MTL - MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian-Chapter 852 Take risks

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Chapter 852 is taking risks

After entering the quarter-finals, the fibrillation team only got a day off, it is necessary to fight the top four, the opponent is an old acquaintance, point the gold stone team. ("")

Although the opponent's strength is not weak, but they can basically make up the first suit effect of the **** level suit, absolutely leading in the equipment level, it is easy to take away the other party with two 5:1 easily, heads up Advance to the semi-finals.

In the evening, in the room of Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu showed a dignified color and said: "Zhong Xiuhua has already arrived at Shanghai. Are you determined?"

"Well, although the grievances between me and him are somewhat confusing, but at this moment, it is not dead!" Zhang Yang nodded and suddenly showed a smile. "Do not worry, everything is planned!" I am looking at you behind, I am very relieved!"

"You must be careful!" Sun Xinyu can not be assured, always feel that the idea of ​​publicity is too crazy.

Late at night, Zhang Yang left the hotel, drank a drink in a small bar, and hooked up two hot girls, laughing in a wave.

For a while, Zhang Yang went to the toilet, and immediately two big men followed him. He stood on his side with one left and one right. Hey, a big man suddenly cut a knife in the back of Zhang Yang’s head, another big man. Then hold your hands together and hold the soft down.

"The goods are on hand, on the road!"

A black man said to his wrist, there is a micro communicator.

Half an hour later, hey, cold water slammed into the face of Zhang Yang, and he immediately woke up. At this time, he was in a dilapidated factory building, his hands and feet were tied to the chair, the lights were very dim, and in front of him he was sitting in a very handsome young man, but his face was very beautiful. .

It is Zhong Xiuhua!

Zhang Yang slammed the water flowing into his mouth and watched Zhong Xiuhua reveal a hint of provocation: "You can only bear this point if you are young, Master Zhong Da," in addition to Zhong Xiuhua, there are two black clothes. Dahan is standing with his hands behind Zhong Xiuhua. In such a dark place, he still wears sunglasses, and he does not know whether it is loaded or aesthetic. ("")

"Don't dare to be hard?" Zhong Xiuhua snorted. "You don't know that many people have evaporated under the hands of me. Wait, I will let you experience the process of evaporation!"

He stood up from the chair and turned around for two laps. Suddenly, a slap in the face of Zhang Yang’s face: "What is your identity, why should you fight with me? Today I will let you know that it is right with power. End! There is no more money, you can't buy your life!"

“Here, it’s an abandoned steel mill. However, the factory is abandoned, but the steelmaking furnace can still be used! Wait, I will throw you in, cook you a little, then burn it to ash. You are evaporating from the world!"

Zhong Xiuhua made a distracting action with his hands: "It is so simple, no one knows where you are dead, as if you have never existed in this world! And before you die, you will taste endless pain. Believe me, the only thing you can count on at that time is to die soon!"

"I am giving you this cemetery. Are you satisfied?" Zhong Xiuhua looked at Zhang Yang with the gesture of the winner. He not only wanted to eliminate the publicity on the **, but also let the spirit of the other party collapse, so that he could take his heart. The anger is venting.

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "You guy who does not raise the second child, finally no longer afraid of the grandson?"

"How do you know -" Zhong Xiuhua's face suddenly twisted, terrible.

Since he was blasted in Brazil, there has been a psychological shadow since then, and when a woman goes to bed, she can't help but think of the pain of the heart, and immediately the second child will not work! This is a psychological problem. He doesn't use much more Viagra. He didn't know how many women were tortured by hand this year.

"Hey, wait for you to cry!" Zhong Xiuhua quickly told himself that there is no need to be angry with Zhang Yang, and what is a fight with a dead person, Zhang Yang is about to become a pile of fly ash, and he can live as moist as ever.

"Zhao Ge, Bing Ge, send him into the coffin!"

"Yes, young master!"

The two black men immediately came forward to solve the rope on the hands and feet. ""

"The people inside listen, you have been surrounded, and immediately release the hostages, do not make unnecessary resistance!" Just then, a horn sounded loudly outside, loud and loud.

"What!" Zhong Xiuhua's face changed greatly. "Bastard, do you design me?"

Zhang Yang laughed and shook his head. He said, "If you have this IQ, if you have a good deaf, I can kill you with one hand!"

Zhong Xiuhua was from the Zhizhi, was so arrogant, suddenly angry, and brushed a pistol, pointed at Zhang Yang, his face was gloomy: "You dare say it again! Say it again!"

Zhang Yang decisively did not say anything, and has already forced Zhong Xiuhua to be tight enough. If he forced him, he would have to take a step first. This is obviously not within his plan.

Outside the factory building, the police sounded loudly and saw countless lights swaying. Obviously, the surrounding area has been surrounded by police.

