MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 956 Is it really a collection? !

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"This is a monkey."

After getting a general idea of ​​how powerful the phantom fox race is, Sui Yu took Jessica to the Monkey Park and watched the monkeys living on the monkey mountain inside through the glass cover.

"Huh? Why is there a small hole here?"

Jessica observed very carefully, and immediately found a small round hole in the glass wall, so Sui Yu explained: "This hole? It's reserved for throwing food into it. Some tourists like to sit next to it." Buy some peanuts and melon seeds from the vendors to feed the monkeys, the zoo can not only make money through the vendors, but also pay a little less for the monkeys’ feed costs, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.”

"So that's how it is!" Jessica couldn't help sighing, "Your world is really good. We have never heard of such a thing as a zoo in our world. Everyone of Warcraft avoids them, so they dare not come closer to visit."

"Only the Colosseum will assign adventurers to capture monsters for gladiatorial combat. I have never heard of anyone specially adopting monsters in other places."

"Warcraft are naturally incomparable with very rare animals." Sui Yu explained with a light smile: "Your world has more monsters and fewer humans. Humans have finally seized part of the land that can be used for human survival from the territory of monsters. At the same time Still under the threat of monsters all the time, they can only spend their days huddled in the walls of the city.”

"And in our world, wild animals are becoming rare and almost extinct."

Sui Yu couldn't help sighing when he said this: "With the living space and the material has been greatly improved, according to experts, the level of civilization is getting higher and higher, so the human beings on our side have begun to devote themselves to protecting animals and nature. gone."

"That's right, if the right to life cannot be guaranteed, who would be proud to help those harmful monsters?" Jessica nodded in understanding and then suddenly asked Sui Yu: "Speaking of which, how do I feel that you are so kind to our world of grace?" Do you understand? I don’t need to explain many things to you too thoroughly, as long as I explain some basic knowledge, you will understand?”

"It's not like when I just woke up in this world, I didn't understand the common sense in the eyes of others. At that time, it caused a lot of misunderstandings!"

Also, the "common sense" of different worlds is naturally different.

Some people may think arrogantly that people from other worlds should also have common sense on this side of the earth, and it is a bit too "mentally retarded" for the traversers in other worlds to even complain that they don't even know the most common common sense.

But the actual situation is that there are actually huge deviations in many common senses on both sides, and even many common senses that seem commonplace have completely opposite meanings in the two worlds!

As for Jessica's question, Sui Yu replied with a smile: "The network in our world is very developed. If you have nothing to do, you can imagine what kind of civilization will be developed in the different world, and the objective law of the development of things is basically There are so many imaginative different worlds, and there are always a few of them whose settings and deduction are in line with the status quo of your divine world, so naturally I can roughly understand what you mean."

Still the same sentence, the memory of the future involves too much, Sui Yu has always decided to only know it for himself, and will never tell anyone else! ....

This is also Sui Yu's experience of more than 20 years. Many times, as long as you tell a secret to someone, even if that person is the person you trust the most, your secret may become known to everyone in a short time. secret!

So it's best never to tell the real secret to others, it's safe!

After listening to Sui Yu's explanation, Jessica nodded in admiration and exclaimed, "The Internet is amazing!"

"But I still like anime, because anime is better!"

Well, to put it bluntly, Jessica is a knight after all, and she is naturally very tired of things with many words.

At this moment, a monkey suddenly came near the circle, gesturing to Sui Yu and Jessica, as if signaling to feed it.

For this...

With a flick of his fingers, Sui Yu flicked the monkey into a daze.

"You are?" Jessica was a little puzzled.

So Sui Yu explained: "There is a mountain of monkeys who are accustomed to

Inertia snatches packaged snacks from tourists, and I was bullied by monkeys when I was traveling when I was young, so now I instinctively hate these monkeys. "

Well, just like teddy dogs, when a certain breed of animal becomes notorious, it's easy to cause that group to be hated by most people.

So even if he knew in his heart that the monkeys here were not the same group of monkeys who bullied him back then, he still felt very annoying when he should hate it.

Just like a person who was bitten by a dog when he was a child will instinctively hate all wild dogs when he grows up, the traces left by the psychological trauma caused when he was a child will not be forgotten even when he grows up, and may even become worse!

"Then don't look at the monkeys."

