MTL - Medical Master-v9 Chapter 555 I want to cross this world!

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(Xiaobu's new book has been issued: "I am only 2,500 years old" Introduction: The 2,500-year-old Su Ye lived to the day when he was 22 years old and traversed back to ancient times. When another one traversed himself, he regained his college The identity of a student has officially opened his own high-light life. Qinqi is a master of painting, calligraphy and painting, all of which are fine, civil and military, and all know. "I just want to live a hundred years, do n’t mess with me, mess with me, I ’ll give you all Go back! "Welcome everyone to come and play ~)

"Pappa ..."

The fierce collision sounds from the islands in all directions rendered the extremely quiet Arctic extremely noisy and lively.

The central island of the Arctic is a very wide and flat island that looks like a round square.

at this time.

Lord Nirvana stands in the very center of this island.

And here, it was the place where Bi Nirvana was so big that the main formation helped him **** the air of heaven and earth.

"Ji ..."

Seeing the nameless who is chasing after him, Lord Nirvana knows that he has no way to escape. Nameless has really taken that step, and has returned to the realm to reach the field that he has not yet touched.

The previous two collisions are enough to prove that the unknown power is much stronger than him.

The two are no longer at the same level.

With his current strength without name, no matter where he runs, he will surely be caught by nameless.

Anonymity is absolutely impossible to let him go.

and so.

He stopped.

"Over a hundred years, a full fate of over a hundred years!"

Staring at Fangqiu, Lord Nirvana laughed.

"Everything is over."

Fang Qiu looked at Lord Nirvana with a blank expression.


Lord Nirvana nodded and said, "And everything, it is time to end completely."

"Do you know why I ran away with so many people?"

Lord Nirvana smiled and added: "Because I know that all the people in the land of gas, all those who are still alive in this world will catch up, because their hearts are full of hatred, because of their hearts Painful! "

"I brought them here just to end their pain."

Wen Yan.

Fang Qiu's face sank, and he sneered, "I'm dying, are you still trying to use your evil methods to ride people?"

"Do not."

Lord Nirvana grinned, the whole person slowly rose into the air, flew to the sky and looked at the world, indifferently looked at all the people fighting on the island, the corner of the mouth was enough to satisfy the smile, eyes Endless madness emerged from the child and said: "I am not going to cross the world, I am going to cross the world!"


The words fell, and a huge click came.

Look down.

A dazzling and dazzling blood pattern suddenly appeared on the whole island. As the click spread, the pattern started to work.

Fang Qiu can clearly feel that this array contains very terrifying energy, which is just like **.

Even the vastness of energy shocked him.

The most important thing is.

With the support of so much energy, the intensity of this array is more stable than that in real space, and even Fang Qiu can hardly break it.

The formation of the formation was running, and the laughter of the holy Lord became more and more rampant.

"Since everything is here, don't leave."

Feeling the expansive breath of energy erupting from the island array, Lord Nirvana laughed wildly and said in a convulsive voice: "I want all the abilities in the whole world to disappear, I want this The world is completely transmuted. I want to let all the air of the world dissipate. I ca n’t be the king of this world, and I must become the leader of the new world! "

The world changes color


Thousand meters above the sky, thick black clouds poured in, completely covering the whole sky.

"Boom ..."

Among the thick black clouds, the lightning flashed.

In the distance, all the Chinese martial arts and world coalition people scattered on various islands, as well as the nirvana black robe who are still alive, heard the crazy words of Lord Nirvana very clearly.

They looked up one by one far and looked at the sky above the central island. The mad figure and the sky became extremely depressed and extremely dark in a flash.

A heavy breath, which fell from the sky, weighed heavily on everyone's heart.

Let them breathless.

High altitude, opposite.

Fang Qiu stared at Lord Nirvana. There was still no mood swing on his face, but he frowned slightly.

"It took me a hundred years to cultivate this place into an artificial gas source connected to the roots of the gas source. I have stored the endless atmosphere of the world for 100 years."

"Next, all the air of the world in this world, so all those with ability will follow me."

"Come on!"

While laughing wildly, Lord Nirvana spread his arms.

At the foot, the endless violent energy spurts out of its huge array. The kind of power is not worse than the tributary of origin, but it is even stronger.

"not good."

In the distance, Sima Chan exclaimed: "He used the formation method to cultivate this place into a new tributary of gas source. Although the two places were not connected, the gas source flow was connected, although it came from the source There is not much air in the world, but once exploded here, it will inevitably be implicated in the land of gas, and then the entire land of origin will also explode with it. "

Hearing Sima Chan's exclamation, everyone had only one idea in mind: it's over!

next moment.