Zhong Xiuhua finally understood that everything Zhang Yang did was to force him to take this last step!

Now, even if he is hard in the background, he will be caught, even if he will not protect him! Holding hostages... If you are swayed by the past, then it is more than enough to be shot a hundred times!

To take a step back, even if the previous crimes were not turned over, the crime of holding hostages and possessing guns was enough for him to be sentenced to ten years and eight years. In prison, this is not something that Zhong Xiuhua can bear. If he is really locked in, then his life will be finished!

For a time, he was evil to the gallbladder, his eyes were murderous, and he had the urge to find his own back.

"Young Master!" The two black men are all looking at the madness in Zhong Xiuhua’s eyes and quickly persuaded. In their view, the clock family is full of power, as long as people are not dead, everything can be slowly illustrated.

"Put the gun down!" The horn rang again, full of sternness, "put down the weapon immediately, raise your hand and surrender!"

Zhong Xiuhua's breathing is getting faster and faster. He can't hear any sound. He only has to show his face that makes him feel bad. His mind is full of torture after entering the cell. It is said that some prisoners have been in it for a long time, even men are playing...

He has a psychological shadow in this respect. If he is blasted again, he would rather die!


Zhong Xiuhua’s eyes are getting more and more crazy. At this time, he is no longer the original calm and conscientious young man, but a patient who is completely in painful memories. His eyes are getting more and more red, and the hand holding the gun is too hard. It looks pale and trembles constantly.

"lay down your weapon!"

"lay down your weapon!"

The warning sounded over and over again, but Zhong Xiuhua turned a deaf ear and was completely caught in the fear of the heart.

Zhang Yang’s heart is also tight, and Zhong Xiuhua is already crazy, and what a madman will do is that no one can imagine! Although he designed Zhong Xiuhua to take this step, he never thought about putting his own life into it. Who knows that Zhong Xiuhua’s reason will suddenly collapse!

Seeing that the murderousness in Zhong Xiuhua’s eyes is getting heavier and heavier, Zhang Yang knows that the other party will definitely shoot!

His hands and feet are still tied and unable to move, so he will lean back as far as possible, and then make the full force forward! Hey! The huge inertia drove the entire chair forward, and the public fell to the ground, and the back was pressed against the chair, as if carrying a tortoise shell.

Zhong Xiuhua was originally on the verge of collapse. The move of Zhang Yang is equal to the ignition of the medicine, and he detonated him!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

His fingers are linked, and the publicity on the ground is three shots!


In the distance, there was also a gunshot. Zhong Xiuhua’s head immediately sprang a **** flower. Hey, he crashed down, his eyes still staring at Zhang Yang, and he seemed to confirm that Zhang Yang’s death would be willing.

But he did not have this opportunity, the pupil was immediately enlarged, the consciousness was bleak, disappeared, and died!

"Young Master -" The two black men were all shocked. They all rushed to Zhong Xiuhua, but the police were shocked birds. They thought they were holding hostages again. The snipers in the distance immediately shot, 啪, 啪Two shots, these two big men were also headshot at the same time, red and white things were everywhere.

"Zhang Yang--" Sun Xinyu ran out, his voice filled with horror, and quickly turned the chair over, only to see Zhang Yang's eyes closed and pale, which suddenly made Sun Xinyu's body weak, and sat down on the ground.

Several police officers also rushed up. After an inspection of Zhang Yang, they said to Sun Xinyu: "Don't worry, he just hit the power too much and fainted himself!"

Sun Xinyu seems to have collapsed like a whole person, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief.

After untiring the rope on his hands and feet, he almost woke up and said: "I haven't died yet!"


Sun Xinyu swung in the air and played arrogantly, but before he could talk, Sun Xinyu had already plunged into his arms and said: "You dare to do this, I will kill you!"

The trembling body of the other side showed his inner fear. Zhang Yang reached out and held Sun Xinyu, saying: "No, no more in the future!"

At that moment, he was also very nervous. Just touch his vest and you will know that it is all wet!

When you are pointing at the gun and you are not afraid, it is definitely not a normal person!


Although he made a turn in front of the ghost gate, what Zhang Yang wants to do most is to go back to the hotel to sleep, or to die with Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue, to forget the black hole of the muzzle! But three people died, and Zhang Yang was taken back to the police station to record a statement.

Fortunately, he only said the game name of Zhong Xiuhua in "The Miracle". "Bei Cheng" had a grudge in the game, and he was kidnapped by the other side to take him to Shanghai to participate in the game!

Since I did not know the true identity of Zhong Xiuhua, the police recorded the confession and sent Zhang Yang back to the hotel. I just didn't know how long Zhong Xiuhua's death could last.

Read The Duke's Passion