MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 917 Gasser who is bad? I want to add a luxury car!

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【Modify Super God】【】

Logically speaking, Sui Yu should take the initiative to accompany the past when he heard that Yue Zishan's important life is not long.

But Sui Yu knew that the "righteous master" was not in the hospital at all.

So he stayed and planned to have a good talk with the Lord.

Sui Yu had seen Sakura's soul a few times before, but at that time Sui Yu didn't realize that he had awakened Yin-Yang eyes, so he mistook Sakura for an ordinary person.

Even if Xiaoying appeared and disappeared, Sui Yu only regarded her as light work.

But after getting to know Mu Mu, Sui Yu found that although he couldn't see the deep-seated evil spirits, he could see ordinary souls.

So all the unreasonable phenomena about Sakura in the past suddenly had a more realistic explanation.

That is, Sakura is the former bodyguard of Yue Zishan who was seriously injured in protecting Yue Zishan!

Because of this incident, Yue Zishan was very resistant to arranging another bodyguard for herself in the past, worried that the new bodyguard would be hurt again.

At the same time, it was also because of this that Ning introduced herself to Yuefu as a bodyguard.

After getting answers to various abnormal situations in the past, Sui Yu contacted Ning alone and asked her for information about Sakura.

After seeing the appearance of this senior personal bodyguard, Sui Yu completely confirmed his guess.

So when he heard that Sakura was dying, Sui Yuyang pretended not to know who Sakura was and stayed alone in the restaurant.

The purpose is to have a final conversation with the soul of Sakura who has been standing behind Yue Zishan since the beginning of the banquet.

And with the disappearance of Sakura's soul, it didn't take long for Sui Yu to receive a call from Yue Zishan.

On the phone, Yue Zishan's voice was choked up, but she still pretended to be firm and told Sui Yu that she might be busy these days.

"I'm really sorry that I can't accompany you to find Professor Li, but I really can't leave here." Yue Zishan's voice was very low: "But the driver, Xiao Hu, will take you to find him. Don't worry, he handles things very safely."

After telling Yue Zishan a few words of condolences, Sui Yu continued to eat and drink.

Sui Yu was the only one left in Nuo Da's restaurant, eating quietly alone...

Early the next morning, when Sui Yu was eating breakfast, he heard from the housekeeper Lao Song that Yue Zishan came back in the early morning, changed his clothes and went out again.

Well, it looks like I might not have a chance to meet Yue Zishan these days.

But that's fine too.

After being reminded by Elena to realize that he actually loves Jessica in his heart, Sui Yu couldn't bear to let Yue Zishan get into too much trouble.

It would be better to separate for a period of time to let each other's feelings cool down.

So after breakfast, Sui Yu found the driver Xiao Hu and gave him Professor Li's address.

Then Xiao Hu drove Sui Yu to Professor Hu's house according to the address.

Although modern automatic driving systems are becoming more and more popular, real luxury cars are not equipped with automatic driving systems.

On the one hand, because the identity confidentiality of luxury car owners is very high, they cannot use the automatic driving system that needs to interact with the server to avoid easily revealing the itinerary.

After all, the technology of hackers is increasing day by day. There is only a thousand days to be a thief but not a thousand days to prevent a thief. It is inevitable that the autopilot server will be hacked.

In addition, the road conditions are relatively complicated, and the automatic driving system is still relatively rigid after all. In some extreme situations, it is very likely that it will threaten the safety of passengers.

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【Modify Super God】【】

Although human beings have various shortcomings, some instincts will expand the damage when encountering danger.

However, professionally trained drivers can well overcome the wrong reflections produced by various instincts and make correct judgments at critical moments.

Comparing the two, a skilled driver is far more reliable than an automated driving system.

In addition, there is no way to get auto insurance on luxury cars, and it costs a lot of money to touch them. At the same time, the performance of many luxury cars is completely different from that of ordinary vehicles. Autopilot system companies dare to take over.

All in all...

Xiao Hu drives so steadily!

With the ultra-high-performance luxury car coupled with Xiao Hu's top driving skills, Sui Yu sitting in the car can even taste wine at will without worrying about spilling the wine.


The wine spilled out...

Sui Yu looked out the car window while wiping the wine stained on his trouser legs with a paper towel.

"what happened?"

Hearing Sui Yu's question, Xiao Hu pointed to Sui Yu with an innocent face and explained to Sui Yu: "The car next to me is about to be blocked, I thought he didn't dare to take full responsibility for rubbing against my car, who knew that he would go so far as to stop the car? Really dare to stand up!"

Well, retract the foreword.

As long as humans are sure to make mistakes.

Xiao Hu is used to other cars hiding away from him, but he never expected that there would be a hard top that would be solely responsible for scratching the luxury car, so now the car is pushing against the front of the luxury car that Sui Yu is riding on from the side .

"How do you drive?!"

The door of the car next to him was pushed open, and a fat man in his thirties got out.

And the fat man pointed at Xiao Hu and roared loudly after getting out of the car: "Didn't you see that I was going on the road? You just hit me directly, are you blind?!"

Xiao Hu is indeed the full-time driver of the big family, and he spoke very politely: "I know if I'm blind or not, but I'm afraid you will have to prepare to take the bus to and from get off work in the future."

Shaking the phone, Xiao Hu smiled and said, "The security guards will be here soon, you are going to sell your house and car!"

"What?!" Fatty was dumbfounded.

"This is a fierce man, even a Rolls-Royce dares to hit him!"

"It's hundreds of thousands of dollars to rub off the skin. If the shell is deformed, it may be repaired at least a million! Maybe tens of millions of repairs are also possible. The rhythm is right to sell cars and houses! This fat man is playing It's really big!"

Hearing the sighs of passers-by and other car owners, UU Reading Fatty's face became paler and paler.

"No! Why is such an expensive luxury car on the road?!" The fat man was angry: "Aren't you just cheating people?!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hu also laughed angrily: "I don't have the right to exercise the luxury car, right?!"

"To tell you the truth, my boss Zhaixin has authorized me a long time ago. If there is an accident on the road, I can make the decision to reduce the loss by 200,000 to 300,000 yuan, and even apply to him. Our boss’s company went to work to pay off the debt.”

Hearing this, the fat man immediately put on a very blunt face and changed into a smiling expression: "Then look at this..."

"Naturally, you can't lose a single point!" Xiao Hu replied coldly, "First of all, I didn't care about the stop, and after the collision, I still have such an arrogant attitude, and even want to deprive my car of the right to go on the road?!"

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【Modify Super God】【】

"You still want me to find a way to reduce your responsibility after doing this?! Definitely thinking too much!"

After saying this, Xiao Hu ignored the fat man shouting loudly outside the car, turned his head and said to Sui Yu apologetically, "Mr. Sui, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid the car accident will take a while to deal with."

What else can Sui Yu say at this time?

You can't let the driver give up the responsibility and drive directly to Professor Li's house, right?

Moreover, Sui Yu doesn't like to see these guys who habitually let the strong suffer. This kind of guy who preaches that others should give this way and that way all day makes Sui Yu can't help but think of those disgusting keyboard warriors on the Internet!

So Sui Yu could only wave his hands and said, "Let's deal with it as soon as possible."

Read The Duke's Passion