MTL - Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant-Chapter 421 plan to start

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  Chapter 421 plan begins

  After Halloween, the year is almost over.

  An Feng is the same as before, every time he gets a headache, according to the personal financial report submitted by the think tank, the problem of taxation is bothering him. Coupled with the US government's possible policy on offshore finance, it also means that his property will be exposed to the world.

  The current serious issue is taxation. In the past November and February, he usually spent money and donations.

  Luxury cruise ships are built in this way. The consortium's plan for this year has not yet been established and implemented. According to Matthew, it will be soon. But he has to make some other plans. Donating money is undoubtedly the fastest way, but the donation deduction is not directly using the tax to deduct the donation amount, but to deduct the taxable income, and he also loses.

In addition to donations, it is business investment. When Anderson was in power, he passed a bill that was beneficial to the super rich. It probably said that all listed companies investing in the United States, which usually promote society or green environmental protection, can enjoy higher benefits. Amount of tax deduction.

   Qualified investments can deduct a higher amount of personal tax. This is also the reason why An Feng spent more than 5 billion yuan to fully control Xingkong Exploration Company. Private aerospace companies are eligible, and investment can reduce taxable income. That year, his personal tax was only 3 million, which was the best time.

In December, Joanna continued to donate one billion US dollars to the Elizabeth Foundation. The capital of the foundation expanded to 18 billion US dollars, of which 12 billion was donated, and the rest was the profit from business investment. Partial tax exemption, envious of companies that pay income tax.

Regular newspapers will also mention this matter. According to the regulations of the United States for non-profit foundations, 5% of their total assets must be donated each year, which is 900 million US dollars, for charity. In fact, the expenditure of foundations is higher than this minimum standard. Much higher, last year there was 1.5 billion expenditures.

  Every time a donation is made, there is no lack of praise from all walks of life. One billion is indeed a lot, even 100 million is worth reporting. But how the outside world has no influence on them. Joanna has a very indifferent attitude towards fame and fortune. Donating this money is not as important as her concern for her children's holiday plan.

An Feng also doesn't care about fame, he just treats it as a routine link in his life. Anyway, he has experienced it a few years before he became famous. It is estimated that the people in the society are like him, a little numb. If Joanna no longer Donations may attract more attention than generous donations.


  When Christmas is coming, An Feng is busy.

  He had to put down some leisure plans with his wife and children, and flew back and forth between Europe and America by plane.

  The reason is that the time for the consortium to implement the plan is right, and how to cut in is not decided by them, but by the law of the market. Recently, at the end of the year, when the economy is counted for a year, many people in the economic circle are optimistic about the US economy this year, and believe that the dollar will rise slightly.

   It was at this time that the consortium decided to take action, and any meetings and discussions were conducted in the most primitive way—face-to-face conversation. There are hardly any related words mentioned in the communication, and the location of the date is also uncertain. An Feng has already traveled to England, France and Italy.

   It felt like a spy joint, and An Feng cooperated tirelessly. Although it is a financial investment, if it is premeditated to short an economy at a specific price, it will be investigated and prosecuted. In the past, when multiple hedge funds in the United States jointly shorted the euro, the Federal Reserve and the US Department of Justice both intervened in the investigation.

  This time, the means are more direct and the amount is larger. As the people behind the scenes, they must disassociate themselves.

   Furthermore, Anfeng has a lot of private funds that are too large, and he needs to transfer them in person. Anfeng has three Swiss bank accounts, each of which exceeds 10 billion, and seven company accounts. It is difficult to transfer money with one phone call. You have to notify in advance, make an appointment to meet, and then the account manager will confirm and implement the operation.

   What An Feng frequently does is express his opinion and transfer money.

  The consortium has prepared funds equivalent to 800 billion U.S. dollars, ready to stir up this muddy water, and through the influence of other commodity economic fields, three-dimensionally affect the entire situation. The economies of Europe and the United States look good, but Europe has not yet shaken off the impact of European debt, and the United States, to be honest, the Great Depression of the last century has not disappeared. It only uses hegemony and world currency to maintain prosperity and let the people of the world pay for it.

  U.S. capitalists in turn short the U.S. economy, which is relatively rare and risky.

Including An Feng, they all know how serious the consequences of failure are, but if they don't do it, it's even more inappropriate to accumulate so much money with the ups and downs of the international market, or be threatened by new policies. It's a golden opportunity to make a fortune.


   After ten days of continuous running, An Feng finally settled down a few days before Christmas. An Feng returned to California and decided to spend this Christmas in a vineyard.

  There are many relatives and friends here, and it is more lively. They go together to cut the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

  Alice hugged her thigh as usual: "Daddy, I'm going too!"

   "Didn't I tell you not to let you go?" An Feng said, putting on a hat for her, "It's a bit cold outside, put on the hat before going out."

   "Grandpa Santa's red hat." Alice straightened the hat and turned around in front of him, "Is Daddy pretty?"

   "Wow! Where did the pretty girl come from?" An Feng said with a smile. Alice, like her mother, was very happy and satisfied to hear these compliments.

