MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 9 Ying Luo, favorability + 100!

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Seeing that the skinny monkey-faced player showed a hesitant expression when he heard that he could no longer go online after being offline. It seemed that he was stunned by the reactions of other players and Ying Luo's attitude.

And looking at this situation, the other party might really change their minds!

At this time, Sui Yu could almost see that Ying Luo was really just a guide fairy, and all she could do was to guide the players through the knowledge she had mastered, and to answer the questions raised by the players as much as possible. .

Even from the fact that Yingluo flew through several players' bodies before, it was not difficult to see that the two sides seemed to be in different dimensions. Except for words, Yingluo obviously couldn't have much interaction with the players.

At the same time, she has very little authority to control.

Maybe the only authority is that the player can exercise the title right after saying some keywords.

Moreover, the evil **** who created this title rule obviously didn't want to drive the players out easily, so he just set a pink radiance for Ying Luo, and the title will be completely banned after going offline within an hour in the game.

At the same time, Sui Yu can easily guess based on future experience that the evil **** should also require Ying Luo to inform the player of the effect of this ability when releasing this title ability, so that the title function can really take effect.

If the player does not go offline within this hour, the pink glow will automatically disappear after an hour.

Moreover, as long as the player does not say keywords such as "abandoning the tour", "stop playing", it seems that Ying Luo has no way to force the player to release that pink radiance.

Therefore, if this thin monkey face changes his mind and does not quit the game, it seems that it is impossible to seal it forever!

Sui Yu took a look, this is not acceptable!

Although it's just a thin monkey face, it seems that one more person and one less person doesn't matter.

But without accumulating a few steps, there is no way to reach a thousand miles!

In Sui Yu's opinion, in order to stop the evil god's conspiracy, it must be able to drive away one player, one player!

So, when the thin monkey face hesitated, Sui Yu spoke up.

"Hey! Didn't you say you want to give up playing other games? Hurry up and go offline?"

Seeing the thin monkey face, although he was attracted by himself, he didn't say anything.

Feeling that the words just now were not strong enough, Sui Yu folded his arms with a look of contempt and said to the thin monkey face a sentence that is forbidden to most players: "What are you looking at?! Love Have fun, don't play! Leave if you want, don't ink! No one will keep you in this place!"

According to Sui Yu's thoughts, when this sentence is banned for most players, maybe not only this thin monkey, but also other players who are angry because of the raging dragons on the ground will become even more angry because of this sentence. anger.

At that time, when the players are excited, they may impulsively say the same words as this skinny monkey about abandoning the tour, and leave the game forever after Ying Luo blesses with the pink radiance!

Especially considering that people have a cluster effect, once there are more people doing one thing, it will drive more people!

At that time, the best players in a small town will all abandon the tour and be permanently banned!

Then, not only can I swallow all the resources near the town, but when my strength improves, I can go to other towns or even cities to persuade as many people as possible!


The more I think about it, the more Sui Yu feels that his plan is really perfect!

And it's better to persuade them to quit as soon as possible!

Sui Yu remembered it.

After the information that the power in this game can be brought into reality was revealed, a large number of players poured in, and the players who had been permanently sealed for various reasons were beating their chests and regretting the impulse at that time.

At the same time, players who enter the game also cherish their accounts very much. At that time, it will be extremely difficult to persuade players to quit!

Therefore, if Sui Yu wants to persuade players to quit, he must start working hard now!

Taking advantage of the fact that the evil **** wants to avoid the investigation of the source of this game by the above people, and there is no way to promote it through the point that "power can be brought into reality", we must persuade as many players as possible!

Sure enough, when I heard the forbidden phrase "I love to play, don't play", that skinny monkey face exploded at that time!

"I'm a CN horse! What do you mean?!"

No, thin monkey face pointed at Sui Yu's nose and scolded on the spot: "It's none of your business, it's up to you? Are you a game planner or a GM? To speak for the game company, is it the game company's navy? Or is it the son of the author of this game? It's okay to speak for my father!"

Not to mention, it looks like a professional sprayer at first glance. This response is really smooth. At first glance, it is a professional who often sprays with rhythm in other games!

It's a pity that although the thin monkey face seemed to be irritated by himself, the other players still had a mediocre response.

It seems...

Out of the corner of Sui Yu's eyes, he even saw a few players give him a thumbs up, as if to show that he did a good job? !

What the hell?

My players have said that, not only are you not angry, but you also said that you did a good job? !

At this time, Sui Yu was a little confused, and he couldn't figure out why the players didn't respond to this very powerful ban.

