MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 908 Hit safely!

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【Modify Super God】【】

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo..."

At the end of the battle, Sui Yu supported Yue Zishan and panted for a long time, then he quickly drew a recovery on the ground and used a magic circle to heal his injuries.

I have to admit that the ninth-level monster is really powerful. In order to deal with this thing, Sui Yu and the others suffered unprecedented serious injuries. Even with the help of the magic circle, there is no way to quickly recover from all injuries.

Fortunately, Elena and Fujiwara Ai rushed back by military helicopter.

As soon as she landed, Elena stumbled and rushed in front of the miserable two people, and tried her best to heal their injuries.

There is a specialization in surgery. Although Elena thinks that her main job is to design and drive mechs, her abilities are based on the auxiliary system. The healing effect is really much more professional than Sui Yu's half-baked ones. up!

No, with the healing green light shining, the wounds that could not heal just now began to recover quickly.

Even the lost blood seemed to be replaced.

Elena actually cured Sui Yu when Sui Yu lost blood and fell into a coma before, but because Sui Yu lost too much blood and fell into a coma, Sui Yu's feelings were not very clear.

Now he suddenly discovered that Elena's compatibility with auxiliary magic is really very high, and the mecha is really a waste of her talent.

look at the time...

"Fuck, why is it already noon?!"

Combat moves very quickly, but healing wounds is a waste of time.

Especially Sui Yu was in a hurry to catch the high-speed train, and the more anxious he was, the worse the effect of the treatment would be.

After tossing for a long time to check the time, there is only less than an hour left before the high-speed rail boarding time!

And the f*cking injury hasn't healed yet!

"Hurry up and take us to the high-speed rail station!"

There happened to be a military helicopter next to him, and Sui Yu didn't have time to be polite, so he directly dragged Yue Zishan to board the plane.

"Sui Yu, you are so seriously injured, why don't you let it go today?"

Elena, who boarded the plane closely with Sui Yu, performed healing while persuading Sui Yu not to catch the high-speed train today.

Ai Fujiwara, who boarded the plane with Elena, also nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Anyway, with Sui Yu's privileges, even if the alliance's transportation resources are limited, air tickets and high-speed rail tickets are very easy for them to get.

If you missed today's flight and high-speed rail, then take a plane tomorrow, it's no big deal.

After hearing Elena's persuasion, Sui Yu shook his head and said, "No! I must leave today!"

never mind? How can I forget it? !

Contacting Jessica one day earlier might have ended the war between the Alliance and the Black Knights one day earlier.

At least you can recognize Jessica one day earlier!

This matter must not be delayed!

After hearing Sui Yu's answer, Elena pouted with dissatisfaction and complained: "You just want to see that Jessica one day sooner?! Tell the truth, do you actually like her?!"

"Like it?" Sui Yu was taken aback.

The scenes of getting along with Jessica in the past flashed in Sui Yu's mind.

Although full of joys and sorrows, Sui Yu suddenly found that he was really happy when he was with Jessica!

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【Modify Super God】【】

At the same time, Sui Yu also found that he really cherished every bit of getting along with Jessica from the bottom of his heart, and longed to spend more time with her.

Now after being reminded by Elena, Sui Yu suddenly reacted...

Is this feeling like liking?

Just... love? !

At the same time, Sui Yu seemed to understand a little bit, why he was unable to make a choice even though he knew the feelings of the three girls around him for him, the fundamental reason was because he had already belonged to him? !

"Ai! Lin! Na!"

Yue Zishan was furious!

And when Yue Zishan called out her name word by word, Elena quickly covered her mouth, and at the same time showed an extremely remorseful expression.

In fact, Sui Yu's feelings for Jessica were clearly seen by the girls onlookers early in the morning!

But once Sui Yu realizes this, then everyone will be completely lost!

Therefore, although the girls did not discuss it, they all chose not to wake up Sui Yu very tacitly.

But what I didn't expect was that Elena wanted to find Jessica immediately after seeing Sui Yu's serious injury, so she was so jealous that she accidentally said the wrong thing and woke up directly. Sui Yu!

Although Sui Yu was silent and didn't speak, the three girls in the cabin conveyed a message to each other with their eyes - Oops, this is a big trouble!

Yes, for the three girls who obviously love Sui Yu, they are really in trouble!

Because Sui Yu finally fully understood his intention at this time!

I understood that he really fell in love with Jessica!

Then this can actually almost declare that the stock prices of the three girls can be suspended!

"Hurry up! Speed ​​up!"

While trying to figure it out, Sui Yu began to urge the pilot of the helicopter to speed up as much as possible.

As if he could see Jessica sooner if only he was quicker now.

I didn't think about waiting for the high-speed rail to arrive even if I arrived at the high-speed rail station early.

So, love really makes people stupid!

Soon, the helicopter arrived over the high-speed rail station.

Apart from anything else, after waving goodbye to Elena and Ai Fujiwara, Sui Yu jumped off the helicopter with Yue Yeshan in one hand and the suitcase in the other.

The jet magic was activated, and Sui Yu tried his best to slow down his falling speed and then landed smoothly.

After landing, Sui Yu took Yue Zishan's hand and ran all the way into a nearby public toilet.

When the two came out again, the hero's battle clothes had disappeared, and at the same time, the tattered clothes from the battle were replaced by a set of ordinary clothes.

Fortunately, there are spare clothes in the luggage you carry when you go out, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Although the injury was basically under control, it was really impossible to get on the car wearing the tattered and even blood-stained clothes just now.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.yeguoyuedu】

And changing clothes naturally took a little time, so when the two rushed into the high-speed rail station and looked at the time, it was almost time for the high-speed rail to check tickets!

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【Modify Super God】【】

The schedule was so tight that the two of them didn't even have time to eat.

At this moment, Yue Zishan pointed to a supermarket in the high-speed railway station and suggested: "How about we buy some instant noodles and eat it on the train?"

Seeing Yue Yeshan's eyes shining, it seems that this rich daughter is greedy for instant noodles again.

Also, as Yue Zishan, it is really difficult to eat this kind of food.

Reminded by Yue Zishan, Sui Yu also felt a little hungry.

It's already lunch time, but there is no time to eat, and just before the battle with the earth demon bear.

Even if the magic power has recovered by 7788 after taking the magic power recovery pill, the consumed physical strength really needs to be recovered by eating.

So Sui Yu quickened his pace and ran into the supermarket, and then rushed out with a box of instant noodles.

Those who didn't know thought that Sui Yu had just robbed someone's supermarket of instant noodles and was running away.

"Buy it! Let's go!"

Practitioners eat a lot, so Sui Yu bought a whole box in order to be able to eat all at once!

Now that we have lunch, let's get in the car quickly!

Rush into the high-speed rail station, quickly pass through the security check, and then show the ticket and enter the VIP waiting room because the ticket is relatively high.

I didn't have time to stay in the VIP waiting room, so I walked through the VIP channel and entered the platform under the guidance of the staff.

Fortunately, the high-speed rail has arrived and has not yet departed.

Board the train quickly, and the high-speed rail departs before arriving at the location according to the ticket.


Sitting down in their seats, both Sui Yu and Yue Zishan breathed a sigh of relief with tired faces.

Not only because they hit the base safely and caught up with the car, but the main reason was that the two of them had no energy due to their unhealed injuries.

But the most important thing right now is to eat noodles quickly!

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