MTL - Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress-Chapter 6783 Trip to South Africa (25)

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On the outskirts of the village, Ye Lingyue and Xin Lin also just arrived.

In order not to be discovered, Xin Lin enveloped the aura of the two of them with the spirit of darkness, so that neither people nor demons in the distance would notice them.

"It's a demon."

Xin Lin saw those weird "birds" with glowing eyes.

The location of Camp No. 7 was really too remote. Apart from piranhas and night owls, it was almost impossible for any monsters to appear, especially with such a large group of monsters. No wonder Xin Lin was excited.

"Looks like a bat."

Ye Lingyue whispered.

The goblin landed on a house.

Most of the small villages in Africa are of brick and tile structure, which is very simple.

The local climate is hot. At night, in order to cool off, most of the villagers' windows are open, and the bat demon can easily get in.

In the hut, a family of five slept on the ground.

The villagers living in such a remote village are very poor.

Not to mention bedding, even food is in daily shortage.

They didn't even have the money to move to other cities and countries to make a living. Two adults took three children with them. A bat saw the sleeping children and jumped on the neck of one of the children.

The sharp teeth bit down on the child's blood vessels.

The severe pain caused the child to twitch and let out a short cry.

Everyone else in the room was startled awake.

The tranquility of the night was suddenly broken.

There is the cry of a woman.

Shouted in the local dialect, monsters.

"The demon attacked people."

When the members of group A heard this, they were about to make a move, but they were stopped by Xi Jiuye's eyes.

"Don't do it yet."

Xi Jiuye made a silent gesture.

"But the team leader, those monsters will kill the villagers."

The villagers here are ordinary people, and they have no power to fight back against the monster.

"These are ordinary bat demons. If you kill them, you may not even get a demon pill."

Because of Chu Chu, Xi Jiuye still knew the bat demon well.

This kind of monster who only knows how to **** blood and can't even change form is the lowest level of bat monster. Killing them is useless and will only waste their physical strength.

"But, do you want to die like this?"

The team members were a little unbearable.

"Now is not the time to be kind to women. Bat demons live in groups. They come together in groups and attack together. They are very disciplined, as if someone is manipulating them. Behind them, there must be more powerful demons, possibly demon generals, or even It is a higher-level demon. The other party must still be in the dark, and it will definitely appear in a short time."

Xi Jiuye said firmly.

Since he's here, what he wants is a big fish, not some little monsters who don't even have demon pills.

When the members of Group A heard this, they stood still for the time being.

Outside the village, Xin Lin couldn't stand still.

"What's going on? Group A didn't make a move?"

The demonic aura in the village became more and more intense, and there were cries everywhere, but the demon hunter didn't do anything.

"You don't know Xi Jiuye well enough, he doesn't even bother to do anything about these monsters."

Ye Lingyue shook her head.

Although there are quite a few of these bat demons, their demon powers are very average, and they can't even transform into human form.

This kind of monster is at best the lowest level of little monster, not even a monster soldier, and killing them will yield nothing.

For Xi Jiuye, who was determined to obtain the demon pill, there was obviously no need to make a move.

"We went in and I heard the baby crying."

Xin Lin had an angry look on his face.

"Just the two of us, breaking in won't save so many people."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

Although the bat monster is low-level, it is still a monster. A group of people surrounded it, and there were Xi Jiuye and others watching. It was inconvenient for her to make a move.

"Then what to do?"

Xin Lin said anxiously.

"I have an idea, you can try it."

Ye Lingyue said, looking at the empty surroundings.

She asked Xin Lin to wait where she was, and she quickly ran towards the location outside the village.

Xin Lin waited for a while. In the village, the bat demons bit several children one after another.

The villagers were terrified and terrified. They screamed and ran around, trying to drive away the bat demons.

Suddenly, Xi Jiuye, who was hiding in the abandoned house, frowned.

"Monster power."

He felt a powerful demon force.

The leader of this group of bat demons finally came.

Xi Jiuye frowned.

The demon power was silent and enveloped the entire village.

In the village, the bat demons who were madly attacking the villagers were all overwhelmed by this powerful demon power.

They stopped attacking, curled their wings, and let out a frightened squeaking sound.

Xin Lin who was hiding outside the village was also shocked.

"How is this going?"

The bat demons seemed to have received some order, they flapped their wings one after another, and left the village in an orderly manner.


A look of astonishment appeared in Xi Jiuye's eyes.

The leader of the Bat Demon did not appear, but those bats withdrew instead?

"Team leader, what's going on, why are those bat monsters gone?"

The team members also looked puzzled. They waited all night, but they didn't get anything?

"Could it be that the other party found our trail?"

Xi Jiuye was puzzled.

That powerful demonic power is also slowly fading away.

"No, this is no ordinary demon power."

Xi Jiuye suddenly thought of something.

That demonic power gave him a sense of familiarity.

As if, he had encountered the same before.

"Your body has absorbed a part of the power of Chaos demon power..."

Xi Wu's words flashed in an instant, and Xi Jiuye's eyes sank.

That is the power of chaos!

"Chasing, chasing immediately!"

Xi Jiuye's eyes flashed with ecstasy.

Anyone with the power of chaos must be a very powerful monster.

He ran wildly, chasing the direction where the group of bat demons disappeared, and chased after them.

The members of Group A looked inexplicable, but they still ran away with Xi Jiuye.

The east is getting brighter.

Xin Lin watched the people in Group A leave before walking into the village.

In the village, people are still in shock.

In the village, the women were crying, the men looked downcast, and the children were screaming. A few older men, with strange paint on their faces, dragged a few children, mumbling words that Xin Lin could not understand. language.

Several bonfires were burning, and the elders wanted to push the children into the bonfires.

"What are you doing!"

When Xin Lin saw it, he was shocked, stepped forward and kicked away the old man who was closest to the campfire, and snatched the child.

Seeing this, the other elders roared angrily at Xin Lin.

"You want to burn these children?"

Xin Lin had heard about it a long time ago. The African continent is a well-known uncivilized area in the world, and there are many bad customs and customs that are unacceptable.

But seeing it with her own eyes, she was still shocked.

Seeing this, the villagers roared angrily and surrounded Xin Lin.

Annoyed, Xin Lin pulled out the demon spear worn at his waist. Seeing the frightened expressions of the villagers, they quickly backed away.

Xin Lin gestured to the children to follow her, and she quickly evacuated the village with the children.