MTL - Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress-Chapter 6798 Trip to South Africa (40)

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"I heard that a monster hunter who doesn't have long eyes attacked here recently?"

He speaks English. He is a mixed blood demon from Jian Country and Africa. He was born in Jian Country. He only fled to Africa two hundred years ago after he killed a powerful demon hunter in Jian Country.

After he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly fell on a demon who bowed his head to the ground.

This is also the only demon general inside the pyramid.

Xi Jiuye is quite talented in conducting.

He led two groups of people, using the people of Group F as cannon fodder, attacked all the way in, and killed most of the demon generals in the pyramid.

In the pyramid, there were not many monster generals sent by the Black Mountain Fox King, and only one was killed by sniping.

"Damn the subordinates, but we also repelled the opponent and killed several of them. This is one of them."

Saying that, the banshee pointed to a corpse not far away.

"Is that the corpse of the monster hunter who came to sneak attack?"

The Black Mountain Fox King stepped forward and turned the corpse lying on the ground over.

There was a flash of anger in his eyes.

One foot is about to step on the opponent's head.

In the dark, Xin Lin was taken aback.

Because the corpse of the Hua countryman lying on the ground was Lin Yue.

Just half a quarter of an hour ago, Ye Lingyue asked Xin Lin to hide by her side.

She has other ideas.

Xin Lin was still muttering in his heart, in this situation, what else can Ling Yue do.

But she soon saw Ling Yue's actions.

Change soul.

It was the first time Ye Lingyue used the legendary Lin family's skills in front of Xin Lin.

She found the only monster general in the pyramid, who was still asleep at the time, and when the other party relaxed his vigilance, Ye Lingyue took control of her body smoothly.

The monster general in front of him is Ling Yue.

"My lord, her body must be kept. This subordinate wants to find out who this person is. This subordinate must avenge the other brothers."

Ye Lingyue hurriedly said.

The Black Mountain Fox King stopped his feet.

"That's right, if you dare to go wild in the territory of my Black Mountain Fox King, after I come out from the ancient miracle, I will definitely make their lives worse than death."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to signal Ye Lingyue to lead the way.

"Earlier, you reported that the ancient miracle will be opened soon, how is the situation?"

The Black Mountain Fox King has people monitoring the ancient miracles all the time, just to wait until the ancient miracles are opened.

A-level ancient miracles, although not as rare as S-level, are rare.

Grade A means that there is likely to be a chaotic shard in it. If he can absorb a piece of chaotic shard, his status in the dark alliance will skyrocket, and his demon power will also increase greatly.

Climbing down the stairs, Xin Lin also took the opportunity to follow.

There are not many monsters who can get into the basement, only eight or nine monster generals brought by the Black Mountain Fox King, Ye Lingyue, and the Black Mountain Fox King himself.

The other demon soldiers all stayed inside the pyramid or guarded outside.

Wellguchi was already shining brightly.

The teleportation array is clearly visible.

"It's really turned on."

The Black Mountain Fox King had a happy expression on his face.

He strode forward, his eyeballs rolled slightly, but they didn't enter.

"You, go in first."

As he spoke, he pointed to Ye Lingyue.

Ancient miracles have always been mysterious in the southern African continent. Few people can successfully enter and exit.

Even the Black Mountain Fox King had to be cautious.

Xin Lin secretly broke into a cold sweat for Ling Yue.

Ye Lingyue walked to the mouth of the well with a "nervous" face, and walked into the teleportation array.

Soon, Ye Lingyue's figure disappeared.

Seeing that his subordinates entered the teleportation formation without incident, the Black Mountain Fox King's expression eased slightly.

"Let's go in together."

He and the group of monsters entered the teleportation array one by one.

Xin Lin was the last one.

Outside the pyramid, Chu Chu and Xi Jiuye also paid attention to the movement there.

"It seems that Xin Lin and the others have not been discovered?"

Xi Jiuye only saw those monster soldiers patrolling inside and outside.

Unlike the night before, they did not go out for food and seemed to be under martial law.

"It's been half an hour."

Chu Chu frowned.

According to the information she collected earlier, the Black Mountain Fox King rarely stayed in the pyramid for so long.

She pondered for a moment, took out the communicator, and sent a message.

A minute later, there was a beep on her communicator.

When Chu Chu took a closer look, her face changed.

"Damn, fell for it."

Hearing the words, Xi Jiuye looked at Chuchu.

"There are ancient miracles in the pyramid, not clues to the ancient miracles. The reason why the Black Mountain Fox King came tonight is because the ancient miracles were opened. He just entered the ancient miracles with his men and horses."

Chu Chu was very annoyed.

She is on the side of the Black Mountain Fox King, so she obviously has her own eyeliner.

The eyeliner didn't dare to contact him earlier, only after the Black Mountain Fox King entered the ancient miracle did he dare to contact him.

"Then what are we waiting for, we have to go in immediately."

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to encounter ancient miracles.

"And enter the ancient miracle?"

Chu Chu was still a little hesitant.

Although her strength has improved, she may not be able to win the Black Mountain Fox King.

"Let's wait and see. If we don't enter directly, we will guard the entrance of the ancient miracle. Wait until the Black Mountain Fox King comes out, and then take the opportunity to take action. Your subordinates will be able to deal with those demon soldiers."

The Yaoyun that Xi Jiuye encountered earlier was a derivative of the ancient miracle.

It can be seen that the ancient miracles must be very dangerous. If the Black Mountain Fox King can come out, he must be exhausted. At that time, it is the best time to act.

"You want to help me? I'm a monster, so you're not afraid of losing your future?"

Chu Chu glanced at Xi Jiuye. So far, she has not been able to completely trust Xi Jiuye. The harm Xi Xijiuye gave her was too deep.

"Chuchu, I was sorry for you in the past and caused you to lose a lot. But now I am also a demon, and I have the same thoughts as you. As long as I can become strong and have a place for the demon to gain a foothold, I am willing to stay. Ancient God Everything found in the trail belongs to you. My request is only the demon pill of the Black Mountain Fox King. When he comes out, we will join hands and we will be able to kill him."

Xi Jiuye said affectionately.

Chu Chu still had some disbelief in her heart, but she really couldn't deal with the Black Mountain Fox King.

She also didn't want to share this discovery with Lan Cang.

"Alright, I'll cooperate with you. However, what are you going to do with your Hua Guo companions? My eyeliner told me that after the Fox King went in, he didn't find any traces of the monster hunter."

"Xin Lin knows how to hide, so she must have been hiding. As for Lin Yue, she is average in strength and may have been killed."

Xi Jiuye regretted.

Xin Lin alone, how could he be the opponent of the Fox King.

Xi Jiuye didn't pay attention to Xin Lin at all.

After the two negotiated, Chu Chu sent out a signal, and after a while, a large number of bat demons rushed into the pyramid.

At this time, Ye Lingyue had just stepped into Nina's ancient miracle.