MTL - Medical Princess-Chapter 1267 Who is your son?

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"Chu Qing, don't you look at yourself high enough to count the prince of the King?" Chu Liuyu retracted his hand, slowly took the papa in the hands of Xiao Xuanzi, his eyes were calm and calm.

"Chu Liuyu, what do you mean?" Chu Qing first gritted his teeth, and the blue tendons on his forehead also violently rose. He stood up, his fists clenched in anger.

He was afraid he couldn't control himself, and gave Chu Liuyu two fists, and Chu Liuyu's sick sister-in-law was in trouble when he was broken by himself.

"Chu Qing, what do you think the king would do if he wanted your life?" Chu Liuxi narrowed his eyes and tickled his lips with sarcasm.

"Do you dare!" Chu Qingqi hated.

"Why didn't I dare? Are you the son of the emperor? Or do you have the emperor's grandmother's attention?" Chu Liuyu ruthlessly hit Chu Qing's self-confidence. Head, you can get everything you want? Uncle Huang may be inconvenient to start, but the king does not matter. Also in the name of the son of the first emperor, the king is the eldest son of the uncle, and you ... the uncle of unknown origin. "

"You nonsense, we are also the emperor's son-in-law, why do you insult me?" Chu Qing was furious.

"The emperor's son-in-law?" Chu Liuzhen's eyes narrowed slightly, which made the bottom of his eyes more and more chilling, showing a sense of killing.

Two guards appeared in front of the door, all in black clothes, looking at Chu Qing's eyes more like looking at the dead.

"You ... what do you want to do?" Chu Qing went back two steps in shock, his face turned pale immediately. He thought that Chu Liuyu was scaring him, but he didn't dare to stand on the top right now. In vain, "Don't mess around with Chu Liuyu. I'm your brother, my younger brother, and the blood of the emperor, such as ... if something goes wrong, the emperor can't face the world."

"Uncle Huang will not be difficult to face the people of the world, he will feel happy, the two of us killed each other and killed you, and the king came out again to commit sin, what's the hard thing? My king's health was not good, so When repaying the kindness of the uncle and the emperor's grandmother for so many years, the uncle and the emperor's grandmother can also take care of my king's concubine for the sake of her death. "

Chu Liuyu smiled, such a smile fell into Chu Qing's eyes, as if crazy.

Chu Qing was scared. He was really scared. He slumped back a bit, backed up behind the chair, took a hard breath, and depressed his heart's consternation. "Brother, we ... talk well, we two This is a brother, how can we kill each other, Father Emperor ... Father Emperor will not let you and me under Jiuquan ... this ... this is a big filial piety. "

"Father Emperor? How long has the emperor passed away? My King has lived long enough, and I haven't planned to live long ago. It so happens that today you came to mess with my King, and you plan to conceal my King's concubine. You're welcome. "Chu Liuyu laughed, stood up and stepped forward.

Chu Qing took a step back and almost fell over in panic: "Brother, don't do this, we are brothers, how can I secretly account for you, it must be wrong."

Chu Qing was crying. He never thought that Chu Liuyu was actually a lunatic. He was really crazy. He just counted the princess once, and he was so crazy. I knew Chu Liuyu would be like this. Concerned about Princess Concubine, he was stupid to stimulate Chu Liuyu.

"If you get it wrong, you may get it wrong. Maybe the uncle and emperor's grandmother looked at the difficulty of raising the king for many years, and finally killing you will be gone." Chu Liu smiled softly.

Chu Qing

He was really scared. He had never been so annoyed by Mo Qiuyi. All these ideas were what he thought. They stirred up Chu Liuyu's madness. At this moment, he doesn't want anything. He just wants to leave early and then No longer come to the palace.

Watching Chu Liuyu carefully, Chu Qing retreated to the door, but he didn't dare to startle Chu Liuyu with great force. "Brother, I was wrong. This is my fault. I will give the **** two slaps when I go back. She dared to conceal the princess, because I didn't discipline her, brother, we have the same blood in our bodies, you won't really deal with me! "

"Blood the same blood? Are you sure?" Chu Liuyu suddenly stopped and glanced at Chu Qing.

This glance seemed to be the gaze of death, and Chu Qing's heart shuddered twice, and the subconscious said: "Brother, His Royal Highness King, I am really your brother ..."

"You aren't!" Chu Liuyu smiled, this time with a grinning smile, "You ask your mother-in-law, who is your son ..."

"Okay ... okay, I'll ask now." Chu Qing now didn't dare to disobey regardless of what Chu Liuyu said, and said everything was right. He retired to the door while answering. Seeing the two guards just looked coldly. With him, they knew that without Chu Liuyu's instructions, they wouldn't do it, and they felt relieved.

Back out of the door, turned around and ran up his robes, and ran down, only to run downstairs before seeing his little cricket standing there, holding on to the big gasp in the pillar, panting, the general feeling of escape from death.

"Master, what are you ... what's wrong with you?" Xiaoxi ran over to help him hurriedly, and asked in a hurry, when his grandfather went upstairs, he was very peaceful, how could he be frightened and his clothes messed up.

