MTL - MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian-Chapter 6 King of Panthers

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Chapter 6 The King of Panthers ()

When collecting 200 iron ore missions, if there are more than 10 fine irons in the backpack, you can trigger the hidden mission!

Fine iron is a rare associated mineral of iron ore. When collecting iron ore, there is a small chance that fine iron can be collected at the same time. How small is this chance? When you are unlucky, you can't get a piece of fine iron even if you dig 1000 iron ore!

Of course, there is no fine iron ore vein, but once the spar is scarce, the second is bound to have a powerful monster guardian!

Because of this low probability, the hidden task of the warrior system has never been triggered until the third year of the game operation, there is a mining madman, every time I go online, I don’t do anything else, it’s mining, just in the light. He has been in the novice village for half a year!

As it happens, the occupation chosen by that person is just a warrior!

As a result, the player with more than 100 pieces of fine iron in the backpack successfully triggered this hidden task. After stumbling and finally completing the task, he got a "general" rating and received a reward: a skill point, a skill book "Sweeping" .

Just a skill point is enough to make people jealous, and when he sends the instructions of the skills sweep to the forum, all the soldiers are all bursting into tears!

[Sweep]: Attacks all nearby enemies, dealing 100% melee damage to each target. Consumption: 20 anger. Cooling time: 10 seconds. Need: melee weapons.

Such a powerful group damage skill has actually fallen to a player who is mining all day, what a tragedy!

But the players quickly think: even if it is just a "normal" rating, you can get such a generous reward, then if it is "very good" or even "perfect" rating? How will the reward be tempting? Unfortunately, hidden tasks are unique, that is, once someone is done, no second person can complete!

Task ratings are extremely poor, average, good, and perfect. However, only s-level tasks have task scores.

Zhang Yang went to the alchemy shop and sold all the debris in the backpack. The amount of money also rose to 23 silver coins. He opened the catalogue of the alchemy store, found the primary treatment syrup, commonly known as the red bottle, and the trial drink of the novice village, and each person permanently purchased a bottle of trial poison.

[primary treatment potion] (white, consumables)

Use: Restore 100 health immediately.

[Try poison] (white, consumables)

Use: Apply to the weapon for 60 minutes. After hitting the target, it has a 30% chance to poison the target, losing 3 health per second for 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 layers.

A red bottle is going to be a silver coin. Try the poison more expensive, and sell for up to 10 silver coins! Zhang Yang spent money like running water, bought 10 bottles of primary treatment syrup and 1 bottle of trial poison in one breath, and then went out to the novice village to go to the mountains in the north of the village.

He remembers that in a corner of the mountain, there is a refreshing point of fine iron ore, refreshing once an hour, and you can dig up 2-3 pieces of fine iron each time! That is the only refreshing point of the fine iron mine in Novice Village, and it is just in the nest of the king of the Panthers!

High returns are always linked to high danger!

The road was long, and Zhang Yang took more than half an hour to come to a valley, surrounded by rocks and strange shapes.

In the deepest part of the valley, a vein with a bright silver luster is strongly attracted to the public eye. It is the only refined iron ore that will be refreshed in the novice village, but on the side of this vein, there is still a whole body black and foot. There are two giant panthers with two people tall and six long!

This is the most powerful boss in the novice village, the king of the black panther!

[King of the Black Panther] (black iron leader)

Rating: 15

Health: 45000

A daunting blood!

After Zhang Yang took out the trial poison and applied it to the new sword, the iron sword that had been rusted on the handle suddenly flashed green and shiny.

Poison, this is a thief unique to this profession! However, in order to let other players experience the charm of a poison, the game producers have limited supply of trial poisons in the novice village, because each person permanently purchases a bottle, which is not afraid of affecting the balance of the game.

However, this has become the key to smashing the boss to kill the boss!

Zhang Yang adjusted the state, and then directly rushed to the king of the Panthers.

Charge coma!

Zhang Yang’s hand is a sword, cut on the body of the Panther.


