MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 434 fight

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  Chapter 434 Fighting with others

  At the beginning of May, the epidemic was basically declared over.

All the responsibilities of An Feng have been completed, and the three generations of Hal have also successfully concluded their curtain call... All human beings can relax for a while, although the mood may not be too exciting. A super virus that lasted for nearly nine months caused 380 million deaths, accounting for 380 million people. 5.2% of the total global population.

Not to mention far away, the United States at the foot of Anfeng alone has had nearly 20 million deaths since the outbreak of the epidemic. Because of the large population and moderate population, the death rate in the United States is relatively close to the level of 5.2%, but it is not the level of any A death toll not seen in a single war.

Europe is even more miserable. As the center of the virus outbreak, human life is worthless at all. The population of Europe has dropped by 10%. The situation in the most primitive area of ​​the outbreak—France is the worst, with 32% of the population directly emptied, and the surrounding Spain, Germany and Italy are also the same Desperate.

  Too many people have lost their loved ones in this disaster, and even An Feng found that many familiar numbers in the phone book are in a state of no one answering...It may take a long time to adjust to life after the disaster. Fortunately it's not war, and everyone's homeland remains.

  An Feng held a low-key and simple party. He didn't want to, it was inappropriate, but as his 40th birthday, his family insisted on celebrating him, even if there was only a small cake. As a hero who risked his own life to save all mankind, he has reason to celebrate.

   There were many guests present, and they were all familiar faces.

Although the virus does not distinguish between targets, the rich do have an advantage. Most of An Feng's friends survived, and those who were his neighbors had nothing to do with him. When the epidemic just broke out, An Feng gave all his friends Red alert, prevent in time.

Everyone put out the cake, the portion was not big, there were a few candles, and the Arabic numeral "40" was written in the middle. An Feng didn't celebrate his birthday very much, but this time, he wore a paper crown and made a wish as required. , I blew out the candles myself, and then cut the cake with a knife.

An Feng said to everyone: "Thank you for coming! In this disaster, we may have lost friends and relatives, but I also believe that the relatives and friends who died absolutely do not want to see us live in sadness forever, so actively Facing life, start over!"

   "Well said!" Matthew applauded.

   Others also applauded for his birthday and for his success in surviving.

Friends around An Feng are well aware of the power of this virus. Without his feat, human beings would be struggling with death. The number of deaths is definitely not as small as 380 million. With the ability of the virus to spread, it can almost wipe out all Humanity.

   Throughout the month of May, everyone spent mourning and restoring order.

The same is true for An Feng. He has attended more than a dozen funerals and witnessed too many life and death separations. His mentality has always been dull. At the beginning of June, society returned to normal and most of the economy recovered, but in the eyes of passers-by on the road, it was somewhat sad. Shadows... such is life.

   Apart from these painful talk, other aspects are not bad.

  After this disaster, An's Industry became famous all over the world. To use the Chinese language more than ten years ago to describe it, it is "the **** exploded". The Elizabeth Medical Institute has set the benchmark for the highest level of human medicine. The sales of Bida Corporation skyrocketed, and its effect was obvious to all in this disaster.

Those who drink bio-drinks for a long time spend two to three times longer fighting against the disease than ordinary people. Although they will die in the end, the meaning is different. The Bida factory, which has been shut down for several months, is fully operational again. Originally, there were doubts about Bida. The governments of various countries have also specially set up green lights.

According to statistics, by the end of the year, Bida's consumer population will reach 3 billion, with an average monthly consumption of about US$150, and the annual revenue of the world will reach US$5.4 trillion. It was dismantled to pieces, and the consortium was decentralized.

  The terrorist wealth of the Texas consortium is beyond doubt.

But there are still some things provoking them. The once stagnant world economy returned to normal in early April, and the Texas consortium also resumed operations in April. By June, financial crises broke out in Europe one after another, and there were signs of currency depreciation—someone took advantage of the chaos to short European economy!

   This is what the consortium does not want to see, and it is also what they are most worried about during the outbreak. The disaster stalled their plans, and made many people see the flaws. Then, some people took advantage of the weakening of European countries to reduce their bond holdings and short the euro at the same time.

  European governments collectively condemn the insidious behavior of foreign hedge funds, saying that they are making "disaster fortunes" and will make Europe face a worse situation. The Texas consortium is also not happy. Part of their plan collapsed, and they lost hundreds of billions of dollars, making speculators hate it.

   The consortium can only use their wealth to fix the plan and prepare to fight back.

  After the capitalists have finished fighting against disasters, now it is their turn to fight against humans... I am afraid it is the inferiority of human beings.

