MTL - MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian-Chapter 841 Rogriel

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Chapter VIII Rogrill

"Anemia warriors, we negotiated, decided that the seven guilds would join together to fight Rogriel, and then the trophy will be divided into eight equal parts, we can get two copies!" Just as Zhang Yang is still giving the jewels a jewel, Wei The sound of the smoke also rang in the team channel. ("")

Although the little girl’s words are somewhat unclear, Zhang Yang still filled her with the meaning of the brain: there are eight segments of the new talent, and the desert smoke has two paragraphs, and the other six have fallen into the hands of different guilds. Everyone agrees to take out the pieces of the new staff in the hand and combine them. In terms of spoils, because the number of remnants of the new cane possessed by the desert smoke is more than one, they can also get a spoil.

The seven guilds are: desert smoke, anger, **** family, barbaric field, dark palace, paragon and justice union.

But if you want to publicize what he said, he would rather not divide it in advance, but rather finish the tactics to grab each!

However, since the agreement has been made, Zhang Yang is embarrassed to rob again. Everyone is the world's top guild. No one can afford to lose this face. Otherwise, if someone is going to the forum, it will become a street mouse. .

"Come and come together, they said that if you don't come, the extra trophy will be split!"

Zhang Yang couldn’t help but smile. Although the other six guilds agreed to get one more in the desert, the surface was because the lonely smoke in the desert got a piece of the new rod, but in fact it was still afraid of the strength of the desert smoke. I will make some concessions in this name, so that everyone can live on the face.

However, this kind of thing is well known, but don't say it, otherwise everyone is very embarrassed.

Zhang Yang returned to the Holy City with a transmission, and they met with Sun Xinyu. The seven guilds acted together and came to the valley where Rogiel was located.

The seven guilds are the seven most guilds of the entire server. Each guild dispatches 30 people with inheritance and transformation. Others are all blocked outside the valley to prevent other guilds from stealing bosses!

210 people are not too many, but if you are an elite, it is also very fast to kill the boss. After all, the boss has the spirit of the demon. This can control the player's skills. Many people are not necessarily the advantage. They are often controlled by the boss. Come over and waste the output to kill them. The latest chapter of the church

The seven guilds engaged in the blockade, although they caused a lot of anger in the guild, but they can only dare to anger and dare not speak, can only secretly curse them to be destroyed by the boss.

"We belong to different regions, and the range damage will inevitably hit people in other districts. Therefore, unless it is a skill like a whirlwind or a sweep, if anyone deliberately uses the range damage skill, it will immediately kill. It!"

The publicity ring swept the crowd, and the voice was a bit cold.

"That is of course, in this battle, we must all work together!"

"That's good, open the inheritance and transform, let's go!"

Zhang Yang took the lead in opening up the God of War, and Fei Ling also entered the early form of the goddess of war, but the Phoenix pet did not participate in the war. Therefore, the Phoenix pet is a large group, it is inevitable to accidentally hurt, so it is still good to collect, anyway, enough people, not bad for this output.


Because it is the most powerful wave of players in the whole server, there are actually 29 people in 210 who have a level of inheritance. They can fly by themselves, and a pair of wings are unfolding. It is very eye-catching and instantly rushes to the front of the boss.

However, the b-level and c-level players will not slow down on the flying mounts. The 210 people will be empty and integrated, and Rogeril will be surrounded to ensure that everyone has a position to output.

"Don't die again?" Rogriel gave a snoring snoring, waving his sword in his hand, and smashing a sword of 100 meters long. At the same time, his mouth sang a singer. Songs.

Desperate song!

"Give me a shut up!" Starlight laughed indefinitely, pointing the new rod to the boss, a group of green light wrapped the boss, actually letting Rogriel's voice not come out. Church

- The effect of the song of despair is restrained! The reason why the star is infinite to take the new talent is because he does not need to export or use the boss, so as not to waste other people's time.

This time, it entered a more orthodox boss battle.

After a blast of enough anger, he launched the strongest attack that smashed the smashing scorpion!

With the support of the team aura, Zhang Yang has output 300 million damage in 10 seconds!

This suddenly made everyone shocked!

In fact, it is not only Zhang Yang who has acquired this skill. In the previous invasion battle, the first demon leader in each region will drop this skill book. But the power of the power is a unique singularity, and others can't make such a terrible injury!