It's not like going to see the King of Kings, it's like being robbed.

Chu Qing gasped and looked up. To the last pair of cold eyes, the original beautiful eyes seemed deep and bottomless because of the coldness, as if the two lakes could not see to the bottom. See Chu Qing Looking at him, Chu Liuyu smiled. Such a smile was kind of gentle under the sun.

But such a smile fell into Chu Qing's eyes. He almost scared his legs soft. He pushed Xiaoyao away and ran away, and he dared not stay here again. Kill him.

If Chu Liuyu was actually killed, Chu Qing did not know if the emperor would condemn Chu Liuyu there. Thinking of the emperor and queen mother-in-law's affection for Chu Liuyu, Chu Qing had one kind of death even if he died. I won't feel anything ...

Chu Liuluo lazily leaned on the fence next to the floor, watching Chu Qingcang flee, his smile was expensive and contented, and before that he had disappeared with mad killing in front of Chu Qing.

With a wave of his hand, the two guards stepped back.

Xiaoxuanzi smiled and came over: "Master, the King of Qingjun was terrified."

From this perspective, you can still see Chu Qing desperately running out. The servants in the house saw one by one avoiding one side, and then looked at Chu Qing's rushing back bun. This Qingjun king What happened and how did you get scared like this?

"Where's the princess?" Chu Liuyu asked lazily.

"The princess is making clothes. She said she wants to make a suit for you," Xiao Xuanzi said.

Chu Liuxuan pulled his sleeves, and stretched out his hands to show Xiao Xuanzi: "Many of my clothes have short sleeves, and my king seems to have grown."

After saying this, he got up lazily and went into the study.

Xiaoxuan blinked

After thinking about it for a while, I came to the inside and said, "Prince, the slave went to the concubine to report to the concubine. Let the concubine be assured that she will do a lot of clothes for the concubine."

Where is the prince growing up? I heard that the princess was making clothes and asked to make more sets, but he didn't want to say that he had to worry about this little eunuch, so he had to go to the prince and give him a good treatment.

"Come on!" Chu Liuyu's indifferent voice came from the study.

Xiaoxuanzi secretly enjoyed it. This is how the grandpa looks. It took only a few moments to change several faces, and he ran forward with a leg.

Shao Wanru was indeed making clothes for Chu Liuyu. A set of royal blue clothes had not yet taken shape. After listening to Xiao Xuanzi's report, a smile appeared on her face. Mo Qiuyi had a bad heart and wanted to make Shao Jieer's affairs trouble. She is not bullying here, she was unwilling to confront the mysterious and excessive Mo Qiuyi.

But since you can't avoid it, you can't avoid it.

Mo Qiuyi is not easy to deal with, Princess Yuyan is not a fuel-saving lamp.

"Xiao Xuanzi, I heard Princess Yuyan went to the King's Mansion in Qing County?"

"Yes, I have a good conversation with the two toffees, but the lady from Mofu also went, but the two did not meet." Xiaoxuanzi knew what Shao Wanru asked, although these things were Confidential, but the grandfather said that the princess wanted to know, and she could say it herself.

"Can you make something and let Princess Yuyan go again?" Shao Wanru raised her eyebrows. Mo Qiuyi thought that the Princess of Qing County was too simple, so she found something to do.

Mo Qiuyi seems to be the key to many things, and so is Princess Yuyan, but who can get the best hands first? Some things have to be solved by the two of them. Who can think that the key to some things is not a few princes, but On these two women who look less eye-catching.

"The slave knows." Xiaoxuanzi smiled and nodded, secretly waxing the Qing County King's Mansion, how could his grandfather and princess offend so easily ...

Chu Qing almost fled. When she returned to the King's Mansion in Qing County, she entered the inner court angrily. The concubine and Mo Qiuyi were still waiting for his good news. After seeing him in, Mo Qiuyi left first. Come in and greet him, Jiao chanted: "The king is back, what's wrong? Did the king say something?"

To Mo Qiuyi, this matter is really not a big deal.

"It's all a good thing you did!" Chu Qing was angry and ashamed, exasperated, and saw that Mo Qiuyi was even out of breath, and then ran out of the palace, and his servants looked at him like An idiot, remembering that he almost died in Chu Liuyu's hands, where there is usually a good temper, push his hands out fiercely!

Mo Qiuyi was slammed into the door frame. Her sore hands covered her head, and she could hardly even speak. She looked pale and almost fainted.

"What's the matter, can't speak well." The mother-in-law's face sank. It was one thing that she didn't like Mo Qiuyi from the heart. It was another thing that Chu Qing pushed Mo Qiuyi in front of her. Mo Qiu The power behind Yi, the princess, wanted it, and would he let him do it.

Like it or not, you have to keep it in your heart.

"Mother-in-law, it's all good things she did, and the king almost couldn't come back!" Chu Qing also reacted at this time, and didn't go forward to push Mo Qiuyi, only angrily pointed at Mo Qiuyi. Chant, "Mother-in-law knows it's all because of her!"