Due to the huge suppression of the level, coupled with the super-high defense of the leader-level monster, Zhang Yang even has 36-38 points of basic damage, but cut on the boss, but only deducted the pitiful 6 points of blood! And because the damage caused is too low, the anger value is only 3 points, counting the extra 10 points of anger of the charge, it is not enough to launch a powerful blow!

Besides, even if you can launch a powerful blow, it will not cause much damage. Killing this high-level armor boss can only rely on the power of poison!

Two seconds later, the king of the Panthers woke up from the coma, waved his angrily angrily and stroked Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang did not panic, a short stature to let the monster attack, then a sword swung out, once again cut on the king of the Panther.


"Oh! Your attack has caused the king of the Panthers to be affected by the trial poison (one layer), losing 3 health per second!"

Poisons are spell damage and can only be reduced by magic resistance!

Zhang Yang’s face reveals a hint of joy. Although the poison is not too high, as long as it is dyed on one layer, it only needs to be dyed again in 15 seconds, and it can be stacked continuously to achieve a full effect of five layers!

One hit didn't hit, but the enemy in front of him repeatedly caused damage. The king of the Panthers was even more angry, and the front paws were handed again, waving to Zhang Yang.


Zhang Yang showed a master's style. Through walking and moving, he constantly sneaked off the boss's attack, and at the moment did not waste his own attack opportunities, and slammed the novice sword on the boss.

"Oh! Your attack has caused the King of the Panthers to be affected by the poison (2nd floor), losing 6 health per second!"

"Hey! Your attack..."

The effect of trying the poison quickly was stacked on the fifth floor. The king of the Panthers also lost 15 points per second. Although it was slow and slow compared to its long blood strip, as long as it remained in this state, five Ten minutes later, the boss will eventually die on the poison!

Zhang Yang did not dare to have any intentions! His thin blood volume can not withstand the soft blow of the boss, as long as he slammed the boss, he will definitely finish playing!

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... forty-five minutes!

The health of the king of the Panthers has dropped to about 10%. This powerful monster suddenly flashes a blood-red glow. The tall and incomparably body is hard and big, and the attack speed is faster and the frequency is higher!

This is the violent state commonly known as the player, the madness before the monster dies, and only a few powerful monsters have a violent state.

Zhang Yang’s nerves are highly concentrated, and his keen motor nerves are brought to the extreme, and the attack of the King of Panthers is just right to dodge again and again! At this time, the speed of the character's movement obviously can't keep up with his nerve reaction, and only by investing more attribute points in agile can he exert his advantage to the best effect.

From this point of view, Zhang Yang is more suitable for playing thieves!

Of course, in the middle and late stages of the game, as the quality of the equipment improves, the proportion of free attribute points in the character attributes is less and less, and finally can be neglected. A good equipment is the king of improving the character attributes!








The number of damage constantly jumped on the top of the king of the Panthers, and eventually hit its blood to the bottom. With the last "-15" jump of the poison, the king of the Panther screamed and screamed. A white light fell to the ground and died.

Finally finished, Zhang Yang sighed, and nearly an hour of high-intensity combat made him feel quite tired.

"Hey! You killed the king of the Panthers and gained 90000 experience points (double-level kill double reward)!"

"Hey! Congratulations, be the first player to kill the wild iron level first class, your glorious deeds will go down in history! Do you announce your name so that the world can praise your great achievements?"

Zhang Yangyi, because the last time he entered the game is too late, any level of boss first kill is not with him, so he has never encountered this thing!

The first reaction is naturally to choose "yes". The famous server has become the object of envy of the majority of players, not the original intention of every online game player? Moreover, fame is also more beneficial for him to create a guild, which can attract more players.

But he immediately thought that he could be said to be a poor man. In addition to the fat man who has not yet contacted, there is no one around him! If at this time there is a big guild that "sees" himself and wants to solicit himself, can he say no?

Once you refuse the recruitment of the Great Guild, then waiting for yourself is definitely an endless harassment or even a siege!

