MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 479 Conferment of the monarch [three more]

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  Chapter 479 Conferred by the Monarch

   Made a lot of mud, and this hunt had to come to an end.

After the nearby attendants came over after hearing the news, they were sitting on the stone and chatting. An Feng also tried the cigar that Matthew had unwrapped for him, but he was not used to smoking it, and he choked after taking a puff. Xiu frowned: "Give it up, you're still wasting one of my cigars!"

  An Feng smiled: "I always see this in movies, and it feels like smoke."

"I can't communicate with you." Matthew shook his head in response to his categorization description, "Cigars require patience and an hour or so of free time to fully enjoy, and preparations need to be leisurely. You see, in our state, although the boots It's full of mud..."

   "Okay, okay, I admit that I ruined this thing." An Feng stood up, "It's getting late, let's go back and come back tomorrow."

   On the way, Matthew answered a long-distance call. Although it is a remote area, the country is not big, and several signal towers on the mountain are enough to cover it completely.

  He said a few words, like an invitation or something, then put down the phone and said to An Feng: "Bazel's eldest son, Charlie, do you still have an impression?"

   "We went to Africa together back then, what do you think?" An Feng said.

   "My fault." Matthew said with a smile, "Their family plans to drop by for a visit, so I might as well invite them to come here, how about it?"

   "No problem, as long as you don't mind the environment here." An Feng said.

   "That's good." Matthew picked up the phone and continued talking, and then he said: "They promised to come, probably in Cagliari tomorrow morning."

  An Feng said: "Leave a contact information, and I will arrange someone."


   There are guests coming in the morning, and the originally scheduled hunt is postponed to the afternoon.

  At ten o'clock, two SUVs drove into the Hunting Palace, and the Sinclair couple and their son and daughter got out of the car. Charlie Sinclair is about the same age as Joanna, but An Feng and Bazel are good friends. When facing Charlie, he always feels a bit like a junior.

  Charlie's wife Josephine is Danish. An Feng met them at their wedding. He heard that she came from a famous family. When facing An Feng and Joanna, she also performed a standard lady curtsy. Although this etiquette is not mandatory, it is common among nobles and royal families.

   "My father asked me to send greetings to you two. I hope you can forgive me for delaying due to important matters." Charlie said politely.

   "Convey my regards to him as well." An Feng said.

  Charlie then introduced a son and a daughter beside him: "The boy is Carl, and the girl is Margaret."

   "Hello, sirs and madams!" The two children also greeted obediently, especially the girls, and even showed courtesy to Joanna.

  Joanna had a smile on her face: "Pretty girl, God bless you!"

   "Thank you, ma'am," she said.

  The little girl's name is Margaret Alexandra, about five years old, with soft and flat blond hair, a baby's fat face, round and round like Alice when she was a child. It's just that she is quieter, not as lively as Alice was before, and she always gets to the bottom of things when she catches a problem.

  The children were introducing themselves, and Alice had to show them the trophy of the boar tusks from the day before yesterday.

  A large group of children were chattering, full of yearning for hunting in the wild. In the afternoon, they satisfied the children's wishes and continued to go out. However, due to the large number of children, the scope of activities was not far away, and they were only concentrated around the hunting palace. For safety reasons, the guards brought long guns.

   With so many people hunting, the excitement is enough, but the technology will decline.

Several children have very different personalities. Matthew's youngest son, William, is more courageous and curious, and wants to try everything; Alice gets along best with him, both of whom are afraid of chaos; Fred is quieter , Talk less and observe more, but he is very gracious to help his companions.

  The children got along very well, and within a few days, the friendship developed to the point where they could share the same bed.


  After ten days of playing, the children have been exercised, their picky temper has disappeared, and they have a sense of cooperation.

  It's a pity that I have to say goodbye after returning.

   "Goodbye!" Alice and Fred waved to their friends.

  An Feng also waved his hand towards their car and said to the child, "See you next time."

   "I know," said Alice. "What do you think, Fred?"

   "I believe it," he said.

  An Feng smiled: "Don't worry about this, when we have free time, we can visit at home, or arrange a party during the summer vacation, this is your circle of friends."

   "Dad is very kind," Alice said, and Lafred walked back. "Come on, let's go and see the new puppies."

   "This mentality is better." An Feng looked at their backs and smiled.

  On the way back, Joanna said to An Feng: "Have you noticed that Maggie likes staying with Fred very much?"

   "Maggie?" An Feng was puzzled.

  Joanna said, "Margaret."

  An Feng said: "I thought only Americans like to use random nicknames."

   "Seriously, did you find out?"

   "No, I feel that all children are the same. It's fun to play together, isn't it?"

   "You don't understand." Joanna shook her head.