The terrible roar came from the formation of the central island.


A terrible fire bursting out of the air of heaven and earth burst into the sky, and the space wherever it went was blasted and shaken like crazy, as if the world and earth would collapse.

this moment.

Everyone felt the end.

As if in a blink of an eye, the whole world would cease to exist.

The dazzling white light produced by the energy detonation lit up between heaven and earth, causing all eyes to ache, and everyone could not help closing their eyes.

The whole heaven and earth fell into a silence, there was no sound, it seemed to be completely frozen, and it seemed that the world was really destroyed.


With the eyes closed, you can clearly feel that the dazzling white light is slowly weakening.

When the light was reduced to the extent that the naked eye could bear, everyone opened their eyes.

A scene that caught my eyes.

Letting everyone hold their breath, widening their eyes, as if they saw something terrible, everyone looked up into the sky, their faces full of unbelievable looks.

Not only the people scattered on the various islands, but even the Lord Nirvana in the high altitude of the center of the central island, also froze.

He saw an invisible energy, turned out to be an island that was portrayed in formation at his feet, and forcibly pulled it directly into the sky of 10,000 meters.

This intangible energy even cut off the air of heaven and earth connected to the source of the gas, leaving the explosion completely isolated.

And he still stood at the center of the island.

Anonymous is a hundred meters away from him, standing in the vast ocean of energy that has been detonated, enveloped by a protective cover that condenses like a bubble using the power of space, staring blankly at Lord Nirvana .

"Booming ..."

The terrible explosion sound kept coming from 10,000 meters high.


The huge central island, in the moment when the atmosphere of heaven and earth was detonated, has been blown to pieces.

The figure of Lord Nirvana was swallowed by the terrible explosion at this moment.

From a distance.

It can even be seen that the void surrounded by the five-star energy on that side is constantly breaking and reorganizing.

That is real space breaking.

It is a space that is visible to the naked eye. The original space was bombarded into pieces like glass, then broken and dissipated, and turned into a dark void.

Then, a little light turned on and began to quickly repair the space.

And the space just repaired was blown up again.

So repeatedly.

In the end, it lasted a full five minutes.

The vast exploded atmosphere of heaven and earth was finally completely consumed in the explosion.

And as the explosion fell.

The figure of Lord Nirvana slowly appeared.

Around him, the dark void was tearing his body.

He at this time.

The whole body has become scorched black and bloody.

Even, his bones can be seen.

Under the tear of the void, he has no ability to resist. His energy has been used to resist the explosion just now, otherwise he may have been blown into fly ash.

He knew that even if he survived, he would die.

He could have died, but he didn't understand why, why did things become like this?

Why can nameless do this step?


When the broken void was repaired, the body of Lord Nirvana was torn to a **** mouth, and the trembling man was about to fall from a height of 10,000 meters.

"Because this is the gathering of three flowers, this is the real power of space."

Fang Qiu looked indifferent.

He could feel that the fire of Lord Nirvana's life was extinguished.

So it ’s okay to tell him.

Hear Fang Qiu's answer.

The Lord Nirvana was soft and fell directly from the height of 10,000 meters.

"I'm not willing, I'm not convinced!"

"Why don't you help me?"

"Why didn't God help me?"

Lord Nirvana uttered these words with the power of the final remnant.

The words just fell.


A golden flame suddenly appeared on his body, igniting the whole person.

Not yet landed.

It has been incinerated into ash and drifts with the wind.

At this time.

In the sky, thick dark clouds began to dissipate.

The heavy sense of repression that suppressed all people's hearts also dissipated.

The clouds disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, there is a clear sky.

On all the islands, all Nirvana people in black robe followed the death of Lord Nirvana and were burned by the golden flame and completely disappeared in this world.


"We won, we won!"

Excited cheers came from various islands.

Whether it is a Chinese warrior or a world coalition from all over the world, at this moment, weeping tearfully embraced with the people around him.

With that excitement, they were speechless.

In addition to hugs, the only thing left is endless tears.

However, at a time when everyone cheered with excitement and excitement.

Fang Qiu, who resisted an entire world-destroying explosion with one person's strength, was suddenly at the moment when the layer of space power shield around him dispersed, and suddenly it was black in front of him. He fell from the sky.

It was even too late to look at the cheering people, and they were already alive and dead.

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