This is not unusual! Zhang Yang clearly remembers that there was a Knight in the last world called "Starlight Unlimited". The level is quite good. Although he is in a small guild, the scores obtained are enough to challenge the super guilds! At the beginning, the major super-guilds sent an invitation to Starlight to let him jump out, but Starlight had a lot of affection for his guild, and refused to accept any invitation.

As a result, Starlight and his guild were jointly attacked by the three major guilds. In less than ten days, many members were reluctant to drop the line and chose to retire. The small guild collapsed and the stars were infinitely depressed. I chose to delete the number to protest in the official forum.

The official reply is that "miracle" does not encourage private fight, so set the downgrade and red name punishment, to pk, please go to the arena, to kill the enemy, please go to the battlefield, absolutely can not lose the level equipment. To engage in personal grievances, we must pay the price.

Regardless of the official reason, in short, the personal grievances between players are not accepted!

Zhang Yang is not only a "playing" game, but also using the game to make money, accumulating wealth to the extent that it can fight Liu Jia and Yu Meilin. He knows the game's movements and knows when and what materials are worth, but it needs to be leveled by the player's masses. For example, the 20th grade of the most popular primary dark anti-drug, the formula is from the silver-grade box!

In order to get this formula, you must have the strength to get a silver treasure chest! Moreover, it must be obtained in the first time, otherwise, after the time has passed, there are not a few players who have the need to make recipes!

Now, he needs an environment that is as undisturbed as possible until he establishes a guild and has the power to say "no"!

Zhang Yang finally chose "No"!

Immediately, the world channel began to continually jump to the unique red text of the server announcement.

"Server Announcement: The player (name hiding) successfully killed the 15th-level black iron leader, the king of the Panthers (China), and this event will be on the glorious achievement list! Please cheer for him!"

"Server Announcement: The player (name hiding) successfully killed the 15th black iron leader, the king of the Panthers (China), and received 10 gold coins for the system reward!"

"Server Announcement: The player (name hiding) successfully killed the 15th-level black iron leader, the king of the Panthers (China), and the reputation of all races in the league increased by 500 points!"

A series of red characters to brush the screen, this effect is absolutely shocking!

"Hey! You got an extra bonus: Lucky value +1!"

Actually rewarded with a lucky value! Zhang Yang is a bit surprised, fortunately this property can not be improved by equipment, but it is a very important attribute! One of them is that the lucky value will affect the falling of the monster. In addition, it will affect the success rate of the enhanced equipment and rune weapons. Of course, there is also the chance of a lucky strike.

Zhang Yang looked at the server notice that was repeatedly brushed five times on the screen, even if he was a little bit flustered, and then looked at the spoils of the king of the Panthers.

On the other hand, the sudden announcement of the server notice suddenly caused all the players in China to boil.

"Sister, ah, I have been slashing for a long time, just rose to level 5, and there are people who have killed 15 bosses?"

"Really, is it still singled out?"

"The server that is owed to the operation, the brother who saw the news, forgot to blame, was blamed and killed!"

"Rely, it must be used for plug-ins, black-iron bosses may be singled out!"

"Gm of dog day, hurry up and see God!"

"Little white, there is no gm in "The Miracle", only super computer monitoring, to ensure fairness and justice!"

"Fair you sister!"

"Just your sister!"

"Don't be your sister, the speed upgrade is king!"

"People are more than strange, how to rise, Laozi is a mage, but now there is no magic spell, all of them are knocking on the staff!"

"Upstairs, hold your hand, brother pastor, but also dare not use spells, two seconds cast, which grabs strange!"

Soon after, some people posted on the forum, saying that he deliberately found the king of the Panthers and found that his blood volume reached an astonishing 45,000 points. The player who played him with this level 5 had about 230 points of damage. Which player can single out? Then fire at the game company and ask if there are any plug-ins and bugs.

Soon, the official has a reply: "Fantasy", absolutely can not use the plug-in, and the bug can not be completely ruled out, but according to the playback of the game data, the player who killed the king of Panthers did not Use bugs.

For a time, the forum was very lively, everyone was discussing and curious, and what kind of player did the player use to kill the king of the Panthers!

Read The Duke's Passion