However, with the idea that persuading one to quit is one, Sui Yu laughed at the thin monkey face in front of him and said, "I can do whatever I want! Lu Jianbu draws his sword to help, and the little goblin says everything is reasonable and works hard. You're doing her job well, but you're being aggressive here, and you even threatened to retreat?"

"Who are you threatening?!"

"Without you, the world won't turn around?"

"Humph!" The skinny monkey face roared: "I threatened, what?! This game makes money from us, why can't I give my opinion? Don't tell me 'you can do it', the refrigerator does not cool, it is difficult Shouldn't I still be able to repair the refrigerator?"

Well, the more I look at this guy, the more professional it is. Look at this guy who steals the concept and plays, it's really a slippery.

"If you think a refrigerator without refrigeration is not suitable for you, you should buy a refrigerator with refrigeration! What I want is this kind of constant temperature refrigerator! Because you think refrigerators should be refrigerated, so the refrigerators in the world should be refrigerated according to your will?"

"Please, let's find out about the refrigerator that can be heated!"

"Don't take it for granted that the earth should revolve around you, okay?!"

"The most annoying troll like you is everywhere, who can't do anything useful all day except to vent your negative emotions and influence others!"

"So get out of here!"

"And don't think I don't know, guys like you who spray everywhere are basically free prostitutes!"

"The less you spend, the more you like to spray!"

Sui Yu also played a lot of various types of games during his school days, and naturally he also saw all kinds of trolls.

Anyway, everyone on the Internet uses another identity. Even if it is a virtual online game, everyone's image is close to reality, but it will not affect reality because of wanton venting of negative emotions online.

Therefore, even in virtual online games, there is still no shortage of trolls who "will only make promises in reality and strike **** the Internet".

Especially in the official forums of some games, since the trolls are more active than ordinary players, once the game customer service does not pay attention to the control and evaluation, the trolls will create a survivor bias, as if most players are spraying the game.

Sui Yu has been affected by trolls in many game experiences before, so he hates trolls, and because of this, he often goes online with trolls.

So, relying on the previous experience, Sui Yu finally did not fall into the disadvantage of the trolls now.

No, I don't care about Thin Monkey's voice at all. Sui Yu's well-founded words still sound clear, confident, and convincing even under the interference of Thin Monkey's face, whining, and constantly changing concepts.

"Humph! You want to force me to spend money again? You also said that you are not from the game company? It seems that you are the trustee of this game! Don't run away!"

No, the skinny monkey-faced **** said his words, and the other players onlookers simply booed contemptuously in unison.

Please, there is no recharge entry for this game at all, right?

Even if you want to spend money, you can't find a place!

There was even a very enthusiastic-looking young man who couldn't help but wave his epee and directly spoke out in support of Sui Yu: "Please! How many years have passed, can you guys change the tricks? If you are sloppy and rolling, we all Tired of listening! I guess if it weren't for this forum, you must be calling the blacklist to add one right now?! It seems that others care about being blacklisted by you!"

At this time, Sui Yu responded with no change: "Yes, yes, if you think I'm a supporter who just entered the game wearing a novice uniform, then treat me as the supporter of this game, and the official person of the game. Anyway, no matter who I am, just one sentence! I love to play or not! Don't rely on it to affect the mood of the Lord!"

"Although there is no blocking function here, and you can't open the trumpet to create an atmosphere that thousands of people say, but you can choose to leave this game forever!"

"Then..." Sui Yu gestured towards the thin monkey face and urged with a smile, "Please start your performance! Hurry up and get off the assembly line! Go offline!"

"Or, are you cowardly? When I heard that it was really going to be sealed forever, so I didn't dare? I regret it? A manly man, what you say should be counted! You can't, you appear to be a man on the surface, but in fact you are a **** Bar?!"

I have to admit, Sui Yu's words are really sharp!

He couldn't get the thin monkey face off the stage directly.

But fortunately, this is a virtual online game after all, and the skinny monkey-faced player sees that Sui Yu refuses to accept the move and further forces him to develop a permanent title.

So he decisively chose a very common way of coping in online games - PK!

No matter what you say, hit it!

After all, Slim Monkeyface is also an old player who has been playing for a while. From the equipment on his body, he can tell that his level is not the first echelon in this town, but he is much stronger than most novice players.

So Thin Monkey Face thought in his heart that he definitely had the power to crush Sui Yu, a novice in linen clothes!

And "Otherworld" is biased towards reality, and there is no safe zone.

