MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 951 Upload to the web!

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"What's the matter?"

After Li Hang took Sui Yu and Jessica and fled, he fell into a state of helplessness when he returned home.

Originally, he had planned to make sure that he would suffer some losses and let others know about the matter as soon as possible. Who would have thought that the old lady would be so arrogant, wanting to hit someone without paying for something wrong? !

Although the iron mountain of the old lady in the middle is full of power by the flowing clouds and flowing water, if she really hits her, if she sprains her old arms and legs, maybe her motorcycle repair fee is gone, and she will have to pay for it instead. Give her money for medical treatment.

This is how to do? !

Forget about Li Hang's depression at this time!

And even though he is the boss of the family branch in S City, he can't stay away from work for a long time.

The company's business is expanding, and there are still many things in the company waiting for Li Hang's personal approval!

I really don't have time to accompany the security guards to come to the door again and again.

But to be honest, Li Hang really couldn't swallow this breath!

Especially after the old lady acted recklessly because of her old age and mental problems, she became even more determined to pursue it to the end!

"What the hell! It's so bullying! Could it be that in our alliance, the elderly can really do whatever they want?!"

Li Hang took a sip of boring tea (the car has already been delivered, and Li Hang will drive in the afternoon, so he can't drink), and couldn't help complaining to Sui Yu: "Sui Yu, what's the matter?! Although I was on the Internet before I saw a lot of news about bad people getting old, and even many old people bumped into porcelain everywhere because they were too old to pursue legal responsibilities, and even pretended to fall to blackmail those kind people who were willing to help them. Cursed that you young people are the most hateful!"

"When I saw the news at the time, I just laughed it off and ignored it, but I didn't expect this kind of **** to happen to me now!"

Scratching his hair vigorously, Li Hang lamented: "Annoying! Annoying! Annoying! It's already annoying enough that my family is urging the marriage and I just broke up with my ex-girlfriend! Now I'm still having such a **** thing! Annoying!"

Seeing that his friend was so troubled, Sui Yu hesitated for a moment.

To be honest, what seems very troublesome to Li Hang is really very simple to solve in Sui Yu's view.

Now is the era of the alliance, not the era before the formation of the alliance. With his identity and authority as the blue hero of Sui Yu, he only needs to make a phone call, and Li Hang can successfully obtain legal compensation.

As for the snarky old lady, it's easy to handle, but the district security officers are not easy to manage, so let the higher-level security officers take care of it, let the court take care of it!

So what if the old lady has no property?

The housing prices in city S are very high, isn't there a house? !

It will be enforced without paying, the house is foreclosed, part of it will be compensated for Li Hang's losses, and part of it will be rented to the old lady!

To put it bluntly, looking at the old lady like this, she will not have a good life for a few years, especially if she is so angry, her life expectancy will be even shorter, and renting a house will not cost much rent.

Moreover, if she lives in her own house, if she is just an old lady, she might die one day and no one will know.

But if you rent a house, once there is a disease or disaster, the landlord is more anxious than anyone else! ....

This is also for the sake of the old lady!

As for doing so, you will definitely be scolded?

If you scold, just scold!

These days, what should I do without being scolded? !

In this world where the Internet is developed and information spreads very fast, if you care too much about not being scolded, you will probably be forced to death by the keyboard warriors on the Internet long ago!

Of course, although Sui Yu became more ruthless due to the change of his own position after gaining power and rights.

But in the end, this method can only be done in my mind.

Sui Yu didn't want his best friend, Li Hang, to know that he was the blue hero and had the privilege.

If he got into trouble and danger or even lost his life because he knew this secret, then Sui Yu would really regret it all his life!

And considering ordinary people

How to deal with this kind of thing...

"How about uploading it on the Internet to create public opinion, and then go through legal channels and directly hire a lawyer to sue in court?"

The method proposed by Sui Yu is also the method that many people will think of after encountering troubles, and after Sui Yu has formed a certain scale of public opinion, if he quietly helps, it will be really invisible.

Hearing Sui Yu's proposal, Li Hang thought for a while and said, "This is the only way to go!"

"Originally, I wanted to calm things down, but I only felt pain when the knife cut me! Since the old man has become so awesome in modern times, for myself and for more unlucky people who may encounter the same bad things as me in the future ! I’m determined with this tone!”

So soon, after using the software to combine the previous old lady's cart with the previous old lady's chasing fight, under Sui Yu's guidance, Li Hang uploaded it to the platform where Sui Yu released Xiaowei Ni, and promised to wait for a while. For a while, he will ask well-known UP hosts to leave a message under him, so that Li Hang's popularity will spread rapidly.

Of course, although Sui Yu used Xiaowei Ni to attract countless fans, he really didn't know other well-known UP masters.

But this is not a big deal, you just need to contact Yue Zishan and ask the public relations department of Yue Group to help arrange it.

Li Hang also knew that on the surface he was working for the Yue Group, even if he knew that the Yue Group was behind it, he wouldn't be surprised.

Moreover, the public relations departments of these large groups have a lot of marketing accounts in their hands and maintain good cooperative relations with many big UP owners and big Vs. They can use these resources to guide public opinion at critical moments.

After all, netizens are all fools. You only need to master the traffic password and take the propaganda out of context, and you can use the vast number of netizens as a weapon. Let them say what they say, and they will say what they say!

And this point is basically a well-known secret in modern society, even the group of netizens who were beaten as guns know it well, and then... never get tired of it!

"What's the plan for you two later? How about I be the host at noon?"

Although the motorcycle parked downstairs seemed to be Sui Yu's fault, even if Sui Yu didn't stop, Li Hang often parked there.

Therefore, such things as old ladies pushing carts will happen to everyone.

Therefore, Li Hang didn't blame Sui Yu at all, but took it for granted that he blamed himself for pushing the cart.

It seemed that he was also worried about Sui Yu's self-blame. He took the initiative to say: "These two days, please accompany me to go around. I have to express my disapproval anyway."

The implicit meaning in the words is actually to comfort Sui Yu, this matter is his Li Hang's matter, Sui Yu really doesn't need to worry about it, let alone feel guilty about it.

But Sui Yu shook his head and said, "It's okay to eat! Anyway, it's you who took advantage of it to treat guests. If you don't eat, you won't eat for nothing! But I'm responsible for the damage to your car! So I must help you with your matter!"

Then during the meal, Sui Yu saw that Yue Zishan really started to make efforts. First, he arranged some ordinary accounts to leave comments on Li Hang's post, and then some accounts naturally circled some more famous UP hosts. , UU reading so that the other party enters naturally.

So Sui Yu also hurriedly logged into his Xiaoweini account, and casually posted a message under Li Hang: "The human heart is sinister, and it's amazing that there are such bad people who don't get any punishment! Looking at it this way, it really is my Xiaowei Nicole!"

In an instant, those netizens who liked to watch Sui Yu's posting pictures on the Internet every now and then were excited when they saw the news posted by Sui Yu and clicked into Li Hang's post after following the news.

That's the act of leaving messages in support of Li Hang!

Especially after other well-known UP hosts posted their own comments under Li Hang with their own characteristics, Li Hang's comment area became even more noisy because of this matter!

After a while, Li Hang's hit the front page!

The heat exploded!


Fate of Heaven

, looking forward to the exciting continuation!

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