.

This is beyond doubt.

Otherwise, if you continue to use the original tribe's name, what meaning does it have to subdue them. In this way, the blood of this tribe will always flow in their bones, and only if they are merged into Huaxia, they will merge into Huaxia after several generations or dozens of generations.

"Okay." The old man sighed, but still said, "Master, you should know that this wing of the mad sand has been following us and is related to the Jin Jia Tian Wang insect."

"I know." Gaopeng nodded.

"Actually, it ’s not just the Wings of Sand that wants to kill the Golden Wings, but we also want to help the Wings of the King Sands to kill the Wings of Sand, because they are all competitors on the road to the wind. The proof of this thing can be taken from the opponent's body. "The old man closed his eyes.

"Certificate of wind?" Gao Peng turned his head to observe the two corpses, but did not see the evidence of wind in his mouth for a while.

"It's useless. Only the competitors who are competing for the road can get it out."

Where do I find a Royal Beast on the way to the wind!

Streamer is now completely dark and has nothing to do with wind.

Gaopeng was speechless, forget it, and hand it to Heiwa to break it down.

It took ten minutes for the black baby to disassemble the body. After ten minutes, the island was still calm,

"Master, it has broken down." Heiwa said secretly.

Gaopeng was silent, and took a blue and white badge from Heiwa.

When the blue and white badge on Gao Peng's palm was exposed to the air, the monster in the ocean fell into madness.

"All the monsters of the wind system have been attracted." Gaopeng thoughtfully, looking at the blue and white badge on the palm, was it so attractive?

If the wind certificate is given to an ordinary monster, this monster can also become a new wind competitor?

When thinking of Gaopeng, try it.

Give the blue and white badge in your hand to a low-level wind monster.

But this wind monster has not changed much, and still growls wildly, like a second fool.

Gaopeng can only dissect it and remove the wind evidence from the stomach.

Passing through a stomach, the wind's credentials remain unchanged.

Since there is a certificate of wind, then there should be a certificate of fire. Simply use the certificate of wind to trade with others in the future.

Gaopeng made up his mind and hid this thing in the stupid space.

Since it is currently useless, leave it first.

Being useless now does not mean it will be useless in the future.

Seeing that these wind monsters are so eager for it, maybe it can be used as a "reward" in the future and hire some free thugs.

In addition to these two wind credentials, there are other gains.

Some quasi-god flesh essence.

Gao Peng divided these flesh essences to Xiao Huang and streamed fortune.

The level of lucky money has been increased by two levels, Xiaohuang and streamer have been upgraded by one level, and they have now reached level 99.


Gaopeng felt that the strength of the Royal Beast under his hands was about to usher in a blowout.


The remaining human races on Lu Huang's turtle's back were integrated into the Huaxia tribe, and two different civilizations collided with a bright spark.

The secret medicine belonging to their tribe is similar to the royal beast reagent of the Huaxia tribe.

Many of the secret drugs of their tribe are unique, belonging to the inheritance of their civilization accumulated over many years.

Of course, because many of the monsters in their tribe are unique to their world, the actual value is not as high as expected, and it is more of research value.

"Cousin, cousin, see if there is something wrong with my Royal Beast." Chen Kailun broke into the courtyard where Gaopeng lived.

Gaopeng's arm is as stable as Mount Tai. The last point of solvent on the desktop in front of him is finished, and then inserted into the test tube rack on the desktop.

"How old are the girls, so sloppy, and they will never marry in such a lifetime."

"How could it be that I'm your cousin, and anyone who wants to marry me can go from Nantianmen to the city of hope." Chen Kailun frowned and snorted.

Gaopeng ~ ~ Should I brag about you or should I brag about you?

"Cousin, you have given me this Royal Beast, and see if it is going to die." Chen Kailun quickly summoned her Royal Beast.

A group of black pythons spreading over a dozen meters long with yellow leaves scuttled on the ground.

It seemed like ... the dark dodder in the sewer.

I haven't seen it for several years, but then Gao Peng gave it to my cousin and didn't manage it anymore.

Dark Cusco seems to recognize Gao Peng, the "culprit" who seized it from the sewer, and the leaves rolled up weakly and greeted Gao Peng.

"What did you feed it?"

"Just ... just a little monster crystal nuclei."

"Do n’t feed it for now, it ’s eating and supporting, it is about to evolve, and then you keep feeding it, so that it delays the evolution and digests nutrition. After a long time, this dodder has depression.