MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 427 Bad news again and again [Third watch]

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  Chapter 427 Bad news keeps coming 【Third watch】

   After Joanna's post was released, it attracted attention, and people couldn't help asking what happened to her?

In the past, every comment she made to the public was positive and sunny. Of course, she was suspected of being written in advance, but after all, she had clear instructions and played a leading role with confidence, but now she has some parting sentences. Under what circumstances did it happen?

  The crowd was discussing a lot, and Joanna, as the "Whistleblower God", has attracted much attention for her words and deeds.

  Being the focus of attention, Joanna only had a moment to grieve, because An Feng gave her a very important task. When he was not in the United States, she had to shoulder the responsibility of his wife. If necessary, relatives and friends around will also be protected and moved to a safer place.

  Currently, she has bodyguards and 20 robots with bionic skin. She doesn't know much about how strong the robots are, but An Feng guarantees that as long as they don't completely destroy them, orders will be carried out to the end, which is ten times more reliable than humans. So she and Eve had a little talk about it.

  Eve has been allowed by An Feng to access Hal's database, and within a few seconds, she understood the whole process from ten years ago to the present, including the doomsday prophecy. When Joanna asked, she told her selectively, mainly because of the hazards of the virus, robot bases around the world, etc.

   It took Joanna a while to digest the contents.

She doesn't have time to ask why now—although she is full of doubts and countless whys, what she can do now is to gather family and friends, inform them to prepare for a trip in the near future, and continue to bring optimism to her. give them.

My friends are relatively calm about this matter, because Anfeng’s notification is timely, they are always paying attention, and they have taken precautions. Those who have enough food at home for more than a year, almost never go out...Although the government has repeatedly stated that social order It's still calm, but there's no guarantee it'll get worse.

  This time Joanna informed them to prepare, and they cooperated very well.

  Only Matthew, who knew some facts, asked, "Is the situation out of control?"

  Joanna did not hide: "We are working hard now, but we have to prepare for the worst. In case of deterioration, protecting the future is the most important thing."

  Matthew said: "If there is a place that can help, I am willing to do my part."

   "I will." Joanna nodded.


  Joanna continues to guide the public to understand the virus, learn about the progress of the work from the Medical Association, and let the spokesperson do the work of official reports. This job seems simple, but it has a soothing effect on the nervousness of countless people, because the number of people who may be infected has reached 30 million.

  Anfeng's Boeing plane successfully landed in London.

London has sent police and convoy escorts. The US government has notified that top experts in the medical field will arrive one after another in the near future. Except for checking whether they are carrying SFV virus, everything else will be released unconditionally, so their entry very simple.

   After scanning correctly with the detection instrument, get in the car, the police car clears the way, and leave the airport through the inspection-free passage.

  The bustling streets of London on weekdays, the bustling tourists have disappeared, and there are only a few cars passing by on the road. This winter is particularly bleak, and a large number of shops on the street are closed. Christmas is approaching, but there is no joy of the festival. Passers-by stopped as the convoy passed by.

  Finally, the convoy stopped at the main entrance of Elizabeth Medical College.

   Surrounded by police officers with live ammunition and wearing gas masks patrolling the surrounding area, An Feng does not recommend this approach, as it will make the public even more nervous. But he didn't come for this matter. The people who got off the car and came to greet him walked into the building, and the reporter in the lobby on the first floor held up the microphone and camera.

The mouth is full of the latest research results on virus vaccines. After all, the world's top experts have gathered here. Like An Feng, who was escorted in this time, he is undoubtedly a professional. They want to get more specific information. Or shoot some news footage.

  An Feng's assistant kept the reporter out, and he quickly walked into the elevator.

  The relevant person in charge blocked the elevator door and told the public media: "We will inform you of the relevant progress in the form of a press conference. Please wait patiently."

  Upstairs, the elevator doors open, and they do another check.

  The experts who heard the news came to greet them. Mike Case walked in front and shook hands with An Feng with joy on his face: "You are very welcome, Mr. An!"

   There were official reporters around to film this scene.

  In the subsequent official release, this short video was sent out, plus questions from reporters were answered. The most curious thing among them was who is this yellow man? Was he the husband of Baroness Joanna? These two questions are the most frequent. Although An Feng is not high-profile, everyone knows him.

Ms. Roberts, the press officer, gave an affirmative answer: "Mr. Bruce Ann is our specially invited expert. Husband of Baroness Anna."

  The reporters were boiling, and almost none of them knew that An Feng still had the status of a "medical expert".

  The official answer is very simple, without much to say. Afterwards, in the news all over the world, there was a big news about the medical association joining professionals again and being the husband of the Baroness. In the video, a group of old men who won the Nobel Prize excitedly shook hands with An Feng, as if they had seen hope.

  After thinking about it, people suddenly understood the sad news from the Baroness.

  Suddenly, they were in awe!

  Because contact with SFV is not absolutely safe, due to operational negligence and underestimation of the power of the virus, many medical personnel in other countries have been recruited, and they can only face the coming of death obediently. The risk factor of this job is very high, and those who have the courage to participate will be heroes.

   There is no doubt that both Joanna and her husband are.


