MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-~ postscript

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"Your dedication is really powerful." A crack appeared in the dark space above the head, a voice exactly the same as Gaopeng's. "What else do you refuse to give up? Your wish is to protect the person you want to protect. I help you protect it. I also help you protect the world you live in. What else are you unsatisfied with?"

"Hehe ... because I am an insatiable person." Gaopeng raised his head in the dark space, his eyes were bloodshot. "Who the **** are you? Why look like me?"

"Me?" A soft warm light lit up in the dark space, and a door opened, which was almost the same as Gaopeng, but people with slightly different ages stepped into the space wearing dark gold robes.

"Because I am you."

"You are my second personality? Clone? Replica?" Gao Peng stared at him.

"No no no, in fact, I am another you, you in another world, but my power is slightly stronger than you, a little bit." A warm smile hanged in front of the mouth of the man in front of him.

The man rang a finger, and Gao Peng and a chair emerged from behind him.

"Come, sit down, I know you have a lot of doubts."

Gaopeng sat down and remained silent.

"This world is huge, beyond your imagination. There is another you in every different world. It's like a brother of a mother and a sibling, but our relationship is closer than the brother, even from the essence. In terms of us, we are one. "

Gaopeng's eyes flickered: "So you have to kill yourself in other worlds."

"No, I don't kill, I am different from other rude, I pay attention to your wishes, when you are desperate, when you are suffering, when you are resentful that you have no strength-" The person in front of him hit Ring your fingers. "I'll be here."

"I help you fulfill your wish. You just need to be one with me."

It turned out to be like this ... no wonder cheatfinger said that I was special.

"I think you still have your wish, then you go back first, and then contact me when you think about it." The person in front of him said comfortably.

"Do you really let me go back?" Gaopeng blinked.

"Yes, I'm a kind person after all."

A white light gate appeared in front of Gaopeng's eyes.

When Gaopeng stepped into the light gate, he heard a faint voice in his ear: "I forgot to tell you that the time velocity of this space is very slow relative to the outside world, so ..."

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