   "You don't think about the future at such a young age, do you?" An Feng suddenly understood the meaning and laughed.

   "I didn't think so!" she defended.

   "I understand." He smiled, "I thought some people were going to be grandmas in a hurry."

   "Bold!" She reached out and pinched An Feng.

   "Stop!" An Feng dodged, she chased after him, put her arms around his neck and jumped on her back.

   "You are the queen, do you want an image?" An Feng walked forward with her on his back.

   "I don't want to play the same role twenty-four hours!" she said, "Now I'm your wife, take your legs and move on!"

   "I convinced you." An Feng shook his head.


  After the new year, the queen will officially confer a group of nobles.

   These lists are all familiar friends of An Feng. They received their passports, and after asking, they agreed to accept the queen's conferment. Three people received this honor, namely Matthew. Sinclair, Robin. Deross and Roger. Blue Lane, they all showed interest.

  They were invited to the Moncalieri Palace, and each of the three brought their wives and daughters. The children also reunited again, but their wish was quickly fulfilled.

  In addition to having the honor of nobility, granting a title also has the meaning of closer cooperation.

  Accepting canonization as a nobleman also means allegiance to the Queen. Although it is not stated clearly, everyone understands the meaning of this. The An's family is sparsely populated. Apart from the couple, they are relatives who are about to enter the society. The population gap is relatively large and cooperation is needed.

  But it is not the same as ancient times. Allegiance is given more symbolic meaning, and there is no other loss except to show the cooperative attitude of important members. Even because of these relationships, mutual trust can be further promoted. When the kingdom grows in the future, the title of nobility is definitely the glory of the upper class.

  Smart people learn to weigh, and the An family is worth getting close to.

  So the major families, especially the ones that work closely with An Feng, will elect representatives, and the three are currently the first batch.

  The time came to the morning of the canonization ceremony, and Joanna appeared in a grand dress and a crown on her head. An Feng also went into battle with a dress and medals. In order to give him more decorations on his chest, Joanna gave him many medals, such as cross knights and other rare ones.

  It is a serious matter for the monarch to confer the title of hereditary nobles. The form is simple, but the ceremony must be fully prepared. In addition to the leadership of the queen and the witness of others, the participation of clergy is also required. In the new church where Joanna was crowned, a group of personnel dedicated to serving the royal family were selected to be responsible for religious activities such as coronation, baptism, or communion, including serving as attendants for the queen's canonized nobles.

  In the luxurious and solemn reception hall, under the attention of relatives, friends and attendants, the canonization ceremony was held.

  Joanna, dressed in fine clothes, stood on the steps, and the staff in robes behind her held long swords in their hands. An Feng stood aside, looking forward with his hands behind his back. In addition to the three nobles who were about to be canonized, relatives and friends were also present. Although the ceremony was not complicated, the scene was very solemn.

  The first person to accept the canonization was Matthew. He came to the Queen and knelt down on one knee. Joanna on the steps pulled out the long sword from the scabbard, and the tip of the sword touched her shoulder. The solemn scene was captured by the cameraman. Matthew then took an oath of allegiance to the Queen.

  After taking the oath, the queen tapped his shoulder with a sword to express his commitment, and then took back the long sword, and Matthew kissed the back of his hand to complete the conferment.

   The process is streamlined a lot, but the main form is there. After completing the conferment, Matthew will have a certificate issued by the royal family and a bronze cross of the Kingdom of Sardinia. The certificate has detailed titles and titles, and the information is also preserved on the Internet and in paper archives.

  Matthew was named Marquis, the title is: Matthew. August Sinclair, Marquis Sinclair of Samus.

  After receiving the certificate and badge, Matthew smiled and nodded to the audience.

Then the second person came to power. Robin Dross was originally the man behind the Rand investment bank. Since the investment bank went bankrupt and the U.S. economy suffered setbacks, his focus has shifted to Europe. In addition, he has German ancestry and was canonized as a nobleman after naturalization. , can be regarded as having a serious identity.

  The third one is Roger. He is purely boring, but he has a wide circle of contacts and influence. He must pay close attention to the training of the eldest son and take on the title.

Strictly speaking, the three of them are the first batch of official nobles in the kingdom. If they were placed in ancient times, with their wealth and influence, they could indeed build castles, gather people, and claim dozens of miles of land as their own territory. Confronting the court at a critical moment...

   But the modern aristocracy, the territory is out of the question.

   After conferring the titles on the three nobles, Joanna put the sword back into its scabbard, and the staff took it with respectful hands and put it back in its original place, the whole process ended.

  After the end, you can congratulate each other and have a celebration at night... Joanna has also mastered the experience of awarding the Medal of Honor, and she will be more handy when she publicly awards the Medal of Honor next time.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion