MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 963 Teach me how to practice!

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Revise Super God Chapter 963 Teach me the method of cultivation!

"How did you recognize it?"

Hearing the blue hero's question, Li Hang instantly confirmed his guess!

"How did you recognize it?!" Li Hang snorted coldly and said, "Don't forget! We lived in the same dormitory for four years in college! I know what you're going to fart when you lift your butt!"

"To be honest, as soon as you landed on the ground just now, I vaguely guessed it was you just by looking at your back."

"After all, the outfit of your blue hero is different from what you see on TV at close range. If you look at it up close, people who are familiar with you will instinctively think it's you!"

Li Hang is very proud of his ability to recognize people, but when it is time to be humble, he should be a little humble: "Of course, the status of the blue hero in the alliance is very high. To be honest, I really can't imagine you as a hero." Blue Hero!"

"Being a hero or something is too unsuitable for you!"

Hearing Li Hang's words, Sui Yu smiled wryly and explained to his old friend who recognized him: "Actually, my status in the alliance is not as high as you imagined!"

Also, if his status is really high enough, how could he not be able to ask the Alliance to form an alliance with the Black Knights to kill the evil gods and prevent the three worlds from being destroyed? !

If you have enough power to speak, why bother watching the evil **** use the power of "Alien to grow stronger" like now, but there is no way to stop it? !

"But you're right about one thing!" Sui Yu put away his mask and shook his head with a wry smile at Li Hang: "I'm really not suitable to be a hero!"

"Even I don't want to be nice! Well, the kind with double quotes!"

"You can understand good people at gunpoint! And good people kidnapped by moral kidnapping!"

"To be honest, in order to become a good person and a hero in the eyes of others, it is really exhausting!"

"Just like that, people scold me every now and then on the Internet, blaming me for not saving a certain place, why I didn't save a certain person's relatives, thinking for myself that I, a hero, should be omniscient and omnipotent, and should avoid all suffering!"

"But I can't do it!"

Because he finally exposed his identity in front of his good brother, Sui Yu simply vented the depression that had been suppressed in his heart to his good brother.

You know, Sui Yu didn't even say these words to Yue Zishan and the others.

After all, Sui Yu is a bit machismo. In front of the girls, Sui Yu instinctively wants to maintain a majestic and upright image.

After hearing Sui Yu's complaints, Li Hang patted Sui Yu's shoulder to comfort him and said, "Don't be so stressed, just have a clear conscience."

"And to be honest, you are doing very well now, if you don't keep fighting against the enemy, there will only be more dead!"

Sui Yu sighed and retorted: "But I'm actually feeling a little uncomfortable?"

"Because of my younger siblings?" Li Hang sighed lightly and exclaimed, "You are so amazing! If she hadn't called out my nickname just now, even if she had the same voice and similar body shape, I really couldn't believe it. The blue hero is actually messing with the strongest female cadre in the Black Knights!"

Then Li Hang suddenly changed the topic: "But you don't need to have any pressure!"

"As I said just now, you've done a great job!"

"I've been watching the recent news. If you didn't hold back your siblings every time you fight, she wouldn't have time to wipe out several of our fighter jets in one move like just now. Otherwise, God knows how many more tragedies will happen to the alliance. !"

"There is no heart when it comes to deeds, and there is no sage when it comes to heart!"

"As long as your behavior is worthy of your position, then don't care about those messy things!"

"After all, as the Internet becomes more and more popular, people and dogs can surf the Internet."

"So there are people scolding for everything on the Internet! It's impossible not to be scolded!"

"If you care about those, you lose!"

Patting Sui Yu's shoulder lightly, Li Hang couldn't help laughing at him and said, "Didn't you always say that you were numb by keyboard warriors since you were a child, and you have been numb to the moral kidnapping of keyboard warriors for a long time? Why? Will it be different when things come to an end?"