  An Feng didn't care about it, and provided financial support. Anyway, if he doesn't play, others will. The disaster is over and it's time to return to the original normal life. In addition, the two people who have made great contributions to the disaster relief also have a mountain of things to deal with and deal with.

First of all, the media all over the world want to interview the legendary couple An Feng and Joanna. They are very curious about what it feels like to save mankind, and whether there is any difference between the heroes on the movie screen and in reality...An Feng refused all of them. It's better to do more to pat stars when you have nothing to do.

  The second is some serious content, which will be preserved as history for future generations to refer to, such as the difficult process of vaccine development. The expert group really can't stand it in this regard, because the main content happened to him. After An Feng communicated with them, the media got a standard answer.

The research and development process is naturally the efforts of many people, and then the experts were unfortunately infected. Among them was An Feng. perfect antibody.

In this statement, An Feng's contribution is still great, but his special physique will not be highlighted too much. In addition, after he was infected, Hal did inject him with hundreds of medicines. Others don't know. specific. After An Feng explained, they also thought it was a vaccine.

   There are also some honors, such as the undisputed Nobel Prize for the antibody research and development team, and An Feng is also included. In addition, Joanna planned to win the Nobel Peace Prize, but she refused. She believes that the cause of peace is all those who believed in her and supported her in this disaster.

  As soon as this remark came out, it was naturally explosive. Joanna's Twitter followers had exceeded 100 million, becoming the first user to exceed 100 million, and it was increasing every minute. After people return to normal life, they all thank this spiritual leader who has always given them faith and support.

   This also led to this year's Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to all mankind.

In the end, the governments of various countries also sent thanks speeches one after another, especially after the visit to the medical research and development team, everyone finally understood the hardships inside. The hero An Feng once hovered on the verge of death, and exchanged his life for countless people. precious future of the species.

  Great is not enough to describe him.

An Feng tried his best not to make himself high-profile, but now he has become the most high-profile and famous person in the world. Everyone knows him on the street, and those who don't know him will wonder if this yellow man is the legendary Bruce. Ann, it also caused overseas Chinese to be constantly praised for being good.

Only the person involved knows that he is so great. He just wanted to let his family have a better living space. He was accidentally infected with the virus. He is not willing to do it again... Now he can’t go out, so he can only stay at home and lie down Blow the sea breeze.

An Feng is unwilling to accept praise, he just wants to be a hero in peace, when walking on the street, everyone will treat him as an ordinary person, just pass by, make eye contact, and say hello in heart... But The fact is impossible, his image is remembered by countless people.

  The only thing that comforts him is that the relationship between his friends and him is as usual.

   He didn’t turn into a salivating attitude because he is a superhero and a savior. What he was before is what he is now. The phone rang a few times, picked it up, and a familiar voice came: "Hi, I heard you're getting moldy at home?"

   "Stop showing off in front of me!" An Feng said.

   "I know it's hard to be a hero!" Wang Le said with a smile, "Our yacht is heading south and is going to pass by your house. Do you want to come up and play?"

   "Okay." An Feng couldn't wish for it.

  A yacht goes south, Wang Le drives a motorboat, An Feng climbs on the motorboat, and turns to the yacht. Get on the boat and walk around the area, drink some drinks, bask in the sun, and talk to Wang Le about domestic affairs by the way. The post-disaster order in China has been restored quickly, and the demand for bio-drinks has skyrocketed.

  For An Feng, it means surviving a catastrophe, and the future will come.

He is satisfied with most of the things, the only thing is that "fighting with people" has become hot again. In addition to the European economic struggle, the bill drafted by the U.S. Congress continues to be discussed. It is necessary to recover some capital from the enterprise.

The amount of overseas tax avoidance is too huge. For the United States, which is short of money, it is undoubtedly a considerable financial subsidy, and as the United States, which has caused great disasters in the disaster, the mutated virus emerged under their vigorous insistence—although there is no If they do it, the virus will mutate sooner or later.

   But who cares? Now the feelings of Europeans towards the United States are very delicate. Even the domestic people are immersed in the grief of losing 20 million compatriots. Not to mention the current president, even the government is jointly and severally responsible. At this time, an outstanding political performance may make up for many crimes.

  Therefore, the U.S. government has targeted big companies. If you mess with big companies, you will die. If you mess with people all over the world, you will die. It is better to pick an easy one.

  In short, it is necessary to divert the public's discussion on the attribution of responsibility and try to downplay it.

  The United States needs big events that can attract the public—just as Congress has now passed a bill that will conduct surprise inspections of the offshore financial behavior of multinational companies. In addition, there is also a draft for the establishment of offshore accounts for Americans holding shares in offshore companies.

  As the hero who brought mankind back from hell, An Feng is very unhappy now.

  (end of this chapter)

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