Jessica was very understanding. Although she was curious about monkeys, she saw that Sui Yu didn't like them, so she hurriedly urged Sui Yu to lead her to the next place to watch.

And Sui Yu just didn't like to hear the chirping of monkeys, so he took Jessica to Langshan soon.

Wolf Mountain is built in the middle of a large pit, in which more than a dozen gray wolves were raised.

It seems that in order to prevent this group of wild gray wolves from escaping, the audience can only stand on the fence at the edge of the pit to watch the wolves.

There are also signs next to it introducing the habits of wolves and some hunting stories.

And just when Sui Yu and Jessica arrived, it seemed that the personnel of a company were engaged in team building, standing by and pointing at the gray wolf below, talking about wolf culture.

Sui Yu scoffed at this, and said to himself: "Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat. How dare you talk about wolf culture if you only feed people shit?! What you really created is dog culture, right?!"

It seems that because there are a lot of people in the team building of that company, the top of Wolf Mountain is relatively crowded. Although there are not many spectators, because everyone wants to move forward, the wall is still very crowded.

Right now...

"Wow woof woof woof woof woof woof!!"

A piercing dog barking sounded suddenly, and when I turned around, an old lady approached with a teddy dog ​​in her arms.

I don't know if it's because being held in the arms of the owner is full of confidence, or because he sensed the faint murderous aura from Sui Yu and Jessica, as soon as he got close to the teddy dog, he barked loudly at Sui Yu. ....

To be honest, Sui Yu is actually quite annoyed by such small dogs, especially Teddy!

It seems that Teddy's temper is very irritable because the skull of a dog like Teddy is relatively small, and the brain is always oppressed. Although this kind of dog is not big in size and has low combat effectiveness, it has a really big temper!

And I especially like to challenge things!

Noticing that Jessica frowned slightly, Sui Yu reminded the old lady, "Please take care of your own dog, don't let it bark!"

"What's wrong with calling?!"

I don't know if it's because of Teddy's frequent quarrels with other people, or because the old lady has a very bad temper. After hearing Sui Yu's words, the old lady became angry instantly: "Dogs can bark naturally, but dogs that don't bark are ill!"

"But if it bites..."

The old lady interrupted Sui Yu and roared loudly: "My dog ​​never bites!"

"Really?" While speaking, the old lady hugged the dog with one hand and stroked Teddy's head with the other, as if to prove that his dog really "never bites".

It didn't work out...

It may be that the people around are relatively close, so Teddy took the hand of the old lady touching his head as the hand of other passengers, so Teddy turned his head instinctively and took a bite!


The old lady was in pain, and subconsciously screamed, and at the same time, the hand holding Teddy trembled instinctively.

In addition, in order to watch the animals, the old lady leaned against the wall around Wolf Mountain, and the guardrail at the top of the wall was only more than one meter high.

So Teddy was subconsciously thrown into Wolf Mountain by the old lady!

The height from the top of the fence to the ground below is five or six meters. Fortunately, Teddy is quite nimble despite the small size of the dog.

Although there was a series of screams after landing, it was obvious that he was not seriously injured.

At this time, the old lady came to her senses and hurriedly cried and shouted loudly: "Come quickly! My child fell into it! Come quickly and help me!"

And just when the old lady was crying and calling for the management staff to come and rescue her dog...

The teddy dog ​​has a small temper and seems to be in pain because of an injury. After seeing a few "similars" next to it, it suddenly barked loudly at those "similars".

"Wow woof! woof woof! woof woof!"

Originally, those gray wolves didn't even bother to look at Teddy, but after being provoked, their wolf nature instantly awakened!

So at the next moment, a group of wolves rushed up, biting Teddy's body from various parts, and immediately began to tear hard!

In the blink of an eye, Teddy's bark changed from a barking bark to a scream of "awow owow", and then died out after only a few seconds.

Seeing this, Sui Yu was very decisive. He took out his mobile phone to take a picture of this scene at the first time, and prepared to take it back and upload it to the website.

Yes, for Sui Yu, this is a rare material!

As for the heart-piercing cry of the old lady next to him at this time?

Sui Yu was very indifferent to this.

Everyone should be responsible for their own mistakes, not sympathize with whoever is pitiful!

So regarding the fact that the old lady's Teddy became a "gift of nature" to give the wolves extra food, Sui Yu just wanted to say: "You deserve it! You deserve it!".

Fate of Heaven

Read The Duke's Passion