What's even worse is that the "Scattered Scorpio" in Europe has fallen into the hands of God's left hand!

Although God's left hand is also a s-class inheritance, in addition to his defense, he is not attacking but healing. He can't use two-handed weapons like Zhang Yang. Isn't it a big waste to use this weapon with one-handed weapons?

Therefore, although he also smashed the broken scorpio, it only caused more than 70 million injuries, which is really terrible!

But even if it is only 70 million injuries, it is enough to make the boss suffer a lot. The seven guilds have the meaning of not having to look at them, and they all come up with the most powerful firepower!

"It is better to compare the final output of the guild than to decide which guild will be the first to challenge the trophy?" Zhang Yang said with a smile, but it was full of provocation.

"it is good!"

"Beyond, who is afraid of who!"

Everyone is playing for 30 people. If you lose, you will lose strength. There is no excuse for you to decide the priority of the spoils. It can be said that it is quite fair.

With such an agreement, this will allow everyone to go all out, and this will not only be the last one to pick up the equipment, but the face is even more unspeakable!

Never lose!

Everyone thinks so, what potions are all a mess, and boost their firepower output without cost.

"Give me to death!" Although Rogriel was scrapped of the skills of a desperate song, this skill is too much against the sky, and should not exist. Therefore, the boss has not been weakened from the real strength, and it is still so fierce!

As a god-level boss, Rogrill's magic and martial arts skills don't share cold time. Fire anger and powerful blows can be used at the same time. They are only 2 seconds of cooldown, and the damage is terrible!

However, Zhang Yang’s current defensive power is so powerful. The armor value has reached 180,000, and 40% of the passive injury-free. After turning on a rock like a rock, his armor value has reached 460,000, 70% passive. Free of injury, although only 10 seconds, but in 10 seconds he is almost invincible!

The output profession is more than the damage, and the tanks are in the ability of Bila hatred, whether it is gentle poison, God's left hand, Hell Warrior, are robbing hatred. It is a pity that Zhang Yang is the most powerful output in itself. Want to steal hatred from him? Let's get the output power up again!

Whirlwind! Whirlwind! Whirlwind!

The most powerful of the god-level bosses is the aoe damage, which constantly dances the blade and creates an indiscriminate blow to the full range of players. This skill also has only 2 seconds of cooling, posing a huge threat to the player and testing the ability to heal.

At this time, the advantages of the lonely smoke in the desert are all evident. They have seven people who have put together the first suit effect of the god-level suit, but don't underestimate it. If you look at Zhang Yang, you will know that it is more powerful than 20% passive injury-free!

On the team blood line, the desert smoke can always stay at 70%, but the other teams can only barely maintain at 50%, and are slowly falling. This can't be brushed by the treatment alone. It requires the player to use the life-saving skills in the most dangerous time, so that it can barely maintain.

God level boss is not so good to deal with!

The seven top teams are carrying out the most powerful firepower output, they must race against time, otherwise they are not pushing bosses, but being slaughtered by Rogriel!

The awful thing is, because the boss is still throwing the spirit of the devil everywhere, this black mud-like thing is everywhere, the player must move from time to time, once it is touched by this black thing, it will be The boss's control has become a running dog for the boss.

90%, 80%... The seven teams of 210 are the world's top players. How powerful their firepower output is, even if the boss has a tough toughness in returning blood, it is difficult to stop his bloodline from falling.

"I want to kill you!" Rogrill's attitude from the carelessness became irritated and violent, constantly waving the sword. As a god-level boss, Rogrill has his dignity, he can not tolerate being provoked by several ants!

After 20 minutes, the seven teams successively showed the death of the personnel, but the life of the boss also fell to 20%, and entered the stage of killing.

Kill and kill!


After entering the killing stage, the whirlwind of the boss is almost non-stop. Within 300 meters of his side, there are swords and swords everywhere, and the lethality is amazing.

17%! 14%! 11%!

Race against time, everyone is desperately exporting.


The staff has dropped sharply, but the blood volume of the boss is getting lower and lower. Moreover, the ability to live to the present is at least a level of inheritance transformation, not only the output is high, but also not so easy to hang.

4%, 3%, 2%, 1%!

Rogrill is definitely the most sad boss, only to be overwhelmed by players in less than three or four days, I am afraid that it is the shortest-lived god-level boss in history.

But as a player, the boss's spoils are the key!

Read The Duke's Passion