  An Feng's brother-in-law came at this time: "Do you need my help?"

   "No need, use a chainsaw to saw two small pine trees, and I have an appointment, no problem." An Feng said, "Alice, let's go."

  Alice followed her father who was carrying the saw.

  An Feng drove out the pickup, and Alice brought a little black dog she just met at home. The car came down the mountain and met Henry who was driving a pickup truck at an intersection. An Feng honked the horn, rolled down the window and greeted him: "Hi, Henry! Let's go!"

   "OK! I'll lead the way!" Henry started the car and walked ahead.

Henry was also the first group of friends that An Feng met. He was a young boy who hadn't graduated from high school, and he pestered him to learn Kung Fu. He was the first to call him the English name of "Bruce", which led to other people. Feng got used to it and simply used it as the English name of the passport.

  Time flies, Henry is not young now, he is eight years younger than An Feng, he should be thirty-one this year, married two years ago, and has a child. An Feng had attended their wedding, but this guy's personality was still active, and there was a cake fight at the wedding banquet.

   Drive to the nearby pine forest, and look for trees near the car.

   "That's them!" Henry patted the pine tree, "Alice back off, let your Uncle Henry deal with it!"

   "Okay." Wearing little red boots, Alice ran behind a big pine tree, revealing a small head.

  An Feng smiled: "This is a tree, not a bear. There is no need to run so far."

  Henry started the chainsaw, Alice covered her ears, An Feng watched from the side, and he skillfully sawed off a conical pine tree.

  Follow Henry and continue to saw the second one, without An Feng doing the whole process, just providing the chainsaw.

   "It's done!" Henry put down the chainsaw, clapped his hands, and lit a cigarette for himself.

  Alice ran over and looked at the two pine trees on the ground: "Uncle Henry is amazing."

   "Of course, I have learned Kung Fu." Henry said proudly.

  An Feng couldn't figure out what this had to do with kung fu, wasn't it thanks to the chainsaw? "

   "Father, I also want to learn Kung Fu." Alice looked at him.

   "You just learned what you learned yesterday afternoon." An Feng said, "Alice, choose a Christmas tree."

   "I want this." She pointed to one of them.

   "Okay, let's choose it." An Feng put on his gloves and bent down to grab the pine tree. Henry picked up the rest, and the two returned the same way, talking about the Christmas party by the way. Usually, the more people there are, the more interesting it is. Henry also intends to participate, and everyone is going to have a lot of fun.

   "Let's go, Kiki!" Alice said to the little black dog, following her father and uncle.


  After coming back, it was to decorate the Christmas tree. An Feng had no idea, but Xiaoyu and Alice were full of plans, and they took over the work.

   Others are responsible for thinking about what to eat for Christmas and what activities to do after the meal.

  An Feng has nothing to do, he sits and plays with his mobile phone and reads the news. Recently, he pays more attention to economic news, because things may be the same as the last cold in the United States. The impact may not be as wide, but it cannot be ignored. The Internet is currently singing about the US economy.

On the other side of the ocean, the United Kingdom and France have recently reduced their gold reserves, and then someone bought them quietly. An Feng checked the previous records. It seems that they are not the only ones who are interested in the overall situation, but other behind-the-scenes people are also Let's start, the difference is that their attitude is the opposite of that of the Texas consortium.

  An Feng and his group think that the dollar is unstable, the euro and gold must rise, and the other side is the opposite.

   But the difference is that the consortium will not be led by the nose of economic laws, their hundreds of billions of funds are used to disrupt the situation and confuse the eye. Ordinary investment groups are "gambling", but this super consortium relies on its own funds and means. The former is gambling, and the latter is fighting for brains and wealth.

   Having other participants join the game will undoubtedly make the situation more exciting.

But just like the calm before the storm, it is estimated that for a period of time, the US dollar will continue to prosper, and gold will continue to sell unbearably, and the crisis in Europe will be magnified again... until the return is maximized, and a key reversal breaks out. It will be a good time to harvest.


   While An Feng was staring at the phone in a daze, Fred's voice sounded beside him.

  Fred climbed on the sofa and looked at him. An Feng put down his phone and hugged his youngest son on his lap: "Mom and aunt went shopping, and I won't be back until later."

   "Yeah." He nodded.

   "How about playing a guessing game with you, Dad?" An Feng said.

  Fred said: "Dad, I want to hang socks by the bed, and my sister said that Santa Claus will have presents."

   Fred, who is almost two years old, has already expressed his words very clearly. An Feng nodded: "Okay, I will help Fred hang socks by the bed at night, waiting for gifts."

   "Thank you, Dad." He said happily.

   "What gift do you want?" An Feng asked.

   "Jigsaw puzzles," Fred said. He seemed to like these toys that tested logic and intelligence.

   "The little socks can't fit." An Feng said, Fred was disappointed, he continued with a smile: "It's okay, let's use mother's silk=socks to fill it."

  (end of this chapter)