An Feng didn't care how the outside world would expose him, and he didn't rest after he arrived. The robot assistant beside him, that is, the materialized Hal, was his assistant, and these experts were also his assistants. An Feng took the time to hold a meeting to discuss the epidemic. The progress and difficulties encountered in the development of vaccines.

  He took over R&D and started assigning tasks.

  Everyone obeys him unconditionally. The outside world may not understand, but the inside only admires him.

  After their discussion, they put on heavy protective clothing, contacted the virus and patients, and continuously took samples for testing. The day was divided into three sections, eight hours of rest, and the other two sections were used for work. This group of people is rotated to ensure that there are people working 24 hours a day.

   Time passed day by day, and society became more restless.

  The number of infected people reported by the World Health Organization exceeded 20 million, and Hal predicted that the number of infected people would reach 100 million.

  According to the new trend, human beings can survive until next autumn.

After An Feng obtained the data of the virus's imperfect antibody, he began to ask Hal to use a quantum computer to analyze. According to the simplest and only foolish method at present-use the constructed combination equation to calculate various possible probabilities. The equation is very complicated and written on A4 paper There are at least a dozen pages.

  But for a quantum computer running at full speed, it is only a matter of a second.

  Hal calculated items one by one, selected those that met, and excluded those that did not meet... Finally, he got a result that took thirty years to test item by item.

  An Feng shook his head: "We don't have 30 years. Eliminate secondary conditions and re-screen inside."

  Hal continued to investigate and finally got ten years of data.

   Still not good, human beings are only optimistic for one year.

   "Find a way to compress it to two years." An Feng said that in this regard, the number of people who can be tested can be increased. One hundred people will take two years, and two hundred people may be enough for one year.

   But things often don’t work out that way, because it takes top-notch brains — almost all of which are here at the moment.

  Hal finally tried his best to compress it, and it would take three years at the fastest.

  The method won’t work, although he knows that the result is likely to be inside... An Feng then adopted a random method and asked the expert group to start hands-on testing.

   This can only look forward to the blessing of the **** of luck.

After 12 hours of work, An Feng returned to the room on the upper floor to rest, lay on the bed and had a video chat with his family for a while, talking about the work here. An Feng showed the most optimistic attitude and told them the progress of the matter All the best, the virus vaccine will be available soon.

  After the chat, I was very thirsty. There was only food in the refrigerator, which was dry, and I drank all the mineral water. I was too lazy to bother others at night, so I took a cup to the water purifier to collect water. The specially filtered and disinfected water tastes weird. Although the SFV virus cannot be transmitted through the water source, it must be prevented.

   After drinking, he lay down in bed and rested overnight.

  The next day he woke up a little later than usual. He was very accurate in controlling the time, but he was late today.

   Rubbing his temples, maybe he is too tired from frequent work recently. He went to wash up, and after a simple breakfast, he went downstairs to the protected virus research office, walked out of the elevator, passed the virus detector, and the "Dididi" alarm sounded, and An Feng and the surrounding staff all I was taken aback.

  The response of the staff is: "The machine is broken?"

   "No!" An Feng had a horrifying thought, "Leave! Stay away from me!"

  They also reacted instantly, stepped back immediately, put on gas masks, and reported the situation here at the same time.

  An Feng took a few steps back and stared at the detection machine in disbelief.

  Case and other experts came, but they were also stunned. An Feng leaned against the wall and thought in distress, then suddenly raised his head: "Let people stop drinking tap water immediately!"

  Case nodded, and told the assistant beside him: "The tap water has been infected, please stop using it immediately!"

  An Feng was taken to a special ward surrounded by experts in protective clothing. He sat on the edge of the bed and thought: "SFV cannot be transmitted through water sources."

  Hal said: "It should be a secondary mutation."

   "It can only be like this." An Feng nodded, and the nurse beside him took some of his blood and sent it for examination.

   One hour later, the result is confirmed: secondary variation.

  Case brought the report: "Viruses are beginning to infect water resources, but the good news is that they cannot exist in water temperatures higher than 70 degrees Celsius."

  An Feng looked up at Hal: "Inform them, don't drink any tap water, even disinfected ones, use the backup water source at home!"

  Hal nodded, and the information was transmitted to California at the same time.

  An Feng continued: "Re-examine the people in the entire building to find out all infected people."

  The work was done immediately, and 22 infected people were finally detected, four of whom were professionals in the medical field, including An Feng, who was five.

   Case asked: "Do you want to notify the government?"

  An Feng did not hesitate: "Hurry up! Even if it causes panic, this transmission route must be blocked, otherwise all human beings will be doomed!"

   Case immediately ordered someone to do it.

  In the end, everyone sat around An Feng, looking weird, somewhat desperate, the strongest experts were infected, who can save them?

An Feng sighed, and said solemnly: "From now on, as the subject of human experimentation, I will dictate all the symptoms of the virus. You are responsible for recording, and Hal, you are responsible for extracting possible antibodies in my body. I will try my best to get more for you. Time, I hope you will succeed!"


  PS: I just want to say that the author does not write tragedies, so wait for the follow-up.

  (end of this chapter)

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