"Isn't this normal!" Slightly knocking off Li Hang's hand, Sui Yu scolded with a smile, "Isn't it often the case? Telling the same truth to others has a completely different effect than telling it to yourself! Just like that If you have 100 million willing to donate, the problem is the same! Most people will swear that they will donate!"

"I won't donate!" Li Hang said quickly, "Because I really have 100 million!"

Just when the two were joking with each other...

"Be careful!"

While shouting, Sui Yu pulled Li Hang past him, then waved his right hand, and an ice cone flew out!

boom! !

Immediately afterwards, a missile fired into the air was destroyed by Sui Yu in the air!

With a turn, he pulled Li Hang behind him, and then Sui Yu raised his hand and placed a translucent magic shield in front of him.

This was done to prevent any debris from hurting Li Hang.

To be honest, with Sui Yu's current strength, even if the front is hit by a missile, it is estimated that there will be no scars left.

But Li Hang is a mortal body after all, Sui Yu was very worried that he would be hit by stray bullets.

Fortunately, the missile that was shot into the air was this one, and it was probably caused by the mistake of a pilot who was targeted by Jessica before his death.

Glancing at Jessica flying across the sky like she was in nowhere, Sui Yu thought for a while and quickly brought Li Hang to the corner next to the parking lot, then waved his hand and arranged a barrier around Li Hang.

Of course, the enchantment sounds quite tall, but to put it bluntly, it is a magic shield that stores a certain amount of magic power.

When attacked, the mana stock will be consumed, and in fact it won't last long.


This time is enough!

Soon, Sui Yu pulled Jessica over.

Of course, the excuse is naturally the same - the two of them singled out!

Now that her identity was recognized, Jessica was also very generous, and directly invited Li Hang to taste the pastries she made.

After taking one bite, Li Hang's nose bleeds instantly!

This is of course not because Jessica put poison in the pastry, but because Jessica relied on her authority to make too many great tonics from the world of grace as raw materials for the pastry.

As a result, Li Hang had a nosebleed because of the lack of nourishment.

However, although Li Hangxu is not to be harmed, the great tonic in the world of divine grace is awesome!

After just eating a piece of pastry, Li Hang felt that his body was full of strength.

He punched the wall casually, and as a result, cracks appeared in the originally very strong wall in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Li Hang was very decisive. UU Reading knelt down in front of Jessica, took Jessica's hand and shouted: "Coach! I want to play basketball... Oh no! Yes! I want to practice! Teach me how to practice!"

Seeing this scene, Sui Yu couldn't help kicking Li Hang easily: "If you want to learn how to practice, why don't you follow me?"

"As the saying goes, a teacher for a day is a father for life!" Li Hang said plausibly: "I'm afraid that I will worship you as a teacher, and you will take the airs of a master with me!"

It makes sense!

Sui Yu was speechless!

So next, under the roar of artillery fire in the distance, Sui Yu, Jessica, and Li Hang were gossiping about family affairs while Jessica taught Li Hang!

Although this method of imparting one's own refined magic power to others is not only suspected of being counterproductive, but also causes a loss of part of one's own power, but both Sui Yu and Jessica are powerful and don't care about this loss at all!

After getting the skills taught by Jessica, although Li Hang needs to continue to practice to continue to become stronger, now that he is exhausted, he will bully the tofu dregs project a little bit and punch a hole in the wall or something.

But I believe that in the near future, even if Li Hang is unable to go into battle to kill the enemy, he will still have no problem running away when he encounters the monster attack before!

Yes, Li Hang's training goal is very clear, that is to protect himself!

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world!

Li Hang is rich, and under his leadership, he has solved the employment problem of tens of thousands of workers for the society, and this does not include the original contribution of Li Hang's family to the society!

But Li Hang knew that his personality was not suitable for fighting on the battlefield, so from the very beginning, he never planned to become a hero like Sui Yu!

So in this regard, Li Hang decided to be alone.

Li Hang is content to be able to protect himself in this troubled world!