Therefore, players can attack at will anywhere, and at most they can pay a small fine after being caught by the guards.

This is convenient for the thin monkey face.

"You're a jerk! Shut up for Lao Tzu!!"

After making up his mind, with a sharp roar, the thin monkey face pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed Sui Yu fiercely!

At the same time, when the dagger was stabbed, there was still light flashing on the dagger!

Obviously, this knife is not an ordinary attack, but a skill attack!


"Master! Beware of sneak attacks!"

There seemed to be reminders from several other players in his ears, which made Sui Yu feel a little depressed for no reason.

Please, he just wanted to drive away as many players as possible. As a result, not only those players supported him, but now some players are worried about him.

On the contrary, the player who shouted out was banned, and everyone responded mediocrely, as if they didn't hear it.

What the **** is he doing!

In the blink of an eye, the dagger is already close at hand!

But Sui Yu didn't feel any nervousness when facing the dagger that came galloping fast.

In the memory of the future, there are too many battles that I have participated in!

Some of these battles are even more dangerous than just escaping from the claws of the Earth Dragon!

Those battles were compared to the dagger stabbed by this skinny monkey...


Raise your hand!

He grabbed the wrist of Thin Monkey Face's right hand, and with a swipe, Sui Yu leaned to one side, and the blade of the dagger evaded instantly and hit Thin Monkey Face's chest.

Then, Sui Yu held the right hand of the thin monkey face with both hands, with his shoulders raised, and his upper body leaned forward.

Fall over the shoulder!


So, the unreasonable reality once again exceeded the thin monkey face's imagination, and he was defeated miserably with just one move!


With a scream, the thin monkey face fell heavily to the ground!

Although "Otherworld" reduces the pain level for players, the evil **** is in the end to cultivate warriors of revenge.

In addition, the pain itself has an early warning effect, and there is no way to completely cancel it, or even reduce it too low.

Therefore, for players who are not used to pain, even a fall will be very painful.

not to mention…

Sui Yu grabbed the right wrist of the thin monkey face and twisted it, and pressed the guy's face down under him, while the right hand of the thin monkey face was twisted behind by Sui Yu, and at the same time, Sui Yu held the hand of the thin monkey face's wrist. squeeze hard...

Dang bang.

The dagger fell to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

The thin monkey face tried to struggle, but Sui Yu's strength was simply too great!

In the feeling of the thin monkey face, what Sui Yu grabbed at his wrist was not a hand at all, but an iron pincer!

It's really too hard. The huge difference in strength makes the thin monkey face feel like his own wrist is about to be pinched!

Although Slim Monkeyface is an old player, Sui Yu has just entered the game.

But Sui Yu is an existence with full initial attributes!

Even if the initial attributes are full, it can't deal with the dragon, but it is more than enough to deal with an ordinary player!

"Let go of me! Let me go!"

Clap clap clap!

Just as the thin monkey face was shouting loudly, the onlookers around him applauded, and some even shouted, "Amazing! Beautiful! That move just now was so cool!"

"A master! Sure enough, he is a master!"

"This looks like a real master! It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Hearing this, UU Reading Sui Yu felt a little embarrassed. In any case, he mainly relied on his full initial attributes and the combat experience in his future memory to convince others.

And what makes Sui Yu very uncomfortable at this time is...

"You wait for me!"

Seeing the figure of the thin monkey face fleeing in a hurry after being let go by himself, Sui Yu suddenly realized that he had accidentally found a step for this guy, so that he could avoid Yongfeng!

Please, Sui Yu let go of Thin Monkey and didn't kill him in order to prevent the pink radiance from Ying Luo's blessing from disappearing if he was killed.

The result was good, but instead let this guy run away swearing!

Moreover, looking at the speed, it is obvious that the basic skill of the thief profession has been activated!

This is so special!

Now that I think about it, it seems that if I didn't make a sound just now, but chose to watch the show quietly, maybe this guy would just go offline and be banned forever!

In his early days, he was self-defeating!

This is a mess.

It's hard to think of a way to save the world, but it fails at the very beginning. What is this?

And just when Sui Yu was depressed because he failed miserably in the first attempt to persuade him to quit, a sweet voice suddenly sounded in Sui Yu's ear...

"Players can do whatever they want, thank you for helping me speak just now!"

Turning his head, a pink light shines in front of his eyes.

At this moment, the little goblin who was constantly radiating pink light circled in front of Sui Yu and announced loudly, "I've decided! You will be my good friend from now on! If you need any